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Decision On Democrat’s Election Funding Case Within The Week


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This seems very much like the dems are stalling justice to do their dirty washing.

They know they are vulnerable to dissolution on this 258million baht, more double standards.

Just another example of abisits human rights abuse in thailand.

Add it to the Human Rights Watch charge sheet.

Rixalex called you out on another topic thread. He's right.

You add absolutely nothing to the topics in discussion.

You also use the same rehearsed lines, about Abihist, Human Rights, Elections - which usually have nothing to do with the discussion.

Further more, they are more than often incorrect, or lack any supporting facts.

Never mind, after 26th Feb, the transfer of Durhams from Dubai will stop and you'll move on...

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This democrats funding question is the most important issue in the whole of thai politics.

Now isnt it a scandal that this issue has been with the appointed judiciary now for several years now , without resolution.

This question goes right to the heart of a democratic nation......"Is the democratic party ( appointed government) legal"?

Now surely , if such a question is with the courts, then surely that must be the primary question to be judged, not all these sideshows.

What greater question in a democracy could possibly require resolution than "Is the government legal"?

The goverment serve the people, the people want to know if the government is legal.

Who is stalling the will of the people.

Now what does it say about all those sitting democrat MP's, who know there is a serious question about the legality of the democrat party, and therefore the legality of the government.

And they know that Justice is being prevented from taking its course.

So come on, thai justice, answer the only question that really matters, Is the government legal?, the people want to know.

Be brave and Just , so there can be Hope and Peace.

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If there is no conviction of leadership for anything, then the government is legal.

If these actions, yet to be proved illegal,

were not done by order or with knowledge of leadership,

then there is no basis for dissolving the party.

I know the PTP would desperately want to knock out the dems,

but this hasn't worked in censure or in any other court,

and finally they tried to get help from the EC. So far nothing.

This is similar to the attacks by TRT when they were getting hammered

for buying small parties to run against them and avoid the 20% minimum rule,

and they tried unsuccessfully to say the Dems bought parties to NOT run against the TRT.

Like a doppleganger, always trying to lay their own infractions on their opponents with little success.

If you can win, then imply it's unfair is tactic 2, and smear and hope it sticks.

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  • 3 weeks later...
No reason now for the thai courts to stall this one any longer , the side show is done with, lets see justice done here and the dems rightly dissolved.

Credibility eroding faster.

Yes, it would be nice to see this and some of the other cases brought to a conclusion.

It would be great to see the airpot siezure cases resolved.

But, it would also be great to see the cases against Arisaman for his part in the Pattaya riots, Jatuporn and the other UDD leaders, for thier alledged involvement with the Songkran Bangkok riots and the bus burnings. It would also be nice to see, those who put the tanker in front of the Din Daeng housing units, brought to justice.

in fact, their are many cases on all sides which hopefully can now gain more attention, seeing probably the biggest one of all has been decided on.

Let's hope Friday's verdict is the start of a new and honest Thailand: a place providing justice and equality in a non-selective and truly democratic way.

That's what I want - don't you ?

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No reason now for the thai courts to stall this one any longer , the side show is done with, lets see justice done here and the dems rightly dissolved.

Credibility eroding faster.

Yes, it would be nice to see this and some of the other cases brought to a conclusion.

It would be great to see the airpot siezure cases resolved.

But, it would also be great to see the cases against Arisaman for his part in the Pattaya riots, Jatuporn and the other UDD leaders, for thier alledged involvement with the Songkran Bangkok riots and the bus burnings. It would also be nice to see, those who put the tanker in front of the Din Daeng housing units, brought to justice.

in fact, their are many cases on all sides which hopefully can now gain more attention, seeing probably the biggest one of all has been decided on.

Let's hope Friday's verdict is the start of a new and honest Thailand: a place providing justice and equality in a non-selective and truly democratic way.

That's what I want - don't you ?

Good post

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There are some in the elite who would like to see the Dems disbanded as the politcal mess created by having every politcal party disolved would create opportunites for politcal "reform" of a style they may like.

Such as doing away with elections altogether perhaps. :D All those uneducated people shouldn't be voting for anything important. :)

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Summarize, banning the democrat party is as ludicrous as banning TRT before it.

Honestly, how did Thailand end up in a situation where the judiciary is the highest power in the country. Trias Politica stipulates a balance in the three branches. The coup SERIOUSLY messed that up. It's ludicrous to be even discussing the banning of a whole party that was democratically elected; Democrat party as much as TRT and Phua Prachachon.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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The news is the decision to forward the case for prosecution or to drop it will be made this month.

The prosecution postponed the case against the PAD for the airport seizure etc until April- witnesses absent.

Pheua Thai said they may submit an MP from their party or from one of the coalition as possible PM in the censure debate.

And 2 days ago Chai Chidchorp said he could imagine working with Thaksin again.

Whether he said this to placate Pheua Thai regarding the next election or whether he he was thinking of much sooner is open to conjecture!

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Summarize, banning the democrat party is as ludicrous as banning TRT before it.

Honestly, how did Thailand end up in a situation where the judiciary is the highest power in the country. Trias Politica stipulates a balance in the three branches. The coup SERIOUSLY messed that up. It's ludicrous to be even discussing the banning of a whole party that was democratically elected; Democrat party as much as TRT and Phua Prachachon.

I don't really agree.

If it can be shown that a party took large payments, and failed to report or account for them properly, and that senior party executives/leaders were aware of this fact, then the party should be punished.

There are laws about this, nobody has the right to ignore them or to pick & choose whether to apply them, and most of the (non-party-executive) MPs would still be in Parliament and representing their electorate, just as the PPP (now PTP) MPs do.

The same standards apply to the Democrats as TRT or PPP.

Any party or government must operate within the legal-framework, or it all becomes just a game, as a former-PM implied when he spoke recently of people considering "playing at politics".

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Summarize, banning the democrat party is as ludicrous as banning TRT before it.

Honestly, how did Thailand end up in a situation where the judiciary is the highest power in the country. Trias Politica stipulates a balance in the three branches. The coup SERIOUSLY messed that up. It's ludicrous to be even discussing the banning of a whole party that was democratically elected; Democrat party as much as TRT and Phua Prachachon.

I don't really agree.

If it can be shown that a party took large payments, and failed to report or account for them properly, and that senior party executives/leaders were aware of this fact, then the party should be punished.

There are laws about this, nobody has the right to ignore them or to pick & choose whether to apply them, and most of the (non-party-executive) MPs would still be in Parliament and representing their electorate, just as the PPP (now PTP) MPs do.

The same standards apply to the Democrats as TRT or PPP.

Any party or government must operate within the legal-framework, or it all becomes just a game, as a former-PM implied when he spoke recently of people considering "playing at politics".

Completely agree. If the Democrat leadership is found to have conspired to violate election law then the Democrats must go. Much as I approve of the Abhisit leadership and the disappointment I and others would face, that would be the only acceptable outcome. That is the law and the law must be respected and adhered to.

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Summarize, banning the democrat party is as ludicrous as banning TRT before it.

Honestly, how did Thailand end up in a situation where the judiciary is the highest power in the country. Trias Politica stipulates a balance in the three branches. The coup SERIOUSLY messed that up. It's ludicrous to be even discussing the banning of a whole party that was democratically elected; Democrat party as much as TRT and Phua Prachachon.

I don't really agree.

If it can be shown that a party took large payments, and failed to report or account for them properly, and that senior party executives/leaders were aware of this fact, then the party should be punished.

There are laws about this, nobody has the right to ignore them or to pick & choose whether to apply them, and most of the (non-party-executive) MPs would still be in Parliament and representing their electorate, just as the PPP (now PTP) MPs do.

The same standards apply to the Democrats as TRT or PPP.

Any party or government must operate within the legal-framework, or it all becomes just a game, as a former-PM implied when he spoke recently of people considering "playing at politics".

Completely agree. If the Democrat leadership is found to have conspired to violate election law then the Democrats must go. Much as I approve of the Abhisit leadership and the disappointment I and others would face, that would be the only acceptable outcome. That is the law and the law must be respected and adhered to.

Agreed. However no YELLOW cases can start before they clear ALL the RED cases. Airport closure case included.

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I hear from a source close to the counting committee that a few of the notes in the 258 million baht donation have been found to be forgeries.

The case is to be thrown out on this basis, following the precedent previously set of throwing out the Red parties after a few election joey's.

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Dont want to upset the colour coded row over what should be settled first and what later but to date the court has concluded the cases in order they were submitted ie Thaksin cases were submitted to court first so they get heard first. The interesting thing will be to see if this pattern continues. To date nothing much has happened to any of the PAD or red leadership inspite of excesses by both that would carry penalty in any western country I can think of. Still this is Thailand and it also has a very different legal sytem from western countries.

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Last I heard , this case, the most important big question in thailand "is the military junta appointed democrat nominee government legal" for having accepted 258 million baht cake pastrie box, is again deferred to april 22.

A coup-issued law is to be effected , by the military junta appointed judiciary from april 21 to legitamise the accepting of 258 million baht cake pastrie box

by the democrats.

You may laugh.

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We do.

But you will keep posting this tripe.

Where do you come up with these ideas?

A committee comes to mind.

Talking points for TVF dissemination,

are in Propaganda 103, Room 42a behind the Pottys palm tree.

Bring your own legal pad.

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If[/b] it can be shown that a party took large payments, and failed to report or account for them properly, and that senior party executives/leaders were aware of this fact, then the party should be punished.

There are laws about this, nobody has the right to ignore them or to pick & choose whether to apply them, and most of the (non-party-executive) MPs would still be in Parliament and representing their electorate, just as the PPP (now PTP) MPs do.

The same standards apply to the Democrats as TRT or PPP.

Any party or government must operate within the legal-framework, or it all becomes just a game, as a former-PM implied when he spoke recently of people considering "playing at politics".

Completely agree. If the Democrat leadership is found to have conspired to violate election law then the Democrats must go. Much as I approve of the Abhisit leadership and the disappointment I and others would face, that would be the only acceptable outcome. That is the law and the law must be respected and adhered to.

I agree --- if it can be proven then they should face the same consequences as the rest!

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We do.

But you will keep posting this tripe.

Where do you come up with these ideas?

A committee comes to mind.

Talking points for TVF dissemination,

are in Propaganda 103, Room 42a behind the Pottys palm tree.

Bring your own legal pad.

That would be you and your committee (propoganda), or you and another one , I would wager.

Care to wager 500 baht, me thinks not.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So what are the junta appointed courts doing about this case then?

This is a test of the junta appointed governments legality.

(We all know its illegal, but then there are the motions).

Oh and everyone thought it had gone away.

258 million baht gone missing in the Dems coffers and everybody is stum

Well what you waiting for, we have seen how much gusto you can muster , got an adgenda.

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Interesting lack of a word here.

I see you are back from standing in the hot sun, chanting and attempting to find

a way to bring down a functioning government.

So sorry, Clotted blood did not carry the day. It did set back the cause massively.

No win, no idealistic spin, so back to the old attempts at Dem. party character assination.

You have a penchant for dredging up old things to try and besmirch the government with.

You seem to have no other purpose for being here, and people can see that, so your points are lost.

The junta hasn't existed for nearly 2 years, and your idol has had control of 2 governments in the interim,

try as you might, your red side has lost the PR war and no amount of slander will win it back.

Give it a rest, lost cause.

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Interesting lack of a word here.

I see you are back from standing in the hot sun, chanting and attempting to find

a way to bring down a functioning government.

So sorry, Clotted blood did not carry the day. It did set back the cause massively.

No win, no idealistic spin, so back to the old attempts at Dem. party character assination.

You have a penchant for dredging up old things to try and besmirch the government with.

You seem to have no other purpose for being here, and people can see that, so your points are lost.

The junta hasn't existed for nearly 2 years, and your idol has had control of 2 governments in the interim,

try as you might, your red side has lost the PR war and no amount of slander will win it back.

Give it a rest, lost cause.

Democracy supporters are interested in the 258million, and the illegality of the illegal junta appointed government.

Still when you think about it I could see the junta appointed courts dropping the case.

How can the junta appointed courts judge the junta appointed government.

Bit of a conflict of vested interest there.

"the red side " ....you'll be meaning "The Rural Electoral Democracy Supporters ".

Just keep rolling it around in your head.


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Give it a rest, lost cause.

Very much agree.

If there is no legitimate update to this news thread, any uncalled for bumps to it should be deleted.

No need for curious members to come to this thread to read new news on it, only to find some cloddish post bumping it up unnecessarily in the news index.

Edited by ThaksinKharma
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Give it a rest, lost cause.

Very much agree.

If there is no legitimate update to this news thread, any uncalled for bumps to it should be deleted.

No need for curious members to come to this thread to read new news on it, only to find some cloddish post bumping it up unnecessarily in the news index.

Nice one.

How democratic.

In a real , proper, democracy, this case of the mysterious 258million invisible donation to the dems slush fund would have been dealt with a long time back, and the dems rightly dissolved.

its an affront to common decency that this very important case gets put back and not dealt with.

The point you make about no new news is so very apt.

The question from the democratic is why...why...why...

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Give it a rest, lost cause.

Very much agree.

If there is no legitimate update to this news thread, any uncalled for bumps to it should be deleted.

No need for curious members to come to this thread to read new news on it, only to find some cloddish post bumping it up unnecessarily in the news index.

Nice one.

- further nonsense snipped -

Do you have an update on this 8 month-old thread or not?

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There are 258million reasons why this thread is quite possibly the most important issue in thailand at present.

Its an enormous question....Is the thai coup-issued law government legal, or not.

Do the dems deservr dissolution.

Has this government been doing the electorates business on the back of corruption.

Now the junta appointed judiciary has pulled out all the stops to give judgements on any and all REDS associated cases..( thats Rural Electoral Democracy Supporters ) but nothing anywhere on anything associated with this corrupt appointed government.

Keep the pressure on the courts, or it will go under the carpet, but thats what you self-appointed censors want eh .

Lets have a verdict.icon6.gif

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Animatic ponders a setup

Well there is ONE guy saying he did this and that with money.

It is EASY to buy one guy in Thailand for most any purpose.

Like sending relatively small amounts to many, many Dem pol's accounts,

and they look and see a small windfall from a constituent, and don't question it.

When in reality it was an extended effort to make the appearance of an

Dem organized umbrella of corruption.

Beyond the pale here in the Land of Shinola?

Not hardly.

It's as easy to believe the thing was a set up from day one, as it is corruption from day one.

Given the dems past history of corruption I would be suprised if the allegations were not true. That said, I would also be quite suprised if the Dems are found guilty, the EC has their marching orders! :)

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Couldn't care less about Thaksin.

However, I would like to see a rapid conclusion and decision made on the Democrats' case. If they are not guilty, then I think the reds will simply have to wait for an election. If they are guilty, then clearly it is time for a new coup ... oops ... election.

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