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Swineflu Death Toll In Thailand Reaches 65 Wednesday

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Death toll reaches 65 Wednesday

BANGKOK: -- Death toll of the new strain of influenza reached 65 on Wednesday, Deputy Permanent Secretary for public health Dr Paijit Warachit said.

The infected cases in Thailand are now 8,877, he said.

The fatalities were of altogether 27 provinces; 17 from central region, six from northeast, four from north and south each.

The ministry announced in its weekly press conference that there were 44 fatalities.


-- The Nation 2009-07-29


That's a very high death rate compared to other countries, availability of antiviral drugs, local cultures, fear of the costs of being treated or, simply, too afraid - either way it's very sad.


Somewhere I read the entire death toll in the Asia Pacific region is around 80.

Thailand with 65 deaths is indeed something which is very sad and scary.


The number quoted on 22/7 were 6700+ cases and 44 deaths

28/7 8877 65

Doctor at Ram here in CM said the hospital had a lot of cases and several in ICU. He also said he felt many people were being exposed at the hospital. He did note that the test they give (quick turn around) was only 75% accurate. You can make a mortality rate using the increase in numbers since the 22/7 report, but lets hope it is due to lag time in reporting the deaths.


There are more people dieing from road crashes every day than that. Its all Hype ..

If they were honest , then there would be other factors to take account of other than just Flu being the cause of death

Why so many are being taken in by Bullshi* propoganda on behalf of the world governments, keeping the fear factor running

and the population of the world scared to even breathe now.

Next there will be an outbreak of Terrorist Monkies with Yellow Fever , flying planes and blowing the crap out of the pigs that gave them the Flu before yellow Fever.

I dont see many sick pigs about ? Do you ?

Maybe the chickens are wiping their noses.


You might have missed the word virus, as in HIV/AIDS, etc - it does not require a drunk driver or vehicle, or brain.

It propagates whilst we sleep.


There are more people dieing from road crashes every day than that. Its all Hype ..
There are more people dieing from road crashes every day than that. Its all Hype ..

If they were honest , then there would be other factors to take account of other than just Flu being the cause of death

Why so many are being taken in by Bullshi* propoganda on behalf of the world governments, keeping the fear factor running

and the population of the world scared to even breathe now.

Suprised that the benevolent authorities worldwide {because they're cut from the same cloth} haven't labeled and worked the terrorism angle into the lexicon.


The death rate is worrying. I am wondering if the Government Pharmacuetical Organization, which is making the generic version of patented drugs is getting the forumla correct.

Thailand has a reasonably well developed and functional health care system so it seems the death rate should be lower.

The death rate is worrying. I am wondering if the Government Pharmacuetical Organization, which is making the generic version of patented drugs is getting the forumla correct.

Thailand has a reasonably well developed and functional health care system so it seems the death rate should be lower.

You perhaps miss the point that the effectiveness of potentially life saving drugs per head of population is relative to the willingness and ability of said population to administer them - no reason to suggest at this stage that the drugs are not bona fide.

The rate increase will be exponential. It is only natural.

2 spread -> 4

4 -> 16

16 -> 256

256 -> 65,536 ...

You miss the variable, were your theory correct we would all have died from disease X,Y or Z years ago.


Seems quiet high to me, did'nt the virus hit Thailand late?

Just getting over it myself in the UK. Came down with it Monday morning, got some Tamiflu from a NHS clinic the same day. Got to say have heard reports its quiet mild when you get it. Not true in my case, knocked me sideways, easily the worse flu ive ever had.

After taking the Tamiflu felt better the next day, still not right mind but hate to think what it would have been like without it.

Seems quiet high to me, did'nt the virus hit Thailand late?

Just getting over it myself in the UK. Came down with it Monday morning, got some Tamiflu from a NHS clinic the same day. Got to say have heard reports its quiet mild when you get it. Not true in my case, knocked me sideways, easily the worse flu ive ever had.

After taking the Tamiflu felt better the next day, still not right mind but hate to think what it would have been like without it.

Age is a factor, how old are you Neil?

Seems quiet high to me, did'nt the virus hit Thailand late?

Just getting over it myself in the UK. Came down with it Monday morning, got some Tamiflu from a NHS clinic the same day. Got to say have heard reports its quiet mild when you get it. Not true in my case, knocked me sideways, easily the worse flu ive ever had.

After taking the Tamiflu felt better the next day, still not right mind but hate to think what it would have been like without it.

Age is a factor, how old are you Neil?


Seems quiet high to me, did'nt the virus hit Thailand late?

Just getting over it myself in the UK. Came down with it Monday morning, got some Tamiflu from a NHS clinic the same day. Got to say have heard reports its quiet mild when you get it. Not true in my case, knocked me sideways, easily the worse flu ive ever had.

After taking the Tamiflu felt better the next day, still not right mind but hate to think what it would have been like without it.

Age is a factor, how old are you Neil?


Hmm. Well, they say that the things that don't kill us just make us stronger, so there you are. I'm banking on the idea that my one truly bad case of the flu in the UK mid '70's has given me resistance against most bugs, thus far my theory has proved correct, fingers crossed. Glad you survived though and obviously feeling much better.


Sorry age is not a factor with this strain of flu. In Mexico the first deaths were from young adults with good immune systems. Also women in the 2nd or 3rd trimester or at a very high risk.

I was on the bandwagon about it is just the flu until I read the Great Influnza about the 1918 pandemic that killed 100 million worldwide. Donot take this lightly this flue is acting very similar to the 1918 flu.

Viruses become stronger as they go thru a population becoming more efficient in there ability to overcome a persons immune system and this is before they meet another virus to mutate with.

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