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Why. Oh Why.


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Because a lot of us feel that we should expect to pay a little over the thai rates anyway - everywhere u go there are rates for thais and rates for farang. Its not always worth the hassle of trying to get them down to somewhere close to the local rate - where’s your sense of redistributing the wealth more evenly?

Anyway why do you think it’s the land of smiles? :D

They just love to think they getter the better of us - if it makes then happy, and makes the world go round I don't begrudge it - all proving they know where they have to draw the line of course! :o

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Why are farangs so much dumber in competeing against Thai's ? Why do they freely let Thai's rip you off. ?

"You"? Who are you talking to? I think you need to differentiate between farang tourists and farang expats. The former don't know, don't care or have too much holiday money to be bothered about it.

The latter are a bit more savvy - they know what's going on and know how to avoid paying extra. Or they find out eventually. But maybe even some expats have enough money not to care...

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You"? Who are you talking to? I think you need to differentiate between farang tourists and farang expats. The former *don't know,* don't care or have too much holiday money to be bothered about it.

The latter are a bit more savvy - they know what's going on and know how to avoid paying extra. *Or they find out eventually.* But maybe even some expats have enough money not to care...

Yes.. *Birds of a feather*.

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seems like quite hustily made generalizations here - like all the farangs and all the thais...

and also - I haven't noticed any competition so far neither in 'dumbness' nor in 'smartness' - is there ?

normally I don't have problems about Thais ripping me off. if I don't like price - I find other seller.

oops, seems like this subject isn't new anymore - as I recall it was discussed at length quite recently...

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Why are farangs so much dumber in competeing against Thai's ? Why do they freely let Thai's rip you off. ?

"You"? Who are you talking to? I think you need to differentiate between farang tourists and farang expats. The former don't know, don't care or have too much holiday money to be bothered about it.

The latter are a bit more savvy - they know what's going on and know how to avoid paying extra. Or they find out eventually. But maybe even some expats have enough money not to care...

What! Are you suggesting that all farang expats are the same just as all farang tourist ?

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Some of you seem to forget that we ex-pats live in a country where bargaining is a way of life. Some street salesmen actually feel a bit insulted if someone does not bargain with them. Some people buy at the first price they are offered,tell their mates,who say 'Blimey. You were ripped off' They wern't ripped off. They just didn't bargain hard enough,if at all. I love shopping in these places,and I normally find that before we even start I know what I'm going to pay and the seller knows what he's going to let it go for. It's all a game. If you go early in the morning,you can get things even cheaper than the rest of the day by virtue of the fact that Thais consider their first sale of the day lucky. That is the only time when you can go better than the low they have set themselves. Try it :o

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where’s your sense of redistributing the wealth more evenly?

yeah right , that will just encourage those with less to sit on their asses and wait for those who have worked and have got more to stroll on by and re-distribute by paying over the odds.

takes away all incentive to work , encourages greed and jealousy and laziness.

its called socialism , and its never worked , anywhere , ever !

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Ahh, so that's the explanation to why there are so many new topics every day around here!

I remember replying to a thread with the exact same topic, where this one could have fitted perfectly. It was running smoothly just yesterday...

Come to think of it, that very thread started as the revival of yet another thread by another "resurrection master". :o

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I think shops/taxi drivers/sales staff try in on anyone, regardless of nationality. Its a matter of if they can get away with it or not.

My mother, who was born in Thailand but who has live in Australia for 30+ years almost always gets ripped off constantly when visiting Bangkok. Whereas myself (I certainly don't look Thai) and other Farang friends who live in BKK, get the same prices and conditions as most other locals.

I thinkk people in the services industry have a 'radar' about these things. If you look like tourist, they'll treat you as one.

Edited by samran
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I assume that what the questioner Seatramp is asking is why do farangs pay more for goods and services in Thailand than Thais?

The answer can only be that some do and some don`t.

Most farangs come from countries where it is accepted that they pay the price which is asked in the stores i.e. If you went into Marks & Spencer you pay the asking price, because if you asked for a discount you would be refused and made to feel inferior, and therefore some people feel uncomfortable with haggling.

Personaly I haggle on everything wherever possible and it`s surprising how much discount that you can get.

In Thailand it is expected that you haggle on almost all goods and services which you want. The mark up is already included in the cost for this.

What I find is dumb is that the Thais must lose out on sales because when you ask them the price of something they always quote you the inflated top price. On many ocassions I see people walking away from these inflated prices.... If the Thai vendor had quoted a more reasonable price then deals would be done.. I suppose on the other hand if some farang pays the top price the Thai will think he is a dumb Farang.....When you know the game invariably you settle for between a third and a half of the price wherever possible.

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...What I find is dumb is that the Thais must lose out on sales because when you ask them the price of something they always quote you the inflated top price. On many ocassions I see people walking away from these inflated prices.... If the Thai vendor had quoted a more reasonable price then deals would be done.. I suppose on the other hand if some farang pays the top price the Thai will think he is a dumb Farang.....When you know the game invariably you settle for between a third and a half of the price wherever possible.

Very good points. If the price seems inflated, I go for 50% and see if they're willing to haggle. If they are, good - I'll try to reach a fair price, but if they're not, I look somewhere else.

Here's a tip: never say: "Wow, I've been looking for something like this for ages. How much is it....?" :o

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Remember , if we all payed thai or farang expats rate thailand would be still be at the same level as etopia(africa).

Don't forget why thailand is still alive............ I've just been to thailand and spent about 200 000 bath in 2 weeks.Returning with only a new toothbrush.

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Remember , if we all payed thai or farang expats rate thailand would be still be at the same level as etopia(africa).

Don't forget why thailand is still alive............  I've just been to thailand and spent about 200 000 bath in 2 weeks.Returning with only a new toothbrush.

Solid gold I hope at that price :o

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Remember , if we all payed thai or farang expats rate thailand would be still be at the same level as etopia(africa).

Don't forget why thailand is still alive............  I've just been to thailand and spent about 200 000 bath in 2 weeks.Returning with only a new toothbrush.

Solid gold I hope at that price :D

I don't think that's what he meant :D he must have a lot of stamina :D:o:D

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Remember , if we all payed thai or farang expats rate thailand would be still be at the same level as etopia(africa).

Don't forget why thailand is still alive............  I've just been to thailand and spent about 200 000 bath in 2 weeks.Returning with only a new toothbrush.

Solid gold I hope at that price :D

I don't think that's what he meant :D he must have a lot of stamina :D:o:D

Yes that thought crossed my mind as well...but I decided on the polite option. :D:D

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Remember , if we all payed thai or farang expats rate thailand would be still be at the same level as etopia(africa).

Don't forget why thailand is still alive............  I've just been to thailand and spent about 200 000 bath in 2 weeks.Returning with only a new toothbrush.

Weren't you saying that you were looking to start a business on the jobs forum? I'd be careful if I was you! Good luck anyway! :o

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Why oh why does no-one listen to me toastie

Probably because people here have realised thet it`s no good going very early in the morning to get the best deal when the traders don`t set up till 2.00p.m. :o

Eh! I trhought 2pm

WAS early in the morning for ex-pats. :D It is for mine. Or used to be until this new drink law came in. Anyway what I meant was catch the early worms that get out about 10am :D

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Remember , if we all payed thai or farang expats rate thailand would be still be at the same level as etopia(africa).

Don't forget why thailand is still alive............  I've just been to thailand and spent about 200 000 bath in 2 weeks.Returning with only a new toothbrush.

Thanks for informing us all on where "etopia" is located, as we could never have guessed otherwise, so its lucky at least one person on the board is not only able to give us a geography lesson, but is also able to inform us that the only reason that Thailand "is still alive", is because there are 42 carat plonkers out there happy to come and blow 100 K a week and only have a toothbrush to show for their efforts. Isn't Thailand a fortunate country to be "saved" by such philanthropic geniuses? :o

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There are some people who are not ex pats for whatever reason that have more experience and knowledge than a lot of ex pats that are there.

How could someone have more experience about life in a country that he does not live in? Visitors have the visitor's perspective, no more.

Of course there are some expats who live in the Farang bubble. An avid visitor may have more Thai experience than these folks, but your post suggests you have a problem with expats in general. Jealousy? :o

Edited by SiamJai
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Its not only foreigners who get fleeced. 'Er Indoors is bloody hopeless when it comes to shopping. I either have to tell her the maximum price to pay for something or do it myself if I'm not feeling too lazy (not very often).

Once in Phuket my better half was offered a trinket for ฿100, she actually said' 'That's cheap, don't you mean ฿200 '

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Its not only foreigners who get fleeced. 'Er Indoors is bloody hopeless when it comes to shopping. I either have to tell her the maximum price to pay for something or do it myself if I'm not feeling too lazy (not very often).

Once in Phuket my better half was offered a trinket for ฿100, she actually said' 'That's cheap, don't you mean ฿200 '

I assume Lampard that you settled for 150... :o

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