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Leaner, Meaner And Greener Sees Tesco Lotus Lower Prices


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Leaner, meaner and greener sees Tesco Lotus lower prices

BANGKOK (thaivisa.com): -- Leaner, meaner and greener business practices by Supermarket giant Tesco Lotus is allowing the company to reduce prices on 800 essential items in its stores.

Gwyn Sundhagul, chief marketing officer of Ex-Chai Distribution Systems, operator of Tesco Lotus discount stores, said some of the funds invested in the price strategy campaign came from the company's program to reduce waste and increase management efficiency to reduce operational costs and expenditures.

"All the money gained from the cost-saving schemes has been reinvested in the low-price and discount promotions. Some costs will be absorbed by our product vendors who participate in the campaigns," he said.

"All the money gained from the cost-saving schemes has been reinvested in the low-price and discount promotions, while some costs will be absorbed by our product vendors who participate in the campaigns".

Under the new Roll Back campaign, Tesco Lotus will provide discounts averaging 7.6 percent on more than 800 essential products.

It will also offer Super Save promotions on more than 1,000 other items with price discounts above those in the Roll Back campaign.

The best way for Tesco Lotus to help stimulate the country's economy during tough times is to reduce

Gwynne said the savings will benefit the more than one million customers who shop at its stores every day,helping to stimulate the economy.

The new price reduction campaign will be promoted by a series of television advertising campaigns.


-- thaivisa.com 2009-07-19

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All well and good but maybe the management should look into the range of products they sell.

Recent examples of items I would’ve expected to be stocked by a British affiliated company but weren’t, are decent British style breakfast sausages, Iceberg lettuce and a potato masher.

Meanwhile next door in the local Makro all these items were in stock along with a fresher display of fish and vegetables.

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All well and good but maybe the management should look into the range of products they sell.

Recent examples of items I would’ve expected to be stocked by a British affiliated company but weren’t, are decent British style breakfast sausages, Iceberg lettuce and a potato masher.

Meanwhile next door in the local Makro all these items were in stock along with a fresher display of fish and vegetables.

I must say Tesc has a terrible range of very bad fruit and veg ,i NEVER get ours there any more ,poor quality all around.

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Maybe, just maybe, Tesco would be able stock some things I miss sorely?

Daddies sauce, English salad cream, Typhoo tea, Youngs ale, Branston pickle?

Of course there is more.

Edited by hansnl
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Maybe, just maybe, Tesco would be able stock some things I miss sorely?

Daddies sauce, English salad cream, Typhoo tea, Youngs ale, Branston pickle?

Of course there is more.

None of which helps Thailand's carbon footprint............. :D

So I'm giving up carbonated drinks, and will drink my whisky straight from now on. :)

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Tesco own brand t-bags was 70bt a week later 89bt

5 pack mars bars were 115bt now 133bt

french stick was 21bt 2 years later 33bt i could go on and on but i hate typing, oh yes brooks baked beans the most expensive i have seen in Thailand

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Maybe, just maybe, Tesco would be able stock some things I miss sorely?

Daddies sauce, English salad cream, Typhoo tea, Youngs ale, Branston pickle?

Of course there is more.

I see you are in Khon Kaen....

Take a drive over to Udon Thani and visit Chern Chim Quality Foods, many British makes incl what you mention and many many more, check them out on Udonmap (Shopping Forum) or call at


Tel. 086-099-1667 / 042-222652




Probably has most of what you are looking for and they are always happy to try an accomadate requests for items.

I have no interest in this venture other than it keeps my palate in touch with home when I need it.

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Yep, they are so lean and green and still wrap plastic bags in plastic bags and give you a plastic bag to carry them in. :D

BTW -we have used enviro bags for the last 10 years, us and three others in Thailand I think. :)

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Leaner, meaner and greener sees Tesco Lotus lower prices

BANGKOK (thaivisa.com): -- Leaner, meaner and greener business practices by Supermarket giant Tesco Lotus is allowing the company to reduce prices on 800 essential items in its stores.

Gwyn Sundhagul, chief marketing officer of Ex-Chai Distribution Systems, operator of Tesco Lotus discount stores, said some of the funds invested in the price strategy campaign came from the company's program to reduce waste and increase management efficiency to reduce operational costs and expenditures.

"All the money gained from the cost-saving schemes has been reinvested in the low-price and discount promotions. Some costs will be absorbed by our product vendors who participate in the campaigns," he said.

"All the money gained from the cost-saving schemes has been reinvested in the low-price and discount promotions, while some costs will be absorbed by our product vendors who participate in the campaigns".

Under the new Roll Back campaign, Tesco Lotus will provide discounts averaging 7.6 percent on more than 800 essential products.

That's a bit naughty. 'Roll Back' is an advertising slogan used by ASDA/Walmart in the UK

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"...Some costs will be absorbed by our product vendors who participate in the campaigns..."

Recently read an interesting book called 'The End of Food' (www.theendoffood.com), it points out that a lot of the problems we face with food supply in the west today are due to these pricing strategies from the big Tesco & Walmarts. They corner the market, putting smaller local competitors out of business, then force the suppliers to reduce their profit margins to offer these 'savings' to the public. The suppliers have no choice but play along as they can't afford to loose the big contracts. In the end the suppliers have to up-size or merge to be able to cut their costs through economy of scale just to stay in business, reducing quality and consumer choice along the way.

In the end it creates a negative feedback loop and we all loose out, as we end up stuck with the only option of buying cheap crap from the few big brands the supermarkets select.

It's too late to do anything about this in the UK, but if I were living in Thailand I'd be buying as much as possible from the little old lady next door or the cart down the soi and giving Tesco etc a wide berth.

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Maybe, just maybe, Tesco would be able stock some things I miss sorely?

Daddies sauce, English salad cream, Typhoo tea, Youngs ale, Branston pickle?

Of course there is more.

Why do the Brits get so nostalgic for their mediocre foodstuffs? I never see anything from the French or Italians, both of which have brilliant cuisines, pining for a certain type of Fromage or Salsiccia?

Yet we have to endure posting after posting about some third-rate brand of pickle or some indigestible banger.

If anything, the English should be discouraged from imposing their lackluster diet on the rest of the world.

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Tescos are not that cheap, they just tell you they are cheap! Most of the hardware items are double the price you would pay in your local hardware store. Your local Thai market is about half the price of Tescos for veg, and its fresher in the market. Your local Thai market is also much cheaper for meat/fish/prawns/squid. Well thats my experience anyway.

Its not all bad news: Tescos scotch is a bargain (265b for 70cl) and you can use your home creditcard making it easier on bring in money to LOS. Their 2t oil is half price at the mo, so I bought two bottles of it :)

I like the food courts; air con cool, clean, good value, good choice. This does vary store to store, however, some of the upcountry stores are not very good.

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"Recent examples of items I would’ve expected to be stocked by a British affiliated company but weren’t, are decent British style breakfast sausages, Iceberg lettuce and a potato masher."

Dang, no potato masher! How can you ever live in a foreign country without that good old English potato masher?

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Some costs will be absorbed by our product vendors who participate in the campaigns," he said.

So does this mean more shrimp from firms that use children to process the shrimp?

Or more Chinese supplied cheap veggies instead of local Thai food?

Or does it mean reduced prices for the subsistence farmers that sell their products to the supply monopoly? Does anyone really think the middlemen or Tesco are going to cut their own profit margins?

Does this mean fewer employees and a cuttback on things like soap in the employee washroom?, wage freezes? Fewer maintenance passes, like washing of shelves etc.?

Tescos is a decent chain as far as treatment of its employees goes and local suppliers, but they need to keep that leadership up. I don't need the 10 baht reduction if it means someone else has to go hungry. I want Thai sourced items please. That's how I reduce my carbon footprint. I don't need gigantic carrots all the same size imported from China.

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I recently wrote an email to their headquarters in the UK and then here in Thailand complaining about the green meat on display. Amazing how you can feel safer buying meat from someone chopping it up on a dirty wooden table in a market than in a grocery store.

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Tescos here is a poor relation of the UKs. I seldom go in there and whenever I do am disappointed. It's beneath Carrefour and only just above Big C.

Why do the Brits get so nostalgic for their mediocre foodstuffs? I never see anything from the French or Italians, both of which have brilliant cuisines, pining for a certain type of Fromage or Salsiccia?

Yet we have to endure posting after posting about some third-rate brand of pickle or some indigestible banger.

If anything, the English should be discouraged from imposing their lackluster diet on the rest of the world.


Typical English food-bashing tripe.

You wouldn't get anything of the sort from the aforementioned as there probably aren't many about, plus they wouldn't have the nads to do so. That they have brilliant cuisines is totally subjective. Walk around any UK supermarket and the quality and range of foods both from within the country and elsehwere is immense. On the continent it doesn't come close and there is a lack of unique, standout items like those previously mentioned.

Please tell me you don't live in Pattaya or similar.

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Some costs will be absorbed by our product vendors who participate in the campaigns," he said.

So does this mean more shrimp from firms that use children to process the shrimp?

Or more Chinese supplied cheap veggies instead of local Thai food?

Or does it mean reduced prices for the subsistence farmers that sell their products to the supply monopoly? Does anyone really think the middlemen or Tesco are going to cut their own profit margins?

Does this mean fewer employees and a cuttback on things like soap in the employee washroom?, wage freezes? Fewer maintenance passes, like washing of shelves etc.?

Tescos is a decent chain as far as treatment of its employees goes and local suppliers, but they need to keep that leadership up. I don't need the 10 baht reduction if it means someone else has to go hungry. I want Thai sourced items please. That's how I reduce my carbon footprint. I don't need gigantic carrots all the same size imported from China.

Tesco's probably are under government pressure to keep prices of necessary goods low. Maybe they'll increase the profit margin on less necessary items to make it up. That would be better than hitting the farmer.

Their treatment of employees and local suppliers does indeed seem quite high. They also buy a lot of Thai produce to resell in the EU, so are probably not that green.

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Tescos here is a poor relation of the UKs. I seldom go in there and whenever I do am disappointed. It's beneath Carrefour and only just above Big C.
Why do the Brits get so nostalgic for their mediocre foodstuffs? I never see anything from the French or Italians, both of which have brilliant cuisines, pining for a certain type of Fromage or Salsiccia?

Yet we have to endure posting after posting about some third-rate brand of pickle or some indigestible banger.

If anything, the English should be discouraged from imposing their lackluster diet on the rest of the world.


Typical English food-bashing tripe.

You wouldn't get anything of the sort from the aforementioned as there probably aren't many about, plus they wouldn't have the nads to do so. That they have brilliant cuisines is totally subjective. Walk around any UK supermarket and the quality and range of foods both from within the country and elsehwere is immense. On the continent it doesn't come close and there is a lack of unique, standout items like those previously mentioned.

Please tell me you don't live in Pattaya or similar.

Only an Englishman would say that the assertion that the French and Italians have brilliant cuisines is "totally subjective". :)

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dkstoney - what was ur response from them?

complete silence?

tesco lotus is disgusting, rotted food and overpriced utensils/crap.

i like the stinky wet market myself.

fresh meat, fresh veg, all at about 40-50% cheaper than the '3rd' rate shit in tesco lotut.


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What i dont get is why a 200gram tin of Thai Tuna costs the same in Tesco in Thailand as it does in the UK about 35bht or 70pence, whereas 200 grams of English Cheddar costs 2gbp (100bht approx) in Blighty and the equivilant of 6gbp (300bht approx) in Thailand.

Im thinking the Thais are getting ripped off!

Edited by sanmiguellight
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Why do the Brits get so nostalgic for their mediocre foodstuffs? I never see anything from the French or Italians, both of which have brilliant cuisines, pining for a certain type of Fromage or Salsiccia?

Yet we have to endure posting after posting about some third-rate brand of pickle or some indigestible banger.

If anything, the English should be discouraged from imposing their lackluster diet on the rest of the world



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English Cheddar costs 2gbp (100bht approx) in Blighty and the equivilant of 6gbp (300bht approx) in Thailand.

Im thinking the Thais are getting ripped off!

No, it's the Farang that are getting ripped off, Thais don't eat cheese. Anything that generally only the Farang eat will have a massive price hike..!!

On a far more important note, where in BKK can I get Ribena..!!??!!

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One thing they are certainly cutting back on is checkout service. Tesco at Nan seems to have staff standing around doing nothing, (or laughing and talking), while the checkout staff not only try and manage the huge queues at the register, but have to pack the bags as well. I need to shop there every week and gear up for the long wait at the checkout....they seem to have even fewer staff at the busiest times.

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For A company with Tesco on its name a Pathetic Supermarket , not anywhere near the quality as in the UK, The bakery department in every tesco Lotus I have been in From Bangkok to Ayutthaya , Kanchanaburi , Samui , Phuket . Its so poor. Sweet breads all over the place and a little of their White and wholemeal Sliced Crap . Thats why have to go Central shopping TOPS in BKK or Big C.

And of course customer service is a joke, as you say staff standing around and huge queses and when you want to find something , if they understand its a wave of the hand in a general direction, nothing new , Typical Thai Customer Service

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One thing they are certainly cutting back on is checkout service. Tesco at Nan seems to have staff standing around doing nothing, (or laughing and talking), while the checkout staff not only try and manage the huge queues at the register, but have to pack the bags as well. I need to shop there every week and gear up for the long wait at the checkout....they seem to have even fewer staff at the busiest times.

I've noticed this as well. Very few checkouts open even at the busy times. I now avoid shopping there if I just need a few items as the wait at the checkout takes longer than the shopping.

Although I have to give them praise as they do have some good special offers. I went in last week and they had a bicycle with mudguards, stand and basket for 950 Baht. I didn't need a bike, but at that price bought one for my staff to run errands nearby. I was in a few days later and saw the same bike at 1699 Baht.

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Maybe, just maybe, Tesco would be able stock some things I miss sorely?

Daddies sauce, English salad cream, Typhoo tea, Youngs ale, Branston pickle?

Of course there is more.

Why do the Brits get so nostalgic for their mediocre foodstuffs? I never see anything from the French or Italians, both of which have brilliant cuisines, pining for a certain type of Fromage or Salsiccia?

Yet we have to endure posting after posting about some third-rate brand of pickle or some indigestible banger.

If anything, the English should be discouraged from imposing their lackluster diet on the rest of the world.

:):D , Haha.. It makes me think of Central Shopping in BKK. They had an American food Promotion Starting on 4th July, All about promoting USA produced foods :D .. When I looked it was all packaged High Fat and sugar junk apart from some dried fruits. All from a country with the most overweight population eating their favourite bad foods. British food not always exciting, Plain but wholesome

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