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Would A Searchabe Database Be Helpful To Cm Expats?


A database of expats in Chiang Mai  

17 members have voted

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For those unfamiliar with databases, it is the equivalent of a phone book, but with the power to know more about people and, even better, search/select the traits of people you are interested to meet. If you have ever chosen a dating website, it would be something similar. There would be categories that you would check of and the database (the program) would give you a list of individuals that would meet those criteria.

The Rationale

As a relatively new expat here in CM, I have found that it is sometimes difficult to meet like-minded individuals to be friends with as expats are sometimes isolated. Yes, of course, it is possible to meet people by way of activities or clubs that one can be a member of, but, I found that it is a bit of a hit-and-miss proposition. Maybe some of you have too many friends. Maybe you have been here for a long time and have more friends that you wish for. I am happy for you. I don't. And, I am sure I am not the only one. BTW, this could be open to Thais if they wished to.

BEFORE you answer the poll, make sure you read this intro carefully.


My idea is that it would need to fulfill some strict conditions. IMHO, ...

  1. it would need to be totally anonymous (no last name), so just username for instance.
  2. it would need to be free,
  3. it would need to be safe (UNabling spammers --or any other contraptions-- to use the info),
  4. it would need to be created for the sole purpose of helping people meet other like-minded people,
  5. it would need to be self-served (as I do not want to be the one doing all the work for nothing),
  6. it would need to have the option of opting-out when entering data (editable),
  7. it would need to be online (of course) and versatile (accessible from and usable by all browsers, if possible),


What kind of details or categories would be included in the database?

I am thinking all kinds. IMO, the more you know about a person, the more likely are you going to be willing to meet. The category of the database could be refined as things develop, but it is very important to state that you would have the opportunity to opt out (MEANING: you would not have to answer a particular item/category if you did not want to). Of course, by not filling this or that, others might not want to take a chance. I am thinking details such as gender, age, language ability, language spoken, religion, sexual preferences, location, mobility, practicing or not, smoking or not, drinking or not, drug use or not (although this could be problematic for fear of having the police asking for info), interests, likes, dislikes,... Any other?

I repeat. The database will have the ability to be searchable, editable, and giving you the options to opt-out of certain details that you do not wish to convey or share.

I am a sensitive individual who has already put a lot of time into this, so please be careful how and what you write here. I have very little patience with people who are negative and want to show of how smart they are by putting others down (which is not that smart). This will require quite a bit of work on my part (as I am not an IT person, but quite comfortable with the idea). If a lot of people would see the use, I will try to do it, but if some negative person wants to shut down initiatives initiated for the common good or all, then I will ask moderators to enforce forum rules.

I am sure, however, that most people will give constructive and sensitive comments.

Did I miss anything? Of course, I did! Let us know what I did not consider. 2 minds are better than one!

If you would like to help out, let me know. I could need some help if you have some experience with database design. It would save me a lot of work and would ensure that this project, if needed, gets done quickly and without too many glitches.

Thank you.

Edited by rethaired
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The problem with an idea such as yours would be the maintenance. People come and go here so frequently that keeping it usefully up to date could turn into a nightmare and if users have no confidence then they'll be less likely to use it. It also occurs to me that much of the information (plus some other facilities) is already able to be added to your ThaiVisa profile. The fact that almost no-one bothers may be a reflection of demand.

I hope you don't find this observation too negative :)

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The problem with an idea such as yours would be the maintenance. People come and go here so frequently that keeping it usefully up to date could turn into a nightmare and if users have no confidence then they'll be less likely to use it. It also occurs to me that much of the information (plus some other facilities) is already able to be added to your ThaiVisa profile. The fact that almost no-one bothers may be a reflection of demand.

I hope you don't find this observation too negative :)

Thanks for your reply!

I see your post as being constructive and a bit negative in that it does point out an issue, but you do not seem to be able to express anything positive about the initiative though! Maybe you feel this is not a good idea at all, which would make putting something positive not genuine! :D Be that as it may! :D

You make a good point and maybe there are way to solve the issue of transiancy. I don't think it could be a nightmare to fix though, but maybe I am living in technicolour! Maybe an email could be sent to all people in the database every 6 months or so requesting a quick reply. Or, maybe the program I am wanting to use has the capability to show who is active or not, and targeting the questionable members? It would be thus easy then to remove the individuals no longer here in CM (presumably) when they don't reply! I will look into it. Maybe someone else has a solution.

It is true that no one uses the personal info that can be added in TV. I am not too sure why and I am sure there are varied reasons. I suspect though that many people have better things to do, especially if no one almost ever uses this option as almost no one writes anything on their profile. It could be (quite likely) that people are a bit nervous about advertising their poor spelling, their poor grammar, their poor humour, or their poor logic! Anonymity might provide people with more freedom of expression and less stress. I am guessing! Maybe you want to poll the membership? :D

Edited by rethaired
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I am sure, however, that most people will give constructive and sensitive comments.

My first thought is that your data base may be of more interest to the transient crowd than from permanent residents. By transient, I mean the people that are repetitive visitors, not the tourists. Someone who only spends 3-6 months here every year might find the data base useful to see who else will be the same time they are and what all they are intersted in doing.

I live here permanently. I find that, just like in the U.S., the people I like and do things with are people I meet from daily life. I met some through the clubs I belong to and some because we live in the same moo baan and stopped and talked. And others I met at someone's party. We all have at least significant others, if not families. And all my friends live here permanently. I will say, without asking them the specific question, not one of them feels so isolated from like minded people that they would go on line looking for friends.

I have no idea on how to elicite responses from the transient crowd; some read TV regularly, so don't.

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Hi Rethaired

Database (db) driven websites are a great way of retrieving information faster than a speeding bullet. That said, there are a lot of copycat sites within the social networking media now, and as such the internet is awash with such enterprises. These sites enable you to find anyone from anywhere, be that locally, nationally, or globally. As you know, these types of websites allow folks to hook up and invite others into their own personal network of friends or associates that share common interests.

I think the best way forward for a new 'peoples' db project is to find a niche. In fact a sub niche is even better, as there will be fewer competing sites out there. This means you'll have a better chance of dominating your chosen area.

For example, a searchable 'peoples' database hosted on a site that brings 'specific' groups of people together, such as motorcycle enthusiasts (niche), or Harley fanatics in Northern Thailand (sub niche), would stand a far better chance of getting off the ground in a world where everyone, it seems, wants to be a webmaster. It could be anything though; a place for backpacking vegans, sexpats, big-titted ladyboy lovers, historians, volunteers opportunists, whatever… Of course, being an authority in your chosen niche would also increase its chances of success.

The best social networking sites are free, so if you're looking to monetise such a project, then you might want to look at Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising, or the sale of related affiliate products and or services. Once you've built an online reputation and gained a little web credibility, and also have a growing and loyal following, you might be able to introduce a fee-based premium membership that's offers more than the standard free option. Once again, this depends on what you do and how you work it.

Hope that helps


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The survey, and your condescending statements to Greenside, who was kind enough to give you the "idiot's benefit of the doubt," and actually treat your survey as something resulting from some form of sanity, are nothing but a grandiose fantasia, and a total waste of TV users' time.

I rank this thread up there in the "TV Hall of Shame" with Doppa's "look at my digital art" posts, and the "bottomless" Colonic-irrigation thread.

We're here to share experiences, resources, life-stories, make friends (and some here, apparently, enjoy making "enemies").

Stop "using us," to indulge your playing at marketing research, and get busy enjoying us :)


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Stop "using us," to indulge your playing at marketing research, and get busy enjoying us :)

I don't think there was anything wrong with his post as such ~o:37; It may look a bit like a request for free research because of where he or she has posted it.

It probably just looks a little out of place here in the Chiang Mai forum. It would fair better in a web design and developement forum where the participating visitors and members would be more interested to interact.


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The problem with an idea such as yours would be the maintenance. People come and go here so frequently that keeping it usefully up to date could turn into a nightmare and if users have no confidence then they'll be less likely to use it. It also occurs to me that much of the information (plus some other facilities) is already able to be added to your ThaiVisa profile. The fact that almost no-one bothers may be a reflection of demand. ...snip


It is true that no one uses the personal info that can be added in TV. I am not too sure why...snip

Really? You're not sure why people wouldn't want to share personal information with strangers?

When I talk to young people in their teens and twenties, it amazes me how much of their personal info, including photos and videos they're willing to put up online for all and sundry to view. When it comes to their online lives, their whole idea of privacy is: Privacy? Huh?

But then, try looking for your favorite old t-shirt in a teenager's room, and all hel_l breaks lose...Dad! you can't just rummage in my room...it's...it's... Private

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Sure, I would be interested, if someone else wants to do all the work of setting it up, maintaining it, being moderator, keeping the database legal, continual updating, getting slagged off by whiners and having full responsibility of not contravening any of Thailand`s strict defamatory laws.

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Sure, I would be interested, if someone else wants to do all the work of setting it up, maintaining it, being moderator, keeping the database legal, continual updating, getting slagged off by whiners and having full responsibility of not contravening any of Thailand`s strict defamatory laws.

Rethaired, your GF asked for a salary; here is the job to give her to earn it. Set this up, pick your focus group, introduce it to it/them, make it work.

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