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Favourite After-hours Places In Cm


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Sorry to have to be the one to spoil your perceptions, Stevie, but all young Thai university girls prefer older mature foreigners to younger, cheaper, desperate for true love foreigners. As you grow older you will realize this so don't despair and don't take this as a personal attack.

Again, I have to point out that the cover charges and no foreigner's policies are not directed at older mature men and in no way are older foreigners desperate and leching. Terms like wise, secure and worldly would be better used to describe them. Traits that young and pretty Thai women find endearing and attractive. Money helps but it is a true sense of respect that brings them around.

Before I expose this as complete BS, could you state what age you consider to be 'mature' getgoin?

Regardless if you intend to expose something, the truth is the truth. Maturity is relative. Obviously since you are offended that Thai university girls prefer mature men you may have not reached that plateau.

And we are having stimulating discourse, no bashing intended.

I'm not offended at all getgoin as I am in the group you are arguing for. However, saying that "all young Thai university girls prefer older mature foreigners" is a long way from the truth. Take the university girls who, during their time at university here, choose to study abroad or take part in the Work & Travel program. If what you said was correct, then all these girls would hook up with older, more mature foreign guys in the US, the UK or wherever they go. Sorry, but it's just not the truth. In fact, almost none of these girls do what you claim. Almost all of them who end up dating while abroad go for someone their own age.

Obivously Thai university girls will find it difficult to find foreign guys their own age because they're, wait for it, studying at university in their own countires! For the guys I know lucky enough to be studying in Chiang Mai (at university or an international school), almost all of them are dating Thai girls their own age.

I didn't take your post as bashing, I just think that your truth is a long way from what happens at the Thai universities I've taught at.

Edited by ProdigalSon
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What's the name of that club that used to be where Simon Chiang Mai was located? It seemed friendly enough, if a little dark and loud.

Its called "Differ", haven't been for a while but AFAIK its still there, and open til 6

Another one in the same area is Zanta (Iyara Hotel) on Chottana opposite Radjapat also open til early morning and packed with students. Used to be good in its former life as Rodeo.

See, Femi fan I'm not selfish after all, I can tell you all the best places :D And don't worry, you won't see me there........ :D

I go to Zanta and Differ so just as a warning for others so they're not disappointed, they're very Thai with no English speaking staff and they don't sell beer and whisky by the glass is about half the price of the bottle as they're completely set up for groups to buy a bottle and mixers.

What's the current closing time at these two places? Still 6.00 a.m.? Last Saturday Zanta still had a million motosai outside at 3.00 a.m.

I was at Differ last night and it closed at about 4am. Thanks for telling me it had moved :) I used to love going when it was behind Rodeo. It has managed to keep the same vibe which is great.

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If a person is interesting and charming then looks and age don't matter as much. Women usually find self assured men more attractive than insecure men... even if the guy is young and handsome.

One thing that comes to my mind is how many truly "handsome" young farang men get involved in the dating scene in Thailand? Yes, there are the young guys that come here because they can't get a decent girl to date them back home, but I meet very few of them that would be a big deal back home - most are somewhat neurotic and their obsession with being "young" is just a way for them to feel better about themselves without good reason.

In fact, I have met many more handsome, charming guys that are middle-aged, but have a hard time dating young girls at home. Truly handsome young fellows do not have to go half way across the world to get some nooky! :)

According to the Thai women I know, it's the potential for younger men to run around that is a virtual turnoff. So where perhaps younger men may be more physically attractive, the probability of them running off with other ladies, thereby causing the current Thai lady to lose face, makes younger men very unattractive.

Think about your own statement here. "Thai women don't like to go with young guys because young guys find it too easy to go with Thai women" The internal logic doesn't quite stand up.

Based on my own experience, arriving here at 22 and currently late 30s, I do find it easier now to get university students than it was when I first arrived. However, there are a multitude of factors that could explain this other than the preference of Thai women students for older men. The acceptability of dating farang has changed, my own wealth has obviously changed, probably my confidence and skill in dealing with women has changed, the level of materialism of Thais has changed and the familiarity with westerners has changed making us less scary and thus more likely to get a positive response to an approach.

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If a person is interesting and charming then looks and age don't matter as much. Women usually find self assured men more attractive than insecure men... even if the guy is young and handsome.

One thing that comes to my mind is how many truly "handsome" young farang men get involved in the dating scene in Thailand? Yes, there are the young guys that come here because they can't get a decent girl to date them back home, but I meet very few of them that would be a big deal back home - most are somewhat neurotic and their obsession with being "young" is just a way for them to feel better about themselves without good reason.

In fact, I have met many more handsome, charming guys that are middle-aged, but have a hard time dating young girls at home. Truly handsome young fellows do not have to go half way across the world to get some nooky! :)

According to the Thai women I know, it's the potential for younger men to run around that is a virtual turnoff. So where perhaps younger men may be more physically attractive, the probability of them running off with other ladies, thereby causing the current Thai lady to lose face, makes younger men very unattractive.

Think about your own statement here. "Thai women don't like to go with young guys because young guys find it too easy to go with Thai women" The internal logic doesn't quite stand up.

Why misquote me? What I said, as you can see, is that the potential (as perceived by young Thai women) for younger men to run around is unattractive to younger Thai women. The potential exists, and therefore many younger Thai women would rather avoid said risk.

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Take the university girls who, during their time at university here, choose to study abroad or take part in the Work & Travel program. If what you said was correct, then all these girls would hook up with older, more mature foreign guys in the US, the UK or wherever they go. Sorry, but it's just not the truth. In fact, almost none of these girls do what you claim. Almost all of them who end up dating while abroad go for someone their own age.

You may be right about Thai girls preferring younger farang men overseas, because they have a huge choice of eligible young farang men with bright futures to choose from, but things are quite different here. Most of the younger expats don't have a pot to piss in.

Forget about farangs for the moment and think about how many young girls are mia noys (mistresses) to older Thai men. In Thailand, dating older men is situation normal.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Take the university girls who, during their time at university here, choose to study abroad or take part in the Work & Travel program. If what you said was correct, then all these girls would hook up with older, more mature foreign guys in the US, the UK or wherever they go. Sorry, but it's just not the truth. In fact, almost none of these girls do what you claim. Almost all of them who end up dating while abroad go for someone their own age.

You may be right about Thai girls preferring younger farang men overseas, because they have a huge choice of eligible young farang men with bright futures to choose from, but things are quite different here. Most of the younger expats don't have a pot to piss in.

Forget about farangs for the moment and think about how many young girls are mia noys (mistresses) to older Thai men. In Thailand, dating older men is situation normal.

Correct. It's a whole different ball game here in LOS. It is almost as if young men can not avoid being 'butterflies'. If I were here in Thailand when I was in my 20s - I would be like a kid in a candy store. It's entirely different in the US. And although I had a good time in my 20s in the US, it paled compared to what Thailand has to offer.

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There are a lot of generalizations being banded about on this thread. I don't think there is any one particular trend in the penchant of students towards their chosen partners. My experience is of someone who is in their mid 20s with a social group that includes a large proportion of Thais, is that girls here look for the same thing that all women look for: (in no particular order)

i) sense of humor ii) intelligence iii) cleanliness iv) attractiveness v) confidence vi) ability to provide

Age seems to have very little to do with it. Being able to speak the local language and understanding Thai culture obviously helps significantly.

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Take the university girls who, during their time at university here, choose to study abroad or take part in the Work & Travel program. If what you said was correct, then all these girls would hook up with older, more mature foreign guys in the US, the UK or wherever they go. Sorry, but it's just not the truth. In fact, almost none of these girls do what you claim. Almost all of them who end up dating while abroad go for someone their own age.

You may be right about Thai girls preferring younger farang men overseas, because they have a huge choice of eligible young farang men with bright futures to choose from, but things are quite different here. Most of the younger expats don't have a pot to piss in.

Forget about farangs for the moment and think about how many young girls are mia noys (mistresses) to older Thai men. In Thailand, dating older men is situation normal.

I don't follow the Thai dating scene but I'm aware that some Thai men have mia nois. However I wouldn't think that a young Thai girl, lets say University age but not necessaily at Uni in Chiang Mai would really prefer to go out with/date an older western guy, say 45-55 against a poorer western guy in his 20's and early 30's regardless of whether they are going to run around town with their pants down. Thai women/ girls expect men to do that , it's deep rooted in the culture unfortunately. Thinking about it so do pretty much all westerners at home, playing the dating game.

I would think that young women of the description above who need to pay for something like education/beauty products/new mobile phone and so forth might on occasion date/sleep with an older guy if they met him out on the town, if he's got the cash and if she's prepared to prostitute herself for either cash, goods or services rendered. I very much doubt that she would want to go out with/have a relationship with the western man that I have described above.

Freelancers and hookers in general obviousely will just go where the cash is.

For the record I fall into the category of western men I have mentioned above and regarding my post a day ago which UG replied to .... 'as long as there are plenty of young girls for the older guys'

my point was that younger people would probably prefer to be in a bar/club with younger people and older nightowls would probably prefer/score more often frequenting a place where girls that I have described above and freelancers frequent.

As to whether which group of men Thai girls prefer will soon become obvious with the young girls voting with their feet. I'm not a clubber and may have an incorrect impression of the Chiang Mai nightlife scene but I'll bet there's enough 'tottie' to go around so it shouldn't really matter whether one's young or old, us guys will always get laid here in the Kingdom.

Regards Bojo

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There are a lot of generalizations being banded about on this thread. I don't think there is any one particular trend in the penchant of students towards their chosen partners. My experience is of someone who is in their mid 20s with a social group that includes a large proportion of Thais, is that girls here look for the same thing that all women look for: (in no particular order)

i) sense of humor ii) intelligence iii) cleanliness iv) attractiveness v) confidence vi) ability to provide

Age seems to have very little to do with it. Being able to speak the local language and understanding Thai culture obviously helps significantly.

IMHO, very fair and very true, at least in Thailand. :)

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would really prefer to go out with/date an older western guy, say 45-55 against a poorer western guy in his 20's and

I think this discussion is incredibly cute, but let me be the one to point at the elephant in the room: --> Why can't they date both? Get the best of both worlds.

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:D Thought this thread was about favourite late night venues, not about certain posters delusions that every female Thai university student only fancy guys their grandfather's age.............. :P

Dunno about others, but I frequent late night joints for copious drinking, having a laugh with friends and watching the furniture fly when the Benmore reaches boiling point :D Whilst occasionally shit happens and we end up taking someone home, my experiences remind me bedding someone at 4 a.m. when you're as drunk as a skunk, is usually uncool, unwise and a waste of time :D:D:D Just go out to party :D well, OK and maybe collect the odd phone number :P

The direction this thread is taking maybe suggests some people do only go out to pester university students believing a 60 something Farang is second only to adonis in the fancability stakes :D ; the reason why many venues don't like such punters and some posters are reluctant to share the best places. :)

Hot tip: if you speak Thai and really want to try your luck with students try some of the bars in and around Santitham plaza, JDMarket/Lotus Kamtieng and Muen Dam Pra Kot earlier in the evening.

P.S. Another good late night restaurant is the seafood place past Park Hotel on Changklan. Then of course there's always the classic Koi Chiang Mai (Spelling?) on Sri Poom.

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One thing that comes to my mind is how many truly "handsome" young farang men get involved in the dating scene in Thailand? Yes, there are the young guys that come here because they can't get a decent girl to date them back home, but I meet very few of them that would be a big deal back home - most are somewhat neurotic and their obsession with being "young" is just a way for them to feel better about themselves without good reason.

In fact, I have met many more handsome, charming guys that are middle-aged, but have a hard time dating young girls at home. Truly handsome young fellows do not have to go half way across the world to get some nooky! :)

According to the Thai women I know, it's the potential for younger men to run around that is a virtual turnoff. So where perhaps younger men may be more physically attractive, the probability of them running off with other ladies, thereby causing the current Thai lady to lose face, makes younger men very unattractive.

Think about your own statement here. "Thai women don't like to go with young guys because young guys find it too easy to go with Thai women" The internal logic doesn't quite stand up.

Why misquote me? What I said, as you can see, is that the potential (as perceived by young Thai women) for younger men to run around is unattractive to younger Thai women. The potential exists, and therefore many younger Thai women would rather avoid said risk.

I wasn't misquoting I was paraphrasing to better clarify the core of your point.

Adding the word "potentially" hasn't altered said point one jot

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:D Thought this thread was about favourite late night venues, not about certain posters delusions that every female Thai university student only fancy guys their grandfather's age.............. :P

Dunno about others, but I frequent late night joints for copious drinking, having a laugh with friends and watching the furniture fly when the Benmore reaches boiling point :D Whilst occasionally shit happens and we end up taking someone home, my experiences remind me bedding someone at 4 a.m. when you're as drunk as a skunk, is usually uncool, unwise and a waste of time :D:D:D Just go out to party :D well, OK and maybe collect the odd phone number :P

The direction this thread is taking maybe suggests some people do only go out to pester university students believing a 60 something Farang is second only to adonis in the fancability stakes :D ; the reason why many venues don't like such punters and some posters are reluctant to share the best places. :)

Hot tip: if you speak Thai and really want to try your luck with students try some of the bars in and around Santitham plaza, JDMarket/Lotus Kamtieng and Muen Dam Pra Kot earlier in the evening.

P.S. Another good late night restaurant is the seafood place past Park Hotel on Changklan. Then of course there's always the classic Koi Chiang Mai (Spelling?) on Sri Poom.


Thanks for the other suggestions of late night places Paagai.

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:D Thought this thread was about favourite late night venues, not about certain posters delusions that every female Thai university student only fancy guys their grandfather's age.............. :P

Dunno about others, but I frequent late night joints for copious drinking, having a laugh with friends and watching the furniture fly when the Benmore reaches boiling point :D Whilst occasionally shit happens and we end up taking someone home, my experiences remind me bedding someone at 4 a.m. when you're as drunk as a skunk, is usually uncool, unwise and a waste of time :D:D:D Just go out to party :D well, OK and maybe collect the odd phone number :P

The direction this thread is taking maybe suggests some people do only go out to pester university students believing a 60 something Farang is second only to adonis in the fancability stakes :D ; the reason why many venues don't like such punters and some posters are reluctant to share the best places. :)

Hot tip: if you speak Thai and really want to try your luck with students try some of the bars in and around Santitham plaza, JDMarket/Lotus Kamtieng and Muen Dam Pra Kot earlier in the evening.

P.S. Another good late night restaurant is the seafood place past Park Hotel on Changklan. Then of course there's always the classic Koi Chiang Mai (Spelling?) on Sri Poom.


Thanks for the other suggestions of late night places Paagai.

I think it got off topic because some were suggesting that many late night venues charged a cover charge to keep out older foreigners.

Now that everyone realizes that if the cover is to keep out the older mature foreigners it is because they will take the ladies away we can get back to the topic.

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I wasn't misquoting I was paraphrasing to better clarify the core of your point.

Adding the word "potentially" hasn't altered said point one jot

Paraphrasing by definition is misquoting.

The phrase 'core of my point' is nonsensical.

My statements required no clarification.

I take it English is not your first language.

Edited by venturalaw
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There are a lot of generalizations being banded about on this thread. I don't think there is any one particular trend in the penchant of students towards their chosen partners. My experience is of someone who is in their mid 20s with a social group that includes a large proportion of Thais, is that girls here look for the same thing that all women look for: (in no particular order)

i) sense of humor ii) intelligence iii) cleanliness iv) attractiveness v) confidence vi) ability to provide

Age seems to have very little to do with it. Being able to speak the local language and understanding Thai culture obviously helps significantly.

Isn't that a bit of a generalization??? :)

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What should be taken into account is that for night entertainments, Chiang Mai is pretty dull compared with places like Pattaya, Phuket and Bangkok.

I have lived in Chiang Mai for the last 6 years and been a regular visitor here for over 20 years. Over the last few years I have been searching Chiang Mai for the type of entertainments that Thailand is meant to be famous for, but have been unsuccessful.

Most of the night venues are now only remnants of what they used to be 10 years ago before the big clampdowns.

For those seeking wine, women and song in Chiang Mai are going to be disappointed.

What to do in Chiang Mai after dark:

Take a taxi to Chiang Mai airport and fly to Bangkok.

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What should be taken into account is that for night entertainments, Chiang Mai is pretty dull compared with places like Pattaya, Phuket and Bangkok.

That is true, but Chiang Mai is fantastic compared to any city in in the USA and has lots and lots of action, especially if one is somewhat fluent in Thai: Go Go Bars, happy ending massage parlors, ladybars, ladyhomes, streetwalkers snd plenty of freelancers.

If all one cares about is 24 hour sex, certain parts of Bangkok or any part of Pattaya are the place to be, but if one wants a rounded, decent lifestyle, but with plenty of choice in nightime entertaiment venues, Chiang Mai is a wonderful place to be! :)

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I have lived in Chiang Mai for the last 6 years and been a regular visitor here for over 20 years. Over the last few years I have been searching Chiang Mai for the type of entertainments that Thailand is meant to be famous for, but have been unsuccessful.

Chiang Mai is not like Bangkok or Pattaya, you actually have to leave your hotel room to find this stuff. :)

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