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My Boyfriend, The Sex Tourist


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Haha Patsy! :)

That docu that britmav posted was pretty interesting. Interesting to see the flip side. One thing that i havent seen in female sex-tourist docus (but may happen, just from the docus ive seen, i havent), is the woman bad mouthing their male countrymen. Actually, even from women who move to another country and have a relationship/marriage etc with someone from another culture or race. Its like they dont even think about it, they just happy getting on with their lives. No idea why some men here seem pre-occupied at making negative comparisons and derogatory comments so much.

I'm not sure - good question. Maybe because Western women haven't been demonized in their own countries for the last 40 years, being called everything from pigs to dogs to wife-beaters, child-molesters, pedophiles, perverts, immature, commitment-phobe, obsolete, exploitive, abusive, etc., etc., etc.?

I'm all for equal rights, but a lot of guys feel that Western society has come to be anti-male. A lot of guys feel emasculated. Naturally they resent that.

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Where do these 'new' people/topics come from??


We come out of your arse.

I'm betting that the word 'banned' comes under your username before we know it. I will take this opportunity to say, "Good Riddance". :)

Aw jeez - I was just trying to be funny!! Why should I be banned????

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Where do these 'new' people/topics come from??


We come out of your arse.

I'm betting that the word 'banned' comes under your username before we know it. I will take this opportunity to say, "Good Riddance". :)

Aw jeez - I was just trying to be funny!! Why should I be banned????

Okay, well hold onto that thought.....maybe you should check out a few other peoples posts here on thai visa for some ideas about how to be phunny. :D because that wasnt very funny :D

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What abuse???? There was no abuse - it was just a ridiculous visual, that's all!

The guy asked "Where do these 'new' people/topics come from?" What was meant by that question then? Couldn't that question be construed as "abuse"? I didn't make an issue of it, I just thought "where do you think they come from?" and then came up with what I thought was a pretty funny answer. I'm sorry if you couldn't laugh at that. I'll try to do better next time. :)

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You're kidding, right? What's not funny about that? (Or phunny, as you put it?) You guys just hate newbies, isn't that it?

No, thats not it, thats what makes this forum go around, new people coming in.

Forget the newbie part of ur nic, its the other part that people dislike.

Anyway, you arnt really a newbie anymore, you've progressed to the next stage....god help us :)

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Haha Patsy! :)

That docu that britmav posted was pretty interesting. Interesting to see the flip side. One thing that i havent seen in female sex-tourist docus (but may happen, just from the docus ive seen, i havent), is the woman bad mouthing their male countrymen. Actually, even from women who move to another country and have a relationship/marriage etc with someone from another culture or race. Its like they dont even think about it, they just happy getting on with their lives. No idea why some men here seem pre-occupied at making negative comparisons and derogatory comments so much.

I'm not sure - good question. Maybe because Western women haven't been demonized in their own countries for the last 40 years, being called everything from pigs to dogs to wife-beaters, child-molesters, pedophiles, perverts, immature, commitment-phobe, obsolete, exploitive, abusive, etc., etc., etc.?

I'm all for equal rights, but a lot of guys feel that Western society has come to be anti-male. A lot of guys feel emasculated. Naturally they resent that.

Woh..first off you obviously have a very poor idea of what women had to endure for centuries in order to even get basic rights, then. On top of that, you fail to see the derogatory, sexist crap woman put up with on one level or another nearly every day. Even in the west its still often the case women wont get equal pay for being in the same position as a man. Woman are ripped apart for the smallest things. Be it in their professional lives, or how they look physically. Sorry but your statement doesnt wash for me. Woman have been demonized (and still) in their own countries and other countries ongoing for centuries. Men may just be getting a taste of what that feels like. Neither is productive or healthy. I dont believe in "thats what you get".

I suppose i can agree that in SOME cases SOME women have gone down the route of belittling men. Probably part of a backlash of having taken so much crap from men for so long? I would say that that comes in equal measures though. Some women are ball-breakers, and some men sexist bigoted pigs. Society seems to like to bring down both (tv has a lot to answer for i would say too. Before you had the sitcoms showing the silly airheaded wifey, now you get the dumb lazy husband. Stuff like that). Maybe at some point there will be a calmer feeling, where neither feels they need the upper hand. Those changes need to be made in all of us though, for it to work in any way.

(but i dont wish to turn this into a male/female rights etc etc debate.)

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^well eek, Kind maam, I think you crossed the line and did exactly that.

Clearly you need to go to my school on 'how to touch onto a subject briefly' without hi-jacking the thread. I could go on about that but I would breach my own 3 sentence rule :)

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Hmm..you know, i have a question for you guys...

Imagine this scenario (its not real, just a scenario!).. you decide to live somewhere (by choice) such as the Dominican Republic, and the vast majority of expats are women in their 60s and 70s paying men in their teens and twenties for sex and many others having relationships with them..possibly even marriage. The younger expat ladies also dating the locals. That in itself i imagine probably wouldnt be a problem, right? But, imagine if a good number of those women looked down on you. Made disparaging remarks. Talked to the locals about you negatively. Picked flaws in your bodies and tried to humiliate you. If you decide to date a local girl, they make assumptions that its because you have no hope in hel_l of dating one of them (even if you arent even interested in dating one of them!). Even may ask you outright, why are you here. Even may tell you outright, no place for western men here. Your mere presence is resented.

..thankfully ive never experienced this first hand. But i did once sit in a cafe in Chiang Mai in the daytime whilst two permatan oldies loudly compared bedding an Asian to bedding a western girl, even down to the size and look of their nether regions. Tell me, how pleasant would you find it if you were in a cafe somewhere with two old wrinkly ladies talking this way about men?

It would be nice, for those who may have an anti-western female stigma would learn to let go. its not only sexist its also racist. Im sure no western man would want the same treatment from a woman, especially when from their own country!

..er ok..rant over....

edit: lol..i think i just turned it into what i said i didnt want to turn it into: a male/female rights debate thingy..sorry!!

edit 2: wrote this before your reply neverdie. OOps yeh, i did go into the debate. In my defense..i didnt start it :)

Edited by eek
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^well eek, Kind maam, I think you crossed the line and did exactly that.

Clearly you need to go to my school on 'how to touch onto a subject briefly' without hi-jacking the thread. I could go on about that but I would breach my own 3 sentence rule :D

eeechhhh, the thread is kinda open for veering in different directions no? :)

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Hmm..you know, i have a question for you guys...

Imagine this scenario (its not real, just a scenario!).. you decide to live somewhere (by choice) such as the Dominican Republic, and the vast majority of expats are women in their 60s and 70s paying men in their teens and twenties for sex and many others having relationships with them..possibly even marriage. The younger expat ladies also dating the locals. That in itself i imagine probably wouldnt be a problem, right? But, imagine if a good number of those women looked down on you. Made disparaging remarks. Talked to the locals about you negatively. Picked flaws in your bodies and tried to humiliate you. If you decide to date a local girl, they make assumptions that its because you have no hope in hel_l of dating one of them (even if you arent even interested in dating one of them!). Even may ask you outright, why are you here. Even may tell you outright, no place for western men here. Your mere presence is resented.

I guess eek you indeed started it and there is no way back now :)

Just wondering is above really how you feel being western woman in Thailand ?

And as a male i can confirm that 99% of us really just don't care. Most of us might find it actually quite amusing to listen couple of grannies bragging with their last night shag :D

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Actually, no MJo, thankfully, i dont really feel that way. But there does seem to be a population of men in Thailand who have a real problem with western women. My scenario is really for them. If they take it on board in any way, thats their choice of course.

My encounter at the cafe would have probably been funny if the men werent so disgusting in the way they talked about women. Dont want to give an example of how they talked and described women, but I guess you could imagine. The terminology and the way they talked about women made me feel a bit repulsed to be honest.

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Actually, no MJo, thankfully, i dont really feel that way. But there does seem to be a population of men in Thailand who have a real problem with western women. My scenario is really for them. If they take it on board in any way, thats their choice of course.

My encounter at the cafe would have probably been funny if the men werent so disgusting in the way they talked about women. Dont want to give an example of how they talked and described women, but I guess you could imagine. The terminology and the way they talked about women made me feel a bit repulsed to be honest.

I am betting that they were a couple of freaky loser type guys that couldnt get one back home with a fist full of fifties.

I don't really understand why any man would think that talking in that fashion in plain hearing view of another female or any other person for that matter would be acceptable.

Nothing surprises me though, you only have to head out in the streets, there are freaky guys everywhere.....thank god Im normal :)

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Thailand has it's share of middle aged divorced guys. Some perhaps bit bitter towards their ex's and might take it to all western woman as well. But in general i haven't noticed much abuse. Mainly i see western woman treated the same as others.

Might be different in tourists locations, possible reaction to constant prostitute comments and bad looks towards their wifes coming mainly from western ladies. I get it a lot in places like phuket or samui and we are both in our mid 30's, i just can imagine how it is for someone with bit of age difference.

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Woh..first off you obviously have a very poor idea of what women had to endure for centuries in order to even get basic rights, then. On top of that, you fail to see the derogatory, sexist crap woman put up with on one level or another nearly every day. Even in the west its still often the case women wont get equal pay for being in the same position as a man. Woman are ripped apart for the smallest things. Be it in their professional lives, or how they look physically. Sorry but your statement doesnt wash for me. Woman have been demonized (and still) in their own countries and other countries ongoing for centuries. Men may just be getting a taste of what that feels like. Neither is productive or healthy. I dont believe in "thats what you get".

I suppose i can agree that in SOME cases SOME women have gone down the route of belittling men. Probably part of a backlash of having taken so much crap from men for so long? I would say that that comes in equal measures though. Some women are ball-breakers, and some men sexist bigoted pigs. Society seems to like to bring down both (tv has a lot to answer for i would say too. Before you had the sitcoms showing the silly airheaded wifey, now you get the dumb lazy husband. Stuff like that). Maybe at some point there will be a calmer feeling, where neither feels they need the upper hand. Those changes need to be made in all of us though, for it to work in any way.

(but i dont wish to turn this into a male/female rights etc etc debate.)

Some good points raised EEK. It seems both sexes feel this need to constantly go "one up" on each other all the time..Why? Maybe it is the easiest way the less enlightened soul can ease his/her own insecurities.

As a guy i can write off the banter and stereo typical jokes pretty easily..It pays to not be to serious about yourself BUT what really gets me is the badmouthing of any guy that visits thailand, for any amount of time regardless of the circumstances. I think this could contribute to your question about why a lot of guys here slag off women from their own countries.

Luckily ive bought myself above the small minded thinking and innueundo levelled at me when i return home and try to socialize with any female (the only exception of course being my mother!).

I simply laugh at them now.They have no idea what i get up to in Thailand. I am not a sexpat and quite truthfully am not prepared to throw my hard earned at bargirls and the like. I could never afford to live here at my age if i threw money around like this.

Still,very few female associates have ever bothered to reply with a written email to the many i sent them, but it now seems a foregone conclusion that i am "persona non gratis" for having chosen LOS as a place to recoup...AND may i say, recoup from a crumbling life of mysery that resulted from (HAHA) a relationship with a typical Aussie female.

The funny thing is they have NO idiea of normal life here and think ALL thai girls are prostitutes..Not exactly the sort of thinking that has exhaulted their cause!

I particulary like these jems....mostly delivered in this order to me or my family members: (with obligatory smirk!)

SO,why choose Thailand of ALL places?

SO..what exactly do you do all day/night, in a third world country?

SO..you didnt manage to find one of those mail order brides?

ARENT you embarrassed to be over there with all those pathetic old geezers and their 20 year old wives?..

AND lets not forget the big clincher that every one of them cant wait to go to the girls toilet to talk about....


I know their egos cant help but consider it all a slap in the mouth, but these attitutes certainly dont bolster their intelligence.

Honestly I wish that females back home in Aussieland were as broad minded and level headed as EEK and others that are well travelled, but sadly this kind of thinking is what drives a wedge between guys over here and our perceptions of girls back home. :)

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There was a documentary made about swingers in Jamaica( I forget the name of the resort) but the programme featrured several women who were there purely for the sex holiday . I remember one old girl done up to the nines flaunting her cottage cheese thighs and waist level jugs on the arm of a young Jamaican stallion , lol. Ye ha , ride em cowboy . Makes me want to vomit :)

Its called Hedonism & Hedonism 2.

Once got a day-pass to see wot its all about.

There are 2 sections, one for the nudes & one for the prudes.

I found it very funny seeing the subs & doms in all their leather&whips (nearly said spank-paddles).

Many, many odd old,large couples but I suppose it was a good learning curve for me to cope with Walking Street :D


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Actually, no MJo, thankfully, i dont really feel that way. But there does seem to be a population of men in Thailand who have a real problem with western women. My scenario is really for them. If they take it on board in any way, thats their choice of course.

My encounter at the cafe would have probably been funny if the men werent so disgusting in the way they talked about women. Dont want to give an example of how they talked and described women, but I guess you could imagine. The terminology and the way they talked about women made me feel a bit repulsed to be honest.

I am betting that they were a couple of freaky loser type guys that couldnt get one back home with a fist full of fifties.

I don't really understand why any man would think that talking in that fashion in plain hearing view of another female or any other person for that matter would be acceptable.

Nothing surprises me though, you only have to head out in the streets, there are freaky guys everywhere.....thank god Im normal :)

Have seen a bunch of young drunk Westerners in a pool at a resort making really bad jokes, that everyone could hear about a middle aged Western woman and her younger Thai boyfriend, who were lying next to the pool.

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I also watched Louis Theroux's episode in Thailand. Mainly to do with dating agencies....I still wonder how the chap with the cheese cutter cap on his umpteenth wife is doing now, and the Pommy chain smoker that got married within a few days. ("Louis Theroux's Wierd World" I think the series was called.)
Mr Ronny ! i saw him sat outside big c in pattaya a few months ago with what loked like an 18 year old, seems hes still road tesing them for suitability ! :)
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Hmm..you know, i have a question for you guys...

Imagine this scenario (its not real, just a scenario!).. you decide to live somewhere (by choice) such as the Dominican Republic, and the vast majority of expats are women in their 60s and 70s paying men in their teens and twenties for sex and many others having relationships with them..possibly even marriage. The younger expat ladies also dating the locals. That in itself i imagine probably wouldnt be a problem, right? But, imagine if a good number of those women looked down on you. Made disparaging remarks. Talked to the locals about you negatively. Picked flaws in your bodies and tried to humiliate you. If you decide to date a local girl, they make assumptions that its because you have no hope in hel_l of dating one of them (even if you arent even interested in dating one of them!). Even may ask you outright, why are you here. Even may tell you outright, no place for western men here. Your mere presence is resented.

..thankfully ive never experienced this first hand. But i did once sit in a cafe in Chiang Mai in the daytime whilst two permatan oldies loudly compared bedding an Asian to bedding a western girl, even down to the size and look of their nether regions. Tell me, how pleasant would you find it if you were in a cafe somewhere with two old wrinkly ladies talking this way about men?

It would be nice, for those who may have an anti-western female stigma would learn to let go. its not only sexist its also racist. Im sure no western man would want the same treatment from a woman, especially when from their own country!

..er ok..rant over....

edit: lol..i think i just turned it into what i said i didnt want to turn it into: a male/female rights debate thingy..sorry!!

edit 2: wrote this before your reply neverdie. OOps yeh, i did go into the debate. In my defense..i didnt start it :)

Love that scenario eek! Speaking as a man, I think us males are less sensitive in pretty much all areas. We're proud of our beer-bellies 'cause we bought and paid for it. etc etc. As a species, us males don't really care about much (unless we are truly in love and/or have children). Say what you like about me...you're leaving someone else alone while doing so! That's ok for most men, definately for me. If I was in the place in your scenario for 5 minutes, I'd leave and find somewhere else (maybe Thailand!).

Siding with you, when I hear fellas talking about any woman in that way I would (and have done) say something so I didn't have to hear it. Lack of sensitivity is a male trait, I believe. Plus I don't care if my bum looks big!!!! :D

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Acclaimed documentary film-maker Monica Garnsey investigates the parts of the world where prostitution has become a mainstream career choice for young women - in Venezuela, where men travel over for the 'real girlfriend experience', and in parts of north-east Thailand, where it has replaced rice as the driver of the local economy and women sets their sights on marrying a rich westerner.

Maybe she's not so acclaimed anymore...reporting with the Daily Mail nowadays, making an extra buck :)



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