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Job Board Free Software Script Open Source Wanted Simple & Easy Any Ideas?


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Hi Folks

Being a non techie (I can just about install automatically on "godaddy.com hosting connection" click n point Wordpress Blogs on

domains & Add Ons, & in basic html e.g nvu.com simple web pages & upload with Filezilla a simple free ftp program. is as far

as my v basic techicnical skills goes.... just to pre warn I will get lost if reply to this post is not in basic simple not too techie language ;-) )

I am looking for a Free Job Board Script Software which hopefully I can figure out myself how to upload to a domain

& do any minor tweaks, for site back in EU, (English).

I got 10 + years in job, recruit etc sector & v familiar with job boards & business models etc.

I know too, $300 approx will pick up an decent enough off the shelf basic job board package with configurations done etc...

But right now, as this is more of an "experiment" with a 2 year at last time frame to stick with Free Job Board Script,

very simple Employers can post jobs, job seeks can apply.. city list can be amended & Job "Categories" easy changed

if it was for a "sub niche" . Its not for commercial use just an extra freebie to offer to a help out a few contacts I used to

find staff for, so they can use it free during down turn...

Now I been om google looking for Free Job Board Scripts & I see a few, but I have not a clue, where to start or look.

(only if I could have it, nice to have feature for me, would be if I was able with job applicants knowing, or giving them

the choice to opt into a monthly email newsletter).

Can anyone point me in the direction of any Free Job Board Scripts basic, easy to use, & do the basic functions.

(I do not want to spend a penny on it, until the jobs sector which is decimated where I worked into recovers in 2 - 3 years.)

I "found" a free version of a script called "Diesel Jobs" that was "gift on the house" download, & also know about Joberbase

a Open Source Job Board download & a webbie 60% set it up for me, but fecked off & did not finish the simple job.

I am open to any ideas please?



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Look to using a simple forum type of format - it might be good to have members + interaction.

They are all same/same - there are a number of freebies out there - I had one once - if ya get stuck, holler.



Thanks for that. (I have been a trawling the net since OP - double confusion! lol)

I am looking right now at www.freeforums.org

Do you mean, just a basic Forum, & e.g. configure the categories (if a nice job board - as different job titles. java eng, VB dev, C# jobs),

or if more "Industry Sector" job board - use free forum e.g. Hotel sector make Forum Categories like Chef, Sales Jobs, Security, Office, Toilet Cleaner etc.)

I heard of this simple way of using a "forum" to make a Job Board but I never actually seen

a live working example? Nor on this idea - if very small time (aside from Adsense) if one want

to "Monitorize" the Forum Job Board How would that work? (if in time in sub nice, board got busy &

job seekers have to login/register to see Jobs & companies??? (pay a v small free to post their job?)

That way like many forums, anyone who want to access the full postings /jobs, has to register, so one

can email them a monthly newsletter? any online live examples, as this is just one version I heard of but

have never seen nor used?

cannot see any so far on www.freeforums.org.

Would you have any links to "live" actual Job Board where simple forum is used?

Thanks in advance, this is quite interesting! :)

Any other ideas pls?



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Few suggestions for you...

(I'm still not allowed to post URL's, so you'll need to cut'n'paste the links... :) )

If you want purely a job posting site take a look at www.jobberbase.com ...or... www.osjobber.com

If you want more of a portal site (with additional content, blogs etc) you may be better with something like Joomla as the core CMS and add a job board plugin, e.g. www.webscribble.com/products/webjobs/ or the many others listed at extensions.joomla.org/extensions/ads-&-affiliates/jobs-&-recruitment

If you really don't want to mess with the tech stuff you can get a fully hosted site from someone like www.jobamatic.com/ ...or... www.easyjobboards.com/

Hope that helps.

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Thanks for the updates everyone. I ll have a search of those script sites & report bacl.

Jobberbase is good for niches board & more, but read below, that is why I am not doing

the logical step of even paying $50 bucks a so so experienced indian web dev offered to finish it

for me. LOL! Unless in 5 or 6 months by snail paced techincal learning gets to level I can finish

basic myself.

I got godaddy deluxe linux hosting package & godaddy.com Hosting Connection service offers

many open source (but no job boards) point n click installs.... Wordpress being an example,

which I can click click click abrabekedabra.... installation done automatically.

(I noticed a few WP job board themes... only reading into WP as job board this past few days... any ideas/)

GODADDY Hosting Connection does have a install in there for JOOMLA but but but.... that might

be 6 months stuggling like a fisherman trying to unhook a slippery EEL type fun until I figure JOOMLA

out.. (Wordpress is just about getting there re mininal basics for me & several eBooks I bought on WP)

easyjobboards.com I am 30 secs of a glance at as I reply look very interesting "turn key" for 18 bucks a month?

see I owned IT Rec biz back home & I watched several small happy to be niche make a bit of side bucks like 2nd job

Software Dev guys set up various niche job boards... & working from zero budget... good service.. long term view

(with recession 2 - 3 year view in the "old sod") & letting it run as a freebie, building the email Opts Ins.. (maybe

Adsense pocket money if one is lucky after 12+ months)..

Thats why I am admant on for step 1 keep costs zero... (or 18 bucks a month is ok), step by step, IF say it again IF

any progression, in mid term, on Postings etc... then one can upgrade in stages. (in other words, it must pay for itself

no Dot Com BS... I survived that recession... running an IT rec specializing in Dot Com... got through it... LOL!

i think I am a bit nuts since! :-) )

Yeah I got a half finish but works jobberbase.com board, I am learning techie basics a little

more each week, but not at level to do a full jobberbase installation, (re techie sql or php

end of things installations, or change citys list). Its for IT JObs in Ireland, but poor ol

Ireland, a few 100 "gold circle" greedy b*stards <deleted> the country, 15% unemployment, & shes

not bottomed out yet. so I am going to let the jobberbase IrishITjobs.com sit, (me free techie

did not finsh it, re a "barter deal" we did... )

Thanks for the info lads...

In general, in layman terms... what the hel_l (I know it seems to be use for MANY or ANYTHING You want)

but what the hel_l in General Terms is JOOMLA for? (whats the name of the other one similar to Joomla?)

Any other ideas, insights, most welcome.

Thanks again for info so far.

God Bless


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