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Deafening Music Played In The Arab Beer Bars - Why So Loud?


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I've been wondering this for years and forgot about that cess pool of an area until last night when I cut through on my bike.

Why on earth do the Arab beer bars, you know... the ones behind walking street close to the VC Hotel, play their music sooooo loud, to the point it distorts the speakers. The bars are right next to each other, each with their own distorted music. <snip>

It just about makes my ears bleed. Are Arabs hard of hearing or something? :) I don't get it.

KISS says, If it's too loud, you're too old. Perhaps that is the case, but I'm pretty sure these Arab beer bars are louder than any KISS concert.


Edited by raro
racist remarks removed - the worst that is.
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The load music is to drive the infidels/nonbelievers away, seems it works fairly well but you forgot to remember the last time you were exposed. You may try dropping off a sackful of porkers as you pass by the next time.

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I noticed the same kind of thing last week with a couple of Arab guys,

On the way to the airport on the Pattaya-Airport bus, 2 arabs sat behind us having a conversation. They were shouting to each other as if they were at different ends of the bus never mind sat next to each other.

I'm lucky that I wasn't trying to sleep throughout the bus ride because that would have been impossible.

I turned around a couple of times trying to hint to them that they were being very loud and disturbing (I wasn't the only one) but they continued to scream at each other all the way to the airport. Then one of them had the cheek to try to chat me up as we were getting out of the bus :)

Maybe they all have hearing problems? :D

....I don't think this thread is going to last long....

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