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Help Needed......please Pretty Please?


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I need someone to help me setup my own website/domain. Must look professional. No online transactions, so no payment system needed.

What I do need is a simple, easy to use sytem that will allow me to make updates, allow advertising space and more.

I do not wantto this to cost me a a fortune, so please serious advice/help only.

Seen some members advertising (classifieds section) sites with domains...has anyone used any of them, are they any good?

Please anyone? :)

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first what type of site retail ?

many hosting companies have suites of software packages that you can load onto your domain space some of these are retail packages a little bit of reading and customisation and you can set your own site up it is not that difficult

otherwise for work to be done - make sure you get a contract written up it stops a lot of headaches later if you go down the developer route

a lot of develops use of the shelf packages that they tailor to suit the client be aware of this a price accordingly if it is not a bespoke site

many hosting companies sell "space/bandwidth" packages that is you get x number of free domains but they all share the same space/bandwidth so when a developer is giving you a package like that it is not costing him a lot of money for 200$ you can get 500gb of space and lots of bandwidth for 2 years hosting with a lot of companies

make sure you own the domain ie it is registered in your name some unscrupolous developers sell you the package do the site then after a year ask you for money or steal the site as its legally theirs

Edited by PastEgo
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Costs can be like this:

* Domain registration with Google Apps $10. This gives you free Gmail, calendar and docs etc all with your own domain name.

* Webhosting: 'Adequate' disk space, bandwidth and reliability from $12 per year.

* Software: Free. There are many high quality content management systems available for nothing. Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, ImpressCMS.

* Artwork: Free, if you use a public/open theme.

$22 bucks a year for an ok set up if you do it yourself.

make sure you own the domain ie it is registered in your name some unscrupolous developers sell you the package do the site then after a year ask you for money or steal the site as its legally theirs

This is a really common problem in Thailand. Buy the domain yourself, otherwise you may have problems if you decide you want to move your website away from the developer's (reseller) hosting facility. Which you will probably want to do after a while.

Edited by Crushdepth
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Hi folks, I am still loooking for someone to develop a website for me.

Thank you Crushdepth for your advice! :D

I ould like to reiterate the fact that this website would be just a side line hobby for me so whether it takes off ina big way or not is neither here or there as I have other business to attend to. This is something I'd be doing to keep me busy.

I would expect to spend well under 10,000 Baht at this stage. :) So, if anyone, has some free time on their hands and would like to help out please P.M me.

Thanks !

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How about having a mess around with Google Sites?

Should allow you to get something up fast and a feel if it's going to be a success or not. Could then export it all to your own domain. If you get hung up with coding early on, you'll be spending more time with aesthetics than anything, zapping any creativity.

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first what type of site retail ?

many hosting companies have suites of software packages that you can load onto your domain space some of these are retail packages a little bit of reading and customisation and you can set your own site up it is not that difficult

otherwise for work to be done - make sure you get a contract written up it stops a lot of headaches later if you go down the developer route

a lot of develops use of the shelf packages that they tailor to suit the client be aware of this a price accordingly if it is not a bespoke site

many hosting companies sell "space/bandwidth" packages that is you get x number of free domains but they all share the same space/bandwidth so when a developer is giving you a package like that it is not costing him a lot of money for 200$ you can get 500gb of space and lots of bandwidth for 2 years hosting with a lot of companies

make sure you own the domain ie it is registered in your name some unscrupolous developers sell you the package do the site then after a year ask you for money or steal the site as its legally theirs

best is to register it yourself. That is the most important thing on the beginning.

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You need to get yourself a webhosting account (preferably one based in the US). They start from $1 a month for 'ok' service, although high quality web hosting is considerably more than that. This basically gives you a place where you can put the files that make up your website and a database, if you need one.

Suggest you experiment with Wordpress. It's a quite nice web publishing system and its free. It has very good documentation to help you get started and is very simple to use (and has good community support). Also get yourself a copy of Filezilla, which you will need to upload the files onto your server / webhosting account.

Then start by familarising yourself with your web hosting account control panel, and reading the Wordpress documentation (or whatever other system you choose). It's not too hard to get started.

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Okay guys have now registered domain and hosted it via godaddy.com......So what the heck do I do next?

GoDaddy also has number of affordable web hosting packages , and website development services . A few years ago I Hosted and developed a website for my Lodge and it was very easy, their support was fantastic This is a link to the website, I had no experience in web development what so everVisit My Website.http://www.halifax81.com/Home_Page.html I don’t think it cost me more than 3,000 bth and there are hundreds of template styles.

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Okay guys have now registered domain and hosted it via godaddy.com......So what the heck do I do next?

Get webhosting.

Many companies around, including godaddy.

I'm not a big fan of goddaddy as their user interface is such a massive jumble and a nightmare to navigate! I do use them for domain registration though...I have so many url's registered with them that they offered me free hosting, but no thanks, too complicated...

I would advise you to find hosting offering "cpanel" control, this is a hosting configuration panel where you can set everything up (e-mail addresses, web statistics, databases etc). Cpanel is very easy to use!

I you want cheap hosting, and reliability is not extremely important, 3ix might be a good choice. As said, not the best at all, but at just 1 US$/month it is a very cheap way to get yourself up to date for very little money. And they have Cpanel.

Once you would go commercial, or would start to get high traffic, it would be advisable to go to a better (but much higher priced) hosting company...( can be done seamless without any downtime!)

When you register with your webhost, you will get an e-mail with all details on how to access your account, along with the proper name servers (DNS). You will have to log into godaddy, go to manage my domains, and change the nameservers of your domain to the one your hosting company sent you in their e-mail.

Once that is done, the DNS system will take care that everybody entering your URL will end up at the system where your website will be hosted.

Now, as you indicated you are a complete newbee on website design, one option would be to install frontpage (included with all MS Office versions prior to 2007).

Then get some free templates.

Following site has some pretty good ones (around 50 to choose from), download the zipfile, extract and you'll see around 50 .exe files. These are self extracting files, which will create a folder with a complete website, which can be opened with frontpage.

You can then modify text, images etc...

The same site also has some good tutorials on how to use frontpage.

Remember, to use all of frontpage's futures, and to be able to use FP to publish your website (meaning upload it to your webhost) you'll have to go into the cpanel of your host (check the e-mail your webhost sent you on registering, it'll say how to reach your cpanel), search for "frontpage extensions" and make sure they are enabled.

Many webdesigners will be disgusted by advising people to use something as frontpage and tell you to go and learn html, css etc, but if you just need to make a one of site for yourself it'll do just fine... Along with the fact that the learning curve is not too steep...

Good luck!

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Another way to get a website up and running is to use a content management system.

Joomla, wordpress etc are popular ones.

If you have cpanel hosting, you can install them in no time.

Go into cpanel, and find "fantastico deluxe". This is an automatic script installer. You'll see a whole load of scripts, from forum scripts, e-commerce scripts, to content management scripts.

If clicking on a script you'll get a screen with some more info on the script, along with the homepage of the developers and a link to their support system 9often a forum).

If you think a particular script will suit you, you can just click on install, and fantastico deluxe will take care of the rest!

Then you just get the content in...

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:) Okay guys, I'm sorted!

Registered Domain Via godaddy.com and then was stuck as everyone knows. Then a friend /ex colleague who I had not been in touch with for a while suggested a 'local' chap. Went down to see him this morning and he seems to know his stuff for sure!

Price Just over 5,000 Baht but I will still need to pay for Epay setup...got 500mb hosting for 1,500 a year.

I'm happier this way...if something goes tits up then atleast I know the guy lives just down the road and will sort it out.

Anyway, thanks to all of you who have responded to my post...I got some ideas from you guys beforehand that probably saved me a couple of thousand hundred Baht.

Jai yen yen has definately paid off.....well, I'll have to wait and see what the final product is like!

Will post back when completed.

Thanks all!


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