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Bangkok Post - Friday 3 October 2003

Part of an article by Wassayos Ngamkham titled "5,000 motorcyclists on watch for missiles, suspicious types"

  Pol Lt-Col Surasak Prakkamakul, Don Muang deputy traffic chief, said motorcyclists would receive crime informant cards from Don Muang police station.

  He expected more taxi motorcyclists would join the training today. "We can call them spies. They need not disguise themselves when doing the task. We give them tips on how to detect suspicious things."

  "We also tell them to wear clean clothes, take a bath and brush their teeth to welcome Apec participants. Don Muang police are 100% ready for the security task," said Lt-Col Surasak.

You Thai's can namechange Khun Mackerel. Why not give it a go. With a shorter (much shorter ) surname, you could get all sorts of things, like credit cards, driver's license, passport etc.  Wouldn't that make a difference to your life ?      :o

Hey, guys, I have a G-R-E-A-T idea.  In order to make sure the streets in Bangkok look clean for APEC, let's order removal of all trash bins.  Is that a brainstorm idea, or what?

Kind of like saying that to make everyone appear healthier, we should close all the hospitals during APEC.

There are some really E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T ideas coming out of Parliament Houes here these days.

I wonder who is advising thsee guys??   Maybe the three stooges?




It sounds quite funny when you put it that way Indo. Actually there were two reasons why they ordered removal of the bins. One: to make it look cleaner (the bins were always full and overflowing with trash) and two: to remove the potential for bin bombs. In Sydney 2000 all bins around the Olympic site were removed and guess what - no bombs went off. So where are people going to put their rubbish you ask?

Don't ask me, I just live here.

You Thai's can name change Khun Mackerel. Why not give it a go. With a shorter (much shorter ) surname,     :o


Dear Dr.P.P.

What about this one for LONG NAME:-

Krungthep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayutthaya Mahadilokphop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathatthiya Witsanukam Prasit.

In English:-

"City of Angels, Great City of Immortals, Magnificent City of the Nine Gems, Seat of the King, City of Royal Palaces, Home of the Gods Incarnate, Erected by Visvakarman at Indra's Behest."

Short name:-

"City of Wild Plums."



Guest IT Manager

Just to prove this forum is monitored by themselves on high, I note garbage cans are to be removed so the APAIN diletantes don't see, according to that scion of truth and accuracy, the Post.

PS thanks for the english translit of the mango. I t has been added to my treasure trove of things Thai.


Nice one Dr. Pat Pong,

Missed this one out also about: Krungthep..

The authentic name, the one Thais use, is Krungthep-"City of Angels." But even that is only an abbreviation of the real name, which is, in fact, in the Guinness Book of World Records as the longest place-name on earth........

Welcome A.P.E.C.

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