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Would You Help Find "a Good Farang Man" For Family Member?


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My wife wants me to help her 25 y/o daughter "find a good farang man like you" by using the internet.

It's interesting to observe my conflicting feelings about this topic. After all, I am thankful some friends helped

me find my wife by introducing me to her. On the other hand, I know of so much crap and deception which often goes on at either end that I just don't want any part of it all.

Would you/have you helped in your family? Good idea or not?

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In as much as finding a man there is nothing wrong with it I feel, but I would bee sure that you have no responsibility for how the relationship works out, otherwise it will be your fault "John" was a deadbeat or like.... I wouldn't go there


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No way, especially not by internet.

Its one thing if you introduce her to someone you know, have met, can do background checks on or can threaten but some complete stranger on the internet??!!!

Just point her to the story of the girl who met someone on the internet, met the guy at the airport and ended up in pieces in the klong.

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No way, especially not by internet.

Its one thing if you introduce her to someone you know, have met, can do background checks on or can threaten but some complete stranger on the internet??!!!

Just point her to the story of the girl who met someone on the internet, met the guy at the airport and ended up in pieces in the klong.

Very true lop, you shouldnt go down this road again......remember what happened last time :)

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Does the daughter want somebody to find her a good/any man? Perhaps she is happy as she is.

Has anybody asked her?

Yes, she wants me to do it also. But I'm not convinced of her motivations, because she isn't even trying to prepare herself by seriously to learn the language. Personally, I think it is just another case of seeking a ticket to go from rags to riches. If my instincts were otherwise, I might consider helping.

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Does the daughter want somebody to find her a good/any man? Perhaps she is happy as she is.

Has anybody asked her?

Yes, she wants me to do it also. But I'm not convinced of her motivations, because she isn't even trying to prepare herself by seriously to learn the language. Personally, I think it is just another case of seeking a ticket to go from rags to riches. If my instincts were otherwise, I might consider helping.

Even more reason to hand the situation to someone that you knows can handle these sort of things :)

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Well someone has beaten me to it and mentioned the big problem with this request - what happens if the relationship doesn't work out ... I think many of us living here would have been approached directly or indirectly by someone who "would like to meet a farang". I have never had any pressure whatsoever though. It generally comes to me via my wife, and usual we just chuckle and say or do nothing. We have certainly never gotten involved in match-making.

Other times I suggest that my wife talks to them and make sure they have some idea as to what they might be getting themselves in for in terms of cultural differences etc - and feel free to use me as an example! Usually she doesn't want to get involved. If they are educated people and quite serious I sometimes suggest they read something like Thailand Fever (book) to try to get some idea as the scope and nature of differences. I suspect they never do - just going along with the soap opera fantasy view (of farangs and farang wives) is more fun.

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I have found that good farang men usually turn into bad farang men once they realize what they can get away with here.

The real wimps take a while to get it through their heads that they are not in Kansas anymore, but when they do, they are sneaking around shagging anything that will have them and rationalizing away.

I always tell Thais that I don't know any good farang men that live here, and I am being totally honest! :)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I've been asked a couple of times by women in the upper 30 to 40's age bracket. They usually have grown kids & are looking for, well I dont' know, but I am pretty sure love plays no part in it.

I tell them that farang are the same as thai. Good & bad everywhere & I wont be responsible for her getting a bad one. They seem surprised to hear that not all farang men are dripping in gold & atm cards though. The concept of the 2 week millionaire has never occurred to them before I explain it.

Sounds like a lazy girl to me. Wanting step-daddy to do all the work. Stay out of it cause you will get the blame if it all goes bad.

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Theres an idea LOP99, maybe you could sell her....get some funding for the new house. pity you cant sell of that other grubby hangeroner :D ...surely nobody would be stupid enuf to pay for him?


Now THAT'S a great idea! Get the money sarking son out of my life at the same time!

Hmmm. Would we maybe qualify for sin sod :) ? Sure could use the cash!

And the thought of a possible "dabble"? Another good idea! (No problem neverdie!)


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My wife wants me to help her 25 y/o daughter "find a good farang man like you" by using the internet.

It's interesting to observe my conflicting feelings about this topic. After all, I am thankful some friends helped

me find my wife by introducing me to her. On the other hand, I know of so much crap and deception which often goes on at either end that I just don't want any part of it all.

Would you/have you helped in your family? Good idea or not?

So you are married to this lady and you think that your step-daughter,who you played some (small) part in bringing up, is capable of the crap and deception?...maybe your answer lies in the need to "educate" your stepdaughter a little more in the ways of decency rather than the norms of thai culture...

Either that or you have a problem in sharing the limelight with another farang...

Come to think of it you should look on the bright side...you could be the first to make a killing in REVERSE SIN SOD :)

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Theres an idea LOP99, maybe you could sell her....get some funding for the new house. pity you cant sell of that other grubby hangeroner :D ...surely nobody would be stupid enuf to pay for him?


Now THAT'S a great idea! Get the money sarking son out of my life at the same time!

Hmmm. Would we maybe qualify for sin sod :) ? Sure could use the cash!

And the thought of a possible "dabble"? Another good idea! (No problem neverdie!)


HMMM...Actually after that last sentance i am thinking sin-sod should be the least of your issues. :P:P

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