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Why Would A Thai Girl Get Involved With A Farang?

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Ok let's me speak as a Thai girl.. :o

I talked to one girl who has Farang husband ,,I asked why you chose farang bcos before she lives with Farang she has a handsome Thai boy and Richer than Farang


The answer from her: I am happy to be with him ,,he never cheat on me same as my ex-bf for staying with my farang husband is not money bcos i have to work also but we love each other ,,

Some Thai thinks only White peoples are rich!

But the important thing is Love ,,,

but you count Most of Thai girl like Thai guy some has bad luck ended with separate with their Thai husband cos they have mia noi and hurt her when they drunk! ,,,,

I am Thai girl for me love is more important pls do not judge us that we want to drink your blood ,,we are human being same as you ..we want a real and true love same as women around the world..

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Plenty of regular "normal" girls with falang fellows. It just seems that they are in minority compared to the other type of local gal (the kind

/edit offensive to women

It's not suprising when you see fellows who are bald, over the hill, and twice cleaned out by falang marriages to go for the lower end of the spectrum... but it IS suprising when you see decent looking, young, well-to-do expat types doing the same thing.


Edited by Darknight
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Foreigners look different, smell different and have hair everywhere. Their company is embarrassing for Thai girls, since farangs make all kinds of mistakes, get angry easily, make a scene over little things and talk a lot about their problems. The communication is difficult not only because of the different languages, but also because of the different way of thinking - lots of misunderstandings, long discussions because she said the "wrong" thing, and being accused of lies, even though she was only talking in a wishful thinking way. Most farang are not "sanook", after the initial fun time of partying in bars and discos they get serious soon.

Other Thais look down on her because they know she met him in a bar. They look down on her because a decent Thai girl should be together with a Thai man.

So why does a Thai girl get involved with a farang? Does the straight nose, the light skin and the blue eyes make up for all those drawbacks?

You have just given an exact description of me :o

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Why is that farang blokes with Thai girlfriends have always been rejected by farang girls in the past ?

This is also true for the other way round.

I would submit that if that is the case... when it happens... it's because of the shortcomings of the farang girls that they choose to pal around with.

Any woman, Thai or farang or Spanish or Nigerian or Eskimo, that is worth her salt would accept their friends as whom they are.... of course the same is true for any man as well.

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Thai women go out with farang men cause farang men have a lot of money and they do not, end of story

What about thai women who already have more money or a simlar amount of money to the foreign man ? Yes, it does happen mate. How do you factor that into your theory ?

...it don't happen so often...

It may appear that it doesn't happen that often, in fact it probably forms the smallest sector of thai-foriegner relationship types, but it does happen !! People usually only talk about BGs or GTGs, but there is a 3rd category ETGs (elite thai girls). In a relationship with an ETG, money/materialisms are never part of the equation. It is all about the relationship. ETGs probably make up the smallest sector of the thai female poplulation, and typically the "type" of foreigner you'll see them with also make up the smallest sector of the expat population in Thailand. If you mix in "their" circles , you will see many real world examples. If you only ever hang out with BGs or GTGs, then it will always appear not to happen often.

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Ok let's me speak as a Thai girl.. :o

I talked to one girl who has Farang husband ,,I asked why you chose farang bcos before she lives with Farang she has a handsome Thai boy and Richer than Farang


The answer from her:  I am happy to be with him ,,he never cheat on me same as my ex-bf for staying with my farang husband is not money bcos i have to work also but we love each other ,,

Some Thai thinks only White peoples are rich! 

But the important thing is Love ,,,

but you count Most of Thai girl like Thai guy some has bad luck ended with separate with their Thai husband cos they have mia noi and hurt her when they drunk! ,,,,

I am Thai girl for me love is more important pls do not judge us that we want to drink your blood ,,we are human being same as you ..we want a real and true love same as women around the world..

EXTREMELY well said, Sunlaree... thank you for your input.

as i say... if and when Rolo et al experience love... they'll think differently... or more precisely, the same as we do.

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Why is it that on every thread that discusses "losers" with Thai ladies (BGs or not) that they are always old, bald, fat and with a paunch. What has their appearance got to do with anything?

Growing old is a lot better than the alternative. Also, there is some hypocracy here. If you are Joe Normal and have a wife 20 years younger, it seems to be a big deal. If you are Michael Douglas or Rupert Murdoch, it's expected of you to have a wife a lot younger. Seems to me if you are rich and famous it's OK, if you are just a regular guy, it's wrong.

A person cannot help if he is bald, it's in the genes. I bet there are some real handsome "losers" out there as well.

From my limited experience, for all women looks are less important than for a man. Women need security to raise a family, looks come a long way behind. They would much rather have a not so good looking man who is genuine and will give commitment, love and security, than a good-looking rake.

So, please, when you discuss "losers", leave out the old, bald with a paunch b*ll-sh1t. It just shows how shallow you are. It's the heart that matters.

PS. I'm not bald, or that old, but I'm no Brad Pitt either.

Edited by Sir Burr
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The only poster who makes sense here is BRACCOBALDO. Everyone else is convincing themselves that there are other reasons such as "farangs are bigger" or "farangs dont cheat as thai men do". All of that is ludicrous. Thai women go out with farang men cause farang men have a lot of money and they do not, end of story

If my wife married me for my money I've just pulled off the scam of the century.



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I've met my share of guys who were in LOVE, yes, REAL LOVE, and then had a rude awakening. As long as money flowed and the house was being built, there was plenty of REAL LOVE... I've met tons of guys being deeply in LOVE with girls who had BARGIRL written on their foreheads... Met a guy who was in LOVE for years until he found out that all the payments went from his account to her brothers, then to the bank... Met a guy who thought: maybe I'll take the family members out of the company and find other shareholders - next morning she was gone with the car, in her name. He was REALLY in LOVE, for a long time.

I can go on and on, I've heard hundreds of stories, farangs being ripped off by Thai females and males alike. My buddy said, after living in Thailand for 4 years: "If a Thai hasn't ripped you off yet, it's because you haven't given him (or her) the chance..."

That sounds bitter, and ######, some people I met have reason to sound bitter. They were not old bald fat vacationers, they were good looking guys in their 30's and 40's, who fell in love with this country and wanted to start a life here. they were honest and generous guys who thought that if they give, they'll get something back. They learned the hard way that generosity or simply being nice can be taken for weakness which needs to be abused.

But it's good to hear that there are a few guys out there who trust their girls and have a good time together.

Especially liked the post of the Thai girl who said: We are looking for real love, too.

Well I know that my girlfriend loves me, she proved that several times. And that's why I listen to my heart and forgive her when she comes to me with her money problems.

Or should I listen to the advice and kick her out?

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Foreigners look different, smell different and have hair everywhere. Their company is embarrassing for Thai girls, since farangs make all kinds of mistakes, get angry easily, make a scene over little things and talk a lot about their problems. The communication is difficult not only because of the different languages, but also because of the different way of thinking - lots of misunderstandings, long discussions because she said the "wrong" thing, and being accused of lies, even though she was only talking in a wishful thinking way. Most farang are not "sanook", after the initial fun time of partying in bars and discos they get serious soon.

Other Thais look down on her because they know she met him in a bar. They look down on her because a decent Thai girl should be together with a Thai man.

So why does a Thai girl get involved with a farang? Does the straight nose, the light skin and the blue eyes make up for all those drawbacks?

That sounds bitter, and ######, some people I met have reason to sound bitter. They were not old bald fat vacationers, they were good looking guys in their 30's and 40's, who fell in love with this country and wanted to start a life here. they were honest and generous guys who thought that if they give, they'll get something back.

why do the descriptions of farang differ so much from YOUR original post????

something dramatically happen in the last 4 hours??


Edited by sriracha john
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Foreigners look different, smell different and have hair everywhere. Their company is embarrassing for Thai girls, since farangs make all kinds of mistakes, get angry easily, make a scene over little things and talk a lot about their problems. The communication is difficult not only because of the different languages, but also because of the different way of thinking - lots of misunderstandings, long discussions because she said the "wrong" thing, and being accused of lies, even though she was only talking in a wishful thinking way. Most farang are not "sanook", after the initial fun time of partying in bars and discos they get serious soon.

Other Thais look down on her because they know she met him in a bar. They look down on her because a decent Thai girl should be together with a Thai man.

So why does a Thai girl get involved with a farang? Does the straight nose, the light skin and the blue eyes make up for all those drawbacks?

ask yourself this. Who really cares what anyone thinks?

Rolo Tamazi???? I cant put my finger on it, but I recall this name in a movie or series - someone help me out here, its bugging me. :o

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Why does anybody fall in love with anybody?

How about the simple answer that TRUE LOVE does not discriminate??!!

I agree Shola - when it comes to true love. However, the question we discuss here is Why Would A Thai Girl Get Involved With A Farang? "Getting involved" covers a lot more than just true love.

Edited by SiamJai
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I'm 40+, baldish(quite common among male europeans..), never been loaded with money. My wife is a lot younger, has a university degree, has studied abroad, her maternal grandparents were parliament members(retired from politics now, democrats).

We've been married more than 5 years now, and she still says she loves me.

(We are often better equipped physically than thai guys, at least that's what I'm told :o )

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Why is that farang blokes with Thai girlfriends have always been rejected by farang girls in the past ?

This is also true for the other way round.

I would submit that if that is the case... when it happens... it's because of the shortcomings of the farang girls that they choose to pal around with.

I'm not sure if I understand you correctly, John: are you saying that when a Farang-Farang relationship goes Deadside way, it's always due to the "shortcomings of Farang girls"?

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Facts :

1. MOST Thai women marry farang chaps because they are neither wanted by Thai men nor successful in life.

2. Farang men are thought by the less educated and worse off Thais to be richer, cleverer and better looking than Thai men.  A statement which is highly flawed, given that MOST farangs in Thailand are the ones having been outcompeted socially and occupationally in their countries, and in most cases they are merely bald, sex-starved and pot-bellied mingers.

3. Farang men therefore feel priveleged being in Thailand and are desperate to marry Thai women.

These are painful and harsh but you must admit their also true.

True?? :o

No.1. Ridiculous comment! in the bar scene maybe as most will tell you about their life with the Thai husband with the mia noi, who took all the money etc etc

Depends what is normal to YOU I suppose.

No.2. You must be talking about sex tourists, you should join a few expat clubs or business associations as, I have met some of the smartest individuals anywhere in the world, right here in Thailand and guess what they had hair and no gut hanging over their belts :D

No.3. I was never desperate to marry a Thai woman, it comes down to what is being offered in the sense that, how many single caucasian women that have anything going for them at all, are here in Thailand? A handfull!

Anyway if nothing else, I agree to disagree.

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Foreigners look different, smell different and have hair everywhere. Their company is embarrassing for Thai girls, since farangs make all kinds of mistakes, get angry easily, make a scene over little things and talk a lot about their problems. The communication is difficult not only because of the different languages, but also because of the different way of thinking - lots of misunderstandings, long discussions because she said the "wrong" thing, and being accused of lies, even though she was only talking in a wishful thinking way. Most farang are not "sanook", after the initial fun time of partying in bars and discos they get serious soon.

Other Thais look down on her because they know she met him in a bar. They look down on her because a decent Thai girl should be together with a Thai man.

So why does a Thai girl get involved with a farang? Does the straight nose, the light skin and the blue eyes make up for all those drawbacks?

That sounds bitter, and ######, some people I met have reason to sound bitter. They were not old bald fat vacationers, they were good looking guys in their 30's and 40's, who fell in love with this country and wanted to start a life here. they were honest and generous guys who thought that if they give, they'll get something back.

why do the descriptions of farang differ so much from YOUR original post????

something dramatically happen in the last 4 hours??


Might have something to do with TROLLITIS.

A virus that circulates thru these here computers that Norton etc. can't filter out... :D

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I smell a troll here, and a jealous one at that...

As for me, I'm neither old nor bald and my wife has never been in a bar in her life. We met through friends some 5 years ago, she is very well educated, she has got more money than me and is, as a rule, not attracted to ferang. Call it chemistry, call it love, call it lust.. These things just happen.. Right place-right time.. As for Rolo, maybe he's not ferang, maybe he's been dumped by a tart or maybe he just wanted to wind you lot up... :o

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Back into the shiite, eh boys? Is it a private fight or can anyone have a go?

Why would a woman do it? She figures thats her best option, it's the only option or it's the easiest option to improve her lot and the lot of her bloodline. Some women do it for their offspring/bloodline.

... I'm glad sunlaree mentioned love.

Edited by aughie
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      I did not meet my wife in a bar.  She has a university degree, and was a virgin when we met.  We were introduced by mutual friends.

Wow! You must be the world's first guy to have met a Thai girl this way!!


Edited by DJ Pat
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Wow! You must be the world's first guy to have met a Thai girl this way!!


Small corrections naa... :D I also met several Thai women this way. They are all really nice, but I prefer friendship.

Hmm.. I guess I also should say that I met them as colleagues at various universities - no "middle man" involved. So you are at least partially right, as it's very rare to see Farang in these circles for sure. I haven't talked with any for months!

Not that I'm complaining... :o

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      I did not meet my wife in a bar.  She has a university degree, and was a virgin when we met.  We were introduced by mutual friends.

Wow! You must be the world's first guy to have met a Thai girl this way!!


I've been resisting the urge to post something in this topic, but this stupid and ignorant comment deserves a reply.

You speak utter crap. :o

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True??  :o

No.1. Ridiculous comment! in the bar scene maybe as most will tell you about their life with the Thai husband with the mia noi, who took all the money etc etc

Depends what is normal to YOU I suppose.

No.2. You must be talking about sex tourists, you should join a few expat clubs or business associations as, I have met some of the smartest individuals anywhere in the world, right here in Thailand and guess what they had hair and no gut hanging over their belts  :D

No.3. I was never desperate to marry a Thai woman, it comes down to what is being offered in the sense that, how many single caucasian women that have anything going for them at all, are here in Thailand? A handfull!

Anyway if nothing else, I agree to disagree.

1. Without your relatively large amount of money, would your gf/wife still be with YOU now ?

2. Smartest individuals in the world ? What type of people are you usually associated with then ?

3. If you hadn't been turned down by farang girls too many times in the past, would you ever have thought about finding a Thai girl who's willing to marry you because of your money ?

Get real !

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