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Me And My Ailments


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Hi again.

Firstly, the results of my second Barium swallow, three months after the first show a 2cm decrease in the size of my tumour. So my herbal treatment is at least holding it steady, Unfortunately,two more things have come to light. I say unfortunately, but it might just be fortunataly.

Firstly I seem to have Oesopagal acid reflux, whish is stopping me from eating. I took some tablets and things from the hospital which cleared it for one afternoon. The last week I cannot eat or drink anything. Food goes down, then waits till I drink something. then comes straight back up. Water and milk is the worst, as it will not clear my throat and if idrink it stays in my throat till it comes back out of my mouth, without even trying to go down. I think maybe my LES and my UES are both kaput. The one thing I can say though, is it is not always what I have eaten or drunk comes up, some of it it is of course, but the rest is mostley mucas or bile.

As well as seeing my alteranative doctor, I also have sessions at Raum Phet in Surin, who just fill me full of drugs.

Why don't you go to a decent hospital youmay ask? Myyearly visa extension is due tomorrow and I should be booking into Korat/BKK hospital Fri or Sat.

Talk about a catch 22 stiuation. I could have been cured of everything, and got no visa. or now I have waited I might need the bloody thing.

Anyone else experianced thse problems with Upeer Eosophagal Shpincter pleas can you post. Or best still a doctor that has covered these problems.

By the way, my Tendonitus has reached a peak where it is so painful every morning when I get up it reduces me to tears.

Yours Martin ( Farang Connection)

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I am so sorry to hear about your various medical conditions. They don't sound good at all.

Sorry I can offer no advice, except to PM Sheryl, who may be able to suggest hospitals, doctors and treatment to you.

I don't have to tell you this, but please don't delay any longer. Get a good specialist on the case ASAP.

Take care


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When a person is hospitalised at Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok and their visa renewal date is approaching, the International Section at the hospital arranges the renewal without any need to visit Immigration in person. Perhaps Bangkok Hospital Korat does the same - it can't hurt to ask. Please don't let administrative paperwork hold up seeking medical treatment :) .

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When a person is hospitalised at Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok and their visa renewal date is approaching, the International Section at the hospital arranges the renewal without any need to visit Immigration in person. Perhaps Bangkok Hospital Korat does the same - it can't hurt to ask. Please don't let administrative paperwork hold up seeking medical treatment :D .

Great tip :)

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I wish I had the answers for you.

I once had bad Esophageal ulcers (in my bad habits life) and also duodenal ulcers. I cured myself by blending only raw vegetables with an avocado for breakfast lunch and tea.. Only green vegetables.. It took about 4 months to stop the acid completely, but you will notice a difference immediately.

Prior to going this route I was over medicated from Dr's and the amount of drugs I was on actually made me far worse in the long term.

It might even be a good thing to take some probiotics if you have been on huge courses of antibiotics.

I wish you well and like the others on this thread have stated, get yourself fixed first and worry about the visa later.

Good Luck.

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Dear lampard,

I am sorry to hera about your ill health.

My condition was not as serious as yours but a couple of years ago I attended a doctor in a natural health clinic in Bangkok. It was because I was experiencing reflux, and he told me my condition was called GERD - check wiki. He told me I needed to go on a natural health diet - no supplements just good food. I did so and the worst symptoms quickly cleared up. I have continued to follow the diet and generally feel much better. I don't see why such a diet couldn't help you in some way, I make no claims as to cure.

Please PM me if you are interested.

Hope you are keeping well,

All the Best,

Bill Z

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Hi again.

Firstly, the results of my second Barium swallow, three months after the first show a 2cm decrease in the size of my tumour. .....

Anyone else experianced thse problems with Upeer Eosophagal Shpincter pleas can you post. Or best still a doctor that has covered these problems.

By the way, my Tendonitus has reached a peak where it is so painful every morning when I get up it reduces me to tears.

Yours Martin ( Farang Connection)

If you want advice you need to provide more information.

What type of tumor and how was it diagnosed?

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Hi again.

Firstly, the results of my second Barium swallow, three months after the first show a 2cm decrease in the size of my tumour. .....

Anyone else experianced thse problems with Upeer Eosophagal Shpincter pleas can you post. Or best still a doctor that has covered these problems.

By the way, my Tendonitus has reached a peak where it is so painful every morning when I get up it reduces me to tears.

Yours Martin ( Farang Connection)

If you want advice you need to provide more information.

What type of tumor and how was it diagnosed?

All the hospital results are on an earlier thread from about 4 months ago on this. Might be posted under Farang Connection.

Another update. Last night at 16.30, everything just cleared, and I could drink milk and water and other soft drinks normally again.Still ok this morning. I'm on my coffee injection now.

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By the way, my Tendonitus has reached a peak where it is so painful every morning when I get up it reduces me to tears.

The only way I can avoid damage to my shoulder while sleeping is to have 5mg of valium each night prescribed by my doc. That means I tend not to move around and can sleep on my back (the best position) or on my good side with my arm and leg over a thick pillow. You don't want to be moving around in your sleep or sleeping on your front. The longer you put up with tendonitis, the harder it is to treat because of the scar tissue that forms.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi again.

Firstly, the results of my second Barium swallow, three months after the first show a 2cm decrease in the size of my tumour. .....

Anyone else experianced thse problems with Upeer Eosophagal Shpincter pleas can you post. Or best still a doctor that has covered these problems.

By the way, my Tendonitus has reached a peak where it is so painful every morning when I get up it reduces me to tears.

Yours Martin ( Farang Connection)

If you want advice you need to provide more information.

What type of tumor and how was it diagnosed?

All the hospital results are on an earlier thread from about 4 months ago on this. Might be posted under Farang Connection.

Another update. Last night at 16.30, everything just cleared, and I could drink milk and water and other soft drinks normally again.Still ok this morning. I'm on my coffee injection now.

Im not sure why you would be drinking milk and soft drinks? Surely the Dr has not advised you to drink that crap?

Drink coconut water and just plain water... It aint that hard to understand that "produced liquids" are not normal to the body... If you want to get well, you have to eat and drink properly.

Go to your fridge and cupboards and throw anything out that is in a box or in a can or needs long term refrigeration to keep it fresh.

You need to go as natural as you can to fight any disease.

Look up gerson dot org and buy the PH Miracle cure.. start listening to your body and not to Dr's and drug companies.

I wish you well, but you need to help yourself here also...

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Just surfing waiting for an important call - the first thing to comes to mind is your general health?

If you are drink softdrinks & milk you are nuts. It means you are probably completely unfit, undisciplined, irresponsible

and overweight. Next thing is you smoke & drink. So tell us a bit about your general health - perhaps we can fix you.

I had severe reflux way back, lost +30lb, quit cigarettes & whiskey. Fixed.

Now I hit the gym 4/5 times a week, eat anything - no processed foods - lost 30 years.


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