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Dying At Home, Unpin?


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I read the dying at home topic on probably the first time I found the chiang mai forum, I found it informative and useful. But 2-3 months on its a little disconcerting having it pinned at the very top of the forum all the time. Anyone else of the same opinion?

Maybe we can unpin it but provide a link in the Chiang Mai information section?

I think its probably reasonable that a user has to do a search on a hopefully remote topic like dying? (Especially seeing that all the current users definately know there is a thread about it already.)

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I read the dying at home topic on probably the first time I found the chiang mai forum, I found it informative and useful. But 2-3 months on its a little disconcerting having it pinned at the very top of the forum all the time. Anyone else of the same opinion?

Maybe we can unpin it but provide a link in the Chiang Mai information section?

I think its probably reasonable that a user has to do a search on a hopefully remote topic like dying? (Especially seeing that all the current users definately know there is a thread about it already.)

It should be left as it very important and useful.no harm leaving it their.

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It is not doing any harm there and may do some good even if it is just a reminder to people to take care of their mortality. Just because some people have issues with discussing dying which we will all do does not warrent taking it down.

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I do a lot of dyeing at home. :)

I'm always dyeing feathers for fly tying. :D

I've even done some Thai dyeing using the wax method on cloth. :D

I never worry too much about the morbid, even though I'm in that age bracket that all my friends and acquaintences seem to be passing on while I'm just getting younger each visit to Thailand. I drop about 30 or 40 years every time I get on that plane to Chiang Mai. :D

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It really is such an important event, perhaps not so for the deceased but certainly for those who have to sort out the aftermath.

The post is full of really useful info, clearly laid out and easy to follow. A masterpiece of concise, factual information. Why anyone should want it removed is beyond me, do they think that if we hide "death" it won't happen to them? Please leave it where it is, in the event of my death I don't my b/f to have to rely on TV's somewhat perverse search function to find out what to do! :)

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3 Votes For Unpin

5 Votes Against

Unpin Denied.

Why anyone should want it removed is beyond me, do they think that if we hide "death" it won't happen to them? Please leave it where it is, in the event of my death I don't my b/f to have to rely on TV's somewhat perverse search function to find out what to do! :)

I don't want it removed, I would like to see it unpinned. I to think it would be of benefit for loved ones, but having a link in the chiang mai information would seem more appropriate to me. But I'm no Admin

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You might be able to escape the thread but eventually death will catch up with you :)

This from someone calling themselves "NeverDie" :D

That is not dead which can eternal lie.

And with strange aeons even death may die

H.P. Lovecraft 1926

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. . . I'm just getting younger each visit to Thailand. I drop about 30 or 40 years every time I get on that plane to Chiang Mai. :D

Three or four more trips and you'll be down to about what, 80? :D


Thanks, Rasseru; there's gotta be some humour in an otherwise morbid subject. :D

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Seems some members have not read or decided to ignore my post stating I have moved the topic to a more logical sub-forum and that is the Chiang Mai FAQs. It is also in the main Chiang Mai forum pinned topic Chiang Mai Information.

It has not been removed from the forum nor has it been unpinned which I had no intention of doing due to the original requests from members to make it a pinned topic. It was pinned before the FAQ sub-forum was created and simply an oversight in not having moved it earlier.

There is no minority/majority win in this decision - just simple housekeeping after it was brought to my attention. I hope this is finally clear.

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Thanks for the explanation, Tywais. Even if people don't know how to search for a subject it only takes a short request of any topic and someone will show the way. There is no need to bash moderators for doing their job. Too many so called adults act like spoiled children. And, there is always a proper way of responding to any topic without being offending to anyone.

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Do I detect some ass kissing .... :)

No, I just get tired of people who always feel the need to complain but don't know how to write. If there is a perceived problem then just send a PM to a moderator and it should get sorted out.

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I just get the feeling that some of the CM geezers are getting a bit edgy, as they notice they are living on borrowed time. :)

Very true.

And the older we get, the more we realise that death is a reality.

I`m 57 now. Not old, not young. Seen and just about done everything in my lifetime.

Not many new experiences to be had, done my duty for the kids and established, so whatever I have now, that`s it.

Dying doesn`t worry me provided it`s not long and lingering.

Quite happy with my life, but as my grandmother told me on her deathbed; what will be, will be.

Life is a terminal disease, so make the most of our short time here.


Edited by sassienie
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