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Malaria And Dengue

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I'm coming to thailand this august, and I plan to visit Pai up in the north.

How's malaria and Denugue now in Thailand? Is it worse in the north than in south?

I've heard many times that golden triangle is worse than south... But from my understandings in Phuket the dengue is pretty bad in this period of year...

Moreover which is best for malaria prophylaxis: Malarone or Lariam?

thank you

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Moreover which is best for malaria prophylaxis: Malarone or Lariam?

There are lots of stories about bad effects from Lariam, and I can vouch for them. Quite a few years ago I was traveling to Indonesia, and Lariam was highly recommended by my physician. The night after I began taking it I had the most horrific nightmares you can imagine. I'm exaggerating -- just horrible. They revolved around a certainty that I was about to die in Indonesia. I'm not talking about a bad dream. I'm talking waking up sobbing and shaking and sweating. Although already in Jakarta, I canceled all my travel plans and instead went and spent a couple of weeks in Singapore.

Upon returning home my doctor asked how Indonesia was. When I told him what happened he said, "Ah, you're the first patient I've had that has had a bad experience wiht Lariam." He went on to explain the sometimes psychotic reaction to the drug.

Have you considered doxycycline?

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I'd take my chances with Malaria any time rather than taking Lariam.  Unlike Dengue, Malaria is treatable.

I've used Malarone a few years back on my first trip into the region but again considering the costs and the realtively low risk (here in Asia as compared to sub-Saharan Africa) I never bothered again.

Just my 2 Satang of course.

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I'd take my chances with Malaria any time rather than taking Lariam. Unlike Dengue, Malaria is treatable.

I've used Malarone a few years back on my first trip into the region but again considering the costs and the realtively low risk (here in Asia as compared to sub-Saharan Africa) I never bothered again.

Just my 2 Satang of course.

I'm going to Pai. How's the malaria/dengue situation there?

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I'd take my chances with Malaria any time rather than taking Lariam. Unlike Dengue, Malaria is treatable.

I've used Malarone a few years back on my first trip into the region but again considering the costs and the realtively low risk (here in Asia as compared to sub-Saharan Africa) I never bothered again.

Just my 2 Satang of course.

I'm going to Pai. How's the malaria/dengue situation there?


I live in pai and had dengue a few weeks ago, first time I caught it in my 7 years here

so you have at least a 1/7 chance of not getting it :)

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The best precuations possible are to cover-up. Malaria is mainly prevalent in the border areas but it's not that rare. Dengue is every where, or as we see now in the south of Thailand is Chikungunya.

The chances of picking up any disease like this is very small, even in Pai, but to make sure as best as possible - dont let those mozzies for fun.

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I'd take my chances with Malaria any time rather than taking Lariam. Unlike Dengue, Malaria is treatable.

I've used Malarone a few years back on my first trip into the region but again considering the costs and the realtively low risk (here in Asia as compared to sub-Saharan Africa) I never bothered again.

Just my 2 Satang of course.

I could agree with this unconvention. Speaking from experience, I've been under the spell of Malaria {once} and had the pleasure of coming under the domain of dengue twice in my life. Ain't fun to be sure. Dengue is one of those ailments you have to deal with - preventative measures are best. Historically, malaria has a varitable and diverse way of mutating every which way, as a number of these bugs can modify themselves to become resistant strains. I personally find the modern Western concepts of a higher and higher development of malarial prophylactics just increases the chance of a stronger mutation. Not that this would be any consolation to the effected patient. Throughout highly malarial locales in the world, one will often find an immune reaction towards the affliction - without meds. Quite common for locals to have contacted malarial two dozen times in their lives.

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