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Adult Circumcision In Chiang Mai


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Looking for recomendations for a Doctor/hospital who does circumcisions, preferably Chang Puek area. Hill tribe guy without Thai ID needs to get this done for medical reasons; where is affordable/cheap and doesn't ask too many questions?

N.B. before posting about the dangers of low cost doctors etc, consider that the alternative under consideration is a more traditional solution that doesn't involve anesthetic :)


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Looking for recomendations for a Doctor/hospital who does circumcisions, preferably Chang Puek area. Hill tribe guy without Thai ID needs to get this done for medical reasons; where is affordable/cheap and doesn't ask too many questions?

N.B. before posting about the dangers of low cost doctors etc, consider that the alternative under consideration is a more traditional solution that doesn't involve anesthetic :)


didnt realise there were options available in this field~ looks like there are more ways to skin a cat, um er snake in this case.. :D

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Looking for recomendations for a Doctor/hospital who does circumcisions, preferably Chang Puek area. Hill tribe guy without Thai ID needs to get this done for medical reasons; where is affordable/cheap and doesn't ask too many questions?

N.B. before posting about the dangers of low cost doctors etc, consider that the alternative under consideration is a more traditional solution that doesn't involve anesthetic :)


I don`t think this as straight forward as you may think.

I had the chop at birth, but it`s a difference senario with an adult male.

I saw a documentary that circumcision can reduce the risk of cancer, STDs and aids, so it can be beneficial.

But firstly one must take into consideration, what if there was any complications after the operation, such as infections or not healing properly.

I would guess that most of the main hospitals, Ram, MacCormacks etc, would do it, but as for no questions asked, I have my doubts.

Using a back street Quack or the services of a local wanabe Doctor is very risky, especially if putting a man`s pride and joy to the knife.

The only advice I can give is: Make enquiries at one of the main hospitals and if the guy does not wish to show any ID if the hospital insists on it, than he could just say, thank you very much and walk out.

Edited by sassienie
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A Thai man I know converted to Islam to marry and had the snip done at a hospital. So, it can and is done by medical professionals. Perhaps ask at the local Mosque or Surow to see if anyone there can recommend a reputable doctor?

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Most likely some will consider this inappropriate. But I don't care.......

A surgeon retires from his long career as a specialist in circumcision. Throughtout his career he has saved hundreds of foreskins as mementos and now wishes to turn them into a souvenir. He takes his specimens to a leathersmith and asks him to make something out of them.

A week later the surgeon returns and the leathersmith presents him with a wallet. "All those foreskins and you only made me a wallet?" exclaims the surgeon.

The leathersmith replies, "Yes, but if you stroke it, it becomes a briefcase."

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Looking for recomendations for a Doctor/hospital who does circumcisions, preferably Chang Puek area. Hill tribe guy without Thai ID needs to get this done for medical reasons; where is affordable/cheap and doesn't ask too many questions?

N.B. before posting about the dangers of low cost doctors etc, consider that the alternative under consideration is a more traditional solution that doesn't involve anesthetic :)


didnt realise there were options available in this field~ looks like there are more ways to skin a cat, um er snake in this case.. :D

Sounds painful, nonetheless.....sure glad I don't recall mine.

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where ......doesn't ask too many questions?

Are you saying doctors at RAM and/or reputable clinics would refuse to perform the operation on a paying patient if he has no ID card?

They are all 'God' fearing saints at Ram and reputable clinics!!

Of course they would perform necessary (and unnecessary) surgery). The only question they might ask is; "show me the money". This being satisfactory, I see no problem whatsoever.

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How big is your snake? Oops, wrong sub-forum..


I did think twice about posting this topic as I had an idea what would happen............ :D Also thought about posting it in that sub-forum but the posters there would likely want photographic evidence of the condition before giving advice :D

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Paagai, you could ask at the old Chang Puak Hospital. The old Sikh doctor (its founder) may still be there.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback and the jokes :)

PB, Chang Puek Hospital was one I'd though of but heard it had now been acquired by the RAM group (I maybe entirely wrong about that....)

RAM is out of the question, this guy has little money, and whilst I was trying to be helpful that was about the limit of my generosity. MCormick might be possible (I heard they don't ask too many questions), another one is the hospital on the Super Highway near kuang Sing where the Dental Hospital is - anyone have any reports on that? I know they've patched up a few Tai Yai friends after fights and motorbike accidents so they they can't ask too many questions.

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