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Thailand came out of WW II almost unscathed with only a few hundred civilians killed compared to the hundreds of thousands dead everywhere else both among their allies (the Germans, Japanese and so on) and their enemies (US, UK, Burma, Vietnam, China, and almost everyone else).

You obviously have no idea on this subject, there where thousands of British, Australian etc. Soldiers that died as prisoners of war building the Burma railway. But there where the Thai "Coolies" that where treated much worse and died in the of hundreds of thousands.

Very true--although they were probably actually 'Mon' so don't count as Thais--in Thai eyes.

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I'm British, but just to balance things out for our French brothers and sisters. I believe the Frence are way ahead of the game, by having named a town, Brest :)

It must be difficult to get so much wrong in one post.

Thailand did declare war against the US and UK. Thailand surrendered to US representatives in Bangkok. British, Australian and Chinese troops were ready to occupy Thailand and take the rice crop as war reparations but were prevented doing so by the US.

What in particular did you find wrong with my post?


Thailand came out of WW II almost unscathed with only a few hundred civilians killed compared to the hundreds of thousands dead everywhere else both among their allies (the Germans, Japanese and so on) and their enemies (US, UK, Burma, Vietnam, China, and almost everyone else).

You obviously have no idea on this subject, there where thousands of British, Australian etc. Soldiers that died as prisoners of war building the Burma railway. But there where the Thai "Coolies" that where treated much worse and died in the of hundreds of thousands.

I was writing about Thai civilians killed during WWII not prisoners of war from other countries who were killed in Thailand as a consequence of Thailand being an ally of Japan.

I think if you research the topic about Thai labor used during railway construction you will be amazed to find the Thai workers were paid. Though many died they were not forced to work but were paid labor under the supervision of Thai engineers.


Is there anybody who HASN'T beaten the French? :)

Search: "french military Victories."

GOOGLE: No entries did you mean french military defeats.

Even Google has a selective memory then

Regards Bojo

To the conqueror goes the right to write history.

It doesn't mean it's true.

What do you think is untrue? The railroad history I got from Thai railway engineers reports. Thailand lost WW II.

I've never been able to resist looking at a young gal's bra outline under her shirt/blouse. Or even from the back I always even look at the outline of the straps. Genetic flaw of mine. :) Do I gain dirty old man status?

Dunno, but if so, I've been one all my life.


It's not about history, it's about brassieres.

Anyway, I thought that it was before the 'Great Mollusc' (?) that women were encouraged to start covering their tits? Something to do with a more "regal" figure ordering it in order to dissuade the possible colonisers who would consider Siam uncivilized and ripe for holy salvation solely because the women here all had there yams hanging out. Or is that what they teach in the schools here?

Oops.... history again.

To be true, the brassiere departments in the department stores here are colossal.... inversely proportional to the natural and unaugmented size of the body parts they are doomed to covering up I hasten to add. There's even entire stores, up to 3 or 4 shophouse units wide that sell ONLY brassieres. Truly fascinating.

For my part, I do my best to encourage 'tits oot fer the lads' on a daily basis.

I'm British, but just to balance things out for our French brothers and sisters. I believe the Frence are way ahead of the game, by having named a town, Brest :)

It should be twinned with the town in Southern Germany called WANK



What amazes me is the lovely gals with the great Thai figures who are worried because they aren't big enough in the boob department. They are often the same ones with the lovely soft golden skin but who want to look whiter. Meanwhile the white farang women spend billions of dollars trying to look more like Thai women.

The ONLY purpose for the bra on a Thai is for the padding. Most Thai women don't need one. I think it is a ploy by the garment factories to sell something that people don't need. I try to explain that they should consider themselves lucky. I tell them that their great butt is God's way of compensating for a lack of a rack. They don't have to worry about sagging and flopping when they get older. And, if they have paid any attention to their Thai diet they don't have to worry about getting fat like most westerners.

What amazes me is the lovely gals with the great Thai figures who are worried because they aren't big enough in the boob department. They are often the same ones with the lovely soft golden skin but who want to look whiter. Meanwhile the white farang women spend billions of dollars trying to look more like Thai women.

The ONLY purpose for the bra on a Thai is for the padding. Most Thai women don't need one. I think it is a ploy by the garment factories to sell something that people don't need. I try to explain that they should consider themselves lucky. I tell them that their great butt is God's way of compensating for a lack of a rack. They don't have to worry about sagging and flopping when they get older. And, if they have paid any attention to their Thai diet they don't have to worry about getting fat like most westerners.

Oh yeah Ian, those great little Thai butts! :) .. And very little cellulite :D:D in the LOS (thank you God :D ), let it stay in the west where it belongs.


Thailand came out of WW II almost unscathed with only a few hundred civilians killed compared to the hundreds of thousands dead everywhere else both among their allies (the Germans, Japanese and so on) and their enemies (US, UK, Burma, Vietnam, China, and almost everyone else).

You obviously have no idea on this subject, there where thousands of British, Australian etc. Soldiers that died as prisoners of war building the Burma railway. But there where the Thai "Coolies" that where treated much worse and died in the of hundreds of thousands.

I was writing about Thai civilians killed during WWII not prisoners of war from other countries who were killed in Thailand as a consequence of Thailand being an ally of Japan.

I think if you research the topic about Thai labor used during railway construction you will be amazed to find the Thai workers were paid. Though many died they were not forced to work but were paid labor under the supervision of Thai engineers.

Just to put the record straight, the asian labourers that worked on the Thai-Burma railway during the second world war were Tamils, Malays, Burmese NOT Thais. Remember that Thailand was an ally of the Japanese. The engineers were Japanese and yes, although the asian labourers were indentured workers they were treated very badly. Roughly 200,000 of them of which about 80,000 died.

What amazes me is the lovely gals with the great Thai figures who are worried because they aren't big enough in the boob department. They are often the same ones with the lovely soft golden skin but who want to look whiter. Meanwhile the white farang women spend billions of dollars trying to look more like Thai women. :D ??

The ONLY purpose for the bra on a Thai is for the padding. Most Thai women don't need one. I think it is a ploy by the garment factories to sell something that people don't need. I try to explain that they should consider themselves lucky. I tell them that their great butt is God's way of compensating for a lack of a rack. They don't have to worry about sagging and flopping when they get older. And, if they have paid any attention to their Thai diet they don't have to worry about getting fat like most westerners.

Oh yeah Ian, those great little Thai butts! :D .. And very little cellulite :D:D in the LOS (thank you God :D ), let it stay in the west where it belongs.


We stopped playing gramophone records years ago guys. Time to up to mp3 me thinks. :)


This whole thread is just making mountains out of molehills. It's all a storm in a b cup. (While definitely not an admirer of large breasts, I wouldn't mind seeing a t cup though).

It was mentioned on another thread the problem of Thai women being bra obsessive.

Few men who come to Thailand for any length of time are not in one way or another exposed to a Thai breast. Few also fail to be impressed with the symmetry and perfection of the above mentioned body part. Why then, with their obvious assets should Thai women choose to layer their chests in padding, foam and all sorts of artificial disenhancements?

There is a villain in the story and his name is Colonel Luang Phibun Songgram. He was in power initially during the 1930's before and during WW II.

Phibun was responsible for the Victory Monument, in that he started the war against the French which got 44 or so Thai's killed and prompted the building of the monument. Of course it didn't take long to beat the French because the Thai's had Ford model T truck engines in their tanks among other things.

Phibun also arranged the alliance with the Japanese which led Thailand to declare war against the UK and the United States. Thailand wanted the poppy growing regions in Burma because back in the good old days Bangkok had more opium dens per capita than almost anywhere in the world and the Japanese supported the Thai aggression against Burma. In Burma, opium production increased from 8 tons in 1936 to an approximate 36 tons in 1942 under Thai rule.

Thailand came out of WW II almost unscathed with only a few hundred civilians killed compared to the hundreds of thousands dead everywhere else both among their allies (the Germans, Japanese and so on) and their enemies (US, UK, Burma, Vietnam, China, and almost everyone else).

But Thailand did not emerge from this period undamaged and the bra was one of the consequences of this era.

Phibun was a social manipulator. He was unhappy with the relatively idyllic stat of Thai womanhood.

Thai women before WW II were topless. Men wore skirts. Everyone ate five times a day. Opium was legal. Men didn't have to kiss their wives. People ate with their hands.

Phibun didn't like it. He mandated that women wear shirts and bras and that men wear pants. He insisted men kiss their wives goodbye in the morning (on the lips!). He ruled that Thai people should eat with spoons and forks and only three times a day.

Phibun was arrested for war crimes but returned to power shortly thereafter.

very interesting


guys, its all about nipples, not size

israeli women also only go for the padded look; my 15 yr old has the padded push up version... i asked her why as i go for the non padded, young girls type (im not exactly stacked)... daughter replied: nipples show up and that is a no no. i go nuts looking for a non padded, and non push up bra.

me being an ex american, i couldnt care less about wearing bras and went without most of my life/ however, thai issaan hubby very much cares and i get checked before leaving the house/off the kibbutz -- he grabs a peak down the blouse and asks where my bra is... and when i do wear it, he huffs and puffs and still asks if im wearing one cause , heaven forbid, he can see my..........nipples ........ thru the shirt...

that is why thai girls/women wear padded bras.... and in issaan i didnt see a single woman go without , contrary to what all u men claim so obviusly u were in differnt areas of towns than i was cause even when wearing tank style tops (rare in of itself in the village where i was)... i couldnt wait to get to the shack and take the thing off in hot humid weather, but my sisters' in law, well, i think they even slept with them.. and most of the women also wore mens style t shirts and those sort of longer, uni sex shorts or three quarter jeans.... practicle and country style...

big cities were an other matter.

and mother in law sat almost every day in her sala with bra on, and pa sin around her waist , chewing her mak.

when i asked hubby if i could do the same he said no. only the old country ladies do that. so god forbid someone should see my bra strap (and again, in israeli fashion, the bra is worn like a bathing suit top under shirts falling off shoulders, worn with strapless tube tops but with strapped bras -- go figure that one-- and worn under skimpy (what hubby calls pattaya style) strapped tank tops, so that the bra is sticking out on all sides, worn as a part of the the clothing and not as an undergarment only... he thinks its disgusting btw, it doesnt seem to attract him at all, but rather cause him to mutter HIV under his breath... he's not a prude, but old fashioned issaan i would say.



Is that how they lost part of Laos to French Indo-China? As for kissing, I thnk his ideas have gone by the wayside. I have found many Thai women don't like to kiss. Some totally refuse.

The reverse side is that many of us know of a great percentage of Thai women where kissing comes natural. Guess it depends on the circle one keeps.

This whole thread is just making mountains out of molehills. It's all a storm in a b cup. (While definitely not an admirer of large breasts, I wouldn't mind seeing a t cup though).

...large breasts. Nor am I an admirer. Don't find it feminine nor attractive.


I'm always wary of (relative) newbies who (a.) post new topics, and (b.) know how to change the font type and size.

It's almost as if they are experienced forum posters rather than newbies.

I'll leave it at that. :)

To the conqueror goes the right to write history.

It doesn't mean it's true.

They think it does. Knee-jerk.... :)

guys, its all about nipples, not size

etc, etc



Good perspective, bina, I believe you are correct. But, it "IS" something taught to young Thai girls at an early age. There seems to be less of it in North America where girls actually DO get breasts at an early age.

There are many topless beaches scattered throughout Europe and North America, but you don't see it with locals in Asia.

Modesty IS something that is taught to young Thai girls, but not so much to boys. In the country, young Thai children swim naked in the river near home, but somewhere around 5 or 6 they start covering up the private parts, and after that almost obsess over it to a point where women will wear a towel to bed before having sex.

What amuses me is women who might be embarrassed if accidently seen in her bra and panties, but an hour later will be on a beach wearing a much skimpier outfit. :)

guys, its all about nipples, not size

israeli women also only go for the padded look; my 15 yr old has the padded push up version... i asked her why as i go for the non padded, young girls type (im not exactly stacked)...

daughter replied: nipples show up and that is a no no. i go nuts looking for a non padded, and non push up bra.

me being an ex american, i couldnt care less about wearing bras and went without most of my life/ however, thai issaan hubby very much cares and i get checked before leaving the house/off the kibbutz -- he grabs a peak down the blouse and asks where my bra is... and when i do wear it, he huffs and puffs and still asks if im wearing one cause , heaven forbid, he can see my..........nipples ........ thru the shirt...

that is why thai girls/women wear padded bras.... and in issaan i didnt see a single woman go without , contrary to what all u men claim so obviusly u were in differnt areas of towns than i was cause even when wearing tank style tops (rare in of itself in the village where i was)... i couldnt wait to get to the shack and take the thing off in hot humid weather, but my sisters' in law, well, i think they even slept with them.. and most of the women also wore mens style t shirts and those sort of longer, uni sex shorts or three quarter jeans.... practicle and country style...



You're sweet and kind to believe your 15 yr old daughter but it's not true..the same as it is not true that Thai (Asian) girls buy padded bras because otherwise there nipples would show....and I'm serious, not pulling a leg here.

Asian girls KNOW and buy nipple covers (available in all flesh colours) if they wear no bra or a soft bra, as Asian girls have different and often (much) larger nipples than western women although the size of their breasts are much smaller than those of most western women.

Padded bras (I know a little about ladies fashion and production in bras from way back) are sold to have the breasts look bigger and not because of the nipple showing.

BTW, nipple covers are rarely used and/or sold in the west (I'm talking EU here) because most women never use them. (I asked around :) )

Young girls might say so, but it's a cover up and think they can fool their mothers.... :D

What they want is to show BIG! Maybe you should have a look in a disco to see what's going on Bina :D



I think you are right Bina. My GF likes the comfort of no bra, but before going out will ask me if her nipples are visible...if the little lumps are visible, she goes and puts on a bra, simply to get rid of the protuberance.

I think it's western hollywood-type ideals that make girls anywhere want to have padded bras for that bigger look...and that probably goes for some modern Thai girls too.


Couldnt be bothered to read the entire thread but i must say the Thai pert breast is a wonderful thing, though if it just fractionally bigger it would be perfection ... the Japanese breat IMHO is the perfect size .... maybe the less endowed girls think these padded bras do this to their udders...

Though whenever i see a padded bra in the flesh on a Thai girl it takes me back to being 14 years old in England when the school girls wanted that little bit extra, but these same girls got so much p7ss take once it got out amongst the boys that they needed to pad them out.

Is that how they lost part of Laos to French Indo-China? As for kissing, I thnk his ideas have gone by the wayside. I have found many Thai women don't like to kiss. Some totally refuse.

The reverse side is that many of us know of a great percentage of Thai women where kissing comes natural. Guess it depends on the circle one keeps.

Who are "many of us"? "A great percentage"? Not the ones I have met. Have sex OK. Kissing? Never?

Is that how they lost part of Laos to French Indo-China? As for kissing, I thnk his ideas have gone by the wayside. I have found many Thai women don't like to kiss. Some totally refuse.

The reverse side is that many of us know of a great percentage of Thai women where kissing comes natural. Guess it depends on the circle one keeps.

Who are "many of us"? "A great percentage"? Not the ones I have met. Have sex OK. Kissing? Never?

None of the Thai women I have known ever knew how to kiss 'naturally'. It seems very alien to a Thai. Yet once they had learned the rudiments they were happy to do so - thankfully.

Padded bras and a nice curvy ass makes a good view :)

I've never been able to resist looking at a young gal's bra outline under her shirt/blouse. Or even from the back I always even look at the outline of the straps. Genetic flaw of mine. :) Do I gain dirty old man status?

:D You certainly do old chap. May I join the club. :D

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