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Do The Thai Gov Check Sex Worker For Hiv+


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how often do they check? i am just moving here but i do not know the standard of thai gov to prevent the hiv+ disease. they check the girl how often?

thank you. i am love the Thai people very much.

if that is genuine what you wrote and you really care about than have you and your partner tested!

BTW if you are so much concerned why don't you seek advise from a physician in a STD clinic?

Trust he can tell you more about that subject and give better advise!

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This topic has gone down hill quickly. Relying upon aids tests via a book or by she says it's ok, is just dangerous if you are considering such activity. Yes, it is illegal but the realty of it is that it exists as everyone is aware. If you must go that route, then use common sense and lots of protection.

I'm closing this now due to the aggressive responses that probably won't stop.


//edit - webfact's post is very reasonable. Discuss your concerns with a professional rather then strangers on a board.

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