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Less Bs In Thailand?


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one thing i love about Thailand is that men can still be men here. you can put ads in that require physical characteristics "seeking attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary"... you'd get fired for that back home.

I think Charlie Wilson got away with it.

But his secretarys were not 45 Kg.

Oh, and it was some time ago.


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In Thailand businesses get to do what western counterparts only dream of by hiring attractive people. I remember reading at study that said people prefer to do business with attractive people. The problem Thailand has is that the attractive people tend to be dumb as a sack of hammers especially in retail sales. TBH I would rather have an intelligent person to deal with than an useless beauty anytime far less frustrating.

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My last job before I retired , was supervisor of a wildlife sanctuary in Brisbane, what a politically correct nightmare :D 42 employees of which 39 were buxom healthy Single young wenches all under the age of 35, they were employed as Koala chicks, language guides and reception and cafe staff, coming straight from a job as zoo curator in germany I didnt stand a chance, a cheerful morning girls!! on arriving at work earned me a severe dig from the owners and a grovelling apology to the Ladies :D they were used to being treated as if they only appeared at work as a favour to mankind!!they were well paid for a 35 hour working week, take off 20hours a week for 2 hour breakfast and lunch breaks, another 5 for the odd shopping spree and time out with the boyfriend,I was on a hiding to nothing!! then there were the union reps special priviliges and workers grievance times , I had an easier time as a squaddie doing riot training in the 60,s, caught to of the ladies injecting smack, in the shit again because I wanted to sack them,I unexpectedly turned up at our sattelite endangered species breeding facility 5 staff clocked on , but only 1 present and she was on her knees giving her boyfriend an oral interview, was not allowed to sack these 5 either, hands tied by political correctness and Bullshit I carried on, and then shock horror the banks called the recievers in, to close the place down :D it seems before I had arrived the company was 11 million australian dollars in debt,what little profit I was making was being swallowed by the interest, would have loved to have finished my career in a country with BS tolerant society, even my guest appearances as a teacher and trainer of keepers for our croc and stingray battling national hero were a walk in the park compared to Gondwana, if you happen to visit dream world or any of the other tourist traps on the queensland coast, keep your eyes peeled for bleached blonde , saggyboobed koala chicks or park guides give my love and tell them , We know what You have been doing :)

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one thing i love about Thailand is that men can still be men here. you can put ads in that require physical characteristics "seeking attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary"... you'd get fired for that back home.

Thailand never advertises itself as the land of equal opportunity for everyone. You knew this before came over here.

The main reason they can do that, because they think that’s what the customers want to see. Pretty things and cuteness go a long way over here. Plus many thai women older than 35 - are busy taking care/raising the children thus fitting into a traditional role - less mobile for longer working hours (they assume), and well in many cases - less taken care of themselves. Just a few of my observation.

It’s not a very bs really if you look at the quantity of the supply out there, so why not?

If you think it's a BS, then you should stick around back home, then you wouldn't be seeing the things you don't like and can't control.

It's a different country and culture all together...simple as that

edit:...Oh...wait ...Come to think of it

I wish thailand is like back in your farang land too, where I can see many young, cute, real hansom, better fit & taken care of themselves,..than what got washed up ashore over here. :)

Edited by teacup
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one thing i love about Thailand is that men can still be men here. you can put ads in that require physical characteristics "seeking attractive 45 kilo white skin secretary"... you'd get fired for that back home.

Thailand never advertises itself as the land of equal opportunity for everyone. You knew this before came over here.

The main reason they can do that, because they think that's what the customers want to see. Pretty things and cuteness go a long way over here. Plus many thai women older than 35 - are busy taking care/raising the children thus fitting into a traditional role - less mobile for longer working hours (they assume), and well in many cases - less taken care of themselves. Just a few of my observation.

It's not a very bs really if you look at the quantity of the supply out there, so why not?

If you think it's a BS, then you should stick around back home, then you wouldn't be seeing the things you don't like and can't control.

It's a different country and culture all together...simple as that

edit:...Oh...wait ...Come to think of it

I wish thailand is like back in your farang land too, where I can see many young, cute, real hansom, better fit & taken care of themselves,..than what got washed up ashore over here. :)

I'd agree of the level of service wasn't as c..p here! They may be pretty but they sure are useless!

When it comes to service (in the normal, accepted term), most people just want someone competent, knowledgable, who can sort out their problem.

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Well most people conciously or subconciously if given two people equally qualified and capable fo a job will hire the one with best Hooters/arse/legs/moustache(if thats yer thing). I cannot believe anyone who can 'honestly' say they wouldnt.

The good thing about Thailand for me is that we can do that completly conciously and actually discuss the aplicants asthetic contributions to the company without Jeopardy.

beauty sells.... I am an ok salesman but I doubt i would be perfect for selling victorias secret ... though I am happy to model her lingerie line.

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Thailand never advertises itself as the land of equal opportunity for everyone. You knew this before came over here.

The main reason they can do that, because they think that's what the customers want to see. Pretty things and cuteness go a long way over here. Plus many thai women older than 35 - are busy taking care/raising the children thus fitting into a traditional role - less mobile for longer working hours (they assume), and well in many cases - less taken care of themselves. Just a few of my observation.

It's not a very bs really if you look at the quantity of the supply out there, so why not?

If you think it's a BS, then you should stick around back home, then you wouldn't be seeing the things you don't like and can't control.

It's a different country and culture all together...simple as that

I'd agree of the level of service wasn't as c..p here! They may be pretty but they sure are useless!

When it comes to service (in the normal, accepted term), most people just want someone competent, knowledgable, who can sort out their problem.


Mostly it’s who you know, how you look…NOT what you know.

This is how it’s here in Thailand sadly

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Well most people conciously or subconciously if given two people equally qualified and capable fo a job will hire the one with best Hooters/arse/legs/moustache(if thats yer thing). I cannot believe anyone who can 'honestly' say they wouldnt.

The good thing about Thailand for me is that we can do that completly conciously and actually discuss the aplicants asthetic contributions to the company without Jeopardy.

beauty sells.... I am an ok salesman but I doubt i would be perfect for selling victorias secret ... though I am happy to model her lingerie line.

The good thing is......why wasting the time of unqualified applicants, if you're looking for the specific...like...young, fresh, elastically bouncing like bunnies..etcs

Honesty is the best policy

In some way, it's a...WIN-WIN...yeah :)

Edited by teacup
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With two equally qualified people the personel manager will almost always pick the more attractive person. That goes for both women and men. The discussion here is that in Thailand the personel manager can actually advertise for the physical qualifications needed for a job. I don't see much problem with that if the attractive person will actually improve the business. Politically correct countries like the UK and North America can not do that or they will get crucified by any one of a number of PC groups.

There are many jobs where an attractive worker is a benefit.

It actually makes me laugh a bit about the PC crowd. The beauty pagents that are everywhere certainly have physical standards. So are modeling agencies and cheer leader groups. There are dozens of other examples.

I remember once being worked on by an absolutely stunning dentist who would easily fit into any movie star role. I hardly needed anesthesia when having a tooth pulled.

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