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Why Christian Religion Always Collides With Buddhism.


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no collusion ! ....the common word that make Buddhism and Christianity the SAME powerfull sense of life is


I think you had bad human being experiences... because it's clear there is a fully-harmony between that religions (or life-philosophy).

I think you need to read more about Buddha & Lord Jesus.

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no collusion ! ....the common word that make Buddhism and Christianity the SAME powerfull sense of life is


I think you had bad human being experiences... because it's clear there is a fully-harmony between that religions (or life-philosophy).

I think you need to read more about Buddha & Lord Jesus.

Sorry, my English is't the best! Wanted to write collision

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no collusion ! ....the common word that make Buddhism and Christianity the SAME powerfull sense of life is


I think you had bad human being experiences... because it's clear there is a fully-harmony between that religions (or life-philosophy).

I think you need to read more about Buddha & Lord Jesus.

Spot on!

If we look for similarities among Religions,we can find many.IMO they are designed to bring harmony among different people and countries.Unfortunately the highest beliefs are often altered and exploited as excuses for wars.

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Most people are slaves of their ego.... and consider their own beliefs to be the correct ones.

With something like religions, which are a matter of belief, there will always be friction.

There can only be one ultimate truth and each believes that their religion contains that truth.

I am Buddhist and am certain that Buddhism contains that truth, but cannot prove it to anybody except myself.

All religions are a matter of personal practise, and when one gains insights into the ultimate truth, whether though meditation or prayer, one cannot show these proofs to anyone else.

Each must work to their own salvation.

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Most people are slaves of their ego.... and consider their own beliefs to be the correct ones.

With something like religions, which are a matter of belief, there will always be friction.

There can only be one ultimate truth and each believes that their religion contains that truth.

I am Buddhist and am certain that Buddhism contains that truth, but cannot prove it to anybody except myself.

All religions are a matter of personal practise, and when one gains insights into the ultimate truth, whether though meditation or prayer, one cannot show these proofs to anyone else.

Each must work to their own salvation.

In addition, it might be useful to remember that ALL religions are 'man-made'. The reason for making-up these religions was to CONTROL large groups of (gullible) people. This practice has obviously worked out really well, just look at the religions of this world . . . . . . and all the kilings which have been a direct result ! ! !

Me ? I try believing in myself and I'll tell you; that IS a fulltime religious effort ! :)

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Most people are slaves of their ego.... and consider their own beliefs to be the correct ones.

With something like religions, which are a matter of belief, there will always be friction.

There can only be one ultimate truth and each believes that their religion contains that truth.

I am Buddhist and am certain that Buddhism contains that truth, but cannot prove it to anybody except myself.

All religions are a matter of personal practise, and when one gains insights into the ultimate truth, whether though meditation or prayer, one cannot show these proofs to anyone else.

Each must work to their own salvation.

In addition, it might be useful to remember that ALL religions are 'man-made'. The reason for making-up these religions was to CONTROL large groups of (gullible) people. This practice has obviously worked out really well, just look at the religions of this world . . . . . . and all the kilings which have been a direct result ! ! !

Me ? I try believing in myself and I'll tell you; that IS a fulltime religious effort ! :)

no not all religions are manmade ,god the creator reveals himself in the bible and gives instructions on how best to live , cannot show these proofs to anyone else ,why not if they are real proofs and not imaginary i can show the proofs of the bible to anyone who is willing to listen and prove it to themselves

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If each religions have their answers to the universe (or multiverse) how do we know that they are not talking about the same thing.

Just get up and pick a direction. At some point, you will find that most practitioners of the religions share some common views.

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The naivety of questions and answers here are most entertaining.

ALL religions are man-made. ALL religious beliefs are a kind of protection of one's self against being extinquished, - a normal selfpreservation instinct. There is no collision or collusion between Christianity and Buddhism, or for that matter with any other of many Religions...

The conflicts in a long course of human history was always not between religions, but between the Top hierarchs (Priests, Preachers, Interpreters, Official reps of 'True God' ).

The rule of a thumb is, the younger the Religion, the more militant, aggresive and expansionist it is. Examples, - Islam, Christianity. The older ones tend to be more temperate, tolerant and philosophical. Examples, - Buddhism, Confucianism.

..."I don't believe in God. When I look at the misery of the world and its bitterness I think that no belief can be more ignoble." W. S. Maugham.

The concept of everlasting, everpresent, all-knowing and omnipotent being is valid for both, God and Devil. Does this mean the two are One? Do they have to be in conflict? Or is the struggle beteen Light n Dark. between Good n Bad, etc. only a reflection of our own feelings?

Have a good day! :)

And thanks for entertainment...

Your's truly, Spotted Backsoon

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Christianity is such a vast and diverse group of beliefs that is is pretty much impossible to say that it conflicts or colludes with anything else.  Some activist evangical denomination of Christianity might very well preach that Buddhism is akin to devil-worship while other denominations would preach that Buddhism teaches many valuable lessons and ideals.  My mother, for example, is a member of the Unity Christian Church, and they have quite often invited Buddhist monks to come and speak to them (as well as people from many other religions.)

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For those that believe all religions are man made.

If I choose to believe in God. If I am right and you are wrong then I can go to heaven and you will go to hel_l. If you are right and I am wrong then we both just die and that is it.

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For those that believe all religions are man made.

If I choose to believe in God. If I am right and you are wrong then I can go to heaven and you will go to hel_l. If you are right and I am wrong then we both just die and that is it.

"Most of us are rich with the things of society. What society has created in us and what we have created in ourselves, are greed, envy, anger, hate, jealousy, anxiety - and with all these we are very rich. The various religions throughout the world have preached poverty. The monk assumes a robe, changes his name, shaves his head, enters a cell and takes a vow of poverty and chastity; in the East he has one loin cloth, one robe, one meal a day - and we all respect such poverty. But those men who have assumed the robe of poverty are still inwardly, psychologically, rich with the things of society because they are still seeking position and prestige; they belong to this order or that order, this religion or that religion; they still live in the divisions of a culture, a tradition.

That is not poverty. Poverty it to be completely free of society, though one may have a few more clothes, a few more meals - good God, who cares? But unfortunately in most people there is this urge for exhibitionism. Poverty becomes a marvelously beautiful thing when the mind is free of society. One must become poor inwardly for then there is no seeking, no asking, no desire, nothing! It is only this inward poverty that can see the truth of a life in which there is no conflict at all."


Edited by mizzi39
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For those that believe all religions are man made.

If I choose to believe in God. If I am right and you are wrong then I can go to heaven and you will go to hel_l. If you are right and I am wrong then we both just die and that is it.

Why have a religion where there is only one way you can go to heaven?

Why punish those for failing to grasp that one way by sending them permanently to hel_l?

Edited by rockyysdt
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For those that believe all religions are man made.

If I choose to believe in God. If I am right and you are wrong then I can go to heaven and you will go to hel_l. If you are right and I am wrong then we both just die and that is it.

A bit like Pascal's Wager, but taken too far.

Pascal then asks the reader to analyze their position. If reason is truly corrupt and cannot be relied upon to decide the matter of God's existence, only a coin toss remains. In Pascal's assessment, placing a wager is unavoidable, and anyone who is incapable of trusting any evidence either for or against God's existence, must at least face the prospect that infinite happiness is at risk. The "infinite" expected value of believing is always greater than the expected value of not believing.

However, Pascal did not treat acceptance of the wager to be in itself sufficient for salvation.


Bonobo and others have made the point that terms like "Christian religion" or "Christianity" mask a very wide range of beliefs and practices, quite a few of which are at odds with each other. Where Buddhism and Christianity are likely to collide, however, is where (i) one or the the other feels threatened by missionary activity, (ii) where the local culture is attacked by missionaries, or (iii) where one or the other promotes a position in political or civil debates that the other finds objectionable.

The Buddhist Revival in Ceylon was in response to the first situation. However, in that case, the missionaries were backed up by imperialist powers. Christian missionaries have sometimes, but by no means always, been guilty of (ii) (the Jesuit mission to China was destroyed when the Dominicans and Franciscans reported them to Rome for being too accommodating to Chinese ways). I'm not sure of what might be examples of (iii), as Buddhists disagree among themselves on contentious issues such as abortion, a fundamental issue among Catholic bishops (if not the lay people) in political debate.

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Buddhism is not a religion in the sense in which that word is commonly understood, for it is not "a system of faith and worship owing any allegiance to a supernatural being."

Christians choose to live their lives blindly following a contradictory bronze aged book of fairy tales and nonsense written by men, Buddhists follow the actual teachings of a man who claimed to have attained enlightenment or Nirvana.

The two are bound to collide. You cant support Manchester United and Liverpool simultaneously.

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The naivety of questions and answers here are most entertaining.

ALL religious beliefs are a kind of protection of one's self against being extinquished, .......

The concept of everlasting, everpresent, all-knowing and omnipotent being is valid .........

Have a good day! :)

And thanks for entertainment...

Your's truly, Spotted Backsoon

Actually it is your post that betrays a profound ignorance and naivety of Buddhist teaching. Buddhism as originally taught by Gautama is not a religion in the same dogmatic sense as the theistic religions. In fact, it has often been argued that it is not a religion at all but rather a logical philosophical explanation of reality or "truth".

As is the case with many "religions", Buddhism as practiced by the masses in Thailand with its amulets, spirit houses and ceremonies has little or nothing to do with what was taught by the founder of the theory. Buddhism teaches that there is no self, no everlasting soul and certainly no ever-present all-knowing "God". What it does teach is independent thinking, putting one's own beliefs to the test through critical self examination and that contentment and happiness are found through one's own efforts to extinguish unwholesome desires and greed.

It is not my intent to either promote or condemn any system of belief because I myself do not identify myself as an adherent to any of them. Of the major world "religions" however, Buddhism is unique by its lack of stringent dogma. (There is no "Believe this or go to h3ll" clause.) To classify it as a theistic doctrine is incorrect.

Perhaps you should read a bit more on the subject before glibly dismissing it out-of-hand. There is ample material on the subject at your local library or bookstore. Make sure you choose the works compiled by academics and not by those whose purpose is to indoctrinate.

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Buddhism is not a religion in the sense in which that word is commonly understood, for it is not "a system of faith and worship owing any allegiance to a supernatural being."

Christians choose to live their lives blindly following a contradictory bronze aged book of fairy tales and nonsense written by men, Buddhists follow the actual teachings of a man who claimed to have attained enlightenment or Nirvana.

The two are bound to collide. You cant support Manchester United and Liverpool simultaneously.

True Buddhists are non Buddhist who don't follow, but discover for themselves.

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For those that believe all religions are man made.

If I choose to believe in God. If I am right and you are wrong then I can go to heaven and you will go to hel_l. If you are right and I am wrong then we both just die and that is it.

Please do read this book by Richard Dawkins: THE GOD DELUSION.

Many people who profess to be "right" start wars in the name of their religion and their god. Osama chooses to believe in Allah, he probably thinks he is right too...do you believe he will go to heaven for fighting for his religion and his god?

I also find that the holier a person professes to be, the more likely they forget the mantra: judge not, lest ye be judged.

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Christians choose to live their lives blindly following a contradictory bronze aged book of fairy tales and nonsense written by men, Buddhists follow the actual teachings of a man who claimed to have attained enlightenment or Nirvana.

Same can be said about most of the 80% of born Buddhist in Thailand. I used to be one. Bounded by tradition without knowing what it was all about and what I could gain from it. Dumb, wasn't I? ...... I think so.

Same **** different smell. if you don't mind my language. :)

I have met and talked to practicing Christian. And we enjoyed discussing about our same differences.

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I think the Christian believe is the most logical one, if you die, you die. There is no such thing as an afterlife or second life which are both common in Buddhist and Allah. I use to think very logical. If there is a god, there must be scientific proof. So far we only know a bit about the universe.

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I think the Christian believe is the most logical one, if you die, you die. There is no such thing as an afterlife or second life which are both common in Buddhist and Allah. I use to think very logical. If there is a god, there must be scientific proof. So far we only know a bit about the universe.

I think you'll find most Christians believe in (or at least hope for) after-life of some kind.

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