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An Invitation To Treat


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I don't know if you noticed - I'm back!!

I've been away for a short while after a mutually agreed self-exile, shall we say.

I may be a little more restrained this time, but the moaning whingers and Bean-counters amongst you (such people DO exist!!)  may not notice any difference. I also did a refresher course on Forum Rules. For those that haven't heard of me and don't know my style? -  little tip - don't take anything I say seriously,unless of course I mean it. And the Mike Hunt 'joke' - I've heard it before, surprisingly. :)

The reason I write this post is that upon researching my misdeeds of the past I came across a thread that was purely devoted to me!! I'd forgotten all about it, and I must say it moved me. Only about 2 inches - but moved I was, nonetheless. So moved in fact, that I came over all maudlin!!! (I'd add a Smiley here but I can't find a 'maudlin' one).

So whilst I'm still in this exaggerated state I'm going to go with the flow (of tears?) and invite all those that supported me (and the detractors!!) to a drink in my local - The Guitarman. I usually make it down there at about 9pm on a Saturday, so if you can make it, pop along. I know it's short notice, and some of you won't be able to make it but at least that will save a few bob, and there'll be more for those that can make it. 

I'll just ask the missus for the extra 200 baht, while she's in a good mood. Maybe, I'll get the 1am pass extended by a few hours while I'm at it.

If this sentimental mood lasts, I may cater for the hordes that can't make it tonight on another occasion.

PS - some of my relatives, that you may have got to know thru this forum (Uncle Terry and Cousin Arthur)will be there too. If you haven't met me before and think you won't recognise me - the Avatar is a good clue. And Kevin Hunt is my REAL name too, coincidentally.

Edited by KevinHunt
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I don't know if you noticed - I'm back!!

I've been away for a short while after a mutually agreed self-exile, shall we say.

I may be a little more restrained this time, but the moaning whingers and Bean-counters amongst you (such people DO exist!!) may not notice any difference. I also did a refresher course on Forum Rules. For those that haven't heard of me and don't know my style? - little tip - don't take anything I say seriously,unless of course I mean it. And the Mike Hunt 'joke' - I've heard it before, surprisingly. :)

The reason I write this post is that upon researching my misdeeds of the past I came across a thread that was purely devoted to me!! I'd forgotten all about it, and I must say it moved me. Only about 2 inches - but moved I was, nonetheless. So moved in fact, that I came over all maudlin!!! (I'd add a Smiley here but I can't find a 'maudlin' one).

So whilst I'm still in this exaggerated state I'm going to go with the flow (of tears?) and invite all those that supported me (and the detractors!!) to a drink in my local - The Guitarman. I usually make it down there at about 9pm on a Saturday, so if you can make it, pop along. I know it's short notice, and some of you won't be able to make it but at least that will save a few bob, and there'll be more for those that can make it.

I'll just ask the missus for the extra 200 baht, while she's in a good mood. Maybe, I'll get the 1am pass extended by a few hours while I'm at it.

If this sentimental mood lasts, I may cater for the hordes that can't make it tonight on another occasion.

PS - some of my relatives, that you may have got to know thru this forum (Uncle Terry and Cousin Arthur)will be there too. If you haven't met me before and think you won't recognise me - the Avatar is a good clue. And Kevin Hunt is my REAL name too, coincidentally.

Can't make tonight but good on ya mate. You were never a vindictive poster. I enjoyed your posts

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I don't know if you noticed - I'm back!!

I've been away for a short while after a mutually agreed self-exile, shall we say.

night on another occasion.

PS - some of my relatives, that you may have got to know thru this forum (Uncle Terry and Cousin Arthur)will be there too. If you haven't met me before and think you won't recognise me - the Avatar is a good clue. And Kevin Hunt is my REAL name too, coincidentally.

Welcome back I always thought more Bruce Grobbelaar than John Cleese :D

I'm exiled in Blighty at the moment :) but thanks for the invite

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Welcome back I always thought more Bruce Grobbelaar than John Cleese :D

I'm exiled in Blighty at the moment :D but thanks for the invite

When I first arrived in Chiang Mai and Thais asked where I came from , I always said "Liverpool" because I know they're not only mad about football, but  they also know which is the best team in the world. The almost common response was to point at my face and say "Ian Lush - you look same Ian Lush". 

Although that may have been true then, as time passed by and the locks thinned out I was then compared with old Brucey a few times. Unfortunately, Basil is the one I get compared to more frequently these day - not necessarily because of the looks, though. 

I dug out some old photos recently and stuck 'em on Facebook and my nephew compared me to Borat!!


A more sensible girlfriend thought I looked like Jeremy Irons when I was in my heyday!!


Quite a looker, in my youth, what?

Anyway, I don't care what anyone thinks - me Mam still thinks I'm handsome. :)  

PS . I'll get you one when your exile is over.

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Welcome back I always thought more Bruce Grobbelaar than John Cleese :D

I'm exiled in Blighty at the moment :D but thanks for the invite

When I first arrived in Chiang Mai and Thais asked where I came from , I always said "Liverpool" because I know they're not only mad about football, but they also know which is the best team in the world. The almost common response was to point at my face and say "Ian Lush - you look same Ian Lush".

Although that may have been true then, as time passed by and the locks thinned out I was then compared with old Brucey a few times. Unfortunately, Basil is the one I get compared to more frequently these day - not necessarily because of the looks, though.

I dug out some old photos recently and stuck 'em on Facebook and my nephew compared me to Borat!!


A more sensible girlfriend thought I looked like Jeremy Irons when I was in my heyday!!


Quite a looker, in my youth, what?

Anyway, I don't care what anyone thinks - me Mam still thinks I'm handsome. :)

PS . I'll get you one when your exile is over.

I'll look forward to it, you very hansum man jing jing :D

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"Ian Lush - you look same Ian Lush".

Any more of the self portraits and it will be "Ian Forbes - you look same Ian Forbes"

:D That would be taking things too far.

Good idea for a post though, a local who looks like who?


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Thanks for the beers, you old fart.

For those not familiar with BB, that's an Aussie term of endearment. At least, I hope it is.

Either that or you have been eating too many Baked Bean breakfasts.

Probably a bit of both, if the truth be known.

Good to meet you last night.

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