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Oly E-3

1/20s f/6.3 at 17.0mm iso500

Pick the bones out of this one. :D

Critique and Comment always welcome :)

Yours truly,

Win from Kan :D


Hi Kan Win

WOW !! Bling with a capital B !! Great photo.

Hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of playing with the sliders (all moved to the right a shade) in lightroom; clarity, exposure and contrast to "stretch" the histogram as well as a touch of luminance.

Also tried a bit of a crop Trying to create a frame from the first two pillars and enlarge the golden Buddha a fraction. Doesn't work perfectly as The Buddha is not dead centre but either the pillars are not symmetrical or the angle is slightly off. As I say great shot, if it was mine I would play in PS extract the first two pillars and resize, stretch as nessecary to make my crop work but keep Buddha central and placed on the line created by the rule of thirds.

But then again why try to fix something that aint broke !!

Cheers for sharing J   



Help ! All those lights are confusing. if you don't mind I lowered the lights some what. Besides the distracting light in the middle is over exposed and washed out.

Here is what I tried



Great composition and good exposure as you have plenty of detail in the shadows. Love the reflections as well. There appears to be some lens distortion on the lefthand side of the image that probably could be corrected in Photoshop.

  • 2 months later...
Help ! All those lights are confusing. if you don't mind I lowered the lights some what. Besides the distracting light in the middle is over exposed and washed out.

Here is what I tried

Sorry, having been there recently, the original is better. In the original, the OP was lucky...on the day I was there it was so crowded I couldn't get the "emptiness" aspect that you did. Nice job!

  • 1 year later...

Hi Folks,

Thank you for your C&C :wai:

As for NomadTad user_popup.png quote

There appears to be some lens distortion on the lefthand side of the image

Yes, Oly-pussy cameras and lens do have these. They always have this problem on the left, why I have no idea :unsure:

The Colonel :ph34r: an Amateur Photographer

Kanchanaburi Win B)

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