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Why is shit ok but #### not?

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Why are the words s*** and f*** allowed in this forum but the word #### (h*ll, rhymes with bell) not?  Is it a cultural thing in Thailand or something else? The c word does not get filtered either.

There's nothing in the TOS about this. Just curious.


Anybody got a small rectum (sorry Grekum) or a big Latrinum

(or was it Latinum?)

Use excrement, copulate and anti-heaven.

Should work?


the acronym is always your friend, cos to be honest, i have no idea <deleted> you lot are talking about :o


I've reflected in this a tad.

There are a few ways you can think about profanities etc. but it entirley reflects on the way you use these words. For example, if i said "the mod's are a useless bunch of [insert something here that's quite a bit naughty]." then thats definatly a directed insult and the board will be better off without it.

If on the other hand, its use as an exclamation, like "i've no [rudey] idea at all", its not offensive, but still rated "adult". i'd still not entirly disagree with the use of profanities in this context.

I spose, and i speak about censorship from experiance, you have to view the internet as a family channel, if i caught my kids reading such words, there would be #### to pay...

non the less, this forum will be the same with or without such language....fair play to the mods for taking the bull by the horns tho.

ps. there is an mp3 called "the usage of the word f***" this illustrates my point above (NSFW).


For a few years, I lived near a place in England called Scunthorpe. AOL users [ I think, or some other group of surfers ] had hassles  due to the name in the name.

Just thought I drop that in, was funny at the time.

This is off topic, but I just love to recall it. Many years ago I read (in an Australian magazine, The Bulletin) a letter from the British ambassador to Moscow to a friend back home -- pre First World War, BTW. The ambassador was describing the official introduction of the new Turkish ambassador to the Court of St James (is that correct, historians?). The letter was delicious, written in the driest and most succinct style, describing how the Turkish ambassador arrived in all his co*k-feathered refinery, the blaring of trumpets, the solemn declarations of the dignataries, the swearing of oaths of allegiance and bowing and curtseying to all and sundry. Finally, the MC of this solemn and dignified occasion arose and declared to the gathered high and mighty: "We formally welcome you to Russia, the Turkish Ambassador, Mr Mustapha Kunte."

Kunt(e) is a quite common Turkish name and a friend of mine who worked for the immigration dept. once had a file erroneously referred to him which pertained to a Turkish bloke named Kunt and his family. My friend, quite correctly in the circumstances, annotated the file that it was not his job to deal with this bunch of Kunts.


Mr Mustapha Kunte."

Parents can be quite cruel at times  :o

I used to work in an investment bank and had to look up an investor on the system. Their surname was Abbotamy, and was shocked to see their first name was Leslie - esp since the system first provides the first initial then surname.


spare a thought for the poor guy a few years back who designed the letter heads for the City University of Newcastle upon Tyne's stationary...

The error was only spotted upon delivery :o


I had a GF once who's ex was called Lee King. I used to call him "whole in my bucket" - he also has a cousin called Wayne apparantly. Parent's obviously had a sense of humour. :o


Spare a thought for my current workplace, Burma.

I had a great old friend who was thinking about coming here for a break a few years back, but alas i had to persuade her not to. Lisa is a dear old friend, but unfortunoutly, Lee Sah in Burmese means something like "eat penis". We could not take going out and introducing "Miss Blowjob" to the locals :o



Funny you are all talking about poor old Mustapha...

Below is a transcription of a letter sent to Lord Permboke of the Foreign Office by H.M. Ambassador Archibald Kerr in Moscow in April 1943, during the dark days of World War II. A scan of the original can be found here



Lord Pembroke

The Foreign Office


6th April 1943

My Dear Reggie,

In these dark days man tends to look for little shafts of light that spill from Heaven. My days are probably darker than yours, and I need, my God I do, all the light I can get. But I am a decent fellow, and I do not want to be mean and selfish about what little brightness is shed upon me from time to time. So I propose to share with you a tiny flash that has illuminated my sombre life and tell you that God has given me a new Turkish colleague whose card tells me that he is called Mustapha Kunt.

We all feel like that, Reggie, now and then, especially when Spring is upon us, but few of us would care to put it on our cards. It takes a Turk to do that.

Sir Archibald Clerk Kerr,

H.M. Ambassador

SeaVision   I had a copy of this magnificent offering, and showed it to a senior Brit diplomat. He thought that it was probably genuine. It came to me through a diplomatic source originally.

The lineage is finally revealed. ???

Many people are at a loss for a response when someone says “You don’t know Jack Schitt”

Read on and you’ll be able to handle the situation intelligently.

Jack is the only son of Awe Schitt and O. Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizer magnate, married O. Schitt, a partner of Kneedeep & Schitt, Inc.

Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt, and the deeply religious couple begat 6 children : Holie Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Giva Schitt, Bull Schitt, and twins, Deap Schitt and Dip Schitt.

Against her parents’ wishes, Deap Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a high school dropout.

After 15 years of marriage, Jack & Noe Schitt divorced. Noe Schitt later married a Mr. Sherlock, and out of devotion to her children, decided to hyphenate her last name, and became Noe Schitt-Sherlock.

Dip Schitt married a woman named Loda Dung, who became Loda Schitt. The couple produced a nervous son, Chicken Schitt.

Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, inseperable thoughout childhood subsequently married the Happens Brothers. Local newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens wedding, which was quite an event. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and Hoarse.

Bull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. Her returned from his travel with this Italian bride, Piza Schitt.

So, NOW if someone says “You don’t know Jack Schitt”, you can beg to differ. You not only know Jack Schitt, but the entire Schitt list!

:o  :D


Has anyone watch the English film Snatch on Thai television. As is common practice, all the F words are removed. But the censors obviously have only a limited knowledge of English profanities as the C words are left in.

Well, it amused me anyway.

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