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This Post is to provide an update to the Govt. recantation effort of the 'petition',

Moderators - please don't relegate this post to some aged thread that obscurely references the 'petition', as a way of burying these comments.

So what is the Government doing to counteract this 'citizen's supplication (CS)"...................Lots! The following points are what the pro-democracy Red Shirts have told me. I have not observed myself, but leave it to you to assess the validity of the information.

  • There seems to be a need to acquire a semblance of anti-CS activity that can be a figleaf, face-saving way of rejecting it. If necessary, the results will be amplified. Who is to know. As long as some semblance of division in the country can be shown, regardless of the relative numbers.
  • There is a focus on Government officials. They are a captive audience - employees.
  • Besides Government Officials, other Government entities are also being targetted, such as health care centers, Orbitors (sp?...Thai equivelant of 'counties), mayors, etc.
  • Initiate activity condemming the CS, and obtain the names of people who are against it. PAD sympathisers are obvious targets.
  • Use threats to force Government Officials to sign anti-CS forms. Not to do so, may be considered insubordination.
  • Every minister will lean on employees in his ministry. Dept. of health, Interior, Education, etc.
  • The latter Department will also seek to inflate the numbers by accessing the student population, in schools having an excess of 500 students.
  • The anti-CS efforts will be framed as being pro-royalty, implying that to sign the CS was an anti-royalty action.
  • The pro-democracy Red Shirts will accordingly be portrayed as being anti-royal.
  • To sign the anti-CS will be seen as a sign of royalty loyalty.
  • Sound trucks will begin to traverse communities promoting all these efforts.

The above is what the pro-democracy Red Shirts are claiming.

wrong place. we like to discuss bar girls and why sex tourists are terrible people and why we teach english for peanuts.

you forgot to mention this weeks obligatory whinge thread of a 'scam' against a upstanding foreigner by those sneaky locals, the monthly complaint about why Britain is going to hel_l in a handbasket (immigrants, apparently) and what is going to happen with the GBP and USD vs THB (by those who have inadequate savings to live here).

The above is what the pro-democracy Red Shirts are claiming.

A complete non-starter considering that there's no such thing as a "pro-democracy Red Shirt".


The government is supposed to sit idly by while violent insurgents led by criminal fugitive rogue ex-PM try yet again to stage another revolution attempt? Why?

wrong place. we like to discuss bar girls and why sex tourists are terrible people and why we teach english for peanuts.

LOL....Yeah, I'm not too bright...but dam_n handsome!

You must admit, this could be a valuable lesson for the many, many, many times you wish to recant.

Thank me for that, and you are welcome

The government is supposed to sit idly by while violent insurgents led by criminal fugitive rogue ex-PM try yet again to stage another revolution attempt? Why?

Hey, good buddy Jingthing. Good morning.

The petition/citizen's supplication does all that?

Who knew!

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