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I recieved a dissapointing news letter from them this week. They have suddenly decided to change the award miles policy.

it was the norm that if you didn't use the airline for 36 momths your award miles where cancelled for the first of the three years.

They have now advised a 20 month expiry date.

Perssonally I had aquired 120.000 awaed miles which I was hoping to utilise next March, that would represent a free ticket to the Uk. My miles have now all been cancelled so that represents a a few hundred quid write off.

There is a way to redeem them by buying ticket before the end of September and they will reinstate my award miles.

So it means buying my already earned award miles.

So it looks like they have lost another long serving customer.

So a bit more useless information for your memory banks.


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I recieved a dissapointing news letter from them this week. They have suddenly decided to change the award miles policy.

it was the norm that if you didn't use the airline for 36 momths your award miles where cancelled for the first of the three years.

They have now advised a 20 month expiry date.

Perssonally I had aquired 120.000 awaed miles which I was hoping to utilise next March, that would represent a free ticket to the Uk. My miles have now all been cancelled so that represents a a few hundred quid write off.

There is a way to redeem them by buying ticket before the end of September and they will reinstate my award miles.

So it means buying my already earned award miles.

So it looks like they have lost another long serving customer.

So a bit more useless information for your memory banks.


:) ..very unfair of K L M and if I were you I would call De Telegraaf, the largest newspaper in Holland, and tell them your story. It's now what the Dutch call Cucumber Time in news land and they are eager for a good news story !

You have nothing to lose, everything to win. There must be thousands of frequent flyers like you, losing awarded air miles !!!


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I'm going to have to disagree with what has been said here. I actually think that Flying Blue is quite a generous program, afterall, those miles do last for a lifetime & whilst they may have decreased the required period to maintain those miles, it's neither difficult, or costly, to use AF/KLM or one of their partners once every twenty months & as for buying already earned award miles, I prefer to look at it that I'm increasing those miles.

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I donot understand why there are people who still fly with KLM. This is the wort airline of the world. Bad service, small chairs, not friendly staff, expensive etc. Of course, they have decided now to change their award programm. Forget this airline. There are much better ones like EVA, Air Berlin and China. These companies LIKE customers. KLM doesnot.

I recieved a dissapointing news letter from them this week. They have suddenly decided to change the award miles policy.

it was the norm that if you didn't use the airline for 36 momths your award miles where cancelled for the first of the three years.

They have now advised a 20 month expiry date.

Perssonally I had aquired 120.000 awaed miles which I was hoping to utilise next March, that would represent a free ticket to the Uk. My miles have now all been cancelled so that represents a a few hundred quid write off.

There is a way to redeem them by buying ticket before the end of September and they will reinstate my award miles.

So it means buying my already earned award miles.

So it looks like they have lost another long serving customer.

So a bit more useless information for your memory banks.


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Be fair, not all what you say is true sorry. You can check by www.klm.com at the moment KLM is the cheapest between Europe and Bangkok. I fly 5 years with KLM to different destinations in Asia, certain Durch woman haven't same smile as Asian but the service was always good and fair, no restirction in beverage etc.

No I am not a KLM fanatic, I go loose too xx miles in September but I accept because since a while I fly around in Asia and seldom to Europe. Beside try eg. Swiss or German company, hard to get your miles if you forgot present your Member Card at check-in or Brunai just ignore you.

Don't dream to fly by Rolce Royce if you pay for a VW Golf ....

I donot understand why there are people who still fly with KLM. This is the wort airline of the world. Bad service, small chairs, not friendly staff, expensive etc. Of course, they have decided now to change their award programm. Forget this airline. There are much better ones like EVA, Air Berlin and China. These companies LIKE customers. KLM doesnot.
I recieved a dissapointing news letter from them this week. They have suddenly decided to change the award miles policy.

it was the norm that if you didn't use the airline for 36 momths your award miles where cancelled for the first of the three years.

They have now advised a 20 month expiry date.

Perssonally I had aquired 120.000 awaed miles which I was hoping to utilise next March, that would represent a free ticket to the Uk. My miles have now all been cancelled so that represents a a few hundred quid write off.

There is a way to redeem them by buying ticket before the end of September and they will reinstate my award miles.

So it means buying my already earned award miles.

So it looks like they have lost another long serving customer.

So a bit more useless information for your memory banks.


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I recieved a dissapointing news letter from them this week. They have suddenly decided to change the award miles policy.

it was the norm that if you didn't use the airline for 36 momths your award miles where cancelled for the first of the three years.

They have now advised a 20 month expiry date.

Perssonally I had aquired 120.000 awaed miles which I was hoping to utilise next March, that would represent a free ticket to the Uk. My miles have now all been cancelled so that represents a a few hundred quid write off.

There is a way to redeem them by buying ticket before the end of September and they will reinstate my award miles.

So it means buying my already earned award miles.

So it looks like they have lost another long serving customer.

So a bit more useless information for your memory banks.


:D ..very unfair of K L M and if I were you I would call De Telegraaf, the largest newspaper in Holland, and tell them your story. It's now what the Dutch call Cucumber Time in news land and they are eager for a good news story !

You have nothing to lose, everything to win. There must be thousands of frequent flyers like you, losing awarded air miles !!!


Yes, i have expiring miles on at least 3 airlines....

For my last "FREE" KLM ticket ams/bkk i payed 320E of taxes.

Better to not have this kind of free ticket. :)

For 120.000 miles i would have done at least a payed ticket like AMS/london.....

Also with some airline you can donate miles to red cross instead of fliying...to get more months....

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I have only flown KLM ... Schiphol - Bangkok on 1 occasion, but that was enough to convince me that they are an airline that is run for the benefit of the employees rather than the paying passenger.

Whilst queuing to enter the departure lounge we were offered extremely generous cash payments and hotel accommodation should we be prepared to wait for the flight next day, a lot of people jumped at the offer, why not if time is not an issue but cash is.

Anyway, once boarded we had a child strapped in the jump seat immediately in front of us. It transpires he was the son of an employee and was off on holiday along with a large group of staff families all non fare paying passengers!

Allowing staff to fill empty seats is one thing but paying off fare paying passengers to allow freebies is surely a step too far.

Maybe KLM has union problems but I could not help notice that they had the oldest least attractive cabin crews I have seen outside the US. Don't shoot me down as sexist but when they are competing with SE Asian airlines who have some of the most attractive attendants then the only way they can fill planes is by price and by flying lots of freebies it can only end one way!


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I go loose too xx miles in September but I accept because since a while I fly around in Asia and seldom to Europe.

If you want to protect your miles you could always take a flight with AF from BKK to HCM.

I flew KLM LHR AMS_BKK 8 years ago when I first came Thailand, Horrible experience, Lousy service in flight and when i returned my checkin baggage was 3 kg over and they forced me to pay 50GBP excess. I remember talking to the ladyemployee at the counter who sympathized with me and said she was leaving the company soon and they have more complaints than any of the major carriers. So Its good to see the airline going down the pan. and it has to join with another airline, As has been said Its run for anybody but the customers . It thinks it has a right to business. "Royal Dutch Sucks Airline" Is a good name.

EVA and Qatar RULE for Thailand to Europe

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I recieved a dissapointing news letter from them this week. They have suddenly decided to change the award miles policy.

it was the norm that if you didn't use the airline for 36 momths your award miles where cancelled for the first of the three years.

They have now advised a 20 month expiry date.

Perssonally I had aquired 120.000 awaed miles which I was hoping to utilise next March, that would represent a free ticket to the Uk. My miles have now all been cancelled so that represents a a few hundred quid write off.

There is a way to redeem them by buying ticket before the end of September and they will reinstate my award miles.

So it means buying my already earned award miles.

So it looks like they have lost another long serving customer.

So a bit more useless information for your memory banks.


:) ..very unfair of K L M and if I were you I would call De Telegraaf, the largest newspaper in Holland, and tell them your story. It's now what the Dutch call Cucumber Time in news land and they are eager for a good news story !

You have nothing to lose, everything to win. There must be thousands of frequent flyers like you, losing awarded air miles !!!


Indeed, best way to protest is write de Telegraaf, see the website for fax and email.

This looks very much like what other airlines are planning.

So anybody with airmiles or whatever the names may be, pay attention.

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This looks very much like what other airlines are planning.

So anybody with airmiles or whatever the names may be, pay attention.

I think you'll find that with many FFP's the miles typically expire after a period of time i.e. 3 years. So, on that basis Flying Blue remains one of the better ones.

Edited by ClaytonSeymour
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The wife, little one and I check-in early enough at BKK to enjoy some lounge time. The boarding is always sensible, non-rushed and organised and we are on the way well before midnight. Nice meal (don't forget to order breakfast!) and a decent nap. Thanks for the extra blanket for the wee one! A pretty awesome breakfast it is before a pre-dawn arrival in AMS. Schiphol is great at this time of the day, hardly anyone about but the essential shops are already open and DF purchases are done easily as we have enough time before the onward 1-hour hop to ABZ. The bags are on the carousel within 10 minutes of clearing immigration at the end of the journey and we are home in time for breakfast.

On the way back, the afternoon hop back to AMS leaves us enough time to relax in the lounge at Schiphol and another well managed boarding and an on-time push-back. We used to like the cosy seats at the front of the 747 but 'now we are three', the upstairs cabin is better. The meals service from their home-base facilities are even better and the arrival time after lunch in BKK always assures a fast track through Immigration with the bags already on the carousel. Home in time for dinner!

Always on time, Schiphol is a user-friendly hub versus my options of LHR or even worse CDG. One plane-change, super friendly cabin staff that always have time for a chat. Three round-trips in less than a year; never misses a beat.

Oh... your freebie MILES have expired. Sorry, I thought this was an anti-KLM thread.

BTW, I think if you make just one flight on KLM, Air France or Kenya Airlines within 6-months of the expiration, they will reinstate the 'lost' miles. Bloody <deleted> eh?

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The wife, little one and I check-in early enough at BKK to enjoy some lounge time. The boarding is always sensible, non-rushed and organised and we are on the way well before midnight. Nice meal (don't forget to order breakfast!) and a decent nap. Thanks for the extra blanket for the wee one! A pretty awesome breakfast it is before a pre-dawn arrival in AMS. Schiphol is great at this time of the day, hardly anyone about but the essential shops are already open and DF purchases are done easily as we have enough time before the onward 1-hour hop to ABZ. The bags are on the carousel within 10 minutes of clearing immigration at the end of the journey and we are home in time for breakfast.

On the way back, the afternoon hop back to AMS leaves us enough time to relax in the lounge at Schiphol and another well managed boarding and an on-time push-back. We used to like the cosy seats at the front of the 747 but 'now we are three', the upstairs cabin is better. The meals service from their home-base facilities are even better and the arrival time after lunch in BKK always assures a fast track through Immigration with the bags already on the carousel. Home in time for dinner!

Always on time, Schiphol is a user-friendly hub versus my options of LHR or even worse CDG. One plane-change, super friendly cabin staff that always have time for a chat. Three round-trips in less than a year; never misses a beat.

Oh... your freebie MILES have expired. Sorry, I thought this was an anti-KLM thread.

BTW, I think if you make just one flight on KLM, Air France or Kenya Airlines within 6-months of the expiration, they will reinstate the 'lost' miles. Bloody <deleted> eh?

Interesting comments, I will probably try and make contact with KLM and if possible have them donate the lost miles to the red cross or similar.

I have used KLM for the latter 20 years as the company I worked for in the 80's had a deal with them. When I retired to Thailand I continued to use their services but not as often, usually every couple of years for a uk break.

I have been spoilt by buisiness class travel and I found there service to be very good, I'm not that interested in how sexy the staff are as long as the service and food are OK.

They have always provided an excellent service from Newcastle-AMS to wherever so I have no beef with their service.

What annoys me is that I recieve the monthly news letter and offers but not once have they gave any indication as to this sudden change in the rules.

At least I could have donated the miles or requested a hotel award or similar.

No doubt they are joining the rest of the airlines in penny pinching tactics to reduce overheads.

Looks like the next trip will be on the recently open Emirates BKK-Dubia-Newcastle service.

Has anyone used the Emirates service to date.

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The wife, little one and I check-in early enough at BKK to enjoy some lounge time. The boarding is always sensible, non-rushed and organised and we are on the way well before midnight. Nice meal (don't forget to order breakfast!) and a decent nap. Thanks for the extra blanket for the wee one! A pretty awesome breakfast it is before a pre-dawn arrival in AMS. Schiphol is great at this time of the day, hardly anyone about but the essential shops are already open and DF purchases are done easily as we have enough time before the onward 1-hour hop to ABZ. The bags are on the carousel within 10 minutes of clearing immigration at the end of the journey and we are home in time for breakfast.

On the way back, the afternoon hop back to AMS leaves us enough time to relax in the lounge at Schiphol and another well managed boarding and an on-time push-back. We used to like the cosy seats at the front of the 747 but 'now we are three', the upstairs cabin is better. The meals service from their home-base facilities are even better and the arrival time after lunch in BKK always assures a fast track through Immigration with the bags already on the carousel. Home in time for dinner!

Always on time, Schiphol is a user-friendly hub versus my options of LHR or even worse CDG. One plane-change, super friendly cabin staff that always have time for a chat. Three round-trips in less than a year; never misses a beat.

Oh... your freebie MILES have expired. Sorry, I thought this was an anti-KLM thread.

BTW, I think if you make just one flight on KLM, Air France or Kenya Airlines within 6-months of the expiration, they will reinstate the 'lost' miles. Bloody <deleted> eh?

more about praise of Schipol than KLM. Can't escape the fact their service sucks and for the price they charge, scandalous. Yes why not keep this ANTI KLM thread going

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The wife, little one and I check-in early enough at BKK to enjoy some lounge time. The boarding is always sensible, non-rushed and organised and we are on the way well before midnight. Nice meal (don't forget to order breakfast!) and a decent nap. Thanks for the extra blanket for the wee one! A pretty awesome breakfast it is before a pre-dawn arrival in AMS. Schiphol is great at this time of the day, hardly anyone about but the essential shops are already open and DF purchases are done easily as we have enough time before the onward 1-hour hop to ABZ. The bags are on the carousel within 10 minutes of clearing immigration at the end of the journey and we are home in time for breakfast.

On the way back, the afternoon hop back to AMS leaves us enough time to relax in the lounge at Schiphol and another well managed boarding and an on-time push-back. We used to like the cosy seats at the front of the 747 but 'now we are three', the upstairs cabin is better. The meals service from their home-base facilities are even better and the arrival time after lunch in BKK always assures a fast track through Immigration with the bags already on the carousel. Home in time for dinner!

Always on time, Schiphol is a user-friendly hub versus my options of LHR or even worse CDG. One plane-change, super friendly cabin staff that always have time for a chat. Three round-trips in less than a year; never misses a beat.

Oh... your freebie MILES have expired. Sorry, I thought this was an anti-KLM thread.

BTW, I think if you make just one flight on KLM, Air France or Kenya Airlines within 6-months of the expiration, they will reinstate the 'lost' miles. Bloody <deleted> eh?

more about praise of Schipol than KLM. Can't escape the fact their service sucks and for the price they charge, scandalous. Yes why not keep this ANTI KLM thread going

Righty ho sunny... seems you need some eyeglasses. The bits in blue were "praise of Schiphol", the rest is ALL about wonderful, convenient, economical and enjoyable KLM and their service.

Have you tried their late afternoon all-business class Boeing 737-700BBJ service non-stop AMS to Houston lately? Imagine, just 40 passengers so boarding and deplaning is done in 10 minutes! Awesome eh? It leaves Amsterdam at the quietest spell in the day and arrives in Houston after the evening rush-hour... dare I say again, in time for dinner. The return is similarly well timed to avoid the local bottlenecks with ample but never lengthy layovers between connecting flights. The service onboard is top-of-the-line with the PrivatAir cabin crew trained to KLM standards.

Oh, I see your disenchantment is based on a single flight taken 8 years ago. Sorry, for a moment I mistook you for a serious flyer.

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I recieved a dissapointing news letter from them this week. They have suddenly decided to change the award miles policy.

it was the norm that if you didn't use the airline for 36 momths your award miles where cancelled for the first of the three years.

They have now advised a 20 month expiry date.

Perssonally I had aquired 120.000 awaed miles which I was hoping to utilise next March, that would represent a free ticket to the Uk. My miles have now all been cancelled so that represents a a few hundred quid write off.

There is a way to redeem them by buying ticket before the end of September and they will reinstate my award miles.

So it means buying my already earned award miles.

So it looks like they have lost another long serving customer.

So a bit more useless information for your memory banks.


I go loose too xx miles in September but I accept because since a while I fly around in Asia and seldom to Europe.

If you want to protect your miles you could always take a flight with AF from BKK to HCM.

To the OP and thaibear: You should consider Clayton's excellent advice and buy a BKK-SGN r/t sometime in the next month. It's looks like US$220 +tax but the cheapest way of saving your miles since AF and KLM are one-and-the-same with regards to Flying Blue miles. Saves you your airmiles and gives you a nice weekend in Saigon. PM me if you need info on the quick & painless way to get a VN visa (without getting out of your chair).

I too have about 40k miles expiring on AF so I will be doing that (I am in Vietnam right now). I kept my AF and KL Flying Blue accounts separate after they merged since KL offered better deals (like one-way tickets) and awards (charging less tax) than their AF partner.

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To the OP and thaibear: You should consider Clayton's excellent advice and buy a BKK-SGN r/t sometime in the next month. It's looks like US$220 +tax but the cheapest way of saving your miles since AF and KLM are one-and-the-same with regards to Flying Blue miles. Saves you your airmiles and gives you a nice weekend in Saigon. PM me if you need info on the quick & painless way to get a VN visa (without getting out of your chair).

I've just had a quick look on AF.com & you can get it for less than that i.e. ex BKK Thu 24/9/09 rt Su 27/9/09 = THB 4750 including taxes. :)

You need to book on the AF Thailand site to get the fares at these prices.

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The wife, little one and I check-in early enough at BKK to enjoy some lounge time. The boarding is always sensible, non-rushed and organised and we are on the way well before midnight. Nice meal (don't forget to order breakfast!) and a decent nap. Thanks for the extra blanket for the wee one! A pretty awesome breakfast it is before a pre-dawn arrival in AMS. Schiphol is great at this time of the day, hardly anyone about but the essential shops are already open and DF purchases are done easily as we have enough time before the onward 1-hour hop to ABZ. The bags are on the carousel within 10 minutes of clearing immigration at the end of the journey and we are home in time for breakfast.

On the way back, the afternoon hop back to AMS leaves us enough time to relax in the lounge at Schiphol and another well managed boarding and an on-time push-back. We used to like the cosy seats at the front of the 747 but 'now we are three', the upstairs cabin is better. The meals service from their home-base facilities are even better and the arrival time after lunch in BKK always assures a fast track through Immigration with the bags already on the carousel. Home in time for dinner!

Always on time, Schiphol is a user-friendly hub versus my options of LHR or even worse CDG. One plane-change, super friendly cabin staff that always have time for a chat. Three round-trips in less than a year; never misses a beat.

Oh... your freebie MILES have expired. Sorry, I thought this was an anti-KLM thread.

BTW, I think if you make just one flight on KLM, Air France or Kenya Airlines within 6-months of the expiration, they will reinstate the 'lost' miles. Bloody <deleted> eh?

more about praise of Schipol than KLM. Can't escape the fact their service sucks and for the price they charge, scandalous. Yes why not keep this ANTI KLM thread going

Righty ho sunny... seems you need some eyeglasses. The bits in blue were "praise of Schiphol", the rest is ALL about wonderful, convenient, economical and enjoyable KLM and their service.

Have you tried their late afternoon all-business class Boeing 737-700BBJ service non-stop AMS to Houston lately? Imagine, just 40 passengers so boarding and deplaning is done in 10 minutes! Awesome eh? It leaves Amsterdam at the quietest spell in the day and arrives in Houston after the evening rush-hour... dare I say again, in time for dinner. The return is similarly well timed to avoid the local bottlenecks with ample but never lengthy layovers between connecting flights. The service onboard is top-of-the-line with the PrivatAir cabin crew trained to KLM standards.

Oh, I see your disenchantment is based on a single flight taken 8 years ago. Sorry, for a moment I mistook you for a serious flyer.

Well , I think you only comment on flights to the USA. You know there is a world outside the "Big Mouth country". My experience is europe to Asia and comments from fellow travellers and just remember KLM prices are the highest . I think the company has many problems , industrial relations wise and financially. no surprise there.

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The wife, little one and I check-in early enough at BKK to enjoy some lounge time. The boarding is always sensible, non-rushed and organised and we are on the way well before midnight. Nice meal (don't forget to order breakfast!) and a decent nap. Thanks for the extra blanket for the wee one! A pretty awesome breakfast it is before a pre-dawn arrival in AMS. Schiphol is great at this time of the day, hardly anyone about but the essential shops are already open and DF purchases are done easily as we have enough time before the onward 1-hour hop to ABZ. The bags are on the carousel within 10 minutes of clearing immigration at the end of the journey and we are home in time for breakfast.

On the way back, the afternoon hop back to AMS leaves us enough time to relax in the lounge at Schiphol and another well managed boarding and an on-time push-back. We used to like the cosy seats at the front of the 747 but 'now we are three', the upstairs cabin is better. The meals service from their home-base facilities are even better and the arrival time after lunch in BKK always assures a fast track through Immigration with the bags already on the carousel. Home in time for dinner!

Always on time, Schiphol is a user-friendly hub versus my options of LHR or even worse CDG. One plane-change, super friendly cabin staff that always have time for a chat. Three round-trips in less than a year; never misses a beat.

Oh... your freebie MILES have expired. Sorry, I thought this was an anti-KLM thread.

BTW, I think if you make just one flight on KLM, Air France or Kenya Airlines within 6-months of the expiration, they will reinstate the 'lost' miles. Bloody <deleted> eh?

more about praise of Schipol than KLM. Can't escape the fact their service sucks and for the price they charge, scandalous. Yes why not keep this ANTI KLM thread going

Righty ho sunny... seems you need some eyeglasses. The bits in blue were "praise of Schiphol", the rest is ALL about wonderful, convenient, economical and enjoyable KLM and their service.

Have you tried their late afternoon all-business class Boeing 737-700BBJ service non-stop AMS to Houston lately? Imagine, just 40 passengers so boarding and deplaning is done in 10 minutes! Awesome eh? It leaves Amsterdam at the quietest spell in the day and arrives in Houston after the evening rush-hour... dare I say again, in time for dinner. The return is similarly well timed to avoid the local bottlenecks with ample but never lengthy layovers between connecting flights. The service onboard is top-of-the-line with the PrivatAir cabin crew trained to KLM standards.

Oh, I see your disenchantment is based on a single flight taken 8 years ago. Sorry, for a moment I mistook you for a serious flyer.

Well , I think you only comment on flights to the USA. You know there is a world outside the "Big Mouth country". My experience is europe to Asia and comments from fellow travellers and just remember KLM prices are the highest . I think the company has many problems , industrial relations wise and financially. no surprise there.

marky, marky, marky.... "Big Mouth country"[insert shaking head emoticon]

Two KLM round-trips to Accra, Ghana and in between that, a r/t to Lagos, Nigeria, all in the last 12 months. I must admit the MD-11 is a bit long in the tooth and certainly not my favourite but the service was still exceptional, more notable when one of the return flights was delayed 5 hours due to a technical problem. The local KLM office contacted passengers and even though we did the on-time check-in, they laid on a bus to take some of us back to the Golden Tulip in Accra so we could relax while they sorted out the problems. Time for a pizza and a few more beers; I slept sound on that one! The late arrival in AMS wasn't a problem as they had already rebooked me on the last flight to ABZ with the option of a day-room at Schiphol. Sweet! They also handed out the 'inconvenience' voucher package which has some really usable compensation. I opted for a chunk of miles to be credited to my account (that posted within 10 days). The 777 they use on the Lagos run is in a different league from the MD11 but the same could be said for Accra and Lagos! The cabin crew were really good on this sector (I had an ingrown toenail and wasn't the most nimble); so much so, I wrote to KLM Customer Service and mentioned it.

When I REALLY need to visit London, I used the old KLM's cityhopper into City airport. Fast, convenient and a simple taxi ride into the city in less than half the time it takes to deplane in LHR & LGW. Yes, even better than flying direct from inside the UK! Also gives me the opportunity to snag some uniquely Dutch gifts passing through Schiphol.

So, I have flown KLM to/from the Far East, Europe, trans Atlantic and locally in the last year & half. In October, I will be returning to Peru and guess which carrier I am going to fly with? Have you seen their excellent prices? This is non-stop as well!! I reckon that means I have pretty much covered the extents of their network... meanwhile you carry on and augment your 8-year-old tale of woe with some anecdotal tales from 'fellow travelers'.

PS. Sorry to disappoint you, but I am not from the US. Neither am I Dutch, work for KLM or have shares in their company. I am simply a very, very satisfied KLM frequent flier

526,080 miles and counting....

Edited by NanLaew
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