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Theres A Hole In My Leg


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Thanks noahvail,

I normally would of just self medicated but I thought since thai visa has so many legends like urself, I will give the posting thing a go. I don't like taking anti-biodics for no reason because I understand how thats not good for the body and of course one must take an entire course, not just a few tabs.

I dont want my leg to fall off because I might need it to kick out at a few doctors later in life :) .

Thanks for being so kind, I have helped a few on thai visa and it makes you feel good & u done good, thankyou muchly.

Dont worry, i wont litigate if the leg falls off :D

Geez, I'm gonna have to put my waders on :D I forgot to say, and you probably know this... no alcohol while on amoxycillin.




Makes you wanna just get on your bike and ride, don't it lol

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Thanks noahvail,

I normally would of just self medicated but I thought since thai visa has so many legends like urself, I will give the posting thing a go. I don't like taking anti-biodics for no reason because I understand how thats not good for the body and of course one must take an entire course, not just a few tabs.

I dont want my leg to fall off because I might need it to kick out at a few doctors later in life :D .

Thanks for being so kind, I have helped a few on thai visa and it makes you feel good & u done good, thankyou muchly.

Dont worry, i wont litigate if the leg falls off :D

Geez, I'm gonna have to put my waders on :D I forgot to say, and you probably know this... no alcohol while on amoxycillin.




Makes you wanna just get on your bike and ride, don't it lol

I thought alcohol made them work better like the sleeping pills and painkillers I take. :)

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Amoxicillin is OK and will probably do the trick.

Keep us posted if that doesn't work then you could be dealing with a resistant bacteria and may need to switch to Bactrim (sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim) which I presume is available in Thailand.

Really need to stay on top of this, these things can turn in to a wildfire just like that and next thing you'll need the area flayed open or can even lose part of a leg. (Then you won't have a choice about seeing a physician or not.)

Good thing you have addressed this early while it is still quite small.

Good luck!


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In my body. :)

My leg looks really hairy :D .

I would pull the scab, clean with peroxide, put some betadine on and then cover with a bandage. Repeat daily as long as there is any puss under the scab. That scab has to come off, do not just take pills.

Tim207 has had many holes in his hide requiring medical intervention and anything looking like yours was treated in this way.

Edited by Tim207
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Thanks for all the advice everyone, Tim, ive been dying to pick the scab off, can I eat it too? :D

I will do it after I get some antiseptic cream etc....I have to go see one of those freakin pharmacy chicks today..... :)

Edited by Sheryl
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it's necessary to remove the scab so the infected fluid can drain. i had what looks to be almost an identical injury from what i thought

was an insect bite? but left untreated very quickly the entire area became dangerously infected. amoxicillin is fairly tame there is

stronger stuff out there and then of course the dosage/length of course changes. but, i'm just a jailhouse medic as they say. :)

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it's necessary to remove the scab so the infected fluid can drain. i had what looks to be almost an identical injury from what i thought

was an insect bite? but left untreated very quickly the entire area became dangerously infected. amoxicillin is fairly tame there is

stronger stuff out there and then of course the dosage/length of course changes. but, i'm just a jailhouse medic as they say. :D

Okay, okay, thankyou. Hey maybe I can get something for my gender disorder while I am there :):D or is it just the avatar that needs changing....not sure :D

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i think actually what i ended up taking was "zithromax" which is a brand name for azithromycin? normally prescribed for

urinary tract infections but general skin as well? 6tabs in a box, 4 at one time and two the next morning versus a course

of amoxicillin which could take 5-7 days? some of the ladies on here have actual medical training? get well soon

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chatting in here seems to have moved away from my leg & is now working on the anus....i cant understand why :)

Might be something to do with that picture of your face, Seriously get a mate to give you moral support and get to the doctor, tell them you just want the perscription. If it gets too bad you could end up in hospital and be a lot more concerned about doctors.

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Probably a little staph infection (MSSA). Go to a clinic and all will be well. If not, then take coxacillin, which, IMO, is much better for staph skin infection (they usually give me amoxicillin for upper respiratory infection).

Get a surgical knife, alcohol, Betadine, and clean out the wound and dress it yourself if you're not too queasy about it. Try to to push the infection deeper. If it gets into the bone, big problem.

If it's MRSA, well they might have to do some serious cutting.

I never really took little bites and infections seriously until I came here. Get it treat. Best of luck.

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It could be the weather . whenever I get a mossie bite or a cut this time of year it never seems to heal properly. I think its the Humidity. I've got a hole developing in my heel at the moment only caused by a blister from wearing boots without socks. It just won't scab over.

I usually use Aircon for a couple of hours in the evening to cool the bedroom but last night I left it on to see if I could 'dehumidify' for want of a better word, my foot. It was dry and healing well this morning until I started to walk on it. probably need a couple of days Aircon to dry it out completely.

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You did not indicate the cause of this puncture wound. Exactly how deep was it? Has all foreign debris been removed? Depending upon the penetrating object and the depth of the wound, an xray or ultrasound may be needed to ensure nothing has been left behind. The usual practice is to remove dead or dying tissue. This obviously wasn't done. Not doing so retards the healing process. The wound most likely should have been irrigated. Basically, a small bore needle is put into the wound and saline solution is squirted in. Once no more debris comes out, then the wound has been successfully irrigated. If you didn't do this on a deep wound, then you can indeed risk a serious infction.

If 72 hours has passed and you have a fever or inflammation or discharge, then you are in trouble and should seek medical care immediately. I take it your tetanus immunization is up to date? If antibiotics are taken they should be effective on the staphlococcal family. Are you aware that the SOP for a wound that weeps is to culture the run off? You'd be surprised at what is discovered in amazing Thailand. Do you know what kind of infection you have and if so have you determined if the antibiotics you have purchased are even appropriate? The pharmacist that dispensed the drugs should not have done so without a script. Not that the pharmacist cares or the MoH enforces the agreements it has signed.

BTW, a visit to the doctor is always up to you. In this case, you have the choice of visiting him/her now or when the lymph nodes in your groin have swollen to the size of walnuts and your leg has turned green and black. I have only one piece of advice for you: Go and see a doctor now.

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Is that a 22 cal hole in your leg?

Like someone else said Zithromax is better than ammox

it is a wider spectrum.

But what the other posters said was even better go to a doctor

LOS is the best deal going on doctors these days

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An ulcer slow in healing with a central necrotic area is usually the result of an insect bite like a tick or one of the Loxosceles spider family which are wellknown culprits.

Another poster above suggested an occlusive dressing with Betadine ointment; this should work. Clean the ulcer with a mild antiseptic and apply the Betadine twice a day; should take about a week or so.

If the scab falls off and the wound is dry, change to topical Betadine liquid and leave the wound open.

Oral antibiotics may be indicated if there are enlarged lymph glands in the groin area of the affected leg. The small localised red area around the ulcer may indicate only a localised infection and should not warrant oral antibiotics.

These ulcers typically takes quite long to heal due to the presence of foreign protein in the wound and may leave a scar.

Stay out of sea water; especially around Pattaya as the water is probably contaminated with fecal bacteria..

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I know you won't go near a doctor Tim,so run a course of that Amoxycillin,and keep the wound clean,drain any liquids out of it with a hot pointed knife(Just the tip on the skin will break it),make sure you sterilize it with the flame(The knife),get your lovely missus to roll on up to the chemist and some Betadine will do the trick,i have done it many times with weld burns,so easy to get infected in the Thai tropical heat.Hope that helps ya a bit! :D And if the leg falls off,um,don't call me.... :):D Oh,check the expiry date on that Amoxy... :D

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Yo everyone thanks for the advice.....I decided to go to the DOCTOR ! :D FARK, didnt that spin me out, he has examined it and recommended a sex change operation :D , just kidding.

I got a <deleted> load of medication, Dicloxacillin 500mg, Danzen 5mg for the swelling (I told him my penis was always that size but he didnt believe me :D ) & tube of Bactroban-L cream 5mg.

He said it was a good thing that I came before the infection got really BAD.

It was good service in a private hospital, in and out in half an hour, lots of wais and smiles :D , I gave them the thumbs up treatment.

All up, 700 baht, plus another 48,990 for the TV and Chairs I smashed :D ....they seemed to understand about my phobia and the doctor should be out of intensive care in the next couple of days.

As I said, thanks for your help....I should of just gone to the doctor and been done with it :)

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Jeeze,you have turned into a F$#KING WUSS....In your Younger days you would have just cut the leg off and kept fighting,i tell ya,i'm losing respect here... :D Going to see a doctor,what next,collecting flowers??? :):D

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Yo everyone thanks for the advice.....I decided to go to the DOCTOR ! :D FARK, didnt that spin me out, he has examined it and recommended a sex change operation :D , just kidding.

I got a <deleted> load of medication, Dicloxacillin 500mg, Danzen 5mg for the swelling (I told him my penis was always that size but he didnt believe me :D ) & tube of Bactroban-L cream 5mg.

He said it was a good thing that I came before the infection got really BAD.

It was good service in a private hospital, in and out in half an hour, lots of wais and smiles :D , I gave them the thumbs up treatment.

All up, 700 baht, plus another 48,990 for the TV and Chairs I smashed :D ....they seemed to understand about my phobia and the doctor should be out of intensive care in the next couple of days.

As I said, thanks for your help....I should of just gone to the doctor and been done with it :D

Hehehe,joker u :P Woow u got to the doc! Thats a biig step 4 Mankind (at least it was 4 u) :) congratulation, You Won a great personal barrier.next time :D ...It will b easier.

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In my body. :D

My leg looks really hairy :D .

This is the big thai visa injury for he week. :) Its very painful if I hit or flick it :D


Looks like a simple infection to me but better to catch them early or they can mess you up. I would just squirt some Betadine on it and cover it up with some gauze and tape or a plaster. Change the dressing after showering and add more Betadine.

You could also let flies lay their eggs in it and wait for the maggots to eat the infected flesh. Good luck with that :D

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Yes, age tends to soften one. I remember after I was shot, I said to my mate, "That scared the <deleted> out of me.....I think I pissed myself" HOWEVER it turned out it wasnt piss it was blood :D ...then I got really aggitated and reloaded :)


now im like miss daisy


JTP, I've put a picture at the bottom of this post.....its my message to you













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Yo everyone thanks for the advice.....I decided to go to the DOCTOR ! :D FARK, didnt that spin me out, he has examined it and recommended a sex change operation :D , just kidding.

I got a <deleted> load of medication, Dicloxacillin 500mg, Danzen 5mg for the swelling (I told him my penis was always that size but he didnt believe me :D ) & tube of Bactroban-L cream 5mg.

He said it was a good thing that I came before the infection got really BAD.

It was good service in a private hospital, in and out in half an hour, lots of wais and smiles :D , I gave them the thumbs up treatment.

All up, 700 baht, plus another 48,990 for the TV and Chairs I smashed :D ....they seemed to understand about my phobia and the doctor should be out of intensive care in the next couple of days.

As I said, thanks for your help....I should of just gone to the doctor and been done with it :)

You got <deleted> loads of medication, that is not like Thailand!!

I have never been anywhere in the world where they prescribe such an assortment of candies for any medical ailment. The Army Doctors would just prescribe Brufen (ibuprofen) for everything! Bullet wound - Brufen, broken leg - brufen, my Thai wife cut my dick off - brufen.

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Yes, age tends to soften one. I remember after I was shot, I said to my mate, "That scared the <deleted> out of me.....I think I pissed myself" HOWEVER it turned out it wasnt piss it was blood :D ...then I got really aggitated and reloaded :)


now im like miss daisy


JTP, I've put a picture at the bottom of this post.....its my message to you













I see you messed up your pictures ...AGAIN.I'm actually the TOP picture,silly bastard! :D

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peroxide for cleaning it wont "bite"... betadine to disinfect and dressing, as it doesn't look too large a band aid non stick type will do - NO water and as already suggested NO seawater, NONE at all!

repeated cleaning at least 2 x a day, antiseptic ointment, powder!

Well and the rest yes up to you, amoxicillin is not really strong and designed for the younger ones but it wont harm you only must take more over a longer period - I never ever took any medication for wound treatment, except in the 70ties in India when an unattended wound like yours, became almost gangrene of the foot, they wanted to cut my foot off... - serious, it was full with pus, but I was just in my twenties then...so don't hesitate go ahead and clean it up.... it just needs to be clean to heal!

Small wounds even scratches do tend if unattended to hyper infect in the tropics... as simple as that, keep it clean away from water, clean with peroxide ONLY, disinfect with Betadine or similar and you'll see

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peroxide for cleaning it wont "bite"... betadine to disinfect and dressing, as it doesn't look too large a band aid non stick type will do - NO water and as already suggested NO seawater, NONE at all!

repeated cleaning at least 2 x a day, antiseptic ointment, powder!

Well and the rest yes up to you, amoxicillin is not really strong and designed for the younger ones but it wont harm you only must take more over a longer period - I never ever took any medication for wound treatment, except in the 70ties in India when an unattended wound like yours, became almost gangrene of the foot, they wanted to cut my foot off... - serious, it was full with pus, but I was just in my twenties then...so don't hesitate go ahead and clean it up.... it just needs to be clean to heal!

Small wounds even scratches do tend if unattended to hyper infect in the tropics... as simple as that, keep it clean away from water, clean with peroxide ONLY, disinfect with Betadine or similar and you'll see


You didnt read my last post, I went to the hospital and the doc gave me the correct medication. Thanks for your concern and advice.


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