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Thai Old Wives Tales?


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When I bought furniture for our new apartment, my wife did not want they bring it on a Wednesday, she also didn't want to move in on a Friday, also fenshui is very important to her; after 33 years of marriage I learned to accept all this strange rules and taboos and there are hundreds of them, it keeps my General happy and its no disturbance what so ever for me.

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Everyone got any further explainations?

1. Rain water falling on your head will make you sick. (Apparently water from the sky is different from water from a tap that you might wash your head with).

Common belief all over the world.

2. Never get your hair or nails cut on a Wednesday. ( No idea way not).

I head heard executions (beheadings) used to be held on Wednesday, so it was bad luck to have sharp objects around your head

3. Brooms must be stored bristle up and never bristle down. (If stored bristle down your money will fall out).

I don't know, sounds like a good idea though.

4. Water tanks must be kept full. (This will ensure your wallet stays full of money).

Good idea, never know when there will be a drought. A lot of superstitions come from practical advice and then later take on supernatural aspects.

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Would still like to know about the hair cut on Wednesday, been told this many times from several different girls,.

Sisaketmike, grow up this thread is not bad, this is one of the reasons I moved to Thailand to learn a different culture.

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First have to say sorry for my poor english. Just want to join the topic :D ..... From what I know + searching.....

1. Rain water falling on your head will make you sick. (Apparently water from the sky is different from water from a tap that you might wash your head with).

- On the windy day desease can spread more easier... rain take all the dirt and desease everywhere especially "VIRUS" go to stuck in your nose.

When your head get wet from the rain (dirty rain), the temperature in your nose will drop down 1c-2c < ------- virus smile they like it.

With the right temperature and dirt in your nose ...hmmm.... hope you understand why you start to "Ha Ha Haaddd...cheeeewww" and it's go down to your throat.... you start to cough and has green stuff .... everything s going step by step. :D

2. Never get your hair or nails cut on a Wednesday. ( No idea way not).

- I think it just the way of Barber to get holiday. :D

Somebody (who?) said b4 they kill the prisoner by cut the head (very very vey long time ago) on wednesday ppl can go to see

because they did it outside (show)... and how do you feel? ... do you want any sharp thing come to near your neck or your head? (the scisscor b4 not small same nowadays).

Then the shop didn't get a lot of customer have to close on wednesday (make it like a holiday). After they stop this type of punishment the Barber shop

still take the wednesday to be their holiday ... when customer ask why? why?

They have to give some answer to make ppl scare by said "it's not agood day wednesday it's a day of growing up should cut anything on this day..... :D.

When the know that from old ppl (adult) they will more respect (Thai ppl a lot respect on somebody who older in family). :D

3. Brooms must be stored bristle up and never bristle down. (If stored bristle down your money will fall out).

- Well thought plan from people b4 that want their kid to learn how to clean the house .... (bristle up you wont't step on the dirt)

Use the way about save money to help .. ok if you do same what i said you I will give you some pocket money/sweet whatever...

long time run it became like "If stored bristle down (don't do the right way that the adult told you) your money will fall out (they won't give you a pocket money)" :)

4. Water tanks must be kept full. (This will ensure your wallet stays full of money).

- Well thought plan from people b4 (again)

just the way to teach the kid not to lazy. B4 you have to go to bring water from river to use (hard work).

When you re'not lazy when you grow up you will love to work and when you work you will have income.

You earn money now then your wallet stays full of money. :D

5. The entrance/exit of your house cannot point to the south. (you'd be walking into the Sun).

- - I never herd about this - - But if it's about fengshui ... it's good that the house face to the south. "Compass theory and Landform Theory" :D

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Yes, maybe this is interesting to some people, but for me I could care less for any of such nonsense. I try to steer clear of people who believe in all the various supersticious crap here.

Then, pray tell, why did you bother to comment??? :)

Just because the OP asked a question about this does not mean he believes in it. Yes, many Thais believe in such nonsense, but the percentages get higher with those who many Faangs mingle with - uneducated rural Issan types.

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Just because the OP asked a question about this does not mean he believes in it. Yes, many Thais believe in such nonsense, but the percentages get higher with those who many Faangs mingle with - uneducated rural Issan types.

So the educated oners know better?

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When the guy from the store was assembling my new wardrobe with floor to ceiling mirrors I told him where I wanted it (at the foot of the bed) and then went about my business.

When I came back to the room he was putting it together on the other side of the room.

I told him again that I wanted it at the foot of the bed, but he replied that you can't have your feet facing a mirror.

I then said I didn't care about that and I helped him drag it over to where I wanted it.

Lots of benefits to having a mirror at the foot of your bed - that I'm sure outweigh seeing my feet in the morning!


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This thread is crap without the classic, Don't eat durin and drink beer! you will die! Eat durian and drink beer in ahotel room - very unhealthy

Hhhahahaha,What a load of BS, proved to be inaccurate by Singaporian scientist!

I do love the rain on your head or your kid playing in the rain will get sick.

My boy plays in the rain and puddles almost daily, two years old and hasn't been sick yet. as you say, YET

Yes, he comes in and get's a shower and dried up, then a warm cup of coco.

I love to listen to the neighbours talk about how he is gonna be in the hospital soon, stupid farang.

I say this to the Thai's don't drink the water, Fish &lt;deleted&gt;@k in there. and is of course salty because of that

Thanks for rading my waste of bandwidth.

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First have to say sorry for my poor english. Just want to join the topic :D ..... From what I know + searching.....

1. Rain water falling on your head will make you sick. (Apparently water from the sky is different from water from a tap that you might wash your head with).

- On the windy day desease can spread more easier... rain take all the dirt and desease everywhere especially "VIRUS" go to stuck in your nose.

When your head get wet from the rain (dirty rain), the temperature in your nose will drop down 1c-2c < ------- virus smile they like it.

With the right temperature and dirt in your nose ...hmmm.... hope you understand why you start to "Ha Ha Haaddd...cheeeewww" and it's go down to your throat.... you start to cough and has green stuff .... everything s going step by step. :D

2. Never get your hair or nails cut on a Wednesday. ( No idea way not).

- I think it just the way of Barber to get holiday. :D

Somebody (who?) said b4 they kill the prisoner by cut the head (very very vey long time ago) on wednesday ppl can go to see

because they did it outside (show)... and how do you feel? ... do you want any sharp thing come to near your neck or your head? (the scisscor b4 not small same nowadays).

Then the shop didn't get a lot of customer have to close on wednesday (make it like a holiday). After they stop this type of punishment the Barber shop

still take the wednesday to be their holiday ... when customer ask why? why?

They have to give some answer to make ppl scare by said "it's not agood day wednesday it's a day of growing up should cut anything on this day..... :D.

When the know that from old ppl (adult) they will more respect (Thai ppl a lot respect on somebody who older in family). :D

3. Brooms must be stored bristle up and never bristle down. (If stored bristle down your money will fall out).

- Well thought plan from people b4 that want their kid to learn how to clean the house .... (bristle up you wont't step on the dirt)

Use the way about save money to help .. ok if you do same what i said you I will give you some pocket money/sweet whatever...

long time run it became like "If stored bristle down (don't do the right way that the adult told you) your money will fall out (they won't give you a pocket money)" :)

4. Water tanks must be kept full. (This will ensure your wallet stays full of money).

- Well thought plan from people b4 (again)

just the way to teach the kid not to lazy. B4 you have to go to bring water from river to use (hard work).

When you re'not lazy when you grow up you will love to work and when you work you will have income.

You earn money now then your wallet stays full of money. :D

5. The entrance/exit of your house cannot point to the south. (you'd be walking into the Sun).

- - I never herd about this - - But if it's about fengshui ... it's good that the house face to the south. "Compass theory and Landform Theory" :D

Very plausible explanations, these "superstitions" remind me of western proverbs and sayings, they are part of the educative process.

No nails Wednesday reminds me of no meat friday

The Broom Bristle up will extend the life of the broom (think about it).

Any method to convince kids to keep water tank full is good - compare "save some for a rainy day"

Edited by njpski
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Yes, maybe this is interesting to some people, but for me I could care less for any of such nonsense. I try to steer clear of people who believe in all the various supersticious crap here.

What about christians, muslims, jews, hindus - do you steer clear of them too?

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I remember being told you shouldn't lie on the bed with your feet at the headboard end! (Apparently something to do with dead people) Bagwan: Unsure if I would call it a phenomena, I believe there is more than what can be perceived by the senses and there is a reasonable explanation regarding the reasons for and why; also has nothing to do with Thai wives tales.

Are you sure it was because your feet were pointing to the headboard,or was it because your head was pointing to the West? I believe that West is the direction you arelaid to rest in, meaning only the dead sleep with their head in this direction. I had a GF move my bed once after I moved itunder the window because of this. Shesaid under no circumstances would she sleep in a bed facing this direction. The other explanation is Buddha is as thehead, so you should not put your feet there - if it was not related to West.

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I find this thread quite interesting and would like to read more examples of Thai superstitions. Please stop trying to hijack this thread for personal reasons.

Some Western superstitions:

broken mirrors

opening umbrella in the house (Thais do this all the time)

walking under ladders

pinch of salt over the shoulder

and, of course, the black cat crossing your path

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For those of you very critical of Thai superstitions, maybeyou should look to your own. Everyculture has their superstitions. Eversay God bless you when someone sneezes? This started because people believed that thedevil or a demon could enter you at this time.

I actually have a belief that most Thais think is crazy whenI explain it fully. I believe that somethinglike 2,000 years ago, a Jewish lady got pregnant by an all powerful being Icall God and gave birth to a man who became a carpenter. This carpenter then went on to claim he wasthe son of God and perform miracles. He thendied for all of mankind’s sins. Then, onSundays, I go to church and believe that the bread and wine I am being givenactually turns into the blood and body of this long dead carpenter (whoactually came back to life and went to heaven alive) and then I actually eat hisbody and drink his blood. Now that’swacky.

Some other more relevant ones:

Step on a crack, break your mother’sback

Feed a cold, starve a fever

Throwing salt over your shoulder(in order to chase the devil away)

Knocking on wood (in a belief thatit will prevent something back from happening, or allow something good tohappen – but previously was done to drive spirits in the wood away)

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None of these are nonsense.

For example,

1. Rain water falling on your head will make you sick. (Apparently water from the sky is different from water from a tap that you might wash your head with).

Especially in cities, you'll see many people wearin bags on their heads. Before the rain comes, there's a strong wind which fills the air with all kids of bacteria and dirt. The top of the head is an area which is very suseptible to these bacteria.

'Top of the head is very susceptible to bacteria!!??" What nonsense. The strong wind does blow dust but where's the evidence that is full of bacteria that will somehow magically infect your head? There are essentially three ways bugs get into you: ingestion ( and maybe on the conjunctiva) inhalation and then by punctures to the skin. Simplified, but essentially these are the ways.

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Yes, maybe this is interesting to some people, but for me I could care less for any of such nonsense. I try to steer clear of people who believe in all the various supersticious crap here.

What about christians, muslims, jews, hindus - do you steer clear of them too?

So Christinity and Islam are the same as the supersticious witchcraft and other hocus pocus discussed here?

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Yes, maybe this is interesting to some people, but for me I could care less for any of such nonsense. I try to steer clear of people who believe in all the various supersticious crap here.
What about christians, muslims, jews, hindus - do you steer clear of them too?
So Christinity and Islam are the same as the supersticious witchcraft and other hocus pocus discussed here?

That's the point isn't it? It all depends upon your perspective. I believe in Christianity, but others believe in ancestor or animal worship. Hindus (there's around a billion of them) believe in a pantheon of gods, one of them has an elephant head and a bunch of arms. Who's to say who is right? An atheist would say it's all superstitious nonsense. Some Chinese don't eat red meat, Catholics used to not eat meat on Fridays (some still don't). Jews don't eat pork, neither do Muslims. Snake handlers handle snakes - they are a Christian sect. Mormon sects still have multiple wives. Scientology is a religion in the US, and a dangerous cult in Germany. Get the point? You have your beliefs, others have there beliefs.

Edited by Furbie
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Yes, maybe this is interesting to some people, but for me I could care less for any of such nonsense. I try to steer clear of people who believe in all the various supersticious crap here.

What about christians, muslims, jews, hindus - do you steer clear of them too?

So Christinity and Islam are the same as the supersticious witchcraft and other hocus pocus discussed here?

Richard Darkins makes a good point about this question here

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Yes, maybe this is interesting to some people, but for me I could care less for any of such nonsense. I try to steer clear of people who believe in all the various supersticious crap here.

What about christians, muslims, jews, hindus - do you steer clear of them too?

So Christinity and Islam are the same as the supersticious witchcraft and other hocus pocus discussed here?

Yes, of course. What difference is there? They are all faith-based, not fact-based....superstition.

But this thread has digressed....there is a difference between "old wives tales" and superstitions.

Old wives tales are generally old wisdom, whether fallacious or not. The fallacies can be amusing. Seemingly true old wisdom can be very interesting.

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Yes, maybe this is interesting to some people, but for me I could care less for any of such nonsense. I try to steer clear of people who believe in all the various supersticious crap here.

What about christians, muslims, jews, hindus - do you steer clear of them too?

So Christinity and Islam are the same as the supersticious witchcraft and other hocus pocus discussed here?

Yes, of course. What difference is there? They are all faith-based, not fact-based....superstition.

But this thread has digressed....there is a difference between "old wives tales" and superstitions.

Old wives tales are generally old wisdom, whether fallacious or not. The fallacies can be amusing. Seemingly true old wisdom can be very interesting.

Good point.

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Yes, maybe this is interesting to some people, but for me I could care less for any of such nonsense. I try to steer clear of people who believe in all the various supersticious crap here.

Then, pray tell, why did you bother to comment??? :)

You're right, of course. Only people who agree with and fully support the OP should be allowed to post in any thread. If I were you I'd do something about it.


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Heres three, from my own personal list.

1) Never believe someone that tells you, after tendering a service, they don't want any money.

The hel_l they don't. they want more money. Much more.

2) Always wear clothing whilst frying bacon.

3) Never put money on the white man (boxing, betting advice).

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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Are you sure it was because your feet were pointing to the headboard,or was it because your head was pointing to the West? I believe that West is the direction you arelaid to rest in, meaning only the dead sleep with their head in this direction. I had a GF move my bed once after I moved itunder the window because of this. Shesaid under no circumstances would she sleep in a bed facing this direction. The other explanation is Buddha is as thehead, so you should not put your feet there - if it was not related to West.

I don't believe it had anything to do with direction although, she may have failed to explain properly and this may have been the reason. But as I'm aware the head is the most sacred and the feet the dirtiest so would certainly make sense not to do this if you didn't want to offend someone. I don't think all Thais would be cremated, although what you say would make sense, but I did think this was the case with most!

Edited by BboyRusty
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I remember being told you shouldn't lie on the bed with your feet at the headboard end! (Apparently something to do with dead people)

Bagwan: Unsure if I would call it a phenomena, I believe there is more than what can be perceived by the senses and there is a reasonable explanation regarding the reasons for and why; also has nothing to do with Thai wives tales.

My wife Uncle Noo can't eat chicken because he has bad knees. Go figure. When I asked my wife why she looked at me like I was an ignorant child and told me, "Eating chicken is not good for you if you have bad knees." I foolishly said, "I don't think so honey." Her reply, "You don't know everything. Ricky." She's so right. LOL

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I remember being told you shouldn't lie on the bed with your feet at the headboard end! (Apparently something to do with dead people)

Bagwan: Unsure if I would call it a phenomena, I believe there is more than what can be perceived by the senses and there is a reasonable explanation regarding the reasons for and why; also has nothing to do with Thai wives tales.

My wife Uncle Noo can't eat chicken because he has bad knees. Go figure. When I asked my wife why she looked at me like I was an ignorant child and told me, "Eating chicken is not good for you if you have bad knees." I foolishly said, "I don't think so honey." Her reply, "You don't know everything. Ricky." She's so right. LOL

It might be something to do with the uric acid in chicken and gout, not 100% sure though!

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