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Danish Embassy Warns Against King Power Dutyfree



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What expat would shop at KP anyway. All they sell is overpriced souvenirs etc.

Indeed, KP merely serves most as an idle distraction between flights,

better to hang out at a coffee shop (or bar), at least they're still safe havens, ... for now. :)

Bar, what bar? There are no bars or pubs in Swampi. Sure, restaurants on the fourth floor serve beer & wine, but there isn't anything remotely like an actual "bar" in the entire complex. And once you've passed security and immigration your choices are even more limited. Pretty incredible for a brand new international airport that was promoted as the "best" regional hub airport in SE Asia, but doesn't even have enough capacity to service existing domestic flights. Touts roam freely with total impunity and accost anyone who even momentaritly looks lost or makes fleeting eye contact. Compare this to the new HK airport or the remodel at Changi. Where did the money go? Why would anybody be surprised that they're always coming with new scams. Suwannabuhmi is a national disgrace...

No its not, nor is it the best. As usual, the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Very much like most posts in TV.

Sorry, Gnome, but I disagree... Yes it is... The fact that it was heralded by its promoters as exemplary, the fact that it's brand new but not up to true internationals standards, the fact that touts from the old airport were allowed to freely (with AOT's complicity) move to the new one and continue fleecing tourists, the fact that a good portion of the original construction budget went missing and that's why there are insufficient gates to handle domestic traffic...these all add up to a "national disgrace". The fact that it is not the worst airport in the world (although I would venture to say it's the most poorly constructed major hub airport constructed within the last five years) does not make the "truth lie somewhere in the middle". It is still a disgrace.

I don't know what other posts are typically like on this site (as I don't spend a lot of time on it), but your post was rather flippant.

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Here I go again, sorry to repeat myself but would like an answer.

I've seen the video and it would appear that she is a thief. I read on TV that the wallet was found in a rubbish bin, sorry I don't know this as a fact, but I saw her take it to the other side of the display, put it down, open her bag and put it in. That's not how to shop!

I would like to know exactly what would have happened if they had said "we're not giving you any money, let's let a judge decide". I understand that they were scared but no wallet was found on them. What would have happened if they refused to pay? I believe, even in Thai law, that only a judge can send you to prison. There isn't a policeman in the world that can put you in prison is there? Detain in a cell yes, but prison? They got £7,500 from these two. Even if, without the stolen item, they were found guilty, what would have been the sentence? Fine (how much for lifting a wallet)? Imprisonment? Must be a member on TV who knows Thai law. Siam legal isn't it?

Perhaps embassies could issue the warning 'If your gonna shoplift and get caught, let the legal system deal with it and don't pay the extortionist scumbags'

Where' TV's legal experts to help clear this up?

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When I walk past there this weekend it will be head down, hands in pockets and bags firmly zipped. There is no way I will ever go into a KP shop again.

People should be entitled to feel safe in an international Airport.

In my opinion the vids are inconclusive.

This whole thing should bring international disgrace for KP and the Scammers at the Airport.

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Coming here you get rippedoff and now even leaving. Amazing Thailand land of smiles. Ha Ha.Only when they have the chance to ripp you off.Green shirts here we come.

The government should step in quickly though much of the publicity damage is already done. If visitors to the country are arrested their embassy should be contacted at once and an interpreter provided from there. Shops with invisible borders should be categorically told they cannot prosecute anyone unless these borders are clearly marked or the person actually goes to an exit or a departure gate. There is no point in saying that visitors should accept they are in a foreign country since the local officials appear not to be following even Thai law. King Power should make a statement now.

when will Thailand realise that it's reputation as a tourist destination is important because there are other countries waking up to the idea of tourism - vietnam cambodia etc and once Thailand loses it then it will be hard to recover. Maybe the problem is that Thais are taught about how successful their country is - are they ever told how much of that success is due to tourism and people wanting to live there?

I completely agree with all above, and well said! The problem is all the 'if's' and 'should's' in the world don't apply to the Thais who are the most remarkable responsibility dodgers I have ever seen in 25 years of traveling the world. Thai law changes at a whim, there is no substance to it when you try to pin it down. It seems the time has come at last where all this is going to catch up to them and I confess to taking a certain amount of glee at seeing their worried faces as they wonder what the heck happened to all the tourist cash and business investment they themselves have driven away.

Vote with money, I for one, have canceled a planned visit of a group of 20 old friends to Thailand, we are going to Vietnam instead, a country that has been actively doing away with tacky little scams like two tiered pricing for foreigners and one need not fear the police. They 'get it', the Thais don't, and the food in Vietnam is better, too- plus, you don't need to check your stool for worms after eating in the markets there. (I only shop in Jatujak now).

While in danger of veering slightly off-topic here I must say I found it astounding that when I entered and left Vietnam, a nation that my native country fought and lost a war with in my lifetime, I was greeted pleasantly and with respect, and the customs process was a matter of seconds. It was truly depressing to then 'come home' to Thailand to have a surly customs official go through my very well stamped passport with a fine tooth comb searching hopefully for irregularities for over five minutes and then favor me with a scowl as they rudely motioned me through- 'Land of Smiles', which was printed in big letters behind this uniformed troll, is the biggest load of shinola ever.

I agree almost entirely here JJshopper.

Thailand (as far as it's treatment of tourists and resident westeners is concerned) has absolutely lost the plot!

That doesn't mean everything is bad, but for every "nice story" there is a gamut of evidence and examples of simply disgusting treatment meted out by some Thais and many of those in official posts (from the top to the bottom and back again) to aliens.

I truely believe that the powers that be don't care at all, even going so far as biting the hand that feeds them ( yes I know tourists/western residents represnt only about 6% of the economy) . Their snouts are so far down in the trough, they seem oblivious to the growing discontent amoung visitors and western residents in the country.

I think even if tourism came to a halt and every westener left Thailand en masse, the government still wouldn't care , not really. All the people involved dealing with tourists and resident expats would just have to find someone else to scam or kick around and blame everything on.

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Coming here you get rippedoff and now even leaving. Amazing Thailand land of smiles. Ha Ha.Only when they have the chance to ripp you off.Green shirts here we come.

The government should step in quickly though much of the publicity damage is already done. If visitors to the country are arrested their embassy should be contacted at once and an interpreter provided from there. Shops with invisible borders should be categorically told they cannot prosecute anyone unless these borders are clearly marked or the person actually goes to an exit or a departure gate. There is no point in saying that visitors should accept they are in a foreign country since the local officials appear not to be following even Thai law. King Power should make a statement now.

when will Thailand realise that it's reputation as a tourist destination is important because there are other countries waking up to the idea of tourism - vietnam cambodia etc and once Thailand loses it then it will be hard to recover. Maybe the problem is that Thais are taught about how successful their country is - are they ever told how much of that success is due to tourism and people wanting to live there?

I completely agree with all above, and well said! The problem is all the 'if's' and 'should's' in the world don't apply to the Thais who are the most remarkable responsibility dodgers I have ever seen in 25 years of traveling the world. Thai law changes at a whim, there is no substance to it when you try to pin it down. It seems the time has come at last where all this is going to catch up to them and I confess to taking a certain amount of glee at seeing their worried faces as they wonder what the heck happened to all the tourist cash and business investment they themselves have driven away.

Vote with money, I for one, have canceled a planned visit of a group of 20 old friends to Thailand, we are going to Vietnam instead, a country that has been actively doing away with tacky little scams like two tiered pricing for foreigners and one need not fear the police. They 'get it', the Thais don't, and the food in Vietnam is better, too- plus, you don't need to check your stool for worms after eating in the markets there. (I only shop in Jatujak now).

While in danger of veering slightly off-topic here I must say I found it astounding that when I entered and left Vietnam, a nation that my native country fought and lost a war with in my lifetime, I was greeted pleasantly and with respect, and the customs process was a matter of seconds. It was truly depressing to then 'come home' to Thailand to have a surly customs official go through my very well stamped passport with a fine tooth comb searching hopefully for irregularities for over five minutes and then favor me with a scowl as they rudely motioned me through- 'Land of Smiles', which was printed in big letters behind this uniformed troll, is the biggest load of shinola ever.

LOS Load of Shinola

Well done :)

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I truely believe that the powers that be don't care at all, even going so far as biting the hand that feeds them ( yes I know tourists/western residents represnt only about 6% of the economy) . Their snouts are so far down in the trough, they seem oblivious to the growing discontent amoung visitors and western residents in the country.

I think even if tourism came to a halt and every westener left Thailand en masse, the government still wouldn't care , not really. All the people involved dealing with tourists and resident expats would just have to find someone else to scam or kick around and blame everything on.

Eh, I think an excellent reality check; tourism is small potatoes here, in economic percentages, other than when it becomes a public issue resulting in "loosing face". The all important (willing to kill for...) face. Then it seems public officials start the "save face" or "shift the blame" spin statements, for the press.

Trailing the earlier mentioned BBC news report, (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8154497.stm) there were a couple emails from former tourists with interesting scam tales to tell:


Same happened to me in April this year. The police arrested me and charged me approx £400. There were 5 of us in our group, we purchased 1000 cigarettes at Heathrow, but on leaving the plane at Bangkok the police approached me and told me to keep them in one bag. I did as I was told, and that was the set up, so when I got through customs with the other four people they arrested me and would not accept what we told them. They took copies of my passport and made me sign at least six documents, all in Thai. They would not give me copies so at this moment I don't know what I signed. They escorted me to an ATM. I have been in touch with the British consulate who asked me if I want to make a complaint but I don't want to go to another country and find they have done something to my passport. I will never return to Thailand again, it was the scariest time of my life.

Lynn Ward, UK




Another scam at Bangkok Airport is when the Thai customs meet passengers off airplanes from Dubai/Qatar where there is cheap duty free. The customs tell passengers to put duty free items inside their check-in luggage when they take it off the carousel - or they will be prosecuted for smuggling. They then tell people that it will be OK not to show or declare any duty free items. When the passengers reach the arrivals area, the customs pounce and you are arrested and taken to customs head office at BANG NA and told to pay four times the duty or go straight to jail. There is an ATM machine next door to the customs office. Your goods are kept by the officers and they then pocket the money you have paid them and you are free to go without any criminal record.

Paul Grant, London, UK


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At last, an unequivocal warning that it is the Thai police who pose a threat to passengers.

Let the smiling hypocrites that constitute what passes for the authorities in Thailand wriggle their squirming little way out of that one.

Well done the Danes, at least they have laid the allegation where it truly belongs unlike the weasely British embassy who seemingly prize a pusillanimous approach to the Thai over and above their responsibility to their own citizens.

Well said i dont think the brit embassy supports anyone and i think what the dane embassy has done is good news should something come out of it

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This thread is becoming so exciting, with post after breathless post from those calling for the resignation of the PM, links to the WCO, suggestions about the PM's priorities and his drinking problems, continuing accusations of a King Power conspiracy (or at least, a cover-up), future immigration laws requiring execution, paranoid tourists complaining about what didn't (but could have) happen(ed), etc, etc - and that's just the previous page :)

Did I say exciting - sorry, I meant silly.

ya most farangs in Thailand have too much time.

drink, bang the wife, read Thai visa, go to immigration.

did i miss something? lol

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I was duped by this sad, sad story. I was so incensed that I went to KingPower's web site to write them a nasty note (http://www.kingpower.com/2009/index.php) when I see they are running the videos.

They ought to get jail time - they are screwing it up for the rest of us.

I watched the video. I do not see the woman actually putting a wallet into her bag. I see her doing something with her bag, but do not see a wallet going into the bag.

If they are guilty why would the accused want to take legal action against KP, the security, etc.? Even if they are guilty the punishment and extortion does not fit the crime.

It seems that when ever someone puts themself in a position that makes it possible for them to be accused of stealing, etc. (such as holding a store item, carrying it to another location, fiddling with a purse while looking at a store item) some of the extortionists (store security) are there watching via live camera feed and then they and / or others take advantage of the situation and then move in and try to bust the people for "stealing".


LOC (Land Of Corruption)

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I get an immense feeling of satisfaction that the thieving scam are being severly embarassed by this. The Thai Government would have just ignored the issue but as the airport is getting slaughtered they have to be seen to be saying something. I would imagine the word will be from the top that when these scams go public the country loses face and that will never do. As long as they are well hidden from the public domain no problem continue on regardless.

King Power down 30%-40% this year. How sad. :)

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I get an immense feeling of satisfaction that the thieving scam are being severly embarassed by this. The Thai Government would have just ignored the issue but as the airport is getting slaughtered they have to be seen to be saying something. I would imagine the word will be from the top that when these scams go public the country loses face and that will never do. As long as they are well hidden from the public domain no problem continue on regardless.

King Power down 30%-40% this year. How sad. :)

Hope they go out of business.

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This thread is becoming so exciting, with post after breathless post from those calling for the resignation of the PM, links to the WCO, suggestions about the PM's priorities and his drinking problems, continuing accusations of a King Power conspiracy (or at least, a cover-up), future immigration laws requiring execution, paranoid tourists complaining about what didn't (but could have) happen(ed), etc, etc - and that's just the previous page :)

Did I say exciting - sorry, I meant silly.



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amazing that the bbc didnt watch that video.

i thought they had more ethics than the press in my homeland USA.

They were reporting the real story, someone was extorted by corrupt officials who work inside an international airport.

ya your point is understandable.

corruption is not a nice thing.

my point of view is that

innocent people dont pay bribes.

They do in Thailand.

How easy is it to fabricate eveidence or get a stream of 'witnesses' to crawl out of the woodwork?

I know a guy who was paraded through the press as a sex pervert because he paid for a boy's dental work.

Some years later the boy got done for drugs and they let him go if he could/would finger a farang. My friend

ended up paying over 2 million and very wisely left the LOS. The guy is 100% straight but had a good heart!

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Trailing the earlier mentioned BBC news report, (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/8154497.stm) there were a couple emails from former tourists with interesting scam tales to tell:


Same happened to me in April this year. The police arrested me and charged me approx £400. There were 5 of us in our group, we purchased 1000 cigarettes at Heathrow, but on leaving the plane at Bangkok the police approached me and told me to keep them in one bag. I did as I was told, and that was the set up, so when I got through customs with the other four people they arrested me and would not accept what we told them. They took copies of my passport and made me sign at least six documents, all in Thai. They would not give me copies so at this moment I don't know what I signed. They escorted me to an ATM. I have been in touch with the British consulate who asked me if I want to make a complaint but I don't want to go to another country and find they have done something to my passport. I will never return to Thailand again, it was the scariest time of my life.

Lynn Ward, UK




Another scam at Bangkok Airport is when the Thai customs meet passengers off airplanes from Dubai/Qatar where there is cheap duty free. The customs tell passengers to put duty free items inside their check-in luggage when they take it off the carousel - or they will be prosecuted for smuggling. They then tell people that it will be OK not to show or declare any duty free items. When the passengers reach the arrivals area, the customs pounce and you are arrested and taken to customs head office at BANG NA and told to pay four times the duty or go straight to jail. There is an ATM machine next door to the customs office. Your goods are kept by the officers and they then pocket the money you have paid them and you are free to go without any criminal record.

Paul Grant, London, UK


There was a long and detailed post in the Airport section of the forum warning of the 'Excise Scam' but it was unfortunately spoiled by the usual suspects and closed by the mods.

A shame, as it served as a good warning of what was really going on at the airport, even if some members are still in complete denial.

If anyone has a link to it or any other it would be appreciated as I can't seem to find it.

Edited by Oberkommando
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There was a long and detailed post in the Airport section of the forum warning of the 'Excise Scam' but it was unfortunately spoiled by the usual suspects and closed by the mods.

A shame, as it served as a good warning of what was really going on at the airport, even if some members are still in complete denial.

If anyone has a link to it or any other it would be appreciated as I can't seem to find it.

So many scams, but as usual the Saffron Tinted Specs Brigade will always defend it. I am sure the great Emperor Tud has been fully vindicate in his warnings.

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This thread is becoming so exciting, with post after breathless post from those calling for the resignation of the PM, links to the WCO, suggestions about the PM's priorities and his drinking problems, continuing accusations of a King Power conspiracy (or at least, a cover-up), future immigration laws requiring execution, paranoid tourists complaining about what didn't (but could have) happen(ed), etc, etc - and that's just the previous page :)

Did I say exciting - sorry, I meant silly.

ya most farangs in Thailand have too much time.

drink, bang the wife, read Thai visa, go to immigration.

did i miss something? lol

It's not all Piss Head And Sex Tourist Falangs (is that you Vahack}

in Thailand , Some of us are here to work

and contribute to the country.. for the moment anyway

Edited by sunnymarky
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Seems like the BangNa police station (the one having jurisdiction over Big Swampy) is doing well. Certainly a much sought-after posting. No doubt there is shoplifting going on at the airport duty free outlets. Small but pricey articles easy to lift could even be positioned in tempting places for lightfingered individuals to have a go at it. Catch a few sinners now and then and Tony and his colleagues can buy a new Benz very often. I personally believe Tony&Co blew their game this time by being overly greedy with these Brits.

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Abhisit must resign; this is the last straw!

Give the guy a break. He still has to figure out why his Navy terrorized hundreds of Burmese immigrants and towed them out to sea.

Scamming some farangs is far down his list of problems.

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This thread is becoming so exciting, with post after breathless post from those calling for the resignation of the PM, links to the WCO, suggestions about the PM's priorities and his drinking problems, continuing accusations of a King Power conspiracy (or at least, a cover-up), future immigration laws requiring execution, paranoid tourists complaining about what didn't (but could have) happen(ed), etc, etc - and that's just the previous page :)

Did I say exciting - sorry, I meant silly.



Why are you shouting?

Do you understanding the meaning of logic?

You certainly seem to have a firm grip on drivel :D

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This thread is becoming so exciting, with post after breathless post from those calling for the resignation of the PM, links to the WCO, suggestions about the PM's priorities and his drinking problems, continuing accusations of a King Power conspiracy (or at least, a cover-up), future immigration laws requiring execution, paranoid tourists complaining about what didn't (but could have) happen(ed), etc, etc - and that's just the previous page :)

Did I say exciting - sorry, I meant silly.

ya most farangs in Thailand have too much time.

drink, bang the wife, read Thai visa, go to immigration.

did i miss something? lol

It's not all Piss Head And Sex Tourist Falangs (is that you Vahack}

in Thailand , Some of us are here to work

and contribute to the country.. for the moment anyway

please find where i wrote the word ALL in my post. thanks.

i'm well under 50 and i work too :D

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There was a long and detailed post in the Airport section of the forum warning of the 'Excise Scam' but it was unfortunately spoiled by the usual suspects and closed by the mods.

A shame, as it served as a good warning of what was really going on at the airport, even if some members are still in complete denial.

If anyone has a link to it or any other it would be appreciated as I can't seem to find it.

So many scams, but as usual the Saffron Tinted Specs Brigade will always defend it. I am sure the great Emperor Tud has been fully vindicate in his warnings.

I have no doubt that when the history of Thai Visa is written, Mr Toad and Emperor Tud (and the good Oberkommando, plus PadThaiGuy - aka Serpico) will be right up there in the highlights :)

Intelligent, thinking people will struggle to believe it is possible. :D

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There was a long and detailed post in the Airport section of the forum warning of the 'Excise Scam' but it was unfortunately spoiled by the usual suspects and closed by the mods.

A shame, as it served as a good warning of what was really going on at the airport, even if some members are still in complete denial.

If anyone has a link to it or any other it would be appreciated as I can't seem to find it.

So many scams, but as usual the Saffron Tinted Specs Brigade will always defend it. I am sure the great Emperor Tud has been fully vindicate in his warnings.

I have no doubt that when the history of Thai Visa is written, Mr Toad and Emperor Tud (and the good Oberkommando, plus PadThaiGuy - aka Serpico) will be right up there in the highlights :)

Intelligent, thinking people will struggle to believe it is possible. :D

Thanks Jacksaprat, are you trying to accuse me of having two user names? :D

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There was a long and detailed post in the Airport section of the forum warning of the 'Excise Scam' but it was unfortunately spoiled by the usual suspects and closed by the mods.

A shame, as it served as a good warning of what was really going on at the airport, even if some members are still in complete denial.

If anyone has a link to it or any other it would be appreciated as I can't seem to find it.

So many scams, but as usual the Saffron Tinted Specs Brigade will always defend it. I am sure the great Emperor Tud has been fully vindicate in his warnings.

I have no doubt that when the history of Thai Visa is written, Mr Toad and Emperor Tud (and the good Oberkommando, plus PadThaiGuy - aka Serpico) will be right up there in the highlights :)

Intelligent, thinking people will struggle to believe it is possible. :D

Thanks Jacksaprat, are you trying to accuse me of having two user names? :D

2 user names - certainly not. I reserved that for serpico aka PTG.

On the other hand, buffoon.....................hmm :D

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2 user names - certainly not. I reserved that for serpico aka PTG.

On the other hand, buffoon.....................hmm :)

Seems that you have a fairly high opinion of yourself, sir? I've noticed that most of your posts are normally insults or questioning peoples intelligence.

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There was a long and detailed post in the Airport section of the forum warning of the 'Excise Scam' but it was unfortunately spoiled by the usual suspects and closed by the mods.

A shame, as it served as a good warning of what was really going on at the airport, even if some members are still in complete denial.

If anyone has a link to it or any other it would be appreciated as I can't seem to find it.

So many scams, but as usual the Saffron Tinted Specs Brigade will always defend it. I am sure the great Emperor Tud has been fully vindicate in his warnings.

I have no doubt that when the history of Thai Visa is written, Mr Toad and Emperor Tud (and the good Oberkommando, plus PadThaiGuy - aka Serpico) will be right up there in the highlights :)

Intelligent, thinking people will struggle to believe it is possible. :D

Well that rules you out then, Jack!

I've yet to see you make one constructive post to this thread, just an endless stream of cheap jibes at those posters trying to input something useful.

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This thread is becoming so exciting, with post after breathless post from those calling for the resignation of the PM, links to the WCO, suggestions about the PM's priorities and his drinking problems, continuing accusations of a King Power conspiracy (or at least, a cover-up), future immigration laws requiring execution, paranoid tourists complaining about what didn't (but could have) happen(ed), etc, etc - and that's just the previous page :)

Did I say exciting - sorry, I meant silly.

Boy, you walked a long way just to make that statement. Wake up and smell the cheese

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