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Abhisit Rejects Possible Burma Sanctions


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Sanctions will not solve problems in Burma and should not be applied, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva says.

Speaking on his weekly radio and TV programme in his capacity as chairman of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Mr Abhisit yesterday said some Western dialogue partners might want sanctions to be applied against Burma, so all Asean countries should help express Asean's stance against such measures.

Thailand is hosting an Asean foreign ministers meeting until Saturday in Phuket. The forum will discuss Burma after the junta barred United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon from meeting jailed opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi during his visit two weeks ago.postlogo.jpg

-- Bangkok Post 20/07/09http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/local/20584/abhisit-rejects-possible-burma-sanctions

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The history of US sanctions is pretty pathetic. Thailand is wise to play a cautious role with their next door neighbors. The only way the Burmese will see change is if the Burmese people stand up and throw off the yoke of their oppressors. Until that time, it will all be for nothing.

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The Indians also have a significant stake and are doing whatever they can do to get access to the gas oil as well. They have invested significantly in timber and other resource activities. As much as I dislike the Chinese, our good friends the Indians have a far worse record than any other nation. The Chinese want stability because they don't want the refugees. The Indians don't care just as long as they get what they want.

I don't think the THais will ever impose sanctions because the profits from cheap timber, drugs, human slave trade, endangered species and petro resources outweigh human rights and moral concerns. Anyone want to guess as to who profits from the trade. i.e. who gets a nice tax free skim?

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Disagree. I would like to put the sanction on Burma, as their dictators are bad influences on our own. ..... Notice the mimicking human right-suppressing legislations released in Thailand and a bit later adopted by Burma. In fact, i'm not sure yet if Thai dictators are clevier than the Burmese counterparts, unless the US removed it heavy military interest from Thailand!

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Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva.

First I thought he was ok. But now I think he is just the same as all the others.

No real pollicies and friends with Burma.

The whole world forgot already what happened last year with the people in Burma.

What typhoon, what uprising...

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Sanctions will not solve problems in Burma and should not be applied, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva says.

Speaking on his weekly radio and TV programme in his capacity as chairman of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Mr Abhisit yesterday said some Western dialogue partners might want sanctions to be applied against Burma, so all Asean countries should help express Asean's stance against such measures.

Thailand is hosting an Asean foreign ministers meeting until Saturday in Phuket. The forum will discuss Burma after the junta barred United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon from meeting jailed opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi during his visit two weeks ago.postlogo.jpg

-- Bangkok Post 20/07/09http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/local/20584/abhisit-rejects-possible-burma-sanctions

So its nothing to do with Gas and Oil then?

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Until the like of nasty little outfits .aka..TOTAL Oil ..Superdrug...Ben Line...Lloyds Re-Insurance pull out nothing will change .......

keep the Dicks in dosh and their shareholders..mostly westerners happy....

would have done the same in Nazi Germany .......but hopefully the world will remember the sobs ...but....naaaaaa :) ...MKJ....

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Cuba has been sanctioned how many years? Any failings of the dictator are summarily blamed on the sanctions as an easy scapegoat allowing the dictator to retain power. Glad to see Abhisit has noticed sanctions don't work rather than rubber stamping flawed western policy. He just went up a notch in my book.

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Since the ousting of Taksin, I notice that Thailand has been giving generous supports to the Burmese dictators in the oppression of Burmese's minorities, especially the Hmong. (less for Rodhinya)

Sorry,i think you are wrong,the fact is that nor Thailand nor the PM have enough power to change this situation,and if mr.T was PM it would be exactly the same.If not even worse..

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Since the ousting of Taksin, I notice that Thailand has been giving generous supports to the Burmese dictators in the oppression of Burmese's minorities, especially the Hmong. (less for Rodhinya)

Sorry,i think you are wrong,the fact is that nor Thailand nor the PM have enough power to change this situation,and if mr.T was PM it would be exactly the same.If not even worse..

Please search for past news on Thai govt, both during the latest junta's administration and the current administration, about the alarming treatments against the Hmongs.

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Since the ousting of Taksin, I notice that Thailand has been giving generous supports to the Burmese dictators in the oppression of Burmese's minorities, especially the Hmong. (less for Rodhinya)

Sorry,i think you are wrong,the fact is that nor Thailand nor the PM have enough power to change this situation,and if mr.T was PM it would be exactly the same.If not even worse..

Please search for past news on Thai govt, both during the latest junta's administration and the current administration, about the alarming treatments against the Hmongs.

So i guess we have more "freedom of the Press" at the moment.

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Since the ousting of Taksin, I notice that Thailand has been giving generous supports to the Burmese dictators in the oppression of Burmese's minorities, especially the Hmong. (less for Rodhinya)

Remind Thakys excellent contacts to the junta.....I only say mobile phone.....

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Since the ousting of Taksin, I notice that Thailand has been giving generous supports to the Burmese dictators in the oppression of Burmese's minorities, especially the Hmong. (less for Rodhinya)

Remind Thakys excellent contacts to the junta.....I only say mobile phone.....

Interesting, your avartar is the main symbol of the PADs. ^^

I am also lack of enough information to adequately reflects on your comment, as of this moment.

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Since the ousting of Taksin, I notice that Thailand has been giving generous supports to the Burmese dictators in the oppression of Burmese's minorities, especially the Hmong. (less for Rodhinya)

Sorry,i think you are wrong,the fact is that nor Thailand nor the PM have enough power to change this situation,and if mr.T was PM it would be exactly the same.If not even worse..

Totally agree, If taxsin had continued to be PM, his disgraceful ordering of the Thai EX/IM Bank to loan money to Burma (so theat the thug generals could buy products from taxsin's company) would have been just an opener.

Come to thin of it, taxsin has a very nasty human rights record anyway - 2,500 Thai men women and children shot down on sight.

Abhisit is just being realistic and rightly or wrongly PM Abhisit has a lot of other very urgent / very critical priorities on his plate right now.

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Sanctions will not solve problems in Burma and should not be applied, Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva says.

The cops stopping thousands of motor bike drivers each day for not having a drivers license or wearing a helmet will not solve the death toll on Thai roads neither, so why do it anyway?

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Since the ousting of Taksin, I notice that Thailand has been giving generous supports to the Burmese dictators in the oppression of Burmese's minorities, especially the Hmong. (less for Rodhinya)

Sorry,i think you are wrong,the fact is that nor Thailand nor the PM have enough power to change this situation,and if mr.T was PM it would be exactly the same.If not even worse..

Totally agree, If taxsin had continued to be PM, his disgraceful ordering of the Thai EX/IM Bank to loan money to Burma (so theat the thug generals could buy products from taxsin's company) would have been just an opener.

Come to thin of it, taxsin has a very nasty human rights record anyway - 2,500 Thai men women and children shot down on sight.

Abhisit is just being realistic and rightly or wrongly PM Abhisit has a lot of other very urgent / very critical priorities on his plate right now.

"2,500 Thai men women and children shot down on sight" >>> Strange? Please varify with some credible sources.

BTW. It's ironic that the Takbai's case which the media/NGOs keep pounding Taksin to be at fault while hardly discussed about the army general directly in charged (Pallop Pinmanee), was proven very difficult to find concrete evidences linking back to nail Taksin, and it was during Aphisit's regime that the judicial process came to a hault and the charges hearing against all directly involved personnels, especially the army were dismissed. (Again, not a souls came out to comment on what had happened eventually) It's also Pallop Pinmanee who was appointed major posts and was heavily promoted by the dictatorial junta, whom later was discreditted and make official apology to Taksin .... As i could recalled.

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The history of US sanctions is pretty pathetic. Thailand is wise to play a cautious role with their next door neighbors. The only way the Burmese will see change is if the Burmese people stand up and throw off the yoke of their oppressors. Until that time, it will all be for nothing.

Isn't that what they did and now their leader is jailed?

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