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Has anybody had the feeling from expats wheather it be on TV or meeting them in person

like they have the right to be here more than you?

Also giving advice to stay away it's not for you?

Why do they not want anymore expats to re-locate here?

Quite sad on there part really but a little funny also.


I think most expats get bored with the 'I told you so' guys who wish they could live here, or who got ripped off by Thai girls everytime anything remotely bad happens in Thailand.

At the end of the day anyone can live here if they want, if you want to but don't then that's your fault.

I can't even recall the amount of 'another nail in the coffin' posts I've read, going back the 7-8 years I've been here. Personally I cant' understand why people who hate Thailand, or the Thais, or who hate expats who live here continue to post.

I'd welcome all here, I love it here, its great. Perhaps not for everyone but I wouldn't begrudge giving someone a chance to come and try it here.


What other people think or do does not concern me in the least. I'll answer any post on the internet to the best of my abilities, but I don't worry too much about the replies. Often I'll make a comment for no other reason than to bring the topic to the top of the board where others can see it. I take no offence from anyone who might disagree with what I post. It just makes for lively debate. Why worry about what others think? The main thing is to enjoy life without negatively affecting others. There are some pretty strange characters in this world and there is nothing anyone can do about them but accept it for what it is.


Don't get me wrong I don't worry about it.

I've seen it to often, living in a couple of different countries.

I just thought some of you guys have come across these type of people before.

The term 'swagger' comes to mind.


They just have poor management/adaptation and can't bring happiness to their daily lifes. Or they are just have sullen mind and can't live without blaming the environment be it their home countries or TL.

Has anybody had the feeling from expats wheather it be on TV or meeting them in person

like they have the right to be here more than you?

Also giving advice to stay away it's not for you?

Why do they not want anymore expats to re-locate here?

Quite sad on there part really but a little funny also.

i met quite few of them.I think they're having a hard time,so,to compensate(in their twisted logic)they try to give you a hard time.

Has anybody had the feeling from expats wheather it be on TV or meeting them in person

like they have the right to be here more than you?

Also giving advice to stay away it's not for you?

Why do they not want anymore expats to re-locate here?

Quite sad on there part really but a little funny also.

Classic and definative observation.....

I think most expats get bored with the 'I told you so' guys who wish they could live here, or who got ripped off by Thai girls everytime anything remotely bad happens in Thailand.

At the end of the day anyone can live here if they want, if you want to but don't then that's your fault.

I can't even recall the amount of 'another nail in the coffin' posts I've read, going back the 7-8 years I've been here. Personally I cant' understand why people who hate Thailand, or the Thais, or who hate expats who live here continue to post.

I'd welcome all here, I love it here, its great. Perhaps not for everyone but I wouldn't begrudge giving someone a chance to come and try it here.

The great paradox. They can't stand the place, the population, the atmosphere, etc. But insist to staying around. This peculiar trait isn't limited to just LOS, one can find these communities and mentalities worldwide throughout ex-pat circles in non-Western locales.

My impression is a lot of the negative posters do not even live in LOS. So they don't want anyone else to either.

This is the case, more often than not, throughout most of the Thailand-based ex-pat type forums. Just wannabes....

I think most expats get bored with the 'I told you so' guys who wish they could live here, or who got ripped off by Thai girls everytime anything remotely bad happens in Thailand.

At the end of the day anyone can live here if they want, if you want to but don't then that's your fault.

I can't even recall the amount of 'another nail in the coffin' posts I've read, going back the 7-8 years I've been here. Personally I cant' understand why people who hate Thailand, or the Thais, or who hate expats who live here continue to post.

I'd welcome all here, I love it here, its great. Perhaps not for everyone but I wouldn't begrudge giving someone a chance to come and try it here.

The great paradox. They can't stand the place, the population, the atmosphere, etc. But insist to staying around. This peculiar trait isn't limited to just LOS, one can find these communities and mentalities worldwide throughout ex-pat circles in non-Western locales.

Yes yes, I have noticed this paradox amongst ex-pats too!

Moaning and groaning about everything and yet moving back home would be appalling to them.

When you get talking to these armchair Asia experts it quickly becomes obvious they actually know very little about the country and culture.

Sorry to say this but they all tend to be English! (by the way, I am English so this is not a Pommy bash).

I think most expats get bored with the 'I told you so' guys who wish they could live here, or who got ripped off by Thai girls everytime anything remotely bad happens in Thailand.

At the end of the day anyone can live here if they want, if you want to but don't then that's your fault.

I can't even recall the amount of 'another nail in the coffin' posts I've read, going back the 7-8 years I've been here. Personally I cant' understand why people who hate Thailand, or the Thais, or who hate expats who live here continue to post.

I'd welcome all here, I love it here, its great. Perhaps not for everyone but I wouldn't begrudge giving someone a chance to come and try it here.

The great paradox. They can't stand the place, the population, the atmosphere, etc. But insist to staying around. This peculiar trait isn't limited to just LOS, one can find these communities and mentalities worldwide throughout ex-pat circles in non-Western locales.

Yes yes, I have noticed this paradox amongst ex-pats too!

Moaning and groaning about everything and yet moving back home would be appalling to them.

When you get talking to these armchair Asia experts it quickly becomes obvious they actually know very little about the country and culture.

Sorry to say this but they all tend to be English! (by the way, I am English so this is not a Pommy bash).

They don't know much about the culture and country because this type never cares to really interact daily. Their observations and predispositions have already been seeded. As to the percentage of POMS that lead the pack....remember, the greatest percentage of any one Western nationality that inhabits Thailand at any given {residents and tourists} time are British. The place is chock-a-block. So chances are their superiority mentality stands out moreso.

I must say it was hard concentrating reading these posts while looking at zzaa09 avatar.................



Yeah it's a beauty isn't it :)

What was the topic again ?. i was badly sidetracked ! :D:D

Newcomer farangs may bother some but I can't figure out why. Some of them are bums and some are good people. It's no different than the expats who are here already. I admit to being fairly quick to make a judgment but I do give them the benefit of the doubt.

Newcomer farangs may bother some but I can't figure out why. Some of them are bums and some are good people. It's no different than the expats who are here already. I admit to being fairly quick to make a judgment but I do give them the benefit of the doubt.

Agree with that... but I would also add that if someone gets the feeling that they are not wanted, they may be the cause of that feeling.


Maybe if/when TV updates their software, they will have the ability to ping IP's of those posting so that instead of glib, smug locations like "down two... then left", the poster's actual location will be revealed. Then you will find these so-called long time resident-tourists, the ones that 'swagger' the most, despise the sex-worker and their patrons and talk condescendingly to the newbies are all actually in the Faeroe Islands.

To the OP, I can say that among the few foreigners I meet but more especially regards my 'resident-tourist' friends, there isn't any 'hipper than thou' attitude. The latter (myself included) are all pretty much aware that anything can happen and the misfortune and bad experiences of others can never be totally ruled out of our own lives no matter how many years we have under the mango tree and how well we think we know the ropes. Mother Thailand can (and will) whip that rug of smarmy self confidence out from under all our feet at any time.

Has anybody had the feeling from expats wheather it be on TV or meeting them in person

like they have the right to be here more than you?

Also giving advice to stay away it's not for you?

Why do they not want anymore expats to re-locate here?

Quite sad on there part really but a little funny also.

Mostly the folks who have shed loads of money, and don't care about anothers life. They also have 100 girlfriends.


Just reading some of the posts which are all quite true and funny. But...

Maybe I didn't explain myself very well (not the 1st time).

It's not about the moaning and complaining.I can deal with that sh!t.

It's the "this is my country, I was here first" type of attitude I often hear or see.

Maybe I'm just over thinking it now :D

Sod it. :)

Just reading some of the posts which are all quite true and funny. But...

Maybe I didn't explain myself very well (not the 1st time).

It's not about the moaning and complaining.I can deal with that sh!t.

It's the "this is my country, I was here first" type of attitude I often hear or see.

Maybe I'm just over thinking it now :D

Sod it. :)

Mai phen lai....the general course for Thais is to be amused by your kind. Tink tu mutt..... :D


Why anyone would cop an attitude and or brag about being able to live in a pissant shit-hole developing third world country (one btw which most people in first world countries confuse with the country Taiwan on a map of the world) is certainly beyond my reasoning skills.

Inquiring minds must wobble at the sanity of someone who actually would have the nerve to talk up the fact they live in frickin' Thailand. Then again, some people set the bar so low, they can just step across it. I guess it has to do with setting achievable goals and all..

It's little different than any other developing third world nation in say South America, the Caribbean, or S/E Asia. Granted Bangkok may have better infrastructure in the metro area, but get out of down town and you might as well be in any other developing country the world over.

As far as the ones who act like they were here first. Invariably they are the ones with a poorly educated, splayed toed, dark skinned, gold encrusted, tattooed and pierced (in)significant other, what I refer to as their "thai-in-tow". They also for the most part couldn't string two words together in thai if they had do. Mostly I hear them using "engrish-baby-talk" when they do converse with their "thai-in-tow". Ignore them.

My suggestion is; live where ever you want to; vacation where ever you want to. Routinely tune out people who beat a drum at the incredible astute business sense and/or the high degree of mental acuity they must have used to be able to live here in the glorious "Land 'O Thais".


I don't know about some thinking that they have more right to live here than anybody else.

I do see some that seem to have to defend everything Thai and others the complete opposite.

Those that defend everything Thai inevitably include the phrase "If you don't like it F off back to your own country.

The other camp have to put down everything Thai.

The majority of us enjoy the life in Thailand, but recognise that it is not perfect (where would it be?). I enjoy a good discussion, but the extremes of these two views often spoil a good topic.

I live here, but , in reality I realise that I have actually no rights at all to live here. I'm able to stay, but have no security, so the only people that actually have more rights to live here than me are those with Thai Nationality.

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