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Walking Street Beat Down Caught On Video

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I saw a beating in Kata, Phuket last year that is hard to forget. It was a savage brutal endless beating and the victim (Thai) was lifeless after the first onslaught by 4 brave souls.....4 to 1. He was kicked repeatedly in the head until he was unconscious.

My GF told me to back the car away, don't look and go back the way we came.

These guys are vicious thugs and to be avoided at all costs. They like nothing better than to have a Farang at the end of their kicks. And as you see in the video....lookers on join in and start kicking....even though it has nothing to do with them.

Brainless thugs.

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Always hear the "ladies" shout at the background haha. It think it means something like stop it, stop it...

Did you filmed this "TheWalkingMan" ?

I was not the cameraman. I found the link on another board and posted it here. I am happy to say that I have not witnessed any beat downs while in Thailand.

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Doormen behave like that the world over, nothing thats not seen in any other country in the world. Not that I condone it, I can't stand and dont understand the need for doormen in any club.

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... don't understand the need for doormen in any club.

Are you serious, you obviously don't go clubbing much.

Security is there to deal with the eventual consequences of alcohol and it's ability to instantly turn the ordinary into a-holes.

When you get some drunk, tabooed skinheads insistent that you offended them in some way your going to be glad there's someone there to help.

Edited by cobra
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... don't understand the need for doormen in any club.

Are you serious, you obviously don't go clubbing much.

Security is there to deal with the eventual consequences of alcohol and it's ability to instantly turn the ordinary into a-holes.

When you get some drunk, tabooed skinheads insistent that you offended them in some way your going to be glad there's someone there to help.

Hitting the head of somebody like that can KILL.

I don't see where the help is.

Obviously they wanted more to damage them than to resolve or stop anything. The end of the video is a free agression with a real will to hurt and to damage, maybe to kill.

If these guys are professional bouncers, they are the shame of their profession.


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... don't understand the need for doormen in any club.

Are you serious, you obviously don't go clubbing much.

Security is there to deal with the eventual consequences of alcohol and it's ability to instantly turn the ordinary into a-holes.

When you get some drunk, tabooed skinheads insistent that you offended them in some way your going to be glad there's someone there to help.

Correct,that comment was almost as stupid as saying "we dont need police " :) if someone picked on you in a club or broke into your house who would you turn to ? the samaraitans :D
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... don't understand the need for doormen in any club.

Are you serious, you obviously don't go clubbing much.

Security is there to deal with the eventual consequences of alcohol and it's ability to instantly turn the ordinary into a-holes.

When you get some drunk, tabooed skinheads insistent that you offended them in some way your going to be glad there's someone there to help.

Correct,that comment was almost as stupid as saying "we dont need police " :) if someone picked on you in a club or broke into your house who would you turn to ? the samaraitans :D



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I like insomnia for the ambiance and doorman are needed in any disco especially in Pattaya but the security at insomnia is well known to go over the limit on many occasions.People who make problem in a disco have to be removed but once outside the premisses the issue is over.In the western world many doorman have been taken to court over actions like this.

I haven't seen this fight but I have seen many similar situations at insomnia and I think it is time the security people at that place should be reminded of their duty's and responsibility's.

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we dont know what happened before the fighting, but a kick to the head can be letal so please dont do this to anyone!!

I know many doormen and they usually just kick you out if you are to drunk or disorderly, so in this case it surely was some kind of fighting back etc.

ADVICE: Dont talk bad to or slap a doorman!!!

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Ahhh... kick 'em when they are all ready down. Apparently the security guards at Insomnia had issues with the gents in white shirts. Another example of the "fun" tourists can have in country. :)

Posted video is private, it would be nice to have a look at the video, why post it other wise...

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  • 2 weeks later...
Always hear the "ladies" shout at the background haha. It think it means something like stop it, stop it...

The only discernible thing I could hear sounded like "เอาไหม? เอาไหม?" ("Ao mai? Ao mai?"), which means more or less, "Want some of this? Want some of this?"

And I think it was the guys doing the kicking that were saying it, not the ladies. But I could be wrong.

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Always hear the "ladies" shout at the background haha. It think it means something like stop it, stop it...

The only discernible thing I could hear sounded like "เอาไหม? เอาไหม?" ("Ao mai? Ao mai?"), which means more or less, "Want some of this? Want some of this?"

And I think it was the guys doing the kicking that were saying it, not the ladies. But I could be wrong.

LOL, no you made your point absolutely clear here! :)

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I used to stroll down walking street to take in the lights and the people etc., but I've seen SO MANY incidents just like

this one (correct me if I'm wrong but the patrons assaulted are asian also?) anyway, it almost always involves sneaking

up on customers after they've left the bar and hitting them over the back of the head with a) brass knuckles :D pipe or

just cold cocking them (making sure you have 5 mates standing beside you. they're thugs, please don't call them

security or even doormen. kicking people in the head when they're on the ground is not muay-thai. they're a bunch of

foreigner haters and they get an excuse to take some free hits at a punching bag and they do so. no consequences.

once the patrons have left the problem is OVER? so what is this? the police come, they lie about everything. forgotton. :)

Edited by cali4995
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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually (and please dont get me wrong I cant get out of a paper bag... even when it is water soaked for a week in a septic tank)

but there is a distinct lack of skills here.

I can see only one closed fist punch the whole vid and it is tremedously slow from overhead by a guy in a black shirt, the rest are slap like waps lol and tackle kind of things ... I find it quite laughable and would like to help move the nice ladys food van while the children tossle about before home time.

What happened to Ong Bak?

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  • 3 weeks later...

its hard to judge, when we dont no the full story, they could have just glassed a women for all we no, I suppose a night club needs good doorman as the punters cant spend money on drink and girls if there in the hospital, just looks like a minor scuffle in Newcastle, no knifes or jumping up in the air landing with 2 feet and all bodyweight on the head ect.

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  • 1 month later...

Ahhh... kick 'em when they are all ready down. Apparently the security guards at Insomnia had issues with the gents in white shirts. Another example of the "fun" tourists can have in country. :)

Posted video is private, it would be nice to have a look at the video, why post it other wise...

What do you mean private? I can view it no problem.

I wonder what started it? Doormen? they are just hired thugs not doormen.

Edited by cyb
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where was the tourist police, howard marks etc? don't they intervene in situations like this? you'd think if the tp/howard marks was worth anything of value in this role then they'd make a point of having thugs like this removed from the area...or do they just enjoy being in the thick of it & associating with them?

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I am a bit in two minds about this PARTICULAR scenario...

Farrang who know Thailand know that the Queensbury Rules do not apply to fighting... there is no concept of fair fight, no concept of 'one on one' or 'mano a mano'... Smart Farrang know not to mix it up with Thai's, unless they are confident that a) they are no other Thai's around, and b ) they are willing to move town or country…

I feel for Farrang who don't have the experiences in Thailand to know they are going to get a relentless arse kicking form all around, thinking they could easily take some 60kg Thai…

In this case, it appears that all parties are Thai, and therefore should know well, three v's 15 isn't going to end well, and that they won't be safe once they are on the ground… So when they decided not to back down with much wai-ing and apologising, they should have known they were going to get a serious kicking…

I am not in anyway defending the it went down, I find it sickening, it is obvious that at least one of the guys was doing nothing but trying to pull his mate out of there, and they cover him when he hit the ground, and got as severe a beating as the other two... but at least in this case, the fight was by the rules that both parties should have understood…

I don't think many farrang go into a fight with another farrang thinking "I only want to hurt him a little bit"… they want to win, and do some damage… the definition of winning in a Thai-Thai fight seem to be in a completely different place...

I wonder how you would go trying to negotiate boundaries in a streetfight against a Thai - OK, only you and 2 mates against me, no kicking from any further behind that my shoulders, when I hit the ground, only one person is allowed to kick me, once I am unconscious, you are only allowed to do body kicks not the head… OK, lets have a good clean fight… :) … scary isn't it...



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There are plenty of farangs fighting every night who don't put their all into it - either one backs off and is not attacked anymore, mates pull them apart, strangers pull them apart, they know it will only be a few seconds before a) police or :) bouncers break it up with little repercussion. In other less Westernised parts of the world fighting is much more animalistic, with the aim not just to win...but to make sure the others cannot stand up. It's like that here. You can to expect that if you're in a group and one of you gets into a fight with a local, ALL of you are likely to be attacked. Likewise, if one Thai in a group has a problem all his group are very likely to fight...not break it up or try to reason. It's quite different.

I saw my first fair fight a few weeks ago on Ratchada. A problem from inside a pub came outside where one guy met another guy along the road waiting for a taxi. His friends called him back, but he ran. Both groups (regardless of just the two individuals having the problem) went full on. Go down and you will get kicks to the head. It was 5 against 5 and continued for quite a bit longer than most fights i've seen in the West...only the police casually walking up stopped it, and even then they had to stop it physically.

Get into a fight you better trust your mates and you better not let up, or don't get into it at all. Repurcussions are exaggerated...it's the there and then that's the worry. The same in South America, Philippines, China, Indo, Turkey...

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That fight looked mild compared to a night out in Nottingham, over there they like bottles and weapons etc. Fact when there's blokes and drinks there will be fisty cuffs. The fair fight thing doesn't exist. If someone attacked me I'd use the first thing that was at hand to defend myself. Having said that if the wife was with me, god help em, she's only small but she's a nasty bastard when she starts.

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