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Together At Last. Visa Only Took 14 Months.

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Thanks everyone who has given me information to help with this visa.

I know it has taken a bloody long time but it is worth waiting for.

Digger - Your help has been GREAT. You introduced me to this forum and without it i would be as lost ...../edit (moderator)>[/b]

Scouse - Your an STAR, thanks for sharing your knowledge. Keep it up. (What PO BOX should i send the cheque to ?? )

but i would like to ask a question for anyone who has been successful on gettin there fiancee's over to england.

i originally thaught that i would have to arrange health insurance for my fiancee, but after talking with a welsh man at the embassy who had done this before, he convinced me that she will have free health care as i pay national insurance.

My next step if this is true is to get her enlisted at my doctors incase she gets sick but am unsure what i have to get before i can do this.

Obviously she has no NI number before we marry but what do i need to do to enlist her at my GP.

Any help would be FANTASTIC.

And again thanks to everybody who has helped u become this happy.

If only you could see the smile on her face . :D:D

Kind Regards Jonny :o

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If she is on the residency visa she will receive a letter a couple of weeks after arriving inviting her to register with a local GP. Take that along to your GP surgery & depending how good they are she will be registered & asked if she wants to have a well women check for free.

Just as an aside, you may want to get her some lung xrays done (to prove she doesn't have TB) in Bangkok otherwise she will have to have them done on arrival in the UK at the airport & when we arrived after a 20hr flight it was a 2hr delay & my family, waiting for us, had to hang around heathrow in the freezing cold :o A lot of people from SA & AUS had already got these done in their home countries & were rushed through so didn't have to queue & deal with the rude staff at the med clinic :D

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The medical on arrival is a random check, some people are pulled over, some are not. If you have a chest X-ray you may still be sent to the medical centre so the doctor can look at it. A vaccination certificate is better.

Boo, you have my sympathies. The same thing happened when my wife arrived for the first time. After a near 3 hour wait we finally saw the doctor. She took one look at the vaccination scar on my wife's arm, asked if we had a permanent address and then sent us on our way.

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Everyone arriving in UK to take up residence were given

lung x-rays when my wife arrived for first time.Only took 10 minutes,guess we were lucky.She was not asked about vaccinations until she registered with my GP.Went to get her registered next day so don't know if she would have received a letter.

They didn't ask for any documentation in doctor's regarding her marital or immigration status.They also gave her a full check up and various vaccinations all free.

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Everyone arriving on a settlement visa should be seen by the port medical inspector but a lot of the time the immigration officers can't be bothered, especially if they know that the doctor will have to be called in. As she hold a fiancé(e) visa your wife-to-be is entitled to NHS treatment. If she sees the doctor at the airport then, as Boo says, she will receive a letter shortly afterwards inviting her to register with a doctor. If she doesn't, then you can contact any GP and see if they've got space on their books.



PS Don't just send the cheque to "Scouse, Liverpool" as there are 400,000 of us up here.

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I think for fiancee or visitors visa then the health check isn't compulsory (???) but for residency the TB check is. They request anyone of any nationality coming to stay here for an extended period of time to have this TB check now but on VV they will just spot check the people coming through the immigration. All I know is the people coming with the xrays already done were being cleared through much quicker than the ones that didn't :o

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Or a vaccination certificate.

From UK Visas"The Rules state that any person who intends to remain in the UK for more than 6 months should normally be referred for a medical examination." Obviously, although a fiancé visa is only for 6 months, the holder intends to stay for longer.

It does seem to be done randomly. From the many conversations I have had it seems to happen far more frequently at Heathrow than at a provincial airport. Manchester seems to have the least chance of this happening. However, this is based only on anecdotal evidence and so is not to be relied upon.

I cannot speak for other countries, but I have NEVER known anyone to be informed by the Bangkok embassy about the possibility of this health check. Why don't they tell people and advise them to get a vaccination certificate or x-ray before leaving Thailand? :o:D

Edited by GU22
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Do you mean a vaccination certificate for TB ?


Clive Sorts

Or a vaccination certificate.

Any person ariving in the UK for a stay in excess of 6 months is liable to this health check, but it does seem to be done randomly. From the many conversations I have had it seems to happen far more frequently at Heathrow than at a provincial airport. Manchester sems to have the least chance of this happening. However, this is based only on anecdotal evidence and so is not to be relied upon.

I cannot speak for other countries, but I have NEVER known anyone to be informed by the Bangkok embassy about the possibility of this health check. Why don't they tell people and advise them to get a vaccination certificate or x-ray before leaving Thailand?  :o  :D

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