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Thai Police Arrest Finnish Man On Child-sex Charge


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Anyone that thinks it's OK to have sex with 14 year olds has a problem

when I was 14 I had sex with plenty of 14 year olds. And 13, and 15, and 16...

Free love, flower power and moon dances and hippies and all that - perfectly natural.

...But that was then...


Interestingly so did I, but it wasn't in the sixties, later than that. I was very sexually mature and active at a young age, 13/14. I remember lusting after older people/teachers etc and wishing they would notice me and do something about it. It never happened, but if it had I would have been a happy lad back then.

Sexual maturity happens at different times in individuals and this should be what makes it right or wrong, just as having sex with a 20 year old who has a mind of a 12 year old. This is not illegal, but to have sex with a 15 year old who is mature enough to be 18 or older is illegal. Its not black and white guys, there is a grey area remember.

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Sexual maturity happens at different times in individuals and this should be what makes it right or wrong, just as having sex with a 20 year old who has a mind of a 12 year old. This is not illegal, but to have sex with a 15 year old who is mature enough to be 18 or older is illegal. Its not black and white guys, there is a grey area remember.

Excellent point. It is a grey area. But so many people think in black and white and they can't even manage that well.


Many take the position that one is a pedo is they sleep with a 14 year old. Many more go so far as to say that anyone who could look at a 14 year old and lust after their bodies is a also a pedo.


Looks can be decieving. Some 14 year olds look 20. Some 20 year olds look 14, .

I personally enjoy the rantings of those who claim that if you screw someone that is legal aged but looks/i] underaged...you are a pedo.

But, interestingly, you are still a pedo if you screw a 14 year old who looks 20.

You just can't win with some people.

They see pedo's everywhere they look.

Dolts. :o


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legal aged but  looks/i]underaged

Agree that there are determinants within a grey area- though I don't think that determinant is 'looks' -

Appearance is only skin deep, and I don't think it has any influence whether the person looks either old or elfin-young, or is physically mature and has big hairy <deleted>.

...i'd say it was mental maturity. Can they deal with adult experiences?

I've met 16 year olds who are streetwise, sassy and experienced, and thirty year olds who are brattish and prissy-precious.

3rd world people are far more attuned and matter-of-fact about shagging than Westerners, for whom it is always a subject of angst and over-intellectualization. Asians just get on with it and have a nice time.

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30 year old finnish man busted for having sex with 11 year old boy

At 2pm on March 2, a host of police dignitaries took part in the arrest of Miika Petteri Pitkanen, 30 from Finland, for having sex with an underage boy. Senior officers involved in the bust which took place in the man's room were Police Major General Panya Maman, Thai tourist police chief; Police Lieutenant Colonel Wuttichat Luaensucant, chief of Pattaya Tourist Police; Police Lieutenant Colonel Supaset Chaorpchai, deputy superintendent of the Tourist Police division; Police Captain Siam Insuwano, deputy investigations inspector; and Police Captain Yotwat Suwannoi.

The arrest took place in room 005 at the PR Inn on Soi 12. When the police knocked on the door, a boy around 11 years of age answered it. Officers entered the room and saw the Finish man lying on a bed with another boy around 15.

The man and the boys were taken downtown for interrogation. It was learned that Pitkanen, a mechanical engineer who specialises in welding in a Finish shipyard, came to Bangkok two months ago, and after staying three weeks travelled to Pattaya where he stayed a month. He stayed at the PR Inn on Soi 12 and then moved to the Marina Inn on Soi Yen Sabai. During all of this time, he had been living with his fifteen year old lover Eddie.

It was at the Marina Inn he met an eleven year old boy known as 'Nin'. He had been hanging around the hotel with some of his friends soliciting farangs for sex. It's believed the boy sniffed glue and took Yaba.

The trio set off for Bangkok where they stayed another two weeks. During this time the Swede had an accident falling through a roof from the pool lounge of a hotel. He spent some time in Chulaongkorn Hospital, after which he returned with the two boys to Pattaya.

When the eleven year old was interviewed by police, he admitted to fellating the thirty year old man on two separate occasions and masturbating him on three. At his interrogation Pitkanen said the only money he gave the boy was for food – around 200 to 300 baht a day.

Miika Petteri Pitkanen will face charges on three counts: first for having in his custody a boy under fifteen without parental consent, secondly for sexual intent, thirdly for having sex. If convicted he could face 15 years for the offence.

When Pitkanen was locked up, he expressed little anxiety about his own well-being, instead expressed deep concern for his fifteen year old lover Eddie.

-Pattaya City News

Interesting comments here. As I said earlier, the boys were not so innocent.

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30 year old finnish man busted for having sex with 11 year old boy

At 2pm on March 2, a host of police dignitaries took part in the arrest of Miika Petteri Pitkanen, 30 from Finland, for having sex with an underage boy. Senior officers involved in the bust which took place in the man's room were Police Major General Panya Maman, Thai tourist police chief; Police Lieutenant Colonel Wuttichat Luaensucant, chief of Pattaya Tourist Police; Police Lieutenant Colonel Supaset Chaorpchai, deputy superintendent of the Tourist Police division; Police Captain Siam Insuwano, deputy investigations inspector; and Police Captain Yotwat Suwannoi.

The arrest took place in room 005 at the PR Inn on Soi 12. When the police knocked on the door, a boy around 11 years of age answered it. Officers entered the room and saw the Finish man lying on a bed with another boy around 15.

The man and the boys were taken downtown for interrogation. It was learned that Pitkanen, a mechanical engineer who specialises in welding in a Finish shipyard, came to Bangkok two months ago, and after staying three weeks travelled to Pattaya where he stayed a month. He stayed at the PR Inn on Soi 12 and then moved to the Marina Inn on Soi Yen Sabai. During all of this time, he had been living with his fifteen year old lover Eddie.

It was at the Marina Inn he met an eleven year old boy known as 'Nin'. He had been hanging around the hotel with some of his friends soliciting farangs for sex. It's believed the boy sniffed glue and took Yaba.

The trio set off for Bangkok where they stayed another two weeks. During this time the Swede had an accident falling through a roof from the pool lounge of a hotel. He spent some time in Chulaongkorn Hospital, after which he returned with the two boys to Pattaya.

When the eleven year old was interviewed by police, he admitted to fellating the thirty year old man on two separate occasions and masturbating him on three. At his interrogation Pitkanen said the only money he gave the boy was for food – around 200 to 300 baht a day.

Miika Petteri Pitkanen will face charges on three counts: first for having in his custody a boy under fifteen without parental consent, secondly for sexual intent, thirdly for having sex. If convicted he could face 15 years for the offence.

When Pitkanen was locked up, he expressed little anxiety about his own well-being, instead expressed deep concern for his fifteen year old lover Eddie.

-Pattaya City News

Interesting comments here. As I said earlier, the boys were not so innocent.

Innocent until some pervert corrupted them...poor kids....

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Well lets hope that one of the caring charities can put him under their wing..

Eddie's too old for that. He's experienced life in a 5* hotel - (complete with his benefactor falling through the ceiling). He's hungry for more. He won't want to live in a dormitory with Father Joe's urchins.

The 11 yr old seems almost feral.

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Well lets hope that one of the caring charities can put him under their wing..

Eddie's too old for that. He's experienced life in a 5* hotel - (complete with his benefactor falling through the ceiling). He's hungry for more. He won't want to live in a dormitory with Father Joe's urchins.

The 11 yr old seems almost feral.

yes probably with the influence of the older boys and the perves...but there must be hope for him...christ he`s only eleven...

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The arrest took place in room 005 at the PR Inn on Soi 12. When the police knocked on the door, a boy around 11 years of age answered it. Officers entered the room and saw the Finish man lying on a bed with another boy around 15.

When the eleven year old was interviewed by police, he admitted to fellating the thirty year old man on two separate occasions and masturbating him on three.

Miika Petteri Pitkanen will face charges on three counts: first for having in his custody a boy under fifteen without parental consent, secondly for sexual intent, thirdly for having sex. If convicted he could face 15 years for the offence.

Interesting comments here. As I said earlier, the boys were not so innocent.

You're right. Let's nominate Miika for Citizen of the Year for trying so hard to take care of these street kids so well. A more benevolent person does not exist. A heart of pure gold....

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he trio set off for Bangkok where they stayed another two weeks. During this time the Swede had

The Swede? I though he was Finnish?


The trio set off for Bangkok where they stayed another two weeks. During this time the Swede had an accident falling through a roof from the pool lounge of a hotel. He spent some time in Chulaongkorn Hospital, after which he returned with the two boys to Pattaya.


Not only a pervert, but he has the traditional Falang Falling Down Disease. (FFDD).


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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Get facts staright, readers. Without knowledge, you write. I respect everyones opinion, but it's just that: Opinions, not facts.

I am gay, yet i am happy with a boyfriend just two years younger than me (i'm 30 as well). Yet i myself, and ON MY OWN WISH TO DO SO, started soliciting strangers for sex when i was 12 years old (!) I was developped somewhat faster than my classmates, so i was able to "do" it and i WANTED to "learn". There i went, supporting the pedo's in my town back then (in germany, btw).

What have i learned? Pedophilia is as natural as homosexuality. You are what you are, you can't change it. Many commit suicide over the issue, FACT.

Now while i am NOT a supporter of child prostitution, i can understand the 30yo Finn in question. Heck he didn't even try to hide it. He had a 15 (or 14?) yo "boyfriend" which, when i was that age, seemed just so normal for myself. YOU readers here probably have no clue how mature kids that age nowadays are, specially those street kids who are on their own from 8-9yo onwards.

What is the BIGGEST problem inThailand, and NUMBER ONE where police, welfare... whoever should get a hand in to HELP..???


Now picture this. I have real insider knowledge here, and what i say is based on facts. Won't reveal names tough. One of the guys i wasa "with" when i was 13-14 in my town in germany, now lives in Thailand too. Just a year ago he e-mailed me out of the blue, having got my addres from another friend of both of us in germany. However, turned out that that guy (now 50) is still pedophile (see my above statement - can't change EVER!) He lives in a place where child prostituton is just as common. And what he told me over time is hair-raising. The parents of those kids literally sell them to farangs (and thais too, whoever pays!) The motive: Nothing but greed - on the parent's side! Because THEY get the money.

My friend has established a somewhat stable relationship with a 14yo kid, they're "together" since several years (!) already and see themselves as lovers. The kid's gay and loves the guy, and vise versa. Now they face the problem that, to keep them silent, the guy still needs to pay the parents who "supplied" the kid in first place, years back, because the two in the meantime are no more in a "hooker-client" relationship, but indeed in one of lovers. However, the parents demand things like mobile phones, gold necklaces, TV sets, airconditioners etc. Otherwise what would happen?

They'd call the cops!!

And after that? (guy deported, jailed, whatever) Of course, kid would be sold to the next.

And one comment from the mother of another kid, 10 years old by now (and NOT involved with my friend at all), according to my friend this kid was introduced to him by his mother and she said "In three years, ok?"

See something here? Stop blaming the farangs. Start blaming who deserves it. As long as almost every Thai is looking for the fast track to riches, pedos will come here, and other sex tourists for that matter as well. And they (the Thais!) "work" too smart. Get the farang hooked with the kid, get paid regular. Later turn the screws - now you got him under complete control. If they really fall in love and there's a risk that the payments will stop, hint the illegality, and payments will resume.

It's all about money.


Thanh (never been pedo, never been victim. Did everything on my own free will, never been forced to anything. And yeah, been a hooker too, again on free will and as an adult. Living a free and almost perfect life now, in a monogamous relationship with another guy for over four years already. Just to let you know before you start condemning ME).

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When Pitkanen was locked up, he expressed little anxiety about his own well-being, instead expressed deep concern for his fifteen year old lover Eddie.

The criminal's first thoughts are for the welfare of his victim.......(whom in his mind he probably does love in some way). So he's probably sincere in those thoughts, (unlike so many wrongdoers who profess sympathy and regret).

Yet he, the Perpetrator faces a bleak future.

Strange twists.

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Get facts staright, readers. Without knowledge, you write. I respect everyones  opinion, but it's just that: Opinions, not facts.

I am gay, yet i am happy with a boyfriend just two years younger than me (i'm 30 as well). Yet i myself, and ON MY OWN WISH TO DO SO, started soliciting strangers for sex when i was 12 years old (!) I was developped somewhat faster than my classmates, so i was able to "do" it and i WANTED to "learn". There i went, supporting the pedo's in my town back then (in germany, btw).

What have i learned? Pedophilia is as natural as homosexuality. You are what you are, you can't change it. Many commit suicide over the issue, FACT.

Now while i am NOT a supporter of child prostitution, i can understand the 30yo Finn in question. Heck he didn't even try to hide it. He had a 15 (or 14?) yo "boyfriend" which, when i was that age, seemed just so normal for myself. YOU readers here probably have no clue how mature kids that age nowadays are, specially those street kids who are on their own from 8-9yo onwards.

What is the BIGGEST problem inThailand, and NUMBER ONE where police, welfare... whoever should get a hand in to HELP..???


Now picture this. I have real insider knowledge here, and what i say is based on facts. Won't reveal names tough. One of the guys i wasa "with" when i was 13-14 in my town in germany, now lives in Thailand too. Just a year ago he e-mailed me out of the blue, having got my addres from another friend of both of us in germany. However, turned out that that guy (now 50) is still pedophile (see my above statement - can't change EVER!) He lives in a place where child prostituton is just as common. And what he told me over time is hair-raising. The parents of those kids  literally sell them to farangs (and thais too, whoever pays!) The motive: Nothing but greed - on the parent's side! Because THEY get the money.

My friend has established a somewhat stable relationship with a 14yo kid, they're "together" since several years (!) already and see themselves as lovers. The kid's gay and loves the guy, and vise versa. Now they face the problem that, to keep them silent, the guy still needs to pay the parents who "supplied" the kid in first place, years back, because the two in the meantime are no more in a "hooker-client" relationship, but indeed in one of lovers. However, the parents demand things like mobile phones, gold necklaces, TV sets, airconditioners etc. Otherwise what would happen?

They'd call the cops!!

And after that? (guy deported, jailed, whatever)  Of course, kid would be sold to the next.

And one comment from the mother of another kid, 10 years old by now (and NOT involved with my friend at all), according to my friend this kid was introduced to him by his mother and she said "In three years, ok?"

See something here? Stop blaming the farangs. Start blaming who deserves it. As long as almost every Thai is looking for the fast track to riches, pedos will come here, and other sex tourists for that matter as well. And they (the Thais!) "work" too smart. Get the farang hooked with the kid, get paid regular. Later turn the screws - now you got him under complete control. If they really fall in love and there's a risk that the payments will stop, hint the illegality, and payments will resume.

It's all about money.


Thanh (never been pedo,  never been victim. Did everything on my own free will, never been forced to anything. And yeah, been a hooker too, again on free will and as an adult. Living a free and almost perfect life now, in a monogamous relationship with another guy for over four years already. Just to let you know before you start condemning ME).

First bit of intelligent writing on this subject. Well done thanh-BKK. You deserve an award for this post. Unfortunatly the fact you admitted to being gay will discount all the intelligence in your post as the biggotted idiots on this site will just flame you.

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As long as almost every Thai is looking for the fast track to riches, pedos will come here, and other sex tourists for that matter as well.

I disagree - I think that as long as there is demand, there will be supply as well. But I see your point too. I guess it's a chicken-and-egg question - which one came first? Which one is to blame?

However, let me just say one thing: immense poverty has made otherwise decent people commit crimes unknown to the well-off. It's easy to judge them from high above, but true understanding comes only when destiny puts that person in their shoes.

BTW: "almost every Thai" does not do such things. If that's your impression, you surround yourself with the wrong kind of people.

Edited by SiamJai
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Are you for real?............. kids are kids and deserve the respect and rights all kids deserve no matter what their unfortunate beginings in life have dealt them.  Kids are not born bad adults make them bad..!!

Apparently they do not have the right to have sex??

Sex between men and boys is nothing new. It happens in every culture and it's not always the man who initiates it. Sometimes it's condemned - as in Western society and on this forum - and sometimes it's approved or even obligatory (ancient Greece, the samurai in mediaeval Japan, some African and Asian tribes pre-colonisation).

We're living in a world where we try to protect the vulnerable, including children, from exploitation. That's a good thing because there are some horrific cases of abuse out there, but we also need to be able to respond rationally to individual cases. 

That protection also included diseases like AIDS

when I was 14 I had sex with plenty of 14 year olds. And 13, and 15, and 16...

Free love, flower power and moon dances and hippies and all that - perfectly natural.

...But that was then...


Interestingly so did I, but it wasn't in the sixties, later than that. I was very sexually mature and active at a young age, 13/14. I remember lusting after older people/teachers etc and wishing they would notice me and do something about it. It never happened, but if it had I would have been a happy lad back then.

Sexual maturity happens at different times in individuals and this should be what makes it right or wrong, just as having sex with a 20 year old who has a mind of a 12 year old. This is not illegal, but to have sex with a 15 year old who is mature enough to be 18 or older is illegal. Its not black and white guys, there is a grey area remember.

I recall Father Joe voiced his frustrations about two abused flower garland boys.

They had pointed out that they still rather admired their abusers, as they were the first people to have ever shown any kindness or generosity to them during their short lives.

(Their own family having beaten, abused and neglected them).

Obviously the abusers had their motives for being generous, but it illustrates that shabby parenting is part of the problem.

It is interesting to see how biased some people are.

Sexuality covers a wide spectrum.

There are Gerontophiles who only fancy partners aged 60 or more....

Why should the young be denied a sexual outlet, if they so desire?

My first sexual experience was at age 12 with a friend 4 years older.

Judging from the quotes it is not uncommon for horny youngsters to seek

sexual release with someone older.

Anyone who works with children, such as a teacher, will tell you that sexual overtures are not uncommon................

Add to that "Father Jo's frustration.................."

Don't you your think we might be missing an important message about

human sexuality and tolerance for other people's needs??

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I think we're sliding out of the safe discussion zone here. My compliments to the participants who kept this subject remarkably flame-free and kept up a constructive discussion on such a delicate topic.

Hope you understand that we have to put the brakes on these ones eventually.


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