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Us baseball playoffs and world series


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Is there a bar in town where a red-blooded American can watch the AL and NL playoffs and the World Series later either live or recorded? Don't want no 'football' neither, either soccer or the US variety, cricket or rugby intruding on the Great American Pastime...no sissy golf or tennis either...

A dark, air conditioned place preferably, reeking mildly of stale beer and cigarette smoke...maybe a 'Miller's' beer sign out front...bartender named Angelo...

Too much to ask???

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Homesick?...only when it comes to baseball Dr PP.

I can put up with hardship...all kinds of slings and arrows encountered by the lifetime expat...even the expensive slop foisted upon the exhausted and hungry in the name of American cuisine...

but when I hear 'Take me out to the ball game...' and it's play offs season with no place to go???? Waaaahhh!!!!

So, c'mon folks...I'm sure that I am not the only sloppy sentimentalist...who's got a nice darkened bar...a big screen is not even required...would probably violate the rules of home town ambience. Girls allowed so long as they wear the appropriate ball caps and know how to call the next play...

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markt...although I am an As fan I hear you with regard to Boston and the Cubs...being all for fair play and the underdog and all that...two of the oldest clubs without Series victory coming together in the series...how are we to shed our allegiences when that happens?

tripxcore...Oakland bats will have your Cubs pitching staff for breakfast...(hissss)...beat f*ckin' Boston first playoff game on a bunt...

btw...all of youse that are interested, YAHOO Sports have got live play coverage on selected games...check it out

and what happened to my original question regarding a bar in town to watch the games?...nothing

Bangkok...a city dominated by soccer glamour boys and rugby muscle queens (see item in BKK Post, public school boy aficionados coming to Aus for the rugby require large number of brothel dominatrix)...bunch of f*ckin' fags...US football players are Terminator prototypes...nothing under the skin but steel and hydraulics...microprocessor controlled...

never seen a robot that could chew tobacco...

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tripxcore...Oakland bats will have your Cubs pitching staff for breakfast...(hissss)...beat f*ckin' Boston first playoff game on a bunt...

Hehehehehehhe.....not so fast.  Oaklands bats are not that strong first of all.  Secondly, great pitching will overcome good batting.  (Especially Oakland's sub-par batters)  Look at Arizona Diamondbacks a few years back.  Johnson and Schilling controlled the series and they won.

    Look at what my boys Mark Prior and Kerry Wood are doing to Atlanta's batters. (Braves offensive was ranked 1st in the NL this year too!)  We'll see.............

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Oakland 0-2 with Boston...we're getting closer to the big choose off. NY and Twins looking good at 1-1. I want an Oakland - NY finale...a spectre of the early As 70s dynasty

Still no bars offering baseball playoff coverage...I condemn BKK as a third rate city with absurd pretentions...

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SoCal...yeah 2-2 after a 2 game lead...my East Bay friends are howling with despair...I was even sent an As' hat to wear around locally to help the mojo. Let's see what happens today at 5pm PST in Oakland. I ain't got much confidence anymore after game 3 and 3 errors in one inning...

Bad post season As' performance has become a curse...

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Tutsi, definitely missing a great year. Cubbies made it last night, and start FL. Tues.

Both A's & Boston have to be tired. I think either team can have it, just a question of who wants it more. Of course, who ever wins has to face the Yanks Wed.

Stay tuned.

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SoCal...I think that the As' are lost...too much bad juju. I only hope that the damage can be limited...my East Bay friends screaming and pulling out their hair.

Let NY and Boston get it on...more of a traditional venue anyway...

Boston and the Cubs...all right...

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Tutsi, one #### of a game though. Middle of the ninth, Socks up 4 to 3. A's had one out, bases loaded, but couldn't pull it out.

I have $25/game on the Yankees in the Red Socks series. We'll see how that goes.

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The sports programming on UBC doesn't bother me too much now, at least we get some baseball playoff games and two NFL games a week.  And they show premier league soccer games that are actually current.

What chaps my hide is that in middle-late May when you have great sporting action in NHL and NBA playoffs going on, and all they show is replays of Sunderland - Bolton wanderers from 3 seasons back all week.  Get a clue!!

Also, as long as I'm whining and groaning, I'd kill to watch the real SportsCenter just once in a while.  I'm sick of that nancy Jason Dacy rambling on about cricket scores...  who cares!?!?  and I think it should be a human right not to have to listen to some Indian dweeb with a bengali accent tell me how great of a "Slam Dunking" Kobe just had.  Gimme a break!  The sportscasting here is awful, if ESPN in singapore (isn't it?) can hire Brits, Aussies, Indians, Bangladeshis, Chinese, and who knows what else, why can't they get one decent American to talk about the sports that are exciting and really count?

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I have 2 questions:

Are there any non-Americans who understand what's being discussed in this thread? and,

Why's it called the world series when the game is only played in the US (with the exception of a couple of Jap and Canadian teams - oh there are teams in Cuba too but uncle Sam doesn't let Fidel play)?

You can't beat a bit of septic tank baiting.  :o  :D  B)



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PLEASE... if yer gonna "double post", at least keep it up to Zumwalt standards.

i.e. give us a weblink where we can find thousands of thai birds who apparently dig German dudes.

ps.  As a dodger fan, I'm haven't been excited about postseason baseball for what seems like a long long time.  I'll stick to my policy of rooting for whoever is playing against the NY Spankees.   Man oh man, i yearn for yesteryear... give me my Steve Sax, Steve Garvey, and Fernandomania!

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Why's it called the world series when the game is only played in the US (with the exception of a couple of Jap and Canadian teams - oh there are teams in Cuba too but uncle Sam doesn't let Fidel play.

The baseball world series began in 1903 so i suppose as they were the only people playing the game back then, they called its champion "world champion".

Now it's an American tradition to call it's winners of US football, basketball & ice hockey "world champion".

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Aw right, aw right...I knew you blighty swine would throw your oar in given the opportunity...and yeah, baseball is family entertainment in the US...nothing to do with vicious hooligans threatening old ladies on buses like after a Celtic  Rangers match in Glasgow.

Tripxcore let the Cubbies get it on and beat the sh*t out of Florida...never liked expansion teams...

Cubs and Boston...right on...

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fool...get outa here...the gun battle probably had to do with somebody taking somebody's wine...it's LA, after all...Giants fans are from SF after all and don't really give a sh*t...more like film festival followers and looking at the present offering at the galeries...
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Pinkster is it the first to shoot across the line that wins ? Is this done during the game or at half time ?

No Dr, i believe its the one who swings his big club the best.

But in Gridiron (where did that name come from??) he who has the best tackle triumphs....

Dunking your balls is the norm in Basketball  :laugh:

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Right on Tutsiwarrior!  I like soccer , aka "futbol" as much as the next guy but there's nothing like good old American NFL Football!  

Wait, does it get any better?  Yes, it does!  Good old American Baseball!

The Cubbies will be wrapping up the series tomorrow night in Chi-town, right now they're @ -1.5 on most internet sportsbooks.  Mark Prior is pitching, should be a great game!

We can call our champions "world champions" because, quite frankly, we're the best in the world at everything we do,hehe.  

Our population is so diverse with every nationality represented everywhere that you can truly call us world champions when we win.  In some areas of the US you'd think you were in Asia, Mexico, Europe, Cuba, etc,etc we're so g**#### diverse!

As far as Cuba and Castro go, most great Cuban ballplayers defect and end up playing here anyway.

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