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Why Would A Thai Girl Get Involved With A Farang?

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My husband is thai peter & I have experienced what it's like for him to be treated as a substandard human being because of his race & language skills, mostly from English men in the UK & other nationaliry men in LOS, all with supiriority complexes. The difference between you & me it seems & is that I don't tar all with the same brush & know that a few idiots don't make a whole group of people bad & try not to make stupid generalisations.

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True??  :D

No.1. Ridiculous comment! in the bar scene maybe as most will tell you about their life with the Thai husband with the mia noi, who took all the money etc etc

Depends what is normal to YOU I suppose.

No.2. You must be talking about sex tourists, you should join a few expat clubs or business associations as, I have met some of the smartest individuals anywhere in the world, right here in Thailand and guess what they had hair and no gut hanging over their belts  :D

No.3. I was never desperate to marry a Thai woman, it comes down to what is being offered in the sense that, how many single caucasian women that have anything going for them at all, are here in Thailand? A handfull!

Anyway if nothing else, I agree to disagree.

1. Without your relatively large amount of money, would your gf/wife still be with YOU now ?

2. Smartest individuals in the world ? What type of people are you usually associated with then ?

3. If you hadn't been turned down by farang girls too many times in the past, would you ever have thought about finding a Thai girl who's willing to marry you because of your money ?

Get real !

At least I know who Im chatting with now. :o

Try Harder!

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My husband is thai peter & I have experienced what it's like for him to be treated as a substandard human being because of his race & language skills, mostly from English men in the UK & other nationaliry men in LOS, all with supiriority complexes. The difference between you & me it seems & is that I don't tar all with the same brush & know that a few idiots don't make a whole group of people bad & try not to make stupid generalisations.

Terms such as "a lot of Female Farang Expats" and "the way that SOME people have treated my GF" do NOT tar everyone with the same brush and are not sweeping generalisations as both most definitely EXCLUDE some people.

It's just an unfortunate fact that we are talking about a lot of bigotted people here so some "generalisation" is necessary I'm afraid.

Finally, can I politely suggest that you actually read what you're taking offense to and turning into a public slanging match before you do it in future? It might save a lot of time and effort. Great example from a Mod - NOT!

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This isnt a public slanging match peter, I haven't made a personal attack to you, only expressed my annoyance at the attitude some people on this site have towards western women but your post was what brought it up. My point was that as soon as someone mentioned something about farang women you automatically went on the slag off path with a <deleted> you attitutude. Which IMO was completly unwarranted. If you weren't generalising then why not use "thats what a lot of Farang Expats do", instead of using female farang expats. Is it only women that have been horrible to your wife, or disaprove of thai women/farang man relationships, I doubt it.

What my opinion is as a poster on this site has nothing to do with me being a mod, I am allowed am opinion & express it when I feel like it.

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(We are often better equipped physically than thai guys, at least that's what I'm told  )

sorry to break your delusions, but as a women with a fair bit of knowledge on this subject :D your not :o

In a clampdown on aids the Thai government were giving out condoms at the airport in two sizes, a larger western size, and a smaller Thai size. It said in the Bangkok Post that Thai men could take the western size if they so wished.

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Sky One in the UK did a small program last year about something kind of similar. Cant remember the exact name but it was along the lines of "Beauty & The Beast"...Basically they talked to and spent time with couples where the woman was quite simply stunning and the guys, well, lets just say most of them looked like they were beaten with an ugly stick and/or heavily overweight etc....

ANYWAYS, the facts were that these women simply loved these guys because they were funny, confident, good hearted, kind, etc etc....all the genuine qualities women want and these women didnt care about the packaging.

One of the biggest factors was the funny/humour aspect..Being able to make someone laugh and enjoy themselves spending time with you develops feelings and attraction.

Being someone who has spent past 12 years in a wheelchair with now severe posture problems and other physical problems from severe Arthritis Im hardly one who will find someone based on lust alone, but I have been in long term relationships with women whom I have been friends with first and they get to know the real you and quite simply enjoy spending time with you. Farang women btw> Ive never been to Thailand yet.

When I do eventually end up in Thailand (for medical/care reasons) i fully expect that if I did get involved with a Thai woman that peoples minds will instantly think "Shes there for the money"...quite simply, I dont give a <deleted> what they think, Im constantly putting up with people who treat me like im retarded when they first meet me and other bullcrap first impressions. Either they get to know you and you prove them wrong, or you ignore them and get on with your life.

One way to look at it is, which is more shallow, falling in love with someone because they are good looking, or falling in love with someone because they have money. Neither is true love....Once you get past the initial stages of being with someone it takes a lot more than good looks, or money, to make a relationship last and be happy.

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One way to look at it is, which is more shallow, falling in love with someone because they are good looking, or falling in love with someone because they have money. Neither is true love....Once you get past the initial stages of being with someone it takes a lot more than good looks, or money, to make a relationship last and be happy.

Well said!!!! :o

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This isnt a public slanging match peter, I haven't made a personal attack to you, only expressed my annoyance at the attitude some people on this site have towards western women but your post was what brought it up. My point was that as soon as someone mentioned something about farang women you automatically went on the slag off path with a <deleted> you attitutude. Which IMO was completly unwarranted.  If you weren't generalising then why not use "thats what a lot of Farang Expats do", instead of using female farang expats. Is it only women that have been horrible to your wife, or disaprove of thai women/farang man relationships, I doubt it.

What my opinion is as a poster on this site has nothing to do with me being a mod, I am allowed am opinion & express it when I feel like it.

1. A public exchange of views then - why take over the forum with it?

2. Unfortunately, on this subject, the majority of offenders ARE farang women - the missus has very rarely, if ever, had a problem with farang men and their attitude.

3. I've got the same attitude towards everyone male / female; western / asian; gay / straight or whatever groups you care to mention.

4. If you wanna burn your bra or whatever that's fine by me :o but if you wanna jump on people for having the temerity to criticise a particular trait in farang women.....well, that pretty much sucks in the freedom of expression stakes.

5. Soooo, frankly, my <deleted> 'em attitude is towards anyone that looks down on someone or patronises them

6. Finally, my only point about being a bad example for a Moderator was referring to your inability to read a post fullyand respond objectively and was not related to whether you post your opinion or not.. Just worried you might send someone off on holiday cause you missed a word or two. :D

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Is that a particular trait in ALL farang women peter, wouldn't want anyone to think you were generalising :o

I don't need to ban anyone for a difference of opinion, pls find a post of mine where I have, would be interesting to see. If I can handle being stalked by yohan & his women hating rants then I can handle anything :D Anyway, best of luck to you & your wife

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Ok let's me speak as a Thai girl.. :D

always good to hear from Thai person here - especially a girl ! :D

thanks for good input !

BTW - sunlaree, tell the truth as Thai girl - Tomazi isn't Thai name / word, right ? sounds more like malay or even japanese ... if at all asian ....

Tomazi - are you trying to speak on behlaf of Thai gals here ? coz seems likethere are some other Thai girls who has different point of view ! :o

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Is that a particular trait in ALL farang women peter, wouldn't want anyone to think you were generalising :D

I don't need to ban anyone for a difference of opinion, pls find a post of mine where I have, would be interesting to see. If I can handle being stalked by yohan & his women hating rants then I can handle anything :D Anyway, best of luck to you & your wife


who the <deleted>'s yohan?? sorry don't get to the women's forum too often - must have missed him! :o

cheers, but that's still wife to be - 3 days and counting :D

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Many men know their g/f/wives etc are with them mainly for money (& not just in LOS) & are happy with it as both of them get what they want from the relationship, it's when one is being decieved that it's unfair, but whatever reasons couples get together, as long as neither side is getting hurt then whats the problem :o

..I think this is the point...I agree.

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Sriracha, this is a discussion, not a mess. I'm sensing you're getting a bit nervous - is the car and the house in her name?

There were some good comments, forgot the handles. I agree with the one who said that many Thai women, after being dumped by their Thai husbands and left to survive with their two kids have to turn to prostitution. My girlfriend saw the last of her husband when she got pregnant. After she had the baby, she tried to survive by selling self-made rice sweets. Later she went to work in a factory, working 10 hours a day for 5000 Baht a month. Then she got a job cleaning in a bar, then she saw how other girls made real money. Sooner or later she joined them. when I met her she was glad that somebody got her out of the bar and took care of her and the daughter. I paid the hospital bill for the birth, it would have taken years for her to pay the loan off. I loved her then and I love her now, and I understand that she has to take care of her mother. Looks like she, as the youngest girl involved with a farang, has to support thr reat of the family. But I refused to bail them out; since she loves her family she hocked my motorcycle. When I found out she cried. She doesn't cheat me to buy goldchains or telephones.

It is interesting to hear opinions of expats who seem to live differently from me. People who come over here with a contract in their pocket and the apartment ready, make good money and meet intelligent girls from rich families experience a very different side of Thailand. I live in a small village with not many farang, and meet mostly tourists. My girlfriend didn't speak any english when I met her. She grew up planting rice in Isaan. She was lonely, desperate, and not happy with her situation. She loves me because I am straight with her and am helping.

Some retired guys live here, but they also have their stories to tell. Wife of 16 years took off with cash, gold and the car, with her young Thai lover. Good hearted guy invested millions in his girlfriends' families' resort, only to dump him after he stopped spending money. Farangs who raise their half Thai kids because the mother just took off. One friend got divorced after 12 years. I asked him: Why after such a long time? He said they were happy only one year, after that they tried to make it work...

Only two couple seem to get along, the majority seems to be having quite some problems. Never heard so many chilling stories anywhere I went!

The original question was no troll, just wanted to get some opinions from expats living in Thailand. Now I feel that I am an exception - or are the guys who have the same experience keep quiet because they don't have the nerve to talk about it?!

Rolo Tomazi is a fictional name from the movie - yes, somebody got it right - "LA Confidential", one of my favorites. Watch it again sometimes, he doesn't exist, but communicates nevertheless.

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I am pleased that you are happy in your situation, Rolo, just as I am very happy in mine.

I think you miscontrued my comments that were directed at your original post which, given the manner in which you wrote it, were entirely justified.

Perhaps if you had written it in a different tone, similiar to your last few posts, the thread would have been much more enlightening to you and others.

Have a terrific life with your missus. I know I do.

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Well, some topics that we consider totally stereotypical, over the top and 'here we go again' trolls may actually be a fresh new experience to a relative newbie posting........ These things are stereotypical for a reason, namely that it actually happens so often.

So it seems only natural that newbies pop out of the woodwork every couple of weeks or so with cheezy questions like 'How do I know if she's a good girl' and the like. That I understand.

But what I don't understand is why everyone else, who you'd think know about these topics by now, enjoys jumping on these discussions with unrelenting vigour every single time.

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> Perhaps if you had written it in a different tone, similiar to

> your last few posts, the thread would have been much more

> enlightening to you and others.

Nah. :o The usual suspects would still jump on it and rip each other apart, throwing in rants on Farang women and Thai men and George Bush and God knows what else into the mix.

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Well, some topics that we consider totally stereotypical, over the top and 'here we go again' trolls may actually be a fresh new experience to a relative newbie posting........  These things are stereotypical for a reason, namely that it actually happens so often. 

So it seems only natural that newbies pop out of the woodwork every couple of weeks or so with cheezy questions like 'How do I know if she's a good girl' and the like.  That I understand. 

But what I don't understand is why everyone else, who you'd think know about these topics by now, enjoy jumping on these discussions with unrelenting vigour every single time.


Like the "Rain" thread going as long as it has? :o

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> Perhaps if you had written it in a different tone, similiar to

> your last few posts, the thread would have been much more

> enlightening to you and others.

Nah. :D   The usual suspects would still jump on it and rip each other apart, throwing in rants on Farang women and Thai men and George Bush and God knows what else into the mix.


no doubt with a few paragraphs and posts about farang double-pricing and buying copyrighted items throw in?


actually, I don't mind the new posts of the old hash. Mostly they are ignored by me, unless they are EXCEPTIONALLY antagonistic, such as this one was.

What made it different or strange was how the far the OP changed into rather sincere and agreeable comments. The evolution was interesting.

jumping on these discussions with unrelenting vigour every single time.

"unrelenting vigour? made me laugh as well..... :D:D:D

Edited by sriracha john
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