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Free Hemp Seeds!


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This totally spun me out today.

I was in Super Cheap (Phuket) doing a bit of shopping. I needed some bird seed for my budgies and so I grabbed a bag and chucked it in the trolley without really looking at it.

When I got home I realised I'd accidentally got the Cockatiel seed instead of the budgie seed. I figured it would probably still be ok for them but checked the ingredients just to make sure there was nothing bad for them in there.

It had the usual ingredients, Yellow millet, red millet, canary seed, sunflower seed, hemp, Wait! What was that last one?! Hemp? Surely that's an Engrish translation error. I opened the bag and no mistake, it's full of cannabis seeds. There'd have to be 500-1000 in there.

Now it's probably a strain that has low potency. But still, Thailand is a country that will give you two years jail for smoking a joint. Why are cannabis seeds so freely available?

And what to do with 1000 seeds? Scatter 'em around the national park? :)

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Now it's probably a strain that has low potency. But still, Thailand is a country that will give you two years jail for smoking a joint. Why are cannabis seeds so freely available?

And what to do with 1000 seeds? Scatter 'em around the national park? :)

Having seeds is not illegal, growing and smoking the stuff is what they get you for.

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*Industrial hemp and marijuana are both classified by taxonomists as Cannabis sativa, a species with hundreds of varieties. C. sativa is a member of the mulberry family. Industrial hemp is bred to maximize fiber, seed and/or oil, while marijuana varieties seek to maximize THC (delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol, the primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana).

*While industrial hemp and marijuana may look somewhat alike to an untrained eye, an easily trained eye can easily distinguish the difference.

*Industrial hemp has a THC content of between 0.05 and 1%. Marijuana has a THC content of 3% to 20%. To receive a standard psychoactive dose would require a person to power-smoke 10-12 hemp cigarettes over an extremely short period of time. The large volume and high temperature of vapor, gas and smoke would be almost impossible for a person to withstand.

Source: www.naihc.org/hemp_information/hemp_facts.html

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  • 3 weeks later...
*Industrial hemp and marijuana are both classified by taxonomists as Cannabis sativa, a species with hundreds of varieties. C. sativa is a member of the mulberry family. Industrial hemp is bred to maximize fiber, seed and/or oil, while marijuana varieties seek to maximize THC (delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol, the primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana).

*While industrial hemp and marijuana may look somewhat alike to an untrained eye, an easily trained eye can easily distinguish the difference.

*Industrial hemp has a THC content of between 0.05 and 1%. Marijuana has a THC content of 3% to 20%. To receive a standard psychoactive dose would require a person to power-smoke 10-12 hemp cigarettes over an extremely short period of time. The large volume and high temperature of vapor, gas and smoke would be almost impossible for a person to withstand.

Source: www.naihc.org/hemp_information/hemp_facts.html

No wonder the old American fable "ring around the Mullbery bush. Now I can see why everyone was having such a great time

Hey where did my eyes go? :)

Edited by Beardog
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I remember years ago in Oz when someone emptied the bird cage down the backyard and had a hemp crop growing. The seeds grew from a seed bell imported from India.

Then there was the day loads of police cars appeared next door and the police started ripping up the little old lady neighbours’ flower bed. She had all these wonderful poppies in bloom prior to their arrival.

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I remember years ago in Oz when someone emptied the bird cage down the backyard and had a hemp crop growing. The seeds grew from a seed bell imported from India.

Then there was the day loads of police cars appeared next door and the police started ripping up the little old lady neighbours’ flower bed. She had all these wonderful poppies in bloom prior to their arrival.

Did they ban the poppy as well ?

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No idea why the cops pulled her poppies out. Maybe one of their wives was worried about completion. It was about the time the town best garden competition was being held.

They must have been popular flowers as a few years later while trekking along the Burmese border I saw plenty of them. The cops there didn’t seem to be too worried about all those poppies. :)

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I recall a training session a long time ago by a customs officer, who said that the illegal substance, THC, was not present in the seeds, so when they encountered passengers carrying them they had no grounds for seizure or prosecution. However, the seeds would be taken into the back office "for examination", where a few seconds in a microwave ensured that they would never germinate...

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  • 1 year later...

Hmm... sorry for giving this thread a second life, but I know of someone who walked along some Chili-fields near MaeSot and he swears what he has seen there was flowering and could be used for anything, maybe high quality tribal clothes or even skin creams made of hemp oil . Now, he is not an expert on this but he said it smelled like the stuff they passed on at the parties in the early seventies and which he smoked but refused to inhale. He would have walked along without looking if the smell wouldn't have been that strong. He also passed on a picture which I will share with the community weborigina2.jpg

And NO!: I don't know where exactly the pix were taken and have no clue about the whereabouts of this guy :blink:. He was dam_n serious that he has seen more of that stuff in that area, smaller and bigger fields partially harvested. Do your own maths.B)

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My wife told me how her mom use to have a bunch growing in her garden. I guess she use to put it in some dishes for flavoring...and who knows what else. She said it use to grow in and around her village in abundance! Then, about 15 years ago or so, the police came to the village and said it was now illegal. So they got rid of all the plants.

Here's a pic of me during a trek in Nepal. Huge field. Of course, I didn't touch any! :whistling:


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Soup? Soap? :unsure:

Many, many years ago when I was in Benares in India, you could buy lassie ( a yoghourt drink) in either plain or "bhang" version, "bhang" being a paste made from marijuana.

So you'd pop in for a lassie, and the big decision was "do I want to get stoned today or not?" :rolleyes:

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hemp is legal to cultivate in thailand, marijuana is not. hemp has always been a part of bird food, sterile though, but perfectly legal here in thailand. smoke all the hemp you want, you won't catch anything but a headache.

The hemp's flower is Marihuana, I have heard them say. Means they would have to harvest the plant before it blossoms. Or they need an industrial hemp with very low THC contents. The stuff my friend has seen had huge as can be seen on the picture.

I would like to know how the police determines what kind of plant they have in front of them, the industrial hemp or "the drug". Do they carry a lab and test every plant on the content of psycho-active substance? Maybe they don't care and just wait for cars with a few sacks of that stuff passing by their control stations to pay bribes or hand it over to them....

@craigt3365: nice picture!

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not true, go back to sbk's post in this thread for a more accurate description. it really isn't difficult to distinguish the industrial hemp from the street product. same way it isn't difficult to tell one twin brother from another, when one twin has tattooed his face.

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*Industrial hemp and marijuana are both classified by taxonomists as Cannabis sativa, a species with hundreds of varieties. C. sativa is a member of the mulberry family. Industrial hemp is bred to maximize fiber, seed and/or oil, while marijuana varieties seek to maximize THC (delta 9 tetrahydrocannabinol, the primary psychoactive ingredient in marijuana).

*While industrial hemp and marijuana may look somewhat alike to an untrained eye, an easily trained eye can easily distinguish the difference.

*Industrial hemp has a THC content of between 0.05 and 1%. Marijuana has a THC content of 3% to 20%. To receive a standard psychoactive dose would require a person to power-smoke 10-12 hemp cigarettes over an extremely short period of time. The large volume and high temperature of vapor, gas and smoke would be almost impossible for a person to withstand.

Source: www.naihc.org/hemp_information/hemp_facts.html

No wonder the old American fable "ring around the Mullbery bush. Now I can see why everyone was having such a great time

Hey where did my eyes go? :)

Its ring around the rosie and here we go round the mullberry bush ;)

Get your nursery rhymes straight :D

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