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Corned Beef


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Yes... In every supermarket.. at least at Rimping...several brands


Can you verify exactly where and what brand to ask for, please?

I've searched deli counters and fresh meat counters at Rimping and TOPS, with no luck.

Reason for wanting details:

About 3 weeks ago I asked for corned beef at Rimping, Nim City branch.

Spoke with a manager whose English with very good, so there was no confusion.

When I asked for corned beef he immediately took me to the shelf with canned beef, so he understood.

But when I explained wanting actual meat, he told me Rimping doesn't carry that product.

I'd be very pleased to find where to buy real corned beef.

The potatoes, carrots, and cabbage are ready and waiting.

Thank you.

-- Oneman

Edited by Oneman
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Corn beef from a can does not do it for me, but corned beef hash rings my bell. Bully's pub in Bangkok sells it and it is the real deal!

Take the canned stuff mix with mashed potato add lots of pepper fry it up top with an egg, its not bad.

I have never found corned beef in rimping, nce in a while I found it at Villa in Bangkok. I was curing it myself and selling to a few restaurants here, but other than the Amari at St pats day there was not a lot of demand.

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There is an American guy who makes and sells his own corn beef. It's absolutely delicious, PM me if you want his phone number.

I bought some of that corned beef a few days ago.

"Keo" sent me the phone number; I called, ordered, and, later that same day, corned beef was delivered right to my door (here in Chiangmai).

I'm not a corned beef expert, but it tasted good to me.

Was it "absolutely delicious"?

Well, try and decide for yourself.

Be aware that the maker seems oriented to supplying large amounts to restaurants, not small packages to consumers.

My initial request to buy just 1/2 kilo was refused.

After some discussion, we compromised on one kilo, but that was the smallest order he would accept.

Price: 1,000 baht per kilo.

-- Oneman



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  • 2 weeks later...

I cannot find good brisket here does anyone know of a good butcher or slaughter house to get a whole brisket? Making the brine for corned beef is relatively simple. I would suggest doing it yourself as opposed to paying 1000 baht a kilo. Even if the beef is 300 baht a kilo, I don't think that 10 baht worth of curing and pickling ingredients and 3 days refrigeration is worth 700 baht. If making it yourself is an option or something that you are interested in I could help with recipes as well as locating the curing brine. Perhaps, I might start selling a premade box of it for 50-100 baht, people would still save 400 baht compared to buying from the supplier someone mentioned prior.

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There is an American guy who makes and sells his own corn beef. It's absolutely delicious, PM me if you want his phone number.

I bought some of that corned beef a few days ago.

"Keo" sent me the phone number; I called, ordered, and, later that same day, corned beef was delivered right to my door (here in Chiangmai).

I'm not a corned beef expert, but it tasted good to me.

Was it "absolutely delicious"?

Well, try and decide for yourself.

Be aware that the maker seems oriented to supplying large amounts to restaurants, not small packages to consumers.

My initial request to buy just 1/2 kilo was refused.

After some discussion, we compromised on one kilo, but that was the smallest order he would accept.

Price: 1,000 baht per kilo.

-- Oneman




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There is an American guy who makes and sells his own corn beef. It's absolutely delicious, PM me if you want his phone number.

I bought some of that corned beef a few days ago.

"Keo" sent me the phone number; I called, ordered, and, later that same day, corned beef was delivered right to my door (here in Chiangmai).

I'm not a corned beef expert, but it tasted good to me.

Was it "absolutely delicious"?

Well, try and decide for yourself.

Be aware that the maker seems oriented to supplying large amounts to restaurants, not small packages to consumers.

My initial request to buy just 1/2 kilo was refused.

After some discussion, we compromised on one kilo, but that was the smallest order he would accept.

Price: 1,000 baht per kilo.

-- Oneman



Call Gunter at G & M in San Kampang and ask him to corn a beef brisket for you.

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quote .... I yearn for corn beef and pickle sandwiches

i had the same thought in rimping a few weeks ago about cheddar cheese , tomato , lettice and branston pickle sandwiches.

they had everything there but the branston was abut 250 ish baht !

thats about 5 quid english for a jar of pickle but what the ####

the jar looked the same but when i got it on the sandwich the lumps of pickle were huge and rock hard ..... f###

plan two ... i took the lumps out and was still left with almost exactly what i wanted

boy that sandwich and the ones still following it taste good : )

enjoy NOT branston pickle


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I cannot find good brisket here does anyone know of a good butcher or slaughter house to get a whole brisket? Making the brine for corned beef is relatively simple. I would suggest doing it yourself as opposed to paying 1000 baht a kilo. Even if the beef is 300 baht a kilo, I don't think that 10 baht worth of curing and pickling ingredients and 3 days refrigeration is worth 700 baht. If making it yourself is an option or something that you are interested in I could help with recipes as well as locating the curing brine. Perhaps, I might start selling a premade box of it for 50-100 baht, people would still save 400 baht compared to buying from the supplier someone mentioned prior.

Rimping do a brisket, I think under 300b a Kilo. If you're going to make salt beef, officially you need saltpeter and it takes alot longer than 3 days. I found some recipes online, simple but time consuming.

I used to serve it in my restaurant, it always went down a storm. The guy's charging 1000b a Kilo but I have to say in his defence, you lose about half of the original weight after cooking for hours. It' s labour intensive also. Everyone needs to make a living right.

I've got the guys number, a kind TV member pm'd me the contact info a coupla weeks ago.

I'll be giving the guy a call shortly and I'll not be making my own but it looks like I'll have to do some hard bargaining to purchase just a kilo at a time.

Regards Bojo

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The first secret is to get a trimmed brisket. I tried Northern Farms and it was like pulling teeth to get them to trim off most of the outer fat layer. They will do so and weigh the trimmed brisket for the purchase price. Never figured the % loss but after corning (curing) I end up with about 4 good family size cuts. I let it work for 3+ weeks in a frige and as mentioned salt peter is used. (available at wholesale pharmacy across from Chiang Puk gate)

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The first secret is to get a trimmed brisket. I tried Northern Farms and it was like pulling teeth to get them to trim off most of the outer fat layer. They will do so and weigh the trimmed brisket for the purchase price. Never figured the % loss but after corning (curing) I end up with about 4 good family size cuts. I let it work for 3+ weeks in a frige and as mentioned salt peter is used. (available at wholesale pharmacy across from Chiang Puk gate)

That's a hot tip regarding saltpeter. Cheers for that.

regards Bojo

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  • 2 months later...

Walking through the Cattle Sale Yard in Mae Sot yesterday,

3,000 bulls tethered to stakes across the expanse of 3 hectare

calmly feeding on baled rice straw.

The memory of reading this thread returned,

with talk of Corned Beef being astoundingly expensive

for a really poor cut of meat, riddled with gristle and fat

What a difference the spices and preparation make, eh?

Thanks all for the wonderful ideas!

That's also how Spare Ribs came to be so popular.

They were cheap secondary undesirable parts,

eaten by the Po' folks,

who went ahead to trick them up with sauce and charcoal.

Next thing you know they are a food culture mainstay,

and you rich city folks are paying a hefty premium in far away Thailand.

Same with Chicken Wings...ever wonder what's so great about a bird wing?

There is the entire rest of the bird that someone needs to eat!

From that moment,

I saw them as 6,000 neatly trimmed brisket slabs.

marinating as described above for a week in the refrigerator

sold as hygienically vacuum packed dream feasts.

On that one yard on one day was easily 50 tons of Corned beef

At the rates I read above, the rest of the animal comes free.

Do Liver & Onions cause anyone to yearn for home as Corned Beef Sandwich does?

Maybe we can use a bit more of the whole beef?

Chitlin's anyone? not for me thanks, and that's not from Bulls anyway

Tripe? ... ummmm...OK, a little

With my varied background in California / Nevada,

then to Texas / Louisiana / Arkansas,

onward to North Carolina USA cultural exposure,

If we combine the Latino cultural food specialties,

there is a load of money to be gathered on the B-Grade animal parts.

Blood Sausage, Kidneys, Hog Lard & Cracklin's,

The German Restaurant in Chiang Mai

is it named HafBrau House? sells Schweinshaxe as a high dollar specialty

It's nothing but the skinny end of a perfectly good ham,

from the knee upward below real meat.

So, even Europeans have Po' Folk food that became mainstream.

I'm open for other suggestions,

because it looks obvious as the upcoming expansion items.

So, what I'm saying here...I'm good with a knife and saw

Right in the middle of slaughtering beef from childhood,

doing it by myself from teenage years onward.

On my farm I already have a grand surplus of young goat,

hogs at all sizes, little oinkers up to full size,

lean ideally, but a few weeks beyond lean prime they go fat.

And a steady vast provision of beef cattle / buffalo

How about Ya'll get together and order the trimmings,

and I'll take care of the steaks....OK, I'll share them too.

We can all rediscover our Po'Folk roots together.

Serious inquirers are encouraged to PM,

as I won't necessarily monitor this thread.

If all comes together, many innocent animals must die.

One more free point of insight for you who frequent the villages.

I bought a slaughter hog, 102 kg, a while back.

Hauled him to the village and turned him over to my farm Foreman.

Who talked it up that evening around town,

and killed the pig early the following morning.

By nightfall the greatest portion was sold as retail cuts,

a few kilos remained refrigerated into the second day

and by day three only a little fat and 3 plastic bags of blood remained.

On that one time experimental business venture,

we cleared B900 on a B6,000 investment.

Not bad wages for a village guy....

plenty of guys would work two days for less than B900

and from a foreign business spreadsheet,

it wasn't shabby either...

900/6000/3*365*100 => 1,825% Annual Return on Investment.

Cycle period is 3 days, so the time commitment is negligible.

You can open & close the entire profit module in 3 days.

Who says it's tough to make money in Thailand?

Who says the village folks don't have any money?

The following week they asked him when he was going to kill again.

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I yearn for corn beef and pickle sandwiches. Is it possible to buy corn beef, cooked or uncooked, in Chiang Mai

Swagman, many moons ago I purchased a frozen piece of corn beef from Rim Ping, branded Coles. After cooking it was the best. Sorry though, haven't seen any for a long time

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