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I met my friend/gf on my last trip to Thailand, this was last December just gone and I stayed with her for a month.

I am returning to Thailand in a few weeks when I would like her to apply for a visitors visa with me as her sponsor.

Looking on this site though, I seem to get the impression that she might be refused due to us not knowing each other very long. We speak almost every day along with a huge amount of texts and emails.

How can it be justified on how long a friendship should be before you invite a friend to visit (be it the early stages of a relationship or not). How can anyone state how long you should know someone before they do certain things.

It all seems a little odd.

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4 weeks together plus another 2 months since leaving you mean.

Ive known ENGLISH people to move in together in less time!!

But two English people would have a fairly full grasp of their partners language,culture,education,social background,friends,employment,character,ambitions etc etc.I'm guessing (so I could be wrong but I doubt it) but on the basis of your time together with Thai gf,you don't really have a clue about any of this.

4 weeks together plus another 2 months since leaving you mean.

Ive known ENGLISH people to move in together in less time!!

But two English people would have a fairly full grasp of their partners language,culture,education,social background,friends,employment,character,ambitions etc etc.I'm guessing (so I could be wrong but I doubt it) but on the basis of your time together with Thai gf,you don't really have a clue about any of this.

hear hear!!


Falangman, what they are obviously and quite rightly worried about is the girl dissapearing once in the West and beoming an illegal there.

If she has good employment here and good finances it will be easier. What job does she do? Is she financially secure?

If she is unemployed not much chance for a while I don't think.


Yes, I see where you are coming from but hence the reason to want to spend a bit more time together...

Thats why I am returning to Thailand and why I would like her to visit me in England.

What I could do with is a benckmark which the Embassy may use ie 6 months, a year?

Anyway, she cant really be classified as my girlfriend. What if I wanted to invite a friend who was male to visit on a holiday, would I be scrutinised then?


Your friend will only be granted a visa if the visa officer at the Brit embassy in BKK is convinced they will actually return at the end of the trip.

Yes, I see where you are coming from but hence the reason to want to spend a bit more time together...

Thats why I am returning to Thailand and why I would like her to visit me in England.

What I could do with is a benckmark which the Embassy may use ie 6 months, a year?

Anyway, she cant really be classified as my girlfriend. What if I wanted to invite a friend who was male to visit on a holiday, would I be scrutinised then?

Yes. Have you not seen the fervour (misplaced IMHO) about illigal immigrants.. the sun readers are up in arms even though we got the lowest rate of assylum seekers in europe, so bad news for you I am afraid, don't rush into anything, we see so many disasters in relationships here, I for one never bother..to difficult, although some work more don't


Id say that it could be a possibility for any girl to disappear regardless of the time you know them.

This is something that I have considered of course it is.

I suppose that its all pot luck and luck on the day...

That all seems such a shame condsidering that there are actually nice girls out there who arent out to rip you off.

I can see alot of good through this site but I also sense there are alot of angry people who have been done over. I accept your cautions but think I will have to do this without any bitter inputs.

Sorry but thats not an attack on the people who have replied to my post, its an observation on the site as a whole!!



Nothing is cast in stone as regards the length of time your g/f has to have known you in order to get a visit visa but, in the visa officer's eyes, the longer the better. As you would, I presume, be paying for the trip the visa officer could argue that he does not find it credible that you would spend so much money on someone who you've only known for a short time (no pun intended) when only a visit is intended.

However, having said that, everyone's circumstances are different and it's not outside the realms of possibility for your g/f to get a visit visa having only known you for 4 months or so.



It's not quite pot luck, if your've known a girl for a year then you will know more about her than 1 month, or at least that's how the embassy will see it. Again to help with your question then need to know extra fatcs, ie. her financial position and employment. The embassy will need this info to evaluate her chances of running off when getting to the UK.

If she works in a bar and hasn't got a baht to her name then it's an uphill struggle, if she's loaded and works in a good job here then a lot easier. It doesn't just depend on the time you have known her, the embassy will consider many other factors.

It is easy for them to assume that she is playing you for a fool and using you to gain access to the UK, as happens many times, and it's up to you and her to prove otherwise.


God what a bloody nightmare....

I only want her to come for a holiday...

Seems like they are out to catch you at every opportunity. Imagine if we had this much trouble trying to go on holiday!!

Maybe I should just move there instead... England sucks anyway !!!!!!!!!


Well, bit difficult asking for advice if you don't want to contribute to questions asked that will help you get the advice needed.

So answer to your question, nobody knows what time length is needed because all circumstances are different.

Some thai girls can get a tourist visa in a week, some never, good luck.


She works in a restaurant in Bangkok, doesnt really have much cash in terms of savings, owns no property, has a little boy who lives with her gran. She could easily give up her job for a few months and said she would do that if she gets the visa.

She works in a restaurant in Bangkok, doesnt really have much cash in terms of savings, owns no property, has a little boy who lives with her gran. She could easily give up her job for a few months and said she would do that if she gets  the visa.

Sounds like it will be very difficult then..not a great set of circumstances..she will have every incentive to overstay in the eyes of immigration


...several years ago when I was living on my sailboat in the Caribbean, I met via a friend a Chinese lady living in UK. Obviously she had a UK visa. She traveled to and from China. After some months of emails, I invited her for a visit to sail with me. She flew to Grenada on her passport with a letter from me (the yacht captain stating she would live on the boat) without a visa requirement. We sailed off for a couple of months and I returned her to Grenada where she flew back to UK. There are countries that do not require visa... not unlike Thailand for US citizens up to 30 days.

Might be that you go somewhere where she can come just on a passport????


All well and good but work gets in the way of holidays...

Think its gonna be a 'give it a miss' this time around as far as the visa application is concerened.

Whilst I am sure about her, I really dont want to risk her getting a refusal on her passport and have that affect future applications further down the line....


An example of what can happen. A friend and his girlfriend experienced this.

She was a government employee holding a high position plus owner of land, house and successful businesses. He was an Expat working in a high paying Middle Eastern job. Both had full intentions of returning to their employment after the holiday.

They had known each other for nearly a year and wanted to take a trip together. She applied and was rejected on the grounds the embassy didn’t think she would return to Thailand.

He then attended the embassy with her for her second application. They conducted a short interview and a tourist visa was granted on the spot.

What the guys here are trying to tell you, nothing is set in stone. I’ve also known girls, with no job and basically no money, who were granted visas on their first attempt.

No need to worry about a visa rejection. It didn't effect the lady mentioned above.

It all depends on the embassy and what they decide. Luck of the draw on the day.



Thanks NarrLing

Think I might have to talk with her a little more when I get back to Bangkok next week... At the end of the day its her decision to apply not mine.

I reckon that Toastwars chap is a bitter man and has been well shall we say 'shafted' in the past!!!

I find it all a little disconcerning especially since this is a British run organisation run by British people all be it in Thailand. Hit and miss with poeples lives in effect is not an ideal situation...

Im sure that the Embassy receives many bogus applications that are instantly rejected. This however is a bonafied one and Im sure that this will become apparant to the ECO should my friend wish to go ahead and apply.


...this got me to thinking (rare these days). I found an internet site about visa/country requirements. UK seems not to require as follows the BVI's a visa for a tourist... probably a time limit attached???? Is the visa required from UK or is it some sort of Thai thing? Can she get a passport with ease?


You don't need a visa to visit the UK unless you are a citizen of one of the countries whose nationals need visas irrespective of their reason for going to the UK and Thailand is one of them.




I think your decision to talk it over next week is a good one. I will suggest you note Scousers earlier advise. He is a man "in the know".

Take care and good luck.


Thanks NarrLing

Think I might have to talk with her a little more when I get back to Bangkok next week... At the end of the day its her decision to apply not mine.

I reckon that Toastwars chap is a bitter man and has been well shall we say 'shafted' in the past!!!

I find it all a little disconcerning especially since this is a British run organisation run by British people all be it in Thailand. Hit and miss with poeples lives in effect is not an ideal situation...

Im sure that the Embassy receives many bogus applications that are instantly rejected. This however is a bonafied one and Im sure that this will become apparant to the ECO should my friend wish to go ahead and apply.

The Toast has never "been shafted" the toast is sitting in an internet cafe looking at 8 Thai girls infront of computers all talking to at least 4 farang men each on their messengers, typing replies to each one as if they are the only in their life...I see this everyday. I am trying to tell you what really happens everyday and giving you a little good advice to try and stop you getting hurt, if you choose to ignore that advice fine...just don't shoot the messenger dummy. You don't know this girl, you don't know Thailand very well, just take it slow is all I am saying


Toastwars is talking sense here - lets be realistic - you have known her for 4 weeks, not many people would give her a visa!!

I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but have a look at historic threads here - there are people that have been in relationships for years - sometimes married too who struggle to get visas - a lady who you have only known for 4 weeks face to face, who works in a restaurant and has no property is highly unlikely to be given a visa at such an early stage in your relationship!

As for this not being a bogus application, i can appreciate you feel like that but do you honestly believe that the 'duped' guys ever thought their visa applications were bogus - ofcourse not!!

I'm sorry but you really need to spend more time getting to know this girl - yes some people get lucky but for everyone of them there are 20 that don't!! :o

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