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Movie - "falling Down" With Michael Douglas


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It is off topic, but Ill try and keep in context.

I just saw the movie "Falling Down" with Michael Douglas. It is an old movie, but I hadnt seen it before and I piss_sed myself laughing - other people thought this was disturbing.

Anyway - I can totally relate to this guy and it really highlights many of the things in the West that I find so annoying! This is why I moved to Thailand!

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It was a good movie and I enjoyed it. I've seen it several times. It was very believable and quite sad actually. It points out just how close some of us are from going off the deep end. Coming to Thailand 12 years ago changed my life for the better... even if it is a sort of make believe. Sometimes even when you give life your best effort at being good it still throws you a curve ball. It is how you handle the down times that counts. Luck ebbs and flows and you have to be able to adjust when things don't go as planned. It's the old story of... "Is your glass half empty or half full."

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I think mention of that movie is very apropro on why many expats now choose to live in Thailand vice their home country.

Great movie but after a few years here, from time to time I wanna be like Mike too.

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I think mention of that movie is very apropro on why many expats now choose to live in Thailand vice their home country.

Great movie but after a few years here, from time to time I wanna be like Mike too.

Any time anyone has to deal with government authorities, EVERYWHERE, we start wanting to act like Mike Douglas in that movie. :)

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I think mention of that movie is very apropro on why many expats now choose to live in Thailand vice their home country.

Great movie but after a few years here, from time to time I wanna be like Mike too.

Yes, but like me, you live in BKK and work here (having to deal with all those related problems).  I was thinking more of the expats who basically retire from the rat race and live with their new families off in the countryside. That seems to bring its own set of problems as well, but they seem to be less frantic ones, if I understand what most posters who live in the country seem to feel.

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I think mention of that movie is very apropro on why many expats now choose to live in Thailand vice their home country.

Great movie but after a few years here, from time to time I wanna be like Mike too.

Any time anyone has to deal with government authorities, EVERYWHERE, we start wanting to act like Mike Douglas in that movie. :)

Yeah, sometimes I am feeling like William Foster (Michael Douglas) too. Specially when I think of an institution located in Soi Suan P...

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sure, anyone who eats at MacDonald's has to be crazy!



But I agree, as I have tried to explain this before in an other thread recently.

Then the know alls come in a decide they know better than you do yourself and try to tell us why they reckon we are here. it is the same theme as the bloody movie.

Edited by cpofc
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