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Cheap or expensive

wilson steer

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Most Western 'items' are available in Thailand at the larger supermarkets, but the prices are often bizarre.

Here are some examples;

Decent English Tea Bags: 4 times U.K. price

Decent English Coffee: 5 times U.K. price

Decent English Gravy: 6 times U.K. price

And Yet.......

Decent English Tomato Ketchup: 1/4 U.K. price

Decent English Mustard: 1/5 U.K. price

Decent English Breakfast cereal: 1/6 U.K. price

What's going on?

What are 'your' experiences? What do you consider the most overpriced 'Western item in L.O.S.', and what do you consider the 'biggest bargain' in L.O.S.?

I want to hear your views!


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ive seen the smallest tin size baked beans you can get and not heinz i.e not a well known brand, in big C for............. 120 baht!!!!!! Nearly 2 english pounds!!!!!!! You can by the same quality tin of beans in england but the larger size for 15 pence or upto 30 pence if you want the top of the range beans.

God i miss my beans on toast :o

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Beans are 9p at ASDA!

Most expensive I think are Mags and books (English language).

Have yet to find decent chocolate - either plastic Thai Chock or Hershi-bars (more plastic).

Guiness is a rip off - if you can find it.

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You know, Tesco are selling some baked beans for about 30 Baht for large tin. Problem is, the sauce is too sweet IMO. Ayam brand name, I think.

Cheese, forget the local stuff. It all tastes too much like cheap cheese spread. Give yourself a treat and buy imported NZ cheddar. Foodland sells it at the nice price.

I bought some 'Thai' mayonaise once, horrible. Why do Thai's love so much to eat sweet? Amazing they're not all diabetic from years of eating sugar.

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