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Middle Aged/older Women


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You alway's hear the stories that thailand and asia is a place for (dirty old men) looking for young girls...bla..bla..bla

and it always seems to come from western ladies (mostly jealousy)

I saw a program on tv not so long ago where middle aged/older women were going to place's like

central and south america ,caribbean Islands ect to pick up young men..yet they still call the men perv's!

I dont think i've ever seen a middle aged/older women in asia with a young man...anyone seen this?

And why do they say these thing's about the men and nothing ever said about the ladies??? :)

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You alway's hear the stories that thailand and asia is a place for (dirty old men) looking for young girls...bla..bla..bla

and it always seems to come from western ladies (mostly jealousy)

I saw a program on tv not so long ago where middle aged/older women were going to place's like

central and south america ,caribbean Islands ect to pick up young men..yet they still call the men perv's!

I dont think i've ever seen a middle aged/older women in asia with a young man...anyone seen this?

And why do they say these thing's about the men and nothing ever said about the ladies??? :D

I'm presuming you have read what you have typed before posting it :)

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I visited Kenya a few times in the early 80's. Ever hear of a place called Malindi?

It is the place in Kenya where the international beach resorts are located.

Middle aged and eldery european women and handsome, tall, toned, Masai 'beach boys'

When Samui was just a few bamboo huts under the coconut trees on the beach.

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BTW in answer to your question. I have an Australian friend, female, mid 40's, never been narried, who is right into young thai men. She even took one back to Aust on a 3 month visa! He was a bag carrier at the hotel she stayed at in town on her first visit.

What's good for the goose.

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Thailand is quite known for western ladies picking up beach boys. :)

I've never seen this in asia....just wondering...maybe i wasn't looking hard enough!

I agree..what's good for the goose....

But i cant understand why the men are clearly labeled and nothing said about the ladies...again maybe i wasn't listening!

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Thailand is quite known for western ladies picking up beach boys. :)

..and in Bali there are many Farang Ladies with Balinese/Javanese boys or men.

...and, if everybody is happy, why not ?


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Almost all of the western women I know with "beach boys" in Thailand are of a similar age to the guy. IE, young and looking for a holiday romance. While there are a few older than the guy, its a very very small percentage.

and as for why they aren't any labels for the women, I think we have plenty of derogatory labels for women in use as it is, do men really need to create yet another one in order to denigrate women?

Frankly, I seriously doubt this thread can go very far without the usual haters making nasty comments or trolls posting to stir things up.

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Almost all of the western women I know with "beach boys" in Thailand are of a similar age to the guy. IE, young and looking for a holiday romance. While there are a few older than the guy, its a very very small percentage.

and as for why they aren't any labels for the women, I think we have plenty of derogatory labels for women in use as it is, do men really need to create yet another one in order to denigrate women?

Frankly, I seriously doubt this thread can go very far without the usual haters making nasty comments or trolls posting to stir things up.

Guys let's keep it serious down here :)

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My opinion "only" but anyone who has a problem with women/ladies young/older enjoying a holiday/life really has a personal problem and needs to seek solace elsewhere - Life is too short ENJOY. :)

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its a brave new world.

womens equal rights and all that.

but as someone so self righteously pointed out in another thread recently about men who pay for sex are social misifts.

Pleasing to note that it isn't just males who fit this category, all things being equal that is.

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I was at Carrefour the other week with my family and my 8 year old daughter noticed a morbidly obese white woman (you know how children do) and she was with a young Thai man hands all over him and barking commands, it reminded me of of the old white men with the young Thai girls barking orders at them. Actually in the past few weeks I have noticed more Western woman with Thai men then ever before, but I would also say the age of the couples was very close.

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I don't concern myself in other's tastes. It's up to them to indulge in whatever fancies them. If someone is having a good time then who am I to judge them. Sauce for the goose or sauce for the gander... it's all the same.

However, if someone asks my advice on anything then I'll give it. I'm completely tolerant of anyone else's life style providing they are not intentionally hurting someone... physically or emotionally.

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Two middle-aged Chinese ladies pulled their merc to the kerb and asked my fair-haired male friend to accompany them to their hotel for a party. I offered to go just to keep him company but he wasnt up for it.

Sukhomvit Rd, near soi 19. 1982.

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I don't concern myself in other's tastes. It's up to them to indulge in whatever fancies them. If someone is having a good time then who am I to judge them. Sauce for the goose or sauce for the gander... it's all the same.

Who cares what other people do for sex or to earn money as long as it is not damaging to anyone?

All the judgemental prudes need to all piss off back home with the other hypocrites :)

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Almost all of the western women I know with "beach boys" in Thailand are of a similar age to the guy. IE, young and looking for a holiday romance. While there are a few older than the guy, its a very very small percentage.

and as for why they aren't any labels for the women, I think we have plenty of derogatory labels for women in use as it is, do men really need to create yet another one in order to denigrate women?

Frankly, I seriously doubt this thread can go very far without the usual haters making nasty comments or trolls posting to stir things up.

the common reference (label) for older ladies who persue younger men is a Cougar

from Wiki

Cougar — an older woman who sexually pursues men at least eight years her junior,[11] coined in western Canada[citation needed]. The term has been used in TV series, advertising and film. The 2007 film Cougar Club was dedicated to the subject and in Spring 2009 TV Land aired a reality show called The Cougar.

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Also this does happen quite a lot in Bangkok, I think it is mostly Japanese ladies.

Wow, you really know you're sh*t or you get around alot. :)

I know of one guy that works in Paradise (it's the gay zone in Patong) that is basically a kept man for a japanese lady that lives in Bangkok. She walks around with her little dog and he follows her like a good little boy. His brother is the kid that fixes stuff around here, and he finds it quite amusing. I've seen this lady. Mr. looseloins claims she is 28 but she looks like 48 and has a face like the shoe my dogged chewed on. Then again the gigolo is 32 and has probably told her he is 22, as per the SOP of such activities. There's another one in our building. Good looking kid, about 30 ish and his lady friend is in her 70's and looks like a dehydrated sack of flour. My friends sometimes talk to him and he's popped down for a drink. Very decent, polite chap, university graduate. I bet. Mrs. Figby's deceased husband is rolling in his grave knowing that his years of slaving have left his wife in the care of such a manstud. :D No idea if she has kids, but I bet they'd be horrified to meet the man friend. One thing I have noticed though, is that these guys don't have a girl or boy on the side like the ladies do. They are rather loyal. Maybe it really is love or something. I've also noticed that the relationships seem to be classier. The guys look clean and proper and the ladies aren't from the singlet beer belly false teeth and bad tats demographic like the males.

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To all older and elderly ladies who might read this post -

here are my suggestions based on my own experiences.

Fly to California and visit Venice Beach in Santa Monica and take some observations...

or to Rio de Janeiro and check out Copa Cabana... :)

Edited by webfact
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Almost all of the western women I know with "beach boys" in Thailand are of a similar age to the guy. IE, young and looking for a holiday romance. While there are a few older than the guy, its a very very small percentage.

and as for why they aren't any labels for the women, I think we have plenty of derogatory labels for women in use as it is, do men really need to create yet another one in order to denigrate women?

Frankly, I seriously doubt this thread can go very far without the usual haters making nasty comments or trolls posting to stir things up.

I'm not labeling anyone or having a go at older ladies enjoy themselfs! like you said in thailand most western ladies and thai men seem to be of similar age's!

I'm all for men/women enjoying their life's and holiday's no matter what they do and no matter what their age's!

Back home i know of two older men with much younger ladies(one is thai and the other is eastern euro) and those men are labeled as

dirty old men,talked about a lot(by the local women). where as there's an older woman here too with a much younger man and the local ladies

Say good for her(i must find one for myself)!!**?? :)

If i gave the impression of knocking what older ladies do with there life's,i'm sorry,i didn't mean it to sound like this!

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I know of a man in his early twenties who is in a long distance relationship with an american woman in her fifties. They met at the hotel he works at, slept together every night she stayed there and since keep in touch by email. They are in love, despite the grief he gets from his mates about 'older women' and the fact she has children older than him.

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