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What Annoys You Most About Your Partner?


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Does your partner have any habbits that drive you mad?

NO..absolutely nothing!

I think it is because we accept each other the way we are and don't try to change each other.

Respect...and love that's all it needs, and....no jealousy, which is very important, since we feel secure about each other.


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Does your partner have any habbits that drive you mad?

Yeah, my wife always gets into the habit of getting angry whenever I bring up the subject of 3somes. :o

Apart from that....nothing really. :D

Hey, Gazza. Does the threesome you talk to her about involve you, her and another woman OR you, her and another man ? Maybe she wouldn't be so angry if it involved the latter !

Just teasing you, mate :D



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Had a good laugh at some of these because they are true to my situation as well. The wife walking slowly is a big annoyance. Her obsession with shoes and purses. Her getting mad at me when I am joking around with her and she doesn't quite understand and thinks I am being serious. Her complaining about me when I am driving because I get mad at all the other drivers and complain about them.

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Does your partner have any habbits that drive you mad?

Yeah, my wife always gets into the habit of getting angry whenever I bring up the subject of 3somes. :D

Apart from that....nothing really. :D

Maybe she doesn't like it with two guys :D

A 3some with another guy doesn't actually tickle me pink either. Although if she agreed to that I'd have to look for a stand-in to take my place. :D

Now a 3some with another woman is another thing. I've already informed her of the benefits of hot steamy sex with another female. She'll not only lose a bit of weight but also purge unwanted toxins by way of perspiration. It'll also give her the opportunity to tone-up her calf muscles with some of the positions I've got in mind. But most of all, and I'm sure every guy would agree with me here...there is nothing more heavenly and emotionally uplifting than seeing one female showing love and sexual affection to a fellow member of 'sisterhood'. When two females are together like this, it makes the statement that the male species is not always needed. When one woman can pleasure another in a bout of pure human bonding it can make a mere human male insignificant and unwanted. Hmmm...think I'll just watch.

A 3some with another guy?? That's just plain sick that is!!

I think I'm gonna have to have another talk with her. If she still doesn't agree then no problem. It won't really bother me. No sireee Bob.......I couldn't care less.

I mean...it won't be the end of the world will it? Nah, in fact, I won't even bother asking her again. I'll just put it out of my mind. No more will I think about it. Nope...I've even forgot all about it already. :D

Oh!....and if she thinks she's getting something for her next birthday then she can think again. :o

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She walks so slowly that by the time we're half way there, I forget where we were going.  :o

I'd have to echo this comment, she definitely does not walk with a purpose, unless its on the way to buy shoes...............

Same. Why is it that Thais meander along the pavement? In the morning i'm usually in a rush to goto work and have to practically drag her to keep up.

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Except for the slow walking, alot of this stuff is just being female (and the booger thing, :o ).

As for my husband, most annoying thing has to be the not listening.

:D Sorry, again that is just a guy thing.

Can't think of anything specifically 'thai' he does that drives me nuts.

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