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Who's A Dirty Old Man?


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seems to me the word "dirty" is the key in the use of the term.

the notion that normal everyday sex is "dirty" in certain circumstances,

i suggest, comes from christian guilt ridden cultures.

I am inclined to agree with Woody Allen who, when asked if he thought that sex was dirty, replied, "It is if you are doing it right."

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Well, despite what everyone has had to say on this post, it is my honest opinion, and I am sure that of some others, that poverty has done for some men what alcohol has done for some women.........

Even the old, fat, ugly and unintelligent can get laid sometimes.

Thank Buddha for that !

I was starting to become concerned :)

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I have highlighted the inconsistencies of your argument. Please do not get personal. You and I are both entitled to our opinions. But yours do seem rather poorly researched.

You did not have any substantial answer to my statements. You just repeated the same thing over again. Why bother to respond with such pap? Why bother to respond at all?

You tell me not to get personal, but you do, and then add a condescending comment: "You and I are both entitled to our opinions. But yours do seem rather poorly researched". In case you have not figured it out, I would say exactly the same thing about you.

You are the one getting personal and not just with me. In fact, the last few days, you have had to add a little comment to almost every post, which were designed to push people's buttons. Here are a few:

Give it a rest blinky. You're like an old gramaphone record. Your posts are getting meaningless

I can only quote your own words " What a ridiculous thing to say"

Widen your sources of information.

You have a way with words, benjie. Not a very accurate way it must be admitted. But I suppose you do have a way of sorts

"the ignorant, uneducated neanderthals who worked in the woods." there but for the grace of god goes ian forbes. "to lower myself to their standards" how terribly distasteful for you.

In the past, you have been a fairly polite poster and I and others have been polite in return. I normally don't attack people unless they are rude to me first.

I don't know what bee has gotten in your bonnet lately, but when you make a habit of attacking other posters for little reason, you can expect to get it back in spades. Is it really worth it?

Out of context posts. For example, the blinky quote above was a response to his attacks on mapguy who was being flamed even when he hadn't posted.

And your own quote "Many Thais have a big problem digesting milk, so they might be better off without it anyway." Are you really saying Thais agree with you on that. Where is your source?

and " the ignorant, uneducated....." do you really support that sort of comment.

None of my posts have been personally rude. Some of yours have quite frankly.

Where I come from we judge a man from the neck up. Silly jibes when argumenrs are lost or can not be substantiated cut no ice with me. I don't always agree with mapguy bit i don't flame him. I respect his views. With the number of posts you ahve madec amd your position in Chiangmai I respectfully suiggest you should do the same.

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Our dear friend caffa is suffering from delusions of grandeur it would seem. He tries to convince himself that he is making intelligent posts, but sadly, he is lacking somewhat.

My good old friend, EweGee, has taken the time to highlight some of caffa's more notable posts..........

Give it a rest blinky. You're like an old gramaphone record. Your posts are getting meaningless

I can only quote your own words " What a ridiculous thing to say"

Widen your sources of information.

You have a way with words, benjie. Not a very accurate way it must be admitted. But I suppose you do have a way of sorts

"the ignorant, uneducated neanderthals who worked in the woods." there but for the grace of god goes ian forbes. "to lower myself to their standards" how terribly distasteful for you.

For someone who has made so few educated posts he sure likes to put others down. Guess he spent too much time at Wetherspoons.

That's your opinion Blinky. You are more educated are you? :)

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None of my posts have been personally rude.

Silly jibes when argumenrs are lost or can not be substantiated cut no ice with me.

quote name='caf' date='2009-07-28 post='290308']

Give it a rest blinky. You're like an old gramaphone record. Your posts are getting meaningless

You claimed that you never said that Thai people go to bed hungry, but when I posted a quote from you saying that many are "starving", you just ignored it - no response.

Now, you are saying that none of your posts have been "personally rude", but there are some fine examples staring us in the face. Why bother denying something that you posted yourself just yesterday?

Sorry, but you are not "winning" any arguments, whether you know it, or not. Pretending is more like it.

As far as mapguy goes, you - once again - do not know what you are talking about. Most of us remember when mapguy was stalking Priceless online - until Priceless put him on ignore and blocked his PMs and almost stopped posting in order to stop it. Priceless was an excellent poster with lots of good information, so he is a loss to us all.

mapguy immediately decided to switch to stalking me, but I am not going anywhere. Stalking is against the rules, so he deserves any abuse that he gets, and he gets a lot from all the posters that saw what he did to Priceless.

By the way, instead of getting defensive and denying what you have plainly said in print, why don't you think about mellowing out a little? I watched you attacking everyone else before you got to me and hoped that you would get it out of your system. It is not too late.

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