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Obvious Yet Funny Comment From Thai Girl Friend


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After a night of passion I get up out of bed and go into the kitchen for a cold pepsi out of the fridge.

On the wall is one of those horrible little wall/house lizards. I hate them with a vengeance.

I get out the Chaindrite spray and give it a blast - it usually knocks them out and you can hit them with whatever you can lay your hands on.

The thing falls on the floor and I pick up the sweeping brush to hit it but, it manages to go under a door into another bedroom.

Girl Friend - hearing all the commotion - gets out of bed and sees me stark naked holding a sweeping brush.

What does she say ?

The obvious. " Darling why you clean house ? "


I'm still trying to explain to her why I started laughing.

Any similar experiences from you all ?

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After a night of passion I get up out of bed and go into the kitchen for a cold pepsi out of the fridge.

On the wall is one of those horrible little wall/house lizards. I hate them with a vengeance.

I get out the Chaindrite spray and give it a blast - it usually knocks them out and you can hit them with whatever you can lay your hands on.

The thing falls on the floor and I pick up the sweeping brush to hit it but, it manages to go under a door into another bedroom.

Girl Friend - hearing all the commotion - gets out of bed and sees me stark naked holding a sweeping brush.

What does she say ?

The obvious. " Darling why you clean house ? "


I'm still trying to explain to her why I started laughing.

Any similar experiences from you all ?

In Hawaii those little lizards are fondly called "GECKOS" They are not squished on the walls. They eat insects that would probably like to suck your blood or otherwise make your life miserable. Personally I like to see them run about --harmless as they are-knowing they are taking care of little pests that may bother me in a more personable way.

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Why on earth would you want to kill geckoes? :)

I didn't see the humour at all but I too was surprised that someone considers geckos pest and kills them.

Yeah..they're really ferocious aren't they !

May the Lord Buddha strike him down.

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Once the gecko`s get big they actually become a pet in the house, keeping the house insect free.... :) love em!

That's all very well but when you can count 20 of them on your lounge ceiling all of them being chased by a large pink and white tok taw and Sh--ting on every vertical and horizontal surface while dropping off the ceiling onto the middle of you back at the most in-auspicious moment....WELL! Can you blame the guy??

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Yep one of the main reasons I fitted decnt uPVC windows and doors was to keep the geckos out.. I like em but got pissed off with them dropping turds on my white painted walls.. How does a five inch animal manage to produce a half inch long turd ? :)

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Yep one of the main reasons I fitted decnt uPVC windows and doors was to keep the geckos out.. I like em but got pissed off with them dropping turds on my white painted walls.. How does a five inch animal manage to produce a half inch long turd ? :)

Ummm... let me guess here. Closes it's eyes and pushes?

Works for me anyway.

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If you want to keep them from entering your home you can smear vicks vapour rub around areas where they come in your home. They apparently will not cross over it because of the smell.

Edited by thommo46
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The day my jingjok moved into my apartment was a day of joy for me. I love it in the evening when he runs across my walls. Feels like a little pet! When he leaves im going to be heartbroken. :D Im hoping that he finds enough things in my apartment to keep him staying..also because if he leave he might run into someone who sprays his little body with Chaindrite! :)

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If you want to keep them from entering your home you can smear vicks vapour rub around areas where they come in your home. They apparently will not cross over it because of the smell.

It may be the smell, but it's just as likely that they can't walk on it, they can't walk on talcum powder either.

Do some research on how they can stick to practically anything, it's fascinating.

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After a night of passion I get up out of bed and go into the kitchen for a cold pepsi out of the fridge.

On the wall is one of those horrible little wall/house lizards. I hate them with a vengeance.

I get out the Chaindrite spray and give it a blast - it usually knocks them out and you can hit them with whatever you can lay your hands on.

The thing falls on the floor and I pick up the sweeping brush to hit it but, it manages to go under a door into another bedroom.

Girl Friend - hearing all the commotion - gets out of bed and sees me stark naked holding a sweeping brush.

What does she say ?

The obvious. " Darling why you clean house ? "


I'm still trying to explain to her why I started laughing.

Any similar experiences from you all ?

Call me slow or stupid or whatever.... But I really don't get it... where is the punch line?? But I REALLY feel sorry for the little gecko :-(

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Yep one of the main reasons I fitted decnt uPVC windows and doors was to keep the geckos out.. I like em but got pissed off with them dropping turds on my white painted walls.. How does a five inch animal manage to produce a half inch long turd ? :)

Ummm... let me guess here. Closes it's eyes and pushes?

Works for me anyway.

You only produce half inch long turds???

I should go see a doctor, if i were you !!!! :D


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Yep one of the main reasons I fitted decnt uPVC windows and doors was to keep the geckos out.. I like em but got pissed off with them dropping turds on my white painted walls.. How does a five inch animal manage to produce a half inch long turd ? :)

Ummm... let me guess here. Closes it's eyes and pushes?

Works for me anyway.

You only produce half inch long turds???

I should go see a doctor, if i were you !!!! :D


Half inch? He would be better off seeing a vet. :D

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good lord. are you people listening to yourselves??? "save the gecko!". please. i love my indoor friends too and i would NEVER consider killing one of them, but his wife's comment was a pleasant anecdote. let's ease up on the hi-so-panty-bunch fest. stop refreshing TV in hopes of a new thread to talk down to someone.

it's just a fuc_king gecko. in some dudes house. your geckos are safe and sound. i for one applaud the OP for taking the time to try and make us all smile rather than bitch about the 50baht they overpaid for at some skank bar or how the tiles they ordered for their bathroom didn't get delivered.

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One morning I grabbed my corn flakes box that was on top of the fridge half naked and half asleep then something sprang from the packet and run down my body, I immediately threw the box into the air, it hit the ceiling and corn flakes went all over the kitchen floor. It turned out to be a gecko as i saw it run off across the floor a few seconds later, it had been eating ants that had decided my corn flakes were on their menu for the day! Anyway i felt a right wuss after i realized what it was and was more annoyed at the ants as i didn't have anything to eat!

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good lord. are you people listening to yourselves??? "save the gecko!". please. i love my indoor friends too and i would NEVER consider killing one of them, but his wife's comment was a pleasant anecdote. let's ease up on the hi-so-panty-bunch fest. stop refreshing TV in hopes of a new thread to talk down to someone.

it's just a fuc_king gecko. in some dudes house. your geckos are safe and sound. i for one applaud the OP for taking the time to try and make us all smile rather than bitch about the 50baht they overpaid for at some skank bar or how the tiles they ordered for their bathroom didn't get delivered.

Good Lord, listen to yourself first.

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