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Grand Plans For Thaksin's 60th


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Thaksin to phone-in every Monday

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra had agreed to phone in to a radio programme of the community radio station of Kon Rak Udon (Love Udon People) or red-shirt group from9-10 am of every Monday, group chairman Kwanchai Praiphana said on Saturday.

Mr Kwanchai, who had just returned from visiting Thaksin in Dubai, said the ex-premier wanted to respond to the Confidence in Thailand with PM Abhisit weekly programme on NBT of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, which broadcasts every Sunday morning. The chairman said Thaksin will start phoning in to his radio programme soon after he has completed his unfinished works.

He insisted that he will certainly lead red-shirt people to disrupt Mr Abhisit’s trip to Buri Ram and every other provinces that the premier will visit because he does not accept the Democrat-led government.

full article here


-- Bangkok Post 4 July 2009

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Red-shirt people throughoutthe country will celebrate former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra's 60th birthday on July 26, Jaran Ditha-apichai, a leader of the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship, said on Friday.

Mr Jaran said hundreds of Buddhist monks will perform religious rites at designated spots nationwide. Preparations had been made for Thaksin to phone in to talk to his supporters simultaneously at every spot.

In Bangkok, there would be a ceremony at Sanam Luang, where 60 monks will chant a prayer for a long life for Thaksin, he said.

continued at http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/14...n-60th-birthdaypostlogo.jpg

-- Bangkok Post 03/07/09

he'll will need a long life if he want to come back

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Mr Kwanchai, who had just returned from visiting Thaksin in Dubai, said the ex-premier wanted to respond to the Confidence in Thailand with PM Abhisit weekly programme on NBT of Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, which broadcasts every Sunday morning. The chairman said Thaksin will start phoning in to his radio programme soon after he has completed his unfinished works.

He insisted that he will certainly lead red-shirt people to disrupt Mr Abhisit’s trip to Buri Ram and every other provinces that the premier will visit because he does not accept the Democrat-led government.

Video love-link: Mr Kwanchai from 'Love Udon' group leading his pack of merry men, showing the love...

Some previous statements by Mr Kwanchai:

"I will continue doing my work for Thaksin forever. It's because I love him. And I am not doing this for money," Kwanchai said, adding that he had never asked for money from the former billionaire PM.

Jan '09 article link

Kwanchai, leader of the Khon Rak Udon group, went to Pheu Thai headquarters on Monday and told reporters he wanted to meet Yaowapa Wongsawat, Thaksin's sister and wife of ex-premier Somchai Wongsawat. He said he failed to see Yaowapa but managed to meet with another senior party figure. He said he was told to come back after Chinese New Year to discuss financial support.

Jan '09 article link J

Since red co-leader Veera turned down PM Abhist's offer to participate in his Sunday talk shows, one supposes Mr Thaksin is left with no choice but to try and get his side out somehow... Might add, happy upcoming birthday to Dr Thaksin, however, how can we miss him if he never goes away? :)

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I agree that some posters get a little carried away with their rhetoric concerning Thaksin, but i can't say i lose any sleep over it. He's not worth it. It does seem to trouble you however. Despite your self-proclaimed disinterest in the subject, i have read your comments on a number of occasions and each time you always seem to be telling people that Thaksin shouldn't be the only object of their hatred and that they should spread it around a little - obviously to include those who you specifically don't like (army generals by the sounds of it). If you are so concerned about there being equality in all this hatred, why not stand up yourself?

I have stated my views and opinions when the opportunity has arisen. There is a way to make a strong point to a Thai official and it doesn't involve insults about the country, people, system or humiliation. I have done it in a polite manner and supported with facts. Did anyone listen to me? Probably not, but if the same points are raised repeatedly, in such a manner, by multiple different nationals it can make a dent. This is how it is done in the life sciences. We make our case and certainly do not call for the Minister's death because we disagree with something.

This is how the foreign affairs reps in Thailand make their point. If you look at the big issues, the foreign affairs people try to be on the same page as each other. After the German Ambassador was insulted in Phuket, the foreign ambassadors voiced their strong support of the German Ambassador. There's a way to do such things and name calling and death curses are childish and do not bring about positive change.

When I used the term disinterested, I was thinking of the impression a Thai national takes away after reading some of the comments in the forum comparing Mr. Thaksin to Hitler, or calling for his death. Do you think they will have any manner of respect for the foreign community if that's the image projected? How would you feel, if a bunch of Iraqis on guest visas started posting all over the UK forums calling for the death of former PM Blair, or if Americans started posting in French forums calling for Chirac to be tried for war crimes because of his support of African dictators. Calling Samak Sundaravea a pig or an ape because of his facial features aside from being hate of the lowest form speaks to the writer's ignorance. if foreigners want to be respected, then maybe they shouldn't descend upon Thailand like Moses with the 10 commandments.

P.S. Not confronting people face to face with your feelings doesn't make you a coward it makes you sane. Assuming you share most people's views of Mugabe i'd like to charter a plane and invite you to join me. Once we arrive in Harare i'll arrange a taxi for you to the Mugabe residence - i'm sure you have plenty you'd like to say to his face, right?

One cannot compare Mr. Thaksin to Mugabe. Nor am I a guest in Zimbabwe. I am however a guest of Thailand. It makes my life alot easier if I get along with my host. In respect to my statement that the name callers in Thailand are cowards, I stand by it. Unlike Zimbabwe, you won't get shot by Mugabe's thugs, but in Thailand you would be faced with a court challenge where one would have to substantiate the allegations. We all like the right to free speech, but along with it comes the obligation to act in a responsible manner. I believe it was Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes of the USSC that said it best The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man falsely shouting fire in a theater and causing a panic.

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I have stated my views and opinions when the opportunity has arisen. There is a way to make a strong point to a Thai official and it doesn't involve insults about the country, people, system or humiliation. I have done it in a polite manner and supported with facts. Did anyone listen to me? Probably not, but if the same points are raised repeatedly, in such a manner, by multiple different nationals it can make a dent.

This is how it is done in the life sciences. We make our case and certainly do not call for the Minister's death because we disagree with something.

This is how the foreign affairs reps in Thailand make their point. If you look at the big issues, the foreign affairs people try to be on the same page as each other. After the German Ambassador was insulted in Phuket, the foreign ambassadors voiced their strong support of the German Ambassador. There's a way to do such things and name calling and death curses are childish and do not bring about positive change.

Seems you have a very serious idea of what it is to post an opinion on a forum. You would like people to present their ideas in diplomatic and restrained manner, just as if they were addressing people face to face. Part of the beauty of mediums like this (as well as admitedly sometimes being its downside), is that they allow people to express exactly how they feel without having to tone it down or sugar coat it to be considerate of other people's sensibilities - within reason of course and within the forum rules. They also don't have to tone it down for fear of recrimination.

When I used the term disinterested, I was thinking of the impression a Thai national takes away after reading some of the comments in the forum comparing Mr. Thaksin to Hitler, or calling for his death. Do you think they will have any manner of respect for the foreign community if that's the image projected? How would you feel, if a bunch of Iraqis on guest visas started posting all over the UK forums calling for the death of former PM Blair, or if Americans started posting in French forums calling for Chirac to be tried for war crimes because of his support of African dictators. Calling Samak Sundaravea a pig or an ape because of his facial features aside from being hate of the lowest form speaks to the writer's ignorance. if foreigners want to be respected, then maybe they shouldn't descend upon Thailand like Moses with the 10 commandments.

Unless you are Thai, i don't think you can speak about how a Thai would feel were they to read some of the comments here - you can only guess. My guess would be, just as amongst the foreigners who post here, there would be some who agree and there would be some who disagree. Either way, they are as free as any of the rest of us to post their own feelings. Everyone has the same right of reply. Don't feel you have to speak for them.

One cannot compare Mr. Thaksin to Mugabe.

Of course you can. Comparing two things or people doesn't have to mean you conclude them to be the same. Maybe they just share similarities. Take for example, controlling the media and ordering people shot dead without trial - there may be some common ground there i would say.

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I don't want to beat a dead horse here, but you missed something;

When I wrote about restraint I was answering your question as to whether or not I have ever told a Thai official my views. I have, and I explained how it was done, and how others that deal with the government do so.

Your response is in respect to internet forums. What you seem to not understand is that government officials do read these forums. The Thais, whatever side of the political fence they may be, are neither oblivious to the world around them, nor as dumb as people in TV make them out to be. The Thais that I have spoken to are rather dismissive of many of the views stated in here, simply because of the way in which it is done and the crudeness. I think that if you ask any of the TV members that have Thai friends or relatives that read TV, this will be corroborated.

Just because something is posted on an internet forum is no reason to abandon common decency and fairness. Along with the freedom to express oneself, comes an obligation to be responsible. If people are incapable of understanding that concept, all I can do is shrug.

In respect to your example,

" controlling the media and ordering people shot dead without trial - there may be some common ground there i would say." perhaps you may wish to look at the period prior to Mr. Thaksin. I believe the previous decades are filled with your example. This doesn't justify any abuse that may have taken place during the deposed Prime Minister's period in office, but if you want to vilify the fellow, then go after the previous office holders including the multiple military juntas that were in power.

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What you seem to not understand is that government officials do read these forums.

Just because i said that views expressed here might be expressed in a different way were they being expressed face to face with someone such as a Thai official, doesn't mean that i'm unaware that they might be reading this. Anybody could be reading this, even the Queen of England, but that doesn't mean people will express themselves as if addressing her, just on the off-chance that it's a rainy day back in Blighty and Queenie has nothing better to do than sit around reading Thaivisa threads.

The Thais, whatever side of the political fence they may be, are neither oblivious to the world around them, nor as dumb as people in TV make them out to be.

There you go again with your "The Thais....". As you rightly say, Thais do read this forum. Allow them to speak for themselves - they are capable.

In respect to your example,

" controlling the media and ordering people shot dead without trial - there may be some common ground there i would say." perhaps you may wish to look at the period prior to Mr. Thaksin. I believe the previous decades are filled with your example. This doesn't justify any abuse that may have taken place during the deposed Prime Minister's period in office, but if you want to vilify the fellow, then go after the previous office holders including the multiple military juntas that were in power.

Why is it that whenever there is an attack on Thaksin on this forum, there is always someone "who doesn't support Thaksin" telling you that if you attack Thaksin, there is some sort of rule whereby you have to attack all those who have done wrong?

When i attack Thaksin i'm not saying that he is the only one to abuse his power, and nor does an attack on Thaksin mean defence or even support of anyone else. An attack on Thaksin is just that. It's very well justified. Anything illegal that someone else has done, whether it be in the past or in the present, doesn't change, alter or justify any of Thaksin's actions.

I happened to live through the entire Thaksin era from start to finish, as i know many members here did, and so for me this period in Thai history is something i feel i appreciate and understand in a way that previous eras i don't - the history books can only give you so much insight and you are forced to see it through someone else's eyes. That's why i would hesitate to throw myself into either an attack or a defence of any previous office holders. I couldn't do it with the conviction or understanding having not lived through it. But that doesn't stop anyone else from bringing it up. Geriatrickid, it's obviously something you feel strongly about so if you are so keen to balance out the attacks, why don't you bring it up yourself, rather than telling other people to do so?

P.S. If i launch an attack on Kim Jong will you tell me that in the interest of balance and fairness to terrrible people that i should also be attacking Omar al-Bashir?

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Why is it that whenever there is an attack on Thaksin on this forum, there is always someone "who doesn't support Thaksin" telling you that if you attack Thaksin, there is some sort of rule whereby you have to attack all those who have done wrong?

When i attack Thaksin i'm not saying that he is the only one to abuse his power, and nor does an attack on Thaksin mean defence or even support of anyone else. An attack on Thaksin is just that. It's very well justified. Anything illegal that someone else has done, whether it be in the past or in the present, doesn't change, alter or justify any of Thaksin's actions.

Exactly right. Those stating the flawed arguement presumably would have also used it to defend Stalin, Hitler and more to the point Pinochet who had a similar death toll on his watch. The weakness of the red leftist side is that they have allied with Thaksin because of his popularity but hence become apologists for his extreme human rights abuses.

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All becoming alarminly cultish.

And the current government and its feeble atempts at winning hearts and minds aint exactly helping. They themself posted 99% of the Thaksin "news" the last year... The resent by-elections is a good indication on just how successfull this "propaganda war" have been...

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All other exiled leaders died abroad...

he's not exiled, just a typical criminal that doesn't feel like serving time or standing in court to face the other charges.

So not quite on the exiled hero type level...more along the lines of the guys who go hide in Spain or Brazil.

And!!! excepting for the fact that Khun Thaksin has been voted as the preferred PM by a majority of Thais in the last 3 elections, and that he was deposed by an illegal military coup.

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All other exiled leaders died abroad...

he's not exiled, just a typical criminal that doesn't feel like serving time or standing in court to face the other charges.

So not quite on the exiled hero type level...more along the lines of the guys who go hide in Spain or Brazil.

And!!! excepting for the fact that Khun Thaksin has been voted as the preferred PM by a majority of Thais in the last 3 elections, and that he was deposed by an illegal military coup.

Similarly to Hitler. We know that election decision ended badly.

Thaksin was only elected twice.

He was not elected P.M. at the time of the coup.

he was ONLY 'Care Taker PM" since he himself had called a snap election.

That election was annulled for polling place irregularities,

caused by his minions, being for a time in control of the Election Commision.

Those same 3 shortly would see jail time..

He had with his own hand pulled the plug on his 2nd election.

He was never re-elected, but his proxies were.

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A disinterested person reading the comments calling for Thaksin's demise or comparing him to Kim Il Jung and Hitler, would wonder as to the sanity of such people making these wild and exaggerated statements. Do you people ever stop to consider what your comments reflect? Whatever, Mr. Thaksin's sins and faults they are no more than many of the people currently in power. And yet, I do not see any of you clamouring for the death of various military generals or condemning various ministers past and present.

I would have respect for your views if they were at least consistent. Thaksin is an easy target. However, I dare any of you brave self appointed defenders of democracy to go and confront one of the army generals and tell him what your views are. You won't because you are scared of the ramifications. Instead you piss all over Thaksin because like good bullies you can get away with it. The constant cheap shots at the people of Isaan, the Redshirts and Thaksin speak to your arrogance and ignorance.

People do not follow a leader like Mr. Thaksin unless they feel disenfranchised and without hope. Treat the supporters of Thaksin with dignity and respect and stop exploiting them, and you will see Mr. Thaksin's support disappear. More importantly, I defy any of you to put your identities behind your pleas for Mr. Thaksin's death in a public statement, such as a newspaper ad, instead of hiding in an anonymous forum tossing cheapshots. You won't because you are cowards. Talk is cheap. If you are that unhappy go out in public, stand up and say something.

I totally agree with your comments. People wishing death upon Thaksin and misfortune upon his family only expose themselves as being somewhat sad and pathetic. If they find Thai politics that nausious they always have the choice of looking at other threads instead of making sick remarks. In wishing death upon another it will only reflect upon themselves. :)

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I hope he has a happy birthday.

I hope his followers also have an enjoyable day.

Actually, I wish we'd get another holiday, but I guess that's out of the question.

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While there is no call for extreme rhetoric, I don't think that Thai readers - myself included - would get too wound up about what strange farang - me included! - say on this forum. There is a lot worse said in the many Thai forums - go to Pantip or Manager, etc. I am not condoning it, but it is sort of the nature of forums that people vent to extremes a bit. We hide behind another identity and sometimes say things we wouldn't say in public...probably a good thing really or we'd all be fighting on the streets! (I am half half by the way, that's why I can get away with being Thai when I want and farang when it suits me!)

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While there is no call for extreme rhetoric, I don't think that Thai readers - myself included - would get too wound up about what strange farang - me included! - say on this forum. There is a lot worse said in the many Thai forums - go to Pantip or Manager, etc. I am not condoning it, but it is sort of the nature of forums that people vent to extremes a bit. We hide behind another identity and sometimes say things we wouldn't say in public...probably a good thing really or we'd all be fighting on the streets! (I am half half by the way, that's why I can get away with being Thai when I want and farang when it suits me!)

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I prefer Thakham which has lesser fats!

Before or after thaksidermy?

Do you have 'the cure'?

With proper thaksinations?

Will the party include thaksi-dancers?

Who give thaktual sensations?

Or maybe some attitude adjustment via stereo-thaksis?

I'll stop to go on would be tacky...

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A disinterested person reading the comments calling for Thaksin's demise or comparing him to Kim Il Jung and Hitler, would wonder as to the sanity of such people making these wild and exaggerated statements. Do you people ever stop to consider what your comments reflect? Whatever, Mr. Thaksin's sins and faults they are no more than many of the people currently in power. And yet, I do not see any of you clamouring for the death of various military generals or condemning various ministers past and present.

I would have respect for your views if they were at least consistent. Thaksin is an easy target. However, I dare any of you brave self appointed defenders of democracy to go and confront one of the army generals and tell him what your views are. You won't because you are scared of the ramifications. Instead you piss all over Thaksin because like good bullies you can get away with it. The constant cheap shots at the people of Isaan, the Redshirts and Thaksin speak to your arrogance and ignorance.

People do not follow a leader like Mr. Thaksin unless they feel disenfranchised and without hope. Treat the supporters of Thaksin with dignity and respect and stop exploiting them, and you will see Mr. Thaksin's support disappear. More importantly, I defy any of you to put your identities behind your pleas for Mr. Thaksin's death in a public statement, such as a newspaper ad, instead of hiding in an anonymous forum tossing cheapshots. You won't because you are cowards. Talk is cheap. If you are that unhappy go out in public, stand up and say something.


We are entitled to our opinion...under the "belov'd leader" a bully boy or two would have been around to our newspaper with various threats to put up and shut up!

A "piffle" on your offended sensibilities! The man (and I use that word against my better judgment) is and was a liar and a thief, his megalomania and corruption dam_n'd near broke this country of hard working, land deprived, mis-used peasants (and I use the word in the "Chinese" sense, proud country folk) in order to enrich himself, his family, his cronies, his classmates and his extended Clan, then had the cheek to blame everyone else for his troubles.

Sir, you have hitched yourself to the wrong horse for all of the wrong reasons.

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Comparing the manner of Thaksin's election to Hitler's is valid.

No one said Thaksin was as bad as Hitler,

only the fact that BOTH men were elected similarly. And it ended badly for them.

Not all properly elected officials were GOOD DECISIONS by the electorate.

Though that fact won't be known by that electorate till later on.

On the other hand the casualties of the War on Drugs and Tak Bai incident

has lead to calls for Thaksin's trial at The Hague.

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All other exiled leaders died abroad...

he's not exiled, just a typical criminal that doesn't feel like serving time or standing in court to face the other charges.

So not quite on the exiled hero type level...more along the lines of the guys who go hide in Spain or Brazil.

He maybe criminal to you... but please take a good look at, how many Thai people do support him.

He must have done so many good things for them, especialy for Issan people :)

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