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Special Announcement From The Farang Connection.

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Special announcement.

It has been reported to me that a rumour is circulating Surin, that I am dying from AIDS, no doubt put about by some unscrupulous competitors/enemies/rumour mongers/<deleted>, who would love to see The Farang Connection come crashing down. This is totally untrue, when in fact I am dying from Cancer, Well not actually dying ( which will no doubt upset a few of the aforementioned) but definately a tad under the weather. Earlier this week I completed my first course of Chemo at the Regional Cancer Clinic in Ubon, that's the first 55 hours of treatment under the counter, Only 11 more sessions over the next six months. That is why you may see me walking about like Zombie from " The Land of the Living Dead". Apart from that, my Cancer is really the least of my worries, as now I am suffering from a trapped nerve in my back, and the same old frozen shoulder. On the good side, my weight has stableised around 80 kg'. No more F*t G*t tag.

Well, I wish those who put around the rumour a speedy recovery from their sickness, although I suspect it runs deeper than that.

With love and affection, Martin. T**n G*t.

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Keep up the good spirit Martin!! :)

Wish you all the best with your struggles, and hope to see you soon! :D

trapped nerve in my back, and the same old frozen shoulder

A series of accupunture treatment can help a lot for your back

and its not only temporary effects ...

trapped nerve in my back, and the same old frozen shoulder

A series of accupunture treatment can help a lot for your back

and its not only temporary effects ...

That sorted it out last time it happened........cheers


Chinese whispers is a game I played as a kid. Too bad some people still play it as adults. Take no notice.

At least someone had the guts to mention to you that there was a rumour flying around, more than most people would do.

My father had chemo 3 times in the 70's, very unpleasant. I'm sure all TV memebers are wishing you a speedy decoverey.

Regards Bojo

Chinese whispers is a game I played as a kid. Too bad some people still play it as adults. Take no notice.

At least someone had the guts to mention to you that there was a rumour flying around, more than most people would do.

My father had chemo 3 times in the 70's, very unpleasant. I'm sure all TV memebers are wishing you a speedy decoverey.

Regards Bojo

Hope the treatment works out, Martin. It seems bizarre to me that people should believe they can damage a person by saying he has a more stigmatising disease rather than a less-stigmatising one. I'd say that those who have met Martin and witnessed his hospitality, wry humour and work ethic first hand, would wish him a speedy recovery no matter what condition he had.

Special announcement.

It has been reported to me that a rumour is circulating Surin, that I am dying from AIDS, no doubt put about by some unscrupulous competitors/enemies/rumour mongers/<deleted>, who would love to see The Farang Connection come crashing down. This is totally untrue, when in fact I am dying from Cancer, Well not actually dying ( which will no doubt upset a few of the aforementioned) but definately a tad under the weather. Earlier this week I completed my first course of Chemo at the Regional Cancer Clinic in Ubon, that's the first 55 hours of treatment under the counter, Only 11 more sessions over the next six months. That is why you may see me walking about like Zombie from " The Land of the Living Dead". Apart from that, my Cancer is really the least of my worries, as now I am suffering from a trapped nerve in my back, and the same old frozen shoulder. On the good side, my weight has stableised around 80 kg'. No more F*t G*t tag.

Well, I wish those who put around the rumour a speedy recovery from their sickness, although I suspect it runs deeper than that.

With love and affection, Martin. T**n G*t.

Small minded people live small minded lives.<deleted>** the begrudger's.

Martin you have enough on your plate for now to even listen to that bullshi*.

Wish you the best Martin my praye'sr are also with you.

thank you also for your kindness and hospitality the last time i meet you.


Ignore the rumour mongers Mart, everyone who really knows you will do anyway, remember, tam dee dai dee tam shua dai shua.

Hope the treatment works well for you.


Hi Mountain(or should it be little hillock,now?)

Glad to hear your on the mend. There are some miserable b@stards around even in this beautiful land. I just got back from Kho Chang to be faced with a very personal & threatening post about me, on another local Forum. In true British tradition, I did the same as you and just laughed it off.

On a different note, I understand they are remaking the Thriller video and wonder if you are interested in a 'walk on' part.




My brother is an oncologist who happened to diagnose himself with cancer. He is in remission but I was there for a few times and saw some of the treatement went through. To those who spreading those rumors about you, I would like to corner them in an alley for you. All the best and keep your spirits up


Martin there are some very sad people about who have F***all else to do.

If they are man enough to make themselves known just give em a Winston Churchill.

All The Best


O.K. the truth has emerged. It seems to be one mans crusade to bring grief to the Farang Connection. He has been reported as telling at least one shop owner in Surin that I have the dreaded lurgae that pop stars die of.

I wish to put out a public apology to any competitors/enemies/rumour mongers/<deleted> that might have thought I was implicating them in this matter.SOLLY My friends and enemies alike do seem to be standing by me during these troubled times.

My ethics and beliefs do not allow me to mention the name of this horrible thorn in society, and anyway being called smellyunwashedbuilderscleavageamericandavid must be one difficult bug to bear.

Thanks to everyone.


Martin, you are a class act and nobody with any common sense would believe the rumours anyway. :)

The wife wanted me to pass on her best wishes, ("he gentleman" she said) hope you feel better soon.

and anyway being called smellyunwashedbuilderscleavageamericandavid must be one difficult bug to bear

My condolences for being called David :)

Keep yer pecker up, matey



Speedy recovery Martin. And just remember what my husband always says, I am sure it will give you strength for the hard times to come.

"Mean old men die hard"

And if thats truly the case, you have decades left in ya :)


I might have left the scene, but one does remember the mates one came across in my time there, and one of them was Martin.

Thailand has enough Big 'C' with out having to adding another mate so get rid of it. I thought you might appreciate my jovial approach mate its dry like yours.

As for the trapped nerve well I did warn you about jumping off wardrobes ages ago.

Joking apart mate keep your chin up and get back to normal you have everyone's thoughts on here and well wishes and ignore the ones that try to put you down (Only the vet can do that hahaha)



We lift a JD toast to your health.

My wife and I wish you the best of luck and laughter.



Well, this is most unusual. I am feeling so great, that I am actually looking foreward to the next round of Chemo next Wednesday. I am regaining my dashing looks, my body resembles a 20 year old athlete, it's only my memory that's a bit foggy. In fact only the other day, I looked down, and saw this growth between my legs. First time I'd seen that in nearly 20 years, without the use of a mirror. My back pains have eased as well after a session of acupuncture, so things are looking up. Cheers everyone for your support.

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