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Malaysia Ready To Extend Support To Ensure Peace

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KOTA KINABALU, Aug 13 (Bernama) -- Malaysia is ready to extend its support to ensure peace, stability and prosperity in southern Thailand, which are vital to the security and development of both countries, Foreign Minister Datuk Anifah Aman said on Thursday.

He said Malaysia noted the Thai government had given the highest priority to finding the best solution to solved the problems in the area.

"This clearly marks the determination and commitment of the Thai government in wanting to resolve the difficult situation there, he said in his opening remarks at the Eleventh Meeting of the Malaysia-Thailand Joint Commission for Bilateral Cooperation here.

Anifah said Malaysia and Thailand shared a close bond of friendship and had collaborated closely together as important partners in forming and expanding the scoop of cooperation.

"Malaysia believes this meeting will provide the impetus for progress to be achieved in our effort to promote greater cooperation in various areas and in exploring new areas for economic and social development that will benefit both our countries," he said.

He said the meeting would be able to continue to foster a warmer relationship between the two countries.

Anifah hoped that the collaboration forged between the two countries through the formation of the "3E" (Education, Entrepreneurship, and Employment) initiatives could act as effective confidence building measure tools to create and promote peace and security in the southern border provinces of Thailand.

"Under the education intiative, I hope that the southern Thai youths who attend the study visits to learn about multicultural, multiethnic and multi-religious Malaysia will return and be able to contribute to their communities," he said.

He said that apart from the 3Es, efforts to promote economic and social developments were an indispensable tool in building trust and confidence that would eventually bring about peace and reconciliation in southern Thailand.

"The implementation of infrastructure projects, training of human capital through education and others are already showing positive results."

Anifah also urged both sides to convene the first meeting of the Joint Working Group on Promoting Labour Cooperation and explore possible ideas and programmes to further enhance labour cooperation between the two countries.

He said the agenda of today's meeting encompassed a number of issues, including cooperationn along the border areas, boundary demarcation, communication and transportation, trade and investment, agriculture, education, Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle, sciene and technology, information and cooperation on confidence building measures.

"I'm confident that in the spirit of collaboration and cooperation, we will be able to find mutually satisfactory resolutions on both outstanding and new issues," he said.

On trade, Anifah said that Malaysia and Thailand are important trading partners.

"Our total bilateral trade increased from US$15 billion in 2006 to US$19.6 billion in 2008. Thai investments in Malaysia also grew from US$32 billion in 2006 to US$43 billion in 2008 in the areas of food manufacturing and petrochemicals," he said.

He said Malaysian investments in Thailand grew from US$29 billion in 2006 to US$35 billion till the third quarter of 2008 in the areas of construction, financing, insurance and real estate.

Anifah believed there was still room for both countries to explore futher areas of potential and opportunities to further improve the country's trade and investment.

He said Malaysia remained steadfast in its commitment to the Joint Development Strategy (JDS) for Border Areas process.

Under the JDS, several activities and projects had been carried out and one notable project was the launch of the "second bridge" between Bukit Bunga, Kelantan and Buketa, Narathiwat.

"Malaysia hopes we could expedite all the necessary measures related to the ownership, management, maintenance and use of the second bridge which should result in the signing of an agreement soon."

Anifah said it would be opportune for both the prime ministers of Malaysia and Thailand to officiate at the renaming of the bridge during the 4th annual consultations "which we have agreed to convene".



Hope for the more closed relation between Malaysia and Thailand.... Malaysia and Thailand shall be a good neighbour and a good friend....

God bless Thailand and Malaysia krap.....

The Malaysian Government can start by stopping the Muslim Radicals coming into Thailand and planting Bombs , supplying munitions and training Thai muslims !!

BTW khun sunholidaysun1.... can you give me any link or internet sources in regarding to your statement.... i always heard that rumour widely... particularly among Thais.... my Thailand friend ever told me about that.... but she can't give any sources yet... she say that she heard from someone....

as what i check from internet... nothing found regarding this issue...

Might I ask what you think about this situation, Churchill Sir? :)

They need all the help they can get - So any help or support has to be welcomed -

and its not all negative see "In Satun, its 'adik-beradik'" http://thestar.com.my/news/story.asp?file=...3&sec=focus

Good articles mr. churchill... hope that one day Malaysia and Thailand will become truly "adik beradik"....

Can not la.. One buddhist country, one Islamic country.. can mer? Malaysia Boleh -- Thai pun Boleh !!!

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