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Tv Friday Night-outs


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Hi there,

during yesterday's great party the question came up why the TV Friday Night-outs have died down.

There might be several correct answers to this one, including too much routine, always the same place, too often, poor decision making about location etcetc..

Thinking back how it all started, we were on the quest finding a suitable location for a TV party which resulted in the Tropical Bert's event. We visited a different restaurant/pub each time and went later on to a bar stroll with whomever was interested in joining.

Everybody was welcome to join and/or suggest a location for the following week.

So what about starting this all over again? Let me do the first step and suggest:

Bali Hai Sunset (I think it is called).

Location: coming from Walking Street it is at the other end of Bali Hai pier, past the boat parking lot, at the road that leads up to the Sheraton and Royal Cliff hotels. Located at the beach it is a very nice setting with sunset and all...Hence I suggest we start early, say at around 6 pm.

Any joiners?

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They have Thai and farang food, predominantly Thai?seafood. Food was ok, nothing outstanding but good. The ambiance is what made me wanting to go there again.

I suggested 6 pm to have a bit from the sunset over the bay :)

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I lead a "Frugal Freddy" group that meets every Monday night at 6pm at a different restaurant where we can keep the meal + soft drink under B200. It is organized through Pattaya City Expat Club, we currently have 62 members but average turnout is about 15. I e-mail weekly the planned venues that are picked from members experiences and suggestions.

Anyone wanting to join the group is welcome just e-mail me at Hawaiibob4you at Yahoo.com and I will be happy to add you to the list. Reservations not required but we try to give the restaurant a little notice so they can add extra staff if needed.

Today we will meet at Das Berliner Soi 13, come join us.

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bob4u - Have you heard of Enjoy's. It's my fav resteraunt. Shortly after you go under the bridge as you drive from Pattaya to Jomtien, on the right hand side.

Every night they do a delicious 3 course meal for 200 baht. Add a soft drink and it's about 235 baht. But maybe you could make a deal with the owner to throw in the drink for free if you bring a party there.

I have no connection with the resteraunt except being a happy customer.


PS - Raro, I think the Friday Night Meetups faded away because you stopped coming to my place!!!!! :)

Edited by lor
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bob4u - Have you heard of Enjoy's. It's my fav resteraunt. Shortly after you go under the bridge as you drive from Pattaya to Jomtien, on the right hand side.

Every night they do a delicious 3 course meal for 200 baht. Add a soft drink and it's about 235 baht. But maybe you could make a deal with the owner to throw in the drink for free if you bring a party there.

I have no connection with the resteraunt except being a happy customer.


PS - Raro, I think the Friday Night Meetups faded away because you stopped coming to my place!!!!! :)

I actually went back there a while ago but it looked like it changed the owner, so I didn't bother to go inside.

...so any takers for tomorrow?

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Will be there. I know a place to park the car near there!

Raro - My place isn't my place any more. Your right, it's changed hands. Now I just do nothing except relax.


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Sincere apologies to those who went to Bali Hai - our late afternoon was a bit screwed up. Ended up at Tropical Bert's

Let's try again next week. Any suggestions for a venue?

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Well you said about 6pm so sat at Bali High from 5:30 to 7pm!

Problem was that I was all alone! Maybe that's why the Friday Night Outs died out before!



Sorry for your Friday night out experience. Out alone can be pretty bleak.

I have been one half of a Friday night out group of 2, but still had a great night out. However I have been known to amuse myself for hours with a frayed piece of twine.

Hope you enjoyed the sunset. Did it look like a place that might work if more of us showed up?

Don't give up on us. Plans for this meet often are very fluid and change at the last minute, but this one was exceptionally poorly communicated.

Some of the gang work on Friday and last minute stuff can happen. I just didn't make the early hour, ( I am often late for the more usual 7pm start) but did not say so the board until I realized it was already after 6pm.

Again sorry for our Friday night out experience and hope you had a good time in spite of it all.


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Well you said about 6pm so sat at Bali High from 5:30 to 7pm!

Problem was that I was all alone! Maybe that's why the Friday Night Outs died out before!


Again my apologies, the wife was away with the car and I was stuck at the office until about 7:30. Then it became a bit hurry up so we went to Tropical Bert's as it is much closer to my office...too bad that it stands and falls with my attendance, there are so many other TV members here in Pattaya. Where are those who suggested to revive this tradition??

Let's try again this week? How did you like the place? Did you try the food?

Any other suggestions? This is open for discussions!

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Maybe you should try to figure out the difference between the Saturday night party a few weeks ago vs. the Friday night plans.

Hopefully, it wasn't just free booze that brought so many out - it was an exceptionally good time, and many people have already expressed their anticipation of the next one.

What about the scarcity argument? Your sign up list, with the limitation (join date, post count, etc.) seemed to generate lots of interest and a flurry of responses.

Could it be that a weekly meeting is too frequent, and that a monthly get together might get higher attendance?

Finally, I am in sort of the same boat as Raro. I work on Fridays, and can't always break away in time. The nature of my job means that I'm not always done by 5:30 pm, and then there is a 45 minute drive home, shower, etc. before I can get out the door. Sometimes just too tired. Is it possible that Saturdays could be better than Fridays??

Just a few thoughts...

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Those Friday night-outs were quite popular a while ago. Met countless members there and found some new friends.

Changing it to a Saturday might deter those with families, but I for one would not mind. What do the others think?

This coming weekend I won't be available in the early evening but would join later - say 9-ish.

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Saturday, fine with me.

What day is it today?

Somebody just gotta say where, when etc..

I have enjoyed the small group Friday night outs, most of us had in mind the same itinerary.

The Friday night outs can be any night. I like midweek, no crowds. Was pretty busy out in WS last night, odd.


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Well none of my "friends" on this board bothered to tell me what day it was, but I have other sources.

After much research I found out that today is Friday and that tonight is Friday night.

R we gonna meet?

Or R we gonna wait til Saturday?

PBG then onwards and downwards?


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Ahhh, Saturday!

I'll be out tonight - probably in the "Five" bar.

If you don't know it, it's on Pasteur Street, No. 44. (That's in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam)

And tomorrow will be the Saigon Hash, dodging the rain.

I'll raise a glass to you all, if I remember.

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