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Former Health Minister Down With The Virus


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Former health minister down with the virus

By The Nation

Published on August 7, 2009

Former health minister down with the virus

Sudarat says govt not doing enough to contain the outbreak; advises zoning areas

Former public health minister Sudarat Keyuraphan is being treated for typeA (H1N1) influenza at Bangkok's Bamrungrad Hospital since Wednesday.

"Her condition has improved," the hospital's Medical Director Chamaree Chuapetcharasopon said at a press conference yesterday. She added that Sudarat was being given tamiflu and would have to stay at the hospital for at least five days.

Earlier, Sudarat had come to the hospital with flulike symptoms, but because she showed satisfactory signs of improvement, she was allowed to go home.

However, lab results later showed that she had caught the typeA (H1N1) virus and had to be hospitalised. As of yesterday, Sudarat had no fever and had a slight cough.

Asked if the minister was coughing up blood, Chamaree said: "Yes, but only a little."

When speaking to the media, Sudarat said she had, in fact, taken all the precautions to protect herself from the disease.

"Despite washing my hands regularly, I've still come down with the typeA (H1N1) flu," she said.

Sudarat said she had visited people in Bangkok's Chatuchak and Lat Phrao areas over the past weekend, and realised that many had flulike symptoms.

Asked if she had any advice for the incumbent administration, Sudarat said: "The control of the disease is still not good enough. The government has not yet contained the disease."

Sudarat said the government should have made the flu outbreak part of its national agenda.

"The government should set up zones so people know which areas have the highest number of swineflu patients. The alert level will remind people of how careful they should be in each area," she advised.

The former minister's husband, children and relatives were in her hospital room, which had two air purifiers running. She had also been visited by a number of politicians, government officials and businessmen.

Meanwhile, Public Health Minister Witthaya Kaewparadai said the virus was mainly spreading in densely populated areas.

Currently, about 980,000 health volunteers have been mobilised across the country to help control the outbreak.


-- The Nation 2009/07/08

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Its all under control now in the UK, its been cleared up by the start of the 2nd round of the credit crunch, and Freddie Flintoffs bad knees ...... maybe itll make a return sometime soon.

In Thailand they need a political revolt or Taxin to return that'll clear Swine flu up in no time!

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Its all under control now in the UK, its been cleared up by the start of the 2nd round of the credit crunch, and Freddie Flintoffs bad knees ...... maybe itll make a return sometime soon.

In Thailand they need a political revolt or Taxin to return that'll clear Swine flu up in no time!

Just wait til the flu season starts in the UK. In Aus the flu season is in full swing, hospitals are full and its running riot. Boy am I glad I am in Thailand.

Edited by waza
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Just wait til the flu season starts in the UK. In Aus the flu season is in full swing, hospitals are full and its running riot. Boy am I glad I am in Thailand.

The hospitals always have many people with flu in during the flu season and hospitals are always full at any time of year ........ but now theyre probably full of nutcases coming in with snail trails on their sleaves wanting the Vicar/Priest to read them their last rights thinking they've got the most well marketed virus since the other years Bird Flu.

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Hello, the flu season in the northern hemisphere typically begins in November so this is only a prelude as to what should happen when more people from the north go to Thailand to be warm. The government of Thailand needs to be ready with plans and medicine for all the people as this flu will travel fast. Cheers.

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Gosh, the former health minister should take a look in the mirror and ask herself why she didn't build up Thailand's vaccine production capability when ahe had a chance to do that. The only real way to contain the illness is to innoculate against the disease.

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Ohh. The above 2 strong comments lashing at the former Health Minister are in line with how the a representative from the Democrat Party said "รวมทั้งมีการวิจารณ์ และแนะนำรัฐบาลด้วย แต่บังเอิญแนะนำไปแนะนำมากลับมาติดหวัด 2009 เสียเอง เป็นการชี้ให้เห็นว่า หวัด 2009 สามารถติดต่อได้ง่าย ซึ่งต้องทำความเข้าใจกับประชาชนในการป้องกันมากกว่านี้ เพราะขนาดอดีตรมต.สาธารณสุข ที่มีความเข้าใจอย่างดีแล้วยังเป็นหวัด 2009 ได้ ดังนั้น ประชาชนต้องระมัดระวังตัวเองมากกว่านี้" Translate >>> "by criticizing and preaching on the current govt of how should the flu'll be handle, it's ironic and pathetic that, as the former health minister, she caught on the flu herself. Therefore, this clearly shown that the flu is very contagious and dangerous and each citizens should realize that, so each citizens must look out on their own" ... So, as i interpreted, the Democrat Govt said clearly here that they are not responsible on how Thai citizens affected with the 2009 flu.

Edited by emancipationthailand
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Its ridiculous to blame any government or government department for the spread of this Flu. There is no effective antidote, strategy or system that can stop its spread. Luckily it is a mild Flu, unlike Type A. It will run it course with or without attempted interventions.

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Its ridiculous to blame any government or government department for the spread of this Flu. There is no effective antidote, strategy or system that can stop its spread. Luckily it is a mild Flu, unlike Type A. It will run it course with or without attempted interventions.

I see the farangs's mind sets here. Back when WHO announced that the 2009 flu reach level 6 (Pandemic), you couldn't understand/didn't hear directly, the exactly comments in Thai language on TV from people from the Democrat Govt.

5 5 5 5 5

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Remember, this is the same health minister who was in office during the great bird flu cover up. Another crime against humanity, unfortunately often forgotten about, that should be added to the TRT charge sheet. The hypocrisey of her trying to score political points by bleating about catching a virus everyone knows exists in Thailand, when people died as result of her government's cover up of the bird flu virus here is disgusting. As are the red thug apologists postings trying to score the same points in this thread.

"The European Union (EU) has blasted Thailand for covering up the bird flu outbreak and misleading its consumer protection commissioner David Byrne during a visit here last month, press reports say." - http://newsmine.org/content.php?ol=cabal-e...flu-coverup.txt

"The Prime Minister of Thailand yesterday faced down angry questions about a delay in announcing an outbreak of highly contagious avian influenza." - http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/as...flu-574257.html

"The parents of the six-year-old boy who became the first Thai to succumb to the bird flu virus decided to sue the government for allegedly covering up the spread of the disease, the Nation newspaper reported Thursday. " - http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P2-16539325.html

Edited by ballpoint
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Citing ..... Hmm ... I'm sure that this piece of news's aim is not for the presentation of the public's anger, but rather trying to seriously discredited the PPP govt, as the Nation already joined the efforts with the 'invisible hands'. ("The Thai public must begin to ask itself what sort of gullible, ignorant fools the powers-that-be take it for. What have we done to deserve this contempt and deceit?") .... I'm sure a lots of Thai didn't think such the extreme strong lashing at the PPP is out of Nation's good will and sincerity to the country. ... Anyway, i'm only remembered that this actually hurt the chicken exports to EU, but didn't affect the Thai people that much. (It's just one of the non-tariff trade barrier tactics by EU, which Taksin's oppositions tried very hard to take this opportunity to discredited the Govt back then)

Thai Credibility Shattered by Deceit

The Nation, 7 February 2004

Stung by lies told by Thai leaders over the bird-flu epidemic, the EU will find it difficult to trust Thailand again

The Thai leaders must have the courage to apologise to David Byrne, Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection of the EU, after being caught red-handed lying to him about the existence of bird flu. Byrne has been portrayed as a fool by both the European media and his colleagues because he believed the words of Thailand's leaders. Certainly, he should have questioned them before being taken in, but then who would have thought that the Thai leaders would be so bold as to attempt to cover up an epidemic? Byrne will apparently have to immerse himself in the local political culture before ever doing business with Thailand again.

A telex from the outgoing Thai Ambassador to the European Commission Surapong Posayanonda detailed a conversation between him and Martin Power, the head of Byrne's cabinet. It revealed a culture of deceit under which mistakes made by Thai leaders were covered up by subordinates. The envoy, who is a pleasant and decent diplomat, had to do just that. And it proved to be too much for him, so he quit, effective in April.

As the telex showed, Power used strong language to express his disgust over the lack of credibility of the Thai leaders, who told his boss that there was no evidence of bird flu even though at that time it had been established that the disease existed. Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra and Agriculture Minister Somsak Thepsuthin, who met with Byrne and briefed him on the bird flu, should have been more candid and told the truth. But what incentive did they have to do so? They have foisted deceptive schemes on the Thai public so many times already. To date, no one has been held responsible for the epidemic and failed cover-up.

The Thai people should realise by now that the government's handling of the bird-flu outbreak was really a systematic, large-scale cover-up. The Thai leaders also cynically used Byrne's words, based on their own lies, to lend credibility to their cover-up attempt and to spread the lie to the world that Thailand had no bird flu.

The words of the Thai leaders at that time had no creditability anyway. Byrne just happened to be the first foreign leader to visit Thailand, and he was used mercilessly. This is the first time that the government has been caught in such a diplomatic fiasco. The European Commission lost face and therefore it had to be frank with Thailand. Future EU-Thai relations are now at stake and will be under constant close scrutiny.

Since last month's international meeting on preventing bird flu, the government has become more confident. It believes that the country's image has improved a bit. Since then, the government has welcomed foreign experts and assistance to help contain the epidemic. In normal times, Thaksin might have rejected the idea of accepting foreign assistance as unpatriotic.

After all, he has declared repeatedly that Thailand is an independent nation, capable not just of standing on its own feet, but also of becoming a donor country, reaching out to help poorer neighbours, well on its way to joining the ranks of the coveted First World club.

It is a good lesson for all of us to note that when the government starts to make a habit of taking people for granted to help it tell lies, something is amiss.

The Thai public must begin to ask itself what sort of gullible, ignorant fools the powers-that-be take it for. What have we done to deserve this contempt and deceit?

Edited by emancipationthailand
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Former public health minister Sudarat Keyuraphan is being treated for typeA (H1N1) influenza


Remember, this is the same health minister who was in office during the great bird flu cover up.

Another crime against humanity, unfortunately often forgotten about, that should be added to the TRT charge sheet. The hypocrisy of her trying to score political points by bleating about catching a virus everyone knows exists in Thailand, when people died as result of her government's cover up of the bird flu virus here is disgusting. As are the red thug apologists postings trying to score the same points in this thread.

"The European Union (EU) has blasted Thailand for covering up the bird flu outbreak and misleading its consumer protection commissioner David Byrne during a visit here last month, press reports say."

Bird Flu Minister Sudarat and her chicken...


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